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Question for Dave

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Before my question, some extra info.... I've not been eating very

well for a while, and noticed that I'd been putting on some extra

weight. If you remember correctly, I lost 20 lbs when I had GB

problems because of diet change, and it put me down to 100 lbs. Since

I had no symptoms, I just kept eating crap. Yikes! So last weekend I

had a few beers. It put me over the top. I began having pain in upper

stomach area when I ate. The next day, I noticed that my blood sugar

was plummetting, my body temp dropped to 95, and I just felt

horrible. I immediately stopped eating, started drinking green tee w/

dandelion, etc. with honey/lemon. I also kept drinking my

ACV/water/honey. I also took milk thistle. That was all I had for a

day, then added a couple of fruit smoothies that went down well. I

began to detox pretty quickly. I made myself lay down. The only time

I got up was to pee, which I did a LOT. At the end of it, I felt a

UTI coming on, so I took some cranberry supplements before that got

out of hand. My temp went up over 98.7 which is high for me. I felt

feverish but never went above that. Within a couple of days, I am a

new person. I have so much energy, feel SO much better, it's unreal.

I recommend this to anyone, especially if you know you've been eating

bad. I still can't eat everything, but I'm committed to doing what I

need to do and trying to stick with it. Oh, also, ALL my arthritis

symptoms went away. That makes me even more committed to staying with

this because I'd been trying to work on that for years, but eating

food I should not.

Anyway, here's my question. Last night I fixed a " salad " with cut up

hard boiled egg, cucumber, and Bragg's ginger and sesame dressing. By

the time I got to the end of it, I started feeling high. This has

never happened before. Can sesame do this, and am I feeling it

because my liver is getting healthier?



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