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Hi Brad~THANK YOU for taking the time to do this, much appreciated.

I don't have any sign of arthritis, frbro or auto-immune that I know of, just

some minor osteo on my thumbs.

This constipation thing is not normal and I just don't feel as good as I

could, and it's been that way most of

my life. So I guess I will try it, and keep doing the colonics until I DO

feel better. I know other people that

it has worked for, so that's good to know.

Have you read the book Cancer-Free yet?? I will be trying some of the ideas

from the book as well.


Ok if arise and shine wants to persue me for posting this they can go

right ahead. lol

Here is the ingredients in two of their products.

1. Called Herbal Nutrition: Alfalfa leaf, Dandelion root, Shavegrass,

Chickweed, Marshmallow (750mg) Yllow Dock, Rose Hips, Hawthorn berry,

Licorice root (450mg) Irish Moss, Kelp (225mg), Amylase, Cellulase

(45mg) 300 capsules

2. Called Chomper: Plantain leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark,

peppermint leaf, sheep sorrel leaf (750mg), Fennel seed, ginger root,

myrrh gum, red raspberry leaf, rhubarb root, golden seal, lobelia leaf

(660mg) 300 capsules

They also in the kit include 32 ounces of bentonite clay, 1 Lb of

psyillium husks.

Dr in his book talks about his many trips living in the

wilderness off of only the plants from that area. If I can remember

correctly he was a vegetarian. He and his friend ate a salad made up

of several plants that they gathered. They started to excrete this

muciod plaque substance. Black or dark colours and stringy, ropey.

They felt SO much better after eating this stuff. They had to go back

and pick more the next day to isolate which plants were the ones

causing these huge eliminations of gross stuff. Those plants are in

his products but dont ask me which ones because I dont know. lol

Hope that helps you guys,



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Hey this will be fun! Thanks Brad for posting the ingredients. Let's dissect

the formula. First you all should know that this is an excellent product.

Let's look at each part and see what we can deduce:

1: alfalfa; generally nutritive from an herb standpoint. Some phytoestrogenic

effect but most likely not in the formula for this. Dandelion root; liver

cleanser, protective stimulates production of bile, mildly laxative. Shavegrass

(horsetail); source of micro minerals. Yellow dock; excellent liver herb and

mild laxative. Rose hips; source of V-

C. hawthorne; bioflavanoids. Licorice; adrenal tonic, anti inflammatory, and

digestive demulcent. Irish moss and Kelp; both seaweeds and therefore

containing high concentrations of soluble fiber. Amylase and cellulase;

digestive enzymes to break up undigested carbos and cellulose. You do not

produce cellulase and cannot therefore digest that portion of the plant

material. This will help by breaking down any cellulose portion of the


Basically this portion of the program stimulates a bit of

liver/gallbladder cleansing, movement of bile, and breakdown of the impactions.

The major players being the dandelion yellow dock and digestive enzymes. While

the others are all excellent herbs, the addition of them is more about creating

mystique and adding value to the label from a marketing standpoint.

2. plantain excellent intestinal demulcent, moistening to the stool. Cascara;

world class laxative. Barberry; live herb. Peppermint leaf; antispasmodic to

counteract the possible griping from the laxative herbs. Sheep sorrel;

liver/gallbladder. Fennel; warming digestive to again counteract the coldness

of the liver/laxative herbs. Ginger; warming digestive. Myrhh; contains resins

with volatile oils that help to break up and disperse as well as stimulate the

digestive tract and muscle tone of the peristaltic muscles. Red raspberry;

mild digestive tonic. Rhubarb root; another world class laxative. Goldenseal;

in this instance a very expensive digestive bitter. Lobelia; antispasmotic.

The main action of this portion is as a laxative with several things to

increase comfort by counteracting strong spasms and the cold herbs. Much is

duplicative, not only within this portion but also with formula 1.

Bentonite and psyllium. Blood and guts of the formula. Psyllium for bulk and

fibers, bentonite to draw the impactions off (I am assuming this is 32 ounces of

liquid susspension bentonite).

As I said an excellent product. Much of what is in there is for the sake

of listing many ingredients but all decent stuff. The effects being

liver/gallbladder cleansing to some extent, production and movement of bile,

creating peristaltic action, countering the cold and griping nature of the

laxatives, adding bulk and mechanical action to the stool, softening and drawing

the impactions off. The same could be accomplished with probably about 1/4 of

the different number of ingredients. No magic here but excellent. Depending on

the price, it might be a good one. If I was to add something it would be


Nice story about concocting a portion of this in the wilderness. Sounds

great and adds exclusivity and mystique. If it did happen, the herbs were

probably something along; Dandelion leaf, yellow dock leaf, sheep sorrel,

plantain, and chickweed. Why? 'Cuz they are all salad greens and could be

found in the same general geographic area! Notice that the dandelion and yellow

dock are the leaf, not the root like in the formula. Believe me, you are not

going to eat things like rhubarb root, cascara bark, shavegrass, and goldenseal

unless you are starving to death. In the case of cascara it must be aged for at

least a year before it can be used anyhow. A mentor of mine once just licked

the inside of a piece of raw bark he took off a tree and spent 14 hours the next

day on the shitter with his intestines turning inside out. Also notice that the

supposed magical basis for this formula is basically a salad made from a bunch

of bitter herbs that at one time were a standard part of the human diet in a

specific location. More proof that we are so screwed up by our diet and

lifestyle. If you were a native American or a pioneer a couple of hundred years

ago you would have been doing a bowel cleanse on a daily basis. Our diets today

should be a bowel cleanse on a daily basis. All bitter greens stimulate the

production and flow of digestive juices (including bile)and the peristaltic

action of the colon. The original use of drinking a drink like a Manhattan

before dinner was to set up the digestive process with the Angostura bitters.

You can do the same thing in terms of the digestive juices with bitters from the

grocery or health food store. This does not give you the essential fiber for

bowel cleansing. The salad above does. European style salads using greens like

ecarole, endive, dandelion (not native in the US. brought from Europe as a

salad green and medicinal) are again a digestive aid. Bitter is one of the five

flavors and cherished in many parts of the world. Our American palates are so

jaded and screwed up that most would not touch a green except for iceburg

lettuce. Thanks for letting me rant, hope this was informative.

Always, in all ways,


gallstones@...: ontarioguy2334@...: Fri, 16 May



Ok if arise and shine wants to persue me for posting this they can goright

ahead. lolHere is the ingredients in two of their products. 1. Called Herbal

Nutrition: Alfalfa leaf, Dandelion root, Shavegrass,Chickweed, Marshmallow

(750mg) Yllow Dock, Rose Hips, Hawthorn berry,Licorice root (450mg) Irish Moss,

Kelp (225mg), Amylase, Cellulase(45mg) 300 capsules2. Called Chomper: Plantain

leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark,peppermint leaf, sheep sorrel leaf

(750mg), Fennel seed, ginger root,myrrh gum, red raspberry leaf, rhubarb root,

golden seal, lobelia leaf(660mg) 300 capsulesThey also in the kit include 32

ounces of bentonite clay, 1 Lb ofpsyillium husks. Dr in his book talks

about his many trips living in thewilderness off of only the plants from that

area. If I can remembercorrectly he was a vegetarian. He and his friend ate a

salad made upof several plants that they gathered. They started to excrete

thismuciod plaque substance. Black or dark colours and stringy, ropey. They felt

SO much better after eating this stuff. They had to go backand pick more the

next day to isolate which plants were the onescausing these huge eliminations of

gross stuff. Those plants are inhis products but dont ask me which ones because

I dont know. lol Hope that helps you guys,=)Brad


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In gallstones , Dave Shelden

<wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:


> Hey this will be fun! Thanks Brad for posting the ingredients.

Let's dissect the formula. First you all should know that this is an

excellent product. Let's look at each part and see what we can



> 1: alfalfa; generally nutritive from an herb standpoint. Some

phytoestrogenic effect but most likely not in the formula for this.

Dandelion root; liver cleanser, protective stimulates production of

bile, mildly laxative. Shavegrass (horsetail); source of micro

minerals. Yellow dock; excellent liver herb and mild laxative.

Rose hips; source of V-

> C. hawthorne; bioflavanoids. Licorice; adrenal tonic, anti

inflammatory, and digestive demulcent. Irish moss and Kelp; both

seaweeds and therefore containing high concentrations of soluble

fiber. Amylase and cellulase; digestive enzymes to break up

undigested carbos and cellulose. You do not produce cellulase and

cannot therefore digest that portion of the plant material. This

will help by breaking down any cellulose portion of the impactions.


> Basically this portion of the program stimulates a bit of

liver/gallbladder cleansing, movement of bile, and breakdown of the

impactions. The major players being the dandelion yellow dock and

digestive enzymes. While the others are all excellent herbs, the

addition of them is more about creating mystique and adding value to

the label from a marketing standpoint.


> 2. plantain excellent intestinal demulcent, moistening to the

stool. Cascara; world class laxative. Barberry; live herb.

Peppermint leaf; antispasmodic to counteract the possible griping

from the laxative herbs. Sheep sorrel; liver/gallbladder. Fennel;

warming digestive to again counteract the coldness of the

liver/laxative herbs. Ginger; warming digestive. Myrhh; contains

resins with volatile oils that help to break up and disperse as well

as stimulate the digestive tract and muscle tone of the peristaltic

muscles. Red raspberry; mild digestive tonic. Rhubarb root;

another world class laxative. Goldenseal; in this instance a very

expensive digestive bitter. Lobelia; antispasmotic.


> The main action of this portion is as a laxative with several

things to increase comfort by counteracting strong spasms and the

cold herbs. Much is duplicative, not only within this portion but

also with formula 1.


> Bentonite and psyllium. Blood and guts of the formula. Psyllium

for bulk and fibers, bentonite to draw the impactions off (I am

assuming this is 32 ounces of liquid susspension bentonite).


> As I said an excellent product. Much of what is in there is

for the sake of listing many ingredients but all decent stuff. The

effects being liver/gallbladder cleansing to some extent, production

and movement of bile, creating peristaltic action, countering the

cold and griping nature of the laxatives, adding bulk and mechanical

action to the stool, softening and drawing the impactions off. The

same could be accomplished with probably about 1/4 of the different

number of ingredients. No magic here but excellent. Depending on

the price, it might be a good one. If I was to add something it

would be lecithin.



> Always, in all ways,


> -Dave




> gallstones@...: ontarioguy2334@...: Fri, 16 May 2008 16:23:45







> Ok if arise and shine wants to persue me for posting this they can

goright ahead. lolHere is the ingredients in two of their products.

1. Called Herbal Nutrition: Alfalfa leaf, Dandelion root,

Shavegrass,Chickweed, Marshmallow (750mg) Yllow Dock, Rose Hips,

Hawthorn berry,Licorice root (450mg) Irish Moss, Kelp (225mg),

Amylase, Cellulase(45mg) 300 capsules2. Called Chomper: Plantain

leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark,peppermint leaf, sheep

sorrel leaf (750mg), Fennel seed, ginger root,myrrh gum, red

raspberry leaf, rhubarb root, golden seal, lobelia leaf(660mg) 300

capsulesThey also in the kit include 32 ounces of bentonite clay, 1

Lb ofpsyillium husks. Dr in his book talks about his many

trips living in thewilderness off of only the plants from that area.

If I can remembercorrectly he was a vegetarian. He and his friend ate

a salad made upof several plants that they gathered. They started to

excrete thismuciod plaque substance. Black or dark colours and

stringy, ropey. They felt SO much better after eating this stuff.

They had to go backand pick more the next day to isolate which plants

were the onescausing these huge eliminations of gross stuff. Those

plants are inhis products but dont ask me which ones because I dont

know. lol Hope that helps you guys,=)Brad







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Hey no problem glad I could help the group out =)

Hmm Ok.

How long have you suffered with constipation for? Any other

bothersome symptoms?

You dont think its dependence on colonics which is causing lazy bowl

do you? I'd imagine youd have to do quite a few every week for that

to happen.

I think its a good idea for you to try that Arise and Shine stuff. It

certainly help me a lot. A build up of anything in the intestines

doesnt have to be mucoid plaque can contribute to constipation.




> Hi Brad~THANK YOU for taking the time to do this, much appreciated.

> I don't have any sign of arthritis, frbro or auto-immune that I

know of, just some minor osteo on my thumbs.

> This constipation thing is not normal and I just don't feel as

good as I could, and it's been that way most of

> my life. So I guess I will try it, and keep doing the colonics

until I DO feel better. I know other people that

> it has worked for, so that's good to know.

> Have you read the book Cancer-Free yet?? I will be trying some of

the ideas from the book as well.

> herbladie


> Ok if arise and shine wants to persue me for posting this they can go

> right ahead. lol

> Here is the ingredients in two of their products.


> 1. Called Herbal Nutrition: Alfalfa leaf, Dandelion root, Shavegrass,

> Chickweed, Marshmallow (750mg) Yllow Dock, Rose Hips, Hawthorn berry,

> Licorice root (450mg) Irish Moss, Kelp (225mg), Amylase, Cellulase

> (45mg) 300 capsules


> 2. Called Chomper: Plantain leaf, Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark,

> peppermint leaf, sheep sorrel leaf (750mg), Fennel seed, ginger root,

> myrrh gum, red raspberry leaf, rhubarb root, golden seal, lobelia leaf

> (660mg) 300 capsules


> They also in the kit include 32 ounces of bentonite clay, 1 Lb of

> psyillium husks.


> Dr in his book talks about his many trips living in the

> wilderness off of only the plants from that area. If I can remember

> correctly he was a vegetarian. He and his friend ate a salad made up

> of several plants that they gathered. They started to excrete this

> muciod plaque substance. Black or dark colours and stringy, ropey.

> They felt SO much better after eating this stuff. They had to go back

> and pick more the next day to isolate which plants were the ones

> causing these huge eliminations of gross stuff. Those plants are in

> his products but dont ask me which ones because I dont know. lol


> Hope that helps you guys,

> =)

> Brad







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Kinda off the subject, but all about getting healthy for sure. Anyone know

of a table top water distiller? I've had one from Sears for a few years but

it's going, and I'd like to try something else. Sears was definitely

cost-effective, 199.00 and it would take 4 hours to make a gallon.



Hey this will be fun! Thanks Brad for posting the ingredients. Let's dissect

the formula. First you all should know that this is an excellent product. Let's

look at each part and see what we can deduce:

1: alfalfa; generally nutritive from an herb standpoint. Some phytoestrogenic

effect but most likely not in the formula for this. Dandelion root; liver

cleanser, protective stimulates production of bile, mildly laxative. Shavegrass

(horsetail); source of micro minerals. Yellow dock; excellent liver herb and

mild laxative. Rose hips; source of V-

C. hawthorne; bioflavanoids. Licorice; adrenal tonic, anti inflammatory, and

digestive demulcent. Irish moss and Kelp; both seaweeds and therefore containing

high concentrations of soluble fiber. Amylase and cellulase; digestive enzymes

to break up undigested carbos and cellulose. You do not produce cellulase and

cannot therefore digest that portion of the plant material. This will help by

breaking down any cellulose portion of the living in thewilderness off of only

the plants from that area. If I can remembercorrectly he was a vegetarian. He

and his friend ate a salad made upof several plants that they gathered. They

started to excrete thismuciod plaque substance. Black or dark colours and

stringy, ropey. They felt SO much better after eating this stuff. They had to go

backand pick more the next day to isolate which plants were the onescausing

these huge eliminations of gross stuff. Those plants are inhis products but dont

ask me

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

have you been drinking distilled water the whole time Herbladie?

If so that can explain at least part of why you are constipated.

Distilled water should never be consumed over long term. Its void of

minerals and actually requires minerals from the body to properly

hydrate the tissues! Please look into an alternative system.

Distilled water is good for detoxing in the short term ie before doing

a gb flush, or colon cleanse.

This is in the files section of Lyme Topics. We get a discount

because we are members there. I dont own one of these yet but it is

on my purchase list....


Dear Members:

Most all people with chronic illness and Lyme Disease have a chronic

state of acidosis which is most difficult to correct without changing

ones intake of water to alkaline water. This can only be

accomplished by using a water-purifying machine that alkalinizes the


Recently at the advice of a Naturopath in Texas, she recommended that

I purchase such a unit. She had mentioned purchasing the Kangen

Unit, which sells for $4000 from a Multi-Level Marketing company.

This was out of my price range and after further investigation, I

found a company that sells a similar, although superior unit, for a

fraction of the cost. I have talked to several people that have owned

both and they clearly prefer the Ionizer Plus from High Tech

Health. I took a trip to Boulder to the sole distributor, High Tech

Health along with a close friend of mine. They demonstrated the

unit and we decided to purchase (4). One for me, one for my

friend, and two others for people that also wished to get a group


Since I am a Health Care Professional, I was eligible to join their

Health Care Referral Program. This excellent program allows me to

extend a discount to people known my me that wish to purchase this

unit simply by mentioning my name. After speaking to their Product

Specialist, Matt Schmid, I arranged with the company to extend this

discount to members of LymeTopics.

The usual consumer price is $1295. If you mention my name, W.

Cilecek, when you place your order, you will get a $300 dollar

discount. You will pay only $995.

To Order: Call (800) 794-5355 or (303) 413-8500, ask for Matt Schmid

and mention my name, W. Cilecek and that you are a member of

LymeTopics. They will extend to you a discount of $300 and your

price will be $995. In addition to the 1-year warrantee, they offer

a 30-day money back no questions asked warrantee if for some reason

you are not pleased with the unit. The unit has a usable lifespan

according to the Manufacturer, Akai, of around 10 years. The

replaceable filter has a digital readout and will filter 6000 liters

of water before needing to be replaced...that is about 1-2 years of

use. The replaceable cartridge costs $95.

You may read more about this excellent product at

www.HighTechHealth. com. The unit is called the Ionizer Plus Water

Electrolyzer. It has both a activated charcoal filter, UV

technology, and an Ionizing Unit that increases pH and also

restructures the water so that minerals are better absorbed by the

body. There are (4) pH settings. On the highest setting, I am able

to get water with a pH of 10.2 which is quite amazing. A pH test

kit is included to verify your local pH readings which will vary

slightly from region to region.

I have now used it for more than a week now, and am already feeling

better. If you have any doubts about whether your body is acidotic,

simply go to any pharmacy and get pH test strips and test your

urine. Normal results are a pH of 6.0 upon arising in the Morning.

During the day, ones reading should be between 6.5 - 7.0. Healthy

readings are difficult to obtain if infected with Lyme Disease and

its coinfections or any chronic medical illness. Lyme thrives in

an acidotic environment and changing ones diet to 80% alkaline

food/20% acidic foods may help but one needs to consider that water

is a major source of our dietary intake. A man weighing 180 lbs

should be drinking approximately 3 quarts of water a day...a woman

slightly less.

Anyone wishing further information about this product may contact me

via my private Email address: jameswmc@...

I am able to return phone calls in the late afternoon or evening if

you wish to speak directly with me. Please leave you phone number

and best time to call via Email.

To Your Good Health,

Doc Jim



> Kinda off the subject, but all about getting healthy for sure.

Anyone know of a table top water distiller? I've had one from Sears

for a few years but it's going, and I'd like to try something else.

Sears was definitely cost-effective, 199.00 and it would take 4 hours

to make a gallon.

> Thanks,

> herbladie



> Hey this will be fun! Thanks Brad for posting the ingredients.

Let's dissect the formula. First you all should know that this is an

excellent product. Let's look at each part and see what we can deduce:


> 1: alfalfa; generally nutritive from an herb standpoint. Some

phytoestrogenic effect but most likely not in the formula for this.

Dandelion root; liver cleanser, protective stimulates production of

bile, mildly laxative. Shavegrass (horsetail); source of micro

minerals. Yellow dock; excellent liver herb and mild laxative. Rose

hips; source of V-

> C. hawthorne; bioflavanoids. Licorice; adrenal tonic, anti

inflammatory, and digestive demulcent. Irish moss and Kelp; both

seaweeds and therefore containing high concentrations of soluble

fiber. Amylase and cellulase; digestive enzymes to break up undigested

carbos and cellulose. You do not produce cellulase and cannot

therefore digest that portion of the plant material. This will help by

breaking down any cellulose portion of the living in thewilderness off

of only the plants from that area. If I can remembercorrectly he was a

vegetarian. He and his friend ate a salad made upof several plants

that they gathered. They started to excrete thismuciod plaque

substance. Black or dark colours and stringy, ropey. They felt SO much

better after eating this stuff. They had to go backand pick more the

next day to isolate which plants were the onescausing these huge

eliminations of gross stuff. Those plants are inhis products but dont

ask me






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