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Re: Long answer to

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>From: " alley/ " <alleypat@...>

> Gail I don't understand this statement? <<Lastly, I do not fear the fact

> that the virus could break its fairly benign

> life cycle (in my case at least) and become virulent>>


> How do you know hep c isn't virulent? I'm lost here.



Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no fibrosis, my

viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks after

relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver function

tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not shouting

here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline) the hep c

is living a deadly life cycle. For many others this has not been the

case-fibrosis, cirrohosis, etc. Some viruses can live fairly benign life

cycles in their host and then sometimes suddenly change their styles and

become deadly. This is what Marty is talking bout when he writes about

'waking up' the virus. When I make my choice not to treat again at

present, this bit of data does not factor into it at all. We all have our

own particular fears-this is not one of mine.


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>From: " alley/ " <alleypat@...>

> Gail I don't understand this statement? <<Lastly, I do not fear the fact

> that the virus could break its fairly benign

> life cycle (in my case at least) and become virulent>>


> How do you know hep c isn't virulent? I'm lost here.



Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no fibrosis, my

viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks after

relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver function

tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not shouting

here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline) the hep c

is living a deadly life cycle. For many others this has not been the

case-fibrosis, cirrohosis, etc. Some viruses can live fairly benign life

cycles in their host and then sometimes suddenly change their styles and

become deadly. This is what Marty is talking bout when he writes about

'waking up' the virus. When I make my choice not to treat again at

present, this bit of data does not factor into it at all. We all have our

own particular fears-this is not one of mine.


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Gail said <<Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no

fibrosis, my viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks

after relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver

function tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not

shouting here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline)

the hep c is living a deadly life cycle. >>

Oh ok thanks for explaining :)

However I beg to differ. If your pcr is ANYTHING BUT ZERO.. the virus is

replicating and damaging you. Period.

I have had normal liver enzymes over 10 years. I have no liver damage. I

have low viral load. I am on treatment cause guess what.. i got a viral load

(pcr) of greater than zero!

I know... it's just my opinion, I'm no doctor. And I understand yours :) I

just wanted to adamantly disagree and hope to convince you of my point of

view. :)


ICQ 12631861



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Gail said <<Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no

fibrosis, my viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks

after relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver

function tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not

shouting here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline)

the hep c is living a deadly life cycle. >>

Oh ok thanks for explaining :)

However I beg to differ. If your pcr is ANYTHING BUT ZERO.. the virus is

replicating and damaging you. Period.

I have had normal liver enzymes over 10 years. I have no liver damage. I

have low viral load. I am on treatment cause guess what.. i got a viral load

(pcr) of greater than zero!

I know... it's just my opinion, I'm no doctor. And I understand yours :) I

just wanted to adamantly disagree and hope to convince you of my point of

view. :)


ICQ 12631861



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Gail said <<Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no

fibrosis, my viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks

after relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver

function tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not

shouting here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline)

the hep c is living a deadly life cycle. >>

Oh ok thanks for explaining :)

However I beg to differ. If your pcr is ANYTHING BUT ZERO.. the virus is

replicating and damaging you. Period.

I have had normal liver enzymes over 10 years. I have no liver damage. I

have low viral load. I am on treatment cause guess what.. i got a viral load

(pcr) of greater than zero!

I know... it's just my opinion, I'm no doctor. And I understand yours :) I

just wanted to adamantly disagree and hope to convince you of my point of

view. :)


ICQ 12631861



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Gail said <<Based on the facts that my liver biopsy was extremely good-no

fibrosis, my viral loads have always been very low (highest 76,000 3 weeks

after relapsing from Intron A therapy, 13,000 at present), normal liver

function tests-I (and the docs) do not believe that in MY CASE (I am not

shouting here, my stupid mail won't let me put this in bold or underline)

the hep c is living a deadly life cycle. >>

Oh ok thanks for explaining :)

However I beg to differ. If your pcr is ANYTHING BUT ZERO.. the virus is

replicating and damaging you. Period.

I have had normal liver enzymes over 10 years. I have no liver damage. I

have low viral load. I am on treatment cause guess what.. i got a viral load

(pcr) of greater than zero!

I know... it's just my opinion, I'm no doctor. And I understand yours :) I

just wanted to adamantly disagree and hope to convince you of my point of

view. :)


ICQ 12631861



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  • 7 years later...
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I did call that number and I would have to subscribe to order the products. I

thought that was a little strange so I was trying to get them somewhere else. I

will try a chirpractor.

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " Amber " <amber@...>

, I've published this here before, but had occasion to send it to someone

privately recently, so I'll post it here again. In the article, you'll find the

number to Standard Process where you can order A-F Betafood tables directly from

Dr. Bruce West who publishes Health Alert. If you can't find A-F from a local

chiropractor (usually a very good source), massage therapist, or health food

store, call the number. You may have to subscribe to Health Alert to be able to

buy from them. After my first and only attack, I did 3 purges, and then I

started taking A-F. In the beginning, I did take more than the bottle suggested.

My attack was March 12, 2006. I took lots of A-F for a long time. Now I only

take it if I feel a slight discomfort. Here's the number again: 1-800-231-8063.


Ok, typical CYA statement: This is what I did. Not saying anyone

else should. Each person needs to do what they feel best for

themselves. Some people think doctors are God; others are more

independent thinkers and try to decide what's best for themselves.


> The gallbladder (GB) serves a purpose in the body and should be

retained if at all possible. Most people have stones and never have

a problem because of them. Some are actually discovered during

medical tests for other issues. Even if a person has what is

considered a GB attack, it may not actually be the GB causing the

problem. Most doctors will automatically say that the person should

just have their GB removed. I had a GB attack March 12, 2006, and

was in ER. Tests should that I had " innumerable stones. " My Dr.

wanted me to have surgery and I said, " Wait a minute; I'm going home

and doing some studying first. " I have now done 3 GB purges and

started passing stones. To this day, I am still passing stones! I

started saving them in the freezer after the first month and ended up

with three 2 oz. containers in the freezer. That's larger than my

GB. Therefore, I'm passing old stones and now newly formed stones.

People make stones all the time. My ducts are now open from the

purges I did and the herbs I'm taking, so the new stones can pass

out. I have had no pain since the initial attack. Many people who

have an attack will never have another one. The GB serves a major

purpose in the body. It helps to emulsify fats. When the GB is

removed, bile constantly drips, thereby increasing a person's risk of



> I did 3 GB purges, have been taking A-F Beta Food by Standard

Process, milk thistle (for the liver), OregaMax (an antifungal),

changed my diet. After a GB attack, people should limit meat and

eggs. Beets are very helpful. I also take Probiotics (from the

refrigerator section of a health food store). I took a lot of

different herbs and supplements as recommended by my N.D. but can't

remember them all now. If your relatives wish to consult with her,

let me know and I'll see if she will provide info via email.


> Dr. Mercola's Comment:


> First of all, I believe it is nearly criminal what traditional

medicine is doing to our public when it comes to managing this

problem. It is RARELY ever indicated to remove someone's gallbladder.

If one ignores warning symptoms and does not address the reasons why

their gallbladder is not functioning properly, than the disease can

progress to the point where the pancreas is inflamed or the

gallbladder is seriously infected and may have to be removed to save

a person's life. However, it is important to have a proper

perspective here. Nearly ONE MILLION gallbladders are removed every

year in this country and it is my estimate that only several thousand

need to come out.


> So, not only are surgeons removing these organs unnecessarily, but

in their nutritional ignorance they are telling patients that their

gallbladders do not serve any purpose and they can live perfectly

well without them. This is a lie. The gallbladder serves an important

digestive function. It is required to emulsify fats. What is

emulsification? One can easily understand this concept when washing

greasy dishes. It is nearly impossible to properly clean greasy

dishes without soap as the soap emulsifies the fat so it can be

removed. Similarly, the gallbladder stores bile and bile acids, which

emulsify the fat one eats so it can be properly transported through

the intestine into the blood stream. Anyone who has had their

gallbladder removed will need to take some form of bile salts with

every meal for the rest of their life (I use and recommend Beta Plus

from Biotics Research), if they wish to prevent a good percentage of

the good fats they eat from being flushed down the toilet. If one

does not have enough fats in the diet, their entire physiology will

be disrupted, especially the ability to make hormones and



> So, let's get back to the original question. If one has gallbladder

disease it can be evidenced by:


> 1) Pain when pressing on the gallbladder, which is directly under

the last rib on the right on the same plane as one's nipple. This is

usually due to gallbladder " sludge " (thick bile).


> 2) Stone on a gallbladder ultrasound.


> 3) Greasy stools that are loose and tend to float to the top of

the toilet bowl. This indicates improper fat absorption.


> Then what is the proper course of action?


> Long time readers of this newsletter will be very familiar with the

essential first step. It is imperative to clean up the diet.


> One has to stop the sugars, and reduce the grains and eliminate all

fluids but water. The gallbladder is frequently infected when it is

diseased so large amounts of good bacteria will also be helpful in

correcting the problem. (end Dr. Mercola)



> The first purge I did was quite involved but it really started the

process of my passing stones:



> Take 3 Lecithin, 3 B-Complex, 3 Hydrangea and 3 BLG-X with each

meal. Available at health food stores.



> Take 2-4 Cascara Sagrada at night to keep bowels clean.



> Every A.M. and every P.M. take 2 T olive oil mixed with 2 T fresh

squeezed lemon juice.



> 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water or V-8 juice helps

to soften stones.



> Start: Every A.M., noon and P.M. take the above recipe (olive

oil/lemon) for 1 week. Plan the next 2 days to be home. Day 7 start

eating light foods only. e.g. applesauce, figs, pears, drinking apple

and other juices, V-8 (in glass bottles not cans). Keep up the olive

oil and lemon juice. Days 8 and 9 NO FOOD. Juices only. Apple, V-

8, olive and lemon. Drink up to 1 gallon of juices a day.



> End of the 9th day about 5:00 p.m. drink 1 cup olive oil mixed with

1 cup fresh lemon juice. Immediately go to bed and lay still, on

your right side and WAIT. Before too many hours, the stones will

start to come out. If you wish to save them, use rubber gloves and

place stones in a strainer, rinse and put in a container and freeze

them. (I did not start passing stones until the following morning.)



> This first purge is the most difficult. I did it and it started

the process of my stones coming out and they are still coming out.

They come out in normal bowel movements and there is no pain

involved. After about a month, I did the 3 day purge shown below. I

have done a total of 3 purges and don't feel I need to do any more.



> The Three Day Liver, Gallstone Flush Program

> In my humble 20 years of looking at healing methods for the human

body, the liver flush is probably one of the most dramatic and

successful. Many people have avoided gall bladder operations using

this simple and effective technique. The tools you will need for this

program are:



> 1 gallon of organic apple juice.

> 1 bottle of Phos Food Liquid by Standard Process.

> 1 eight ounce bottle of cold pressed virgin olive oil.

> 2 whole organic lemons.

> herbal laxative.



> I usually start by drinking one quart or more of apple juice per

day adding 45 drops of Phos Food Liquid twice to the apple juice per

day (that's 90 drops total of Phos Food Liquid per day). On the

evening of the third day, after the last meal, I will mix the eight

ounces of olive oil with the juice from the two lemons and drink this

completely. Then I immediately go to bed and lay on my right side

with my knees up to my chest for one half hour.


> The oil travels to the liver and gall bladder, they will spasm and

throw off the oil and any gall stones that are present. The next

morning I swallow my herbal laxatives to facilitate the exit of the

stones, which come out completely soft. (I took mine at night.)



> Now, a person who is diabetic and cannot use apple juice, may

substitute distilled water and take Phos Food Liquid 45 drops in the

water three times a day for a total of 135 drops in one day, for

three days. Then take olive oil mixed with lemon juice on the evening

of the third day. But, most important, you must use the Phos Food

Liquid in this program. If for some reason you cannot either find or

use the Phos Food Liquid, do not attempt the program. Also it is

important to use lemon juice from fresh lemons, and not frozen or

concentrate. Within a few hours of the liver flush you will feel like

a new person, reborn. (Phos Food is sold at some health food

stores. If not available, call the company direct at: 1-800-231-



> Some people may be concerned that stones could be too big, they may

not easily come out or may even get stuck on the way out. These

purges soften the stones so that they can slip through. In the

beginning, the stones I passed were the size of hominy and later on,

the size of corn kernels. However, I passed several that were half

inch long and some that were 3/4 inch long.


> Doctors don't know everything. I would not submit myself to

surgery without investigating other options.


I have been searching for something I can do until I have a couple of days to do

a liver flush. I am going to order the A-F Beta food, too. A lady at the local

herb shop told me that taking three tbsp. of olive oil mixed with citrus juice

at bed time and in the morning will help flush stones out. Is this true? I am

willing to try but it seems so simple compared to the Hulda flush.

I really appreciate all the help!


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I have bought directly from them for many years because I've been a subscriber

since 1992 (and have saved them all because I go back through them often),

however, I've found it locally at a new chiropractor now. So I buy from him.


I did call that number and I would have to subscribe to order the products. I

thought that was a little strange so I was trying to get them somewhere else. I

will try a chirpractor.


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