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Re: pls help!natural way to pass out gallstone

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> I was diagnosed with gallstones.there are

> only a few of them though. but most of the doctors advised me to have

> my gallbladder removed as it is the " best " way to treat it. if i'm not

> going for surgery they said that there is a possibility of getting more

> disease like pancreatitis...etc.i googled about it in the net and i

> found this group.i am just skeptic with the olive oil and lemon

> juice as gallstone flush...was it really effective? is surgery

> the " best " way if i'm having attacks?

> ladydianne

Baloney!!!! Best for who? Best for the doctor because he gets paid.

Certainly NOT best for you because then you are left with dripping bile for

the rest of your life. I have hundreds and hundreds of stones. Had one

attack 3/12/06. Did 3 flushes and passed stones every day for a YEAR. Had

another sonogram and I still have stones. However, I've never had another

attack. Many people will only have one attack and never have another. Yes,

the olive oil/lemon flushes are extremely effective. Also buy A-F Betafood

tablets from Standard Processs Labs. Discussed on this site very often.

They are specifically for GB problems and can be a lifesaver. Surgery is

NOT the best way. It is a way of last resort. Do everything you can to

save your GB.


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>Well after trying all the remedies mentioned here and 6 yrs later I

surrendered to surgery in June of this yr. No regrets whatsover -my

digestive system is back to normal function (I was dying from GERD

for years ) my pathology report was a diseased g/b full of slush and

stones and an inflammatory response to the pancreas and liver. I had

a wonderful surgeon and did not even need a tylenol post recovery .





> > I was diagnosed with gallstones.there are

> > only a few of them though. but most of the doctors advised me to


> > my gallbladder removed as it is the " best " way to treat it. if

i'm not

> > going for surgery they said that there is a possibility of

getting more

> > disease like pancreatitis...etc.i googled about it in the net and


> > found this group.i am just skeptic with the olive oil and


> > juice as gallstone flush...was it really effective? is surgery

> > the " best " way if i'm having attacks?

> > ladydianne


> Baloney!!!! Best for who? Best for the doctor because he gets


> Certainly NOT best for you because then you are left with dripping

bile for

> the rest of your life. I have hundreds and hundreds of stones.

Had one

> attack 3/12/06. Did 3 flushes and passed stones every day for a


> another sonogram and I still have stones. However, I've never had


> attack. Many people will only have one attack and never have

another. Yes,

> the olive oil/lemon flushes are extremely effective. Also buy A-F


> tablets from Standard Processs Labs. Discussed on this site very


> They are specifically for GB problems and can be a lifesaver.

Surgery is

> NOT the best way. It is a way of last resort. Do everything you

can to

> save your GB.


> Amber


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Hello lady,

> hello everyone!im new here. I was diagnosed with gallstones.there are

> only a few of them though.

Often the only stones that show up in scans are ones that have

calcified. It's very possible that there are many more inside you

(that have not yet become calcified) than just a few.

>but most of the doctors advised me to have

> my gallbladder removed as it is the " best " way to treat it.

When it comes to chronic degenerative disease, unfortunately the

conventional allopathic medical industrial complex often has little

else to offer besides surgery, radiation or drugs - aka slash, burn

and poison. Sadly, their business is primarily profit driven and is

all about disease management through treating symptoms, rather than

about facilitating wellness by addressing the root causes (the real

reasons) these illnesses arise in the first place. Truly the " best "

way we can get well is for us to realize the actual reasons why we've

become unwell to begin with, and then to make the necessary shifts in

our lives that will support and encourage our bodies to heal

themselves from the inside out naturally.

if i'm not

> going for surgery they said that there is a possibility of getting more

> disease like pancreatitis...etc.i googled about it in the net and i

> found this group.i am just skeptic with the olive oil and lemon

> juice as gallstone flush...was it really effective?

Yes, it's very effective in removing not only stones, but also all

sorts of gravel, chaff, waxy globules and sludge from the gall bladder

as well as the liver. But you won't truly understand how it can be so

effective just by having a couple of people on this list tell you so.

You've got to dig a deeper. Unless and until you begin to do your own

research and learn for yourself why this approach works so well, it's

not going to make very much sense to you at all, and you won't ever be

convinced of its true efficacy as a natural tool for achieving wellness.

>is surgery

> the " best " way if i'm having attacks?

Ultimately only you can decide this for yourself. Maybe while you're

considering this decision you should watch the video of gall bladder

surgery I just posted. And just remember that you were born with only

one gall bladder, which was put there for a very good reason. Bear in

mind that if you allow someone with a scalpel and cauterizing laser to

cut and burn this organ away from your insides and remove it

permanently, your body will have to cope without it for the rest of

your life.


> hope you guys can help me...

Maybe the most helpful thing we can do is to start thinking in terms

of the most common reasons why many of us seem to be getting so sick

in this day and age in the first place, and then put these root causes

of our illnesses in perspective with regards to how we can begin to

discover ways of helping ourselves get well.

Consider that most, if not all of the chronic degenerative disease

that's happening with people these days can be traced back to several

key factors. The root causes of most of these illnesses often have to

do with the fact that many peoples' diets are less than ideal, (this

is a polite way of saying that a lot of folks make atrocious choices

when it comes to what they put into their bodies on a regular basis)

combined with the fact that our world is full of chemical contaminants

that have found their way into the air we breathe, the water we drink

and the food we eat. Exacerbating the situation of crappy diets and

the toxic load of chemicals most of us carry in our bodies, is the

fact that lots of people are very stressed out trying to juggle the

strains of every day life in this modern world. All these things

combine to create conditions in our body that leave us unnaturally

vulnerable to ill health.

What we're most definitely NOT suffering from is lack of drugs and

surgery! And more and more people are beginning to realize that these

things are not really the answer when it comes to helping our bodies

heal from chronic illness naturally so that we can regain true wellness.

What many of us ARE suffering from is chronic stress, lousy nutrition

and internal contamination (do a search on " body burden " to see what

I'm talking about.) But believe it or not, if supported in the right

ways, our bodies can and will actually heal themselves. If we nourish

ourselves properly, if we find ways to reduce or better deal with our

stress levels, and if we take steps to detoxify and cleanse ourselves

from the inside out, doing these things can often set the stage for

the body's own healing mechanisms to kick in. And the cleansing step

is where liver flushing comes in. It's a proven tool that's been used

successfully by thousands of people to help clean, clear and

de-congest both the gall bladder as well as the liver of the kind of

accumulated sludge that has built up in many of us over the course of

a lifetime.

In order for you to really understand this, you're going to need to do

your own research. Find out exactly what having your gall bladder

permanently removed actually entails, and think very long and hard

before you decide to have this irreversible procedure done. And

investigate liver flushing (and perhaps other detoxification and diet

related natural approaches to wellness) thoroughly. Read about how

it's done, look at photos of the stuff people pass when they flush

their own livers, and explore the kinds of results they report in

terms of improvements in their health. Do your homework, and once you

do, your decision should become clear.

If you don't know something, ask questions. This is a great place to

get answers, as is curezone. Check out the files and links section of

this forum as well for even more resources and information.

Hope this helps,


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