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Is Your Liver at Risk?

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Is Your Liver at Risk?

People sometimes complain of feeling " off, " a sense of being not

quite well, if not exactly sick. This is how it was for 51-year-

old " Larry, " a business executive in Southern California. Larry had

been divorced for several years and whenever his busy work schedule

allowed it, he was enjoying the bachelor social life. But now he

wasn't feeling right -- at his annual physical his doctor said his

tests were fine and maybe he just needed to slow down. That didn't

satisfy Larry, who was sure something was amiss. He decided to

schedule an appointment with naturopathic physician Mark Stengler,

ND, since NDs can often identify illness that MDs overlook in their

symptom/disease-focused paradigm.


Dr. Stengler says that when he met Larry, his patient's main

complaints were abdominal bloating, being chronically tired and

having bad breath. These symptoms, which had gotten worse over the

past year, not only worried Larry, they intruded on both his

business and personal life. Dr. Stengler reviewed Larry's most

recent blood work from his MD and saw that he had mildly elevated

liver enzymes. This, plus his symptoms, led Dr. Stengler to believe

that moderately compromised liver function might be the root of his

patient's problems. He became even more convinced when Larry told

him he was taking acetaminophen daily to soothe the arthritis in his

knees and pain in his lower back. Larry also drank regularly... he

reported having two to four drinks as often as four nights a week.

Both acetaminophen and alcohol place strain on the liver.


Before starting Larry on treatment to strengthen his liver, Dr.

Stengler did another blood test to confirm the elevated liver enzyme

counts. Larry didn't have liver disease per se, but the enzyme

counts showed a liver that was overworked and in turn falling short

on its tasks, including those related to cleansing the body. Dr.

Stengler prescribed a liver strengthening regimen for Larry as


A liver tonic formula containing such herbs as milk thistle,

dandelion root, chicory, and Bupleurum.

A greens/fiber powdered formula with such ingredients as chlorella,

spirulina, wheatgrass and barley grass.

A multivitamin.

Increased water intake, for detoxification. Dr. Stengler recommended

Larry drink 48 to 60 ounces of filtered water per day.

No alcohol.

A once-weekly sauna using infrared waves (this type of sauna

provides deeper heat) to bring on a sweat, flushing out drug

metabolites and toxins through the skin.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish.

Reducing or avoiding fast foods because they are associated with an

elevation in liver enzymes.

In addition, Dr. Stengler instructed Larry to take collagen,

methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and glucosamine sulfate, and to have

weekly acupuncture treatments to replace the pain medications he had

been taking for his arthritis.


Larry immediately noticed that the frequency of his bowel movements

increased -- from one every few days to two a day, a welcome change.

He reported feeling tired for the first four days of his new

regimen, which Dr. Stengler says is not unusual when someone first

starts a program for liver health... the body must metabolize the

substances being released and that's extra work. Soon, though, Larry

began to see his energy and digestion improve and in two weeks time

he felt much better overall and had lost four pounds. By the end of

the first month, his breath had freshened and blood work at six

weeks showed that his liver enzymes had returned to normal. Larry

could now change his regimen, stopping the liver support supplements

but continuing with the greens formula for ongoing gentle detox,

along with the water consumption and his much-improved diet. He

could resume moderate drinking -- a few drinks a week, including

wine -- and will continue to take the supplements for his arthritis.


Like Larry, many people suffer from suboptimal liver function, says

Dr. Stengler. The liver is an immensely busy organ, with numerous

responsibilities, including producing bile for digestion,

metabolizing glucose from food and storing it as reserve fuel,

processing all types of drugs and alcohol, synthesizing cholesterol

for production of hormones, and regulating clotting. When the liver

is not operating at its best it is often referred to as being

sluggish -- and a sluggish liver, even if enzymes are only mildly

elevated, can't function as well as it should.

Just some of the more frequent symptoms of a sluggish liver are

lowered energy, poor digestion, moodiness, unhealthy skin, cold

hands and feet, constipation, bloating, bad breath and food

sensitivities. Many doctors tend to dismiss elevated liver enzymes

as unimportant, preferring to take a watch and wait approach to see

if matters worsen before taking action. But Dr. Stengler disagrees

with that approach, strongly advising a proactive strategy to bring

the liver to optimal functioning. He cautions, however, against the

popular " liver flushes " you may hear about from friends or read

about online or in magazines. Done over one to three days, these so-

called cleanses feature limited and strange food and fluid

combinations... some of them can actually make people sick. They can

trigger higher than normal bile release, possibly causing gallstones

to get lodged in bile ducts. Other possible problems include an

overload of wastes in the body that it can't eliminate and/or

eliminating too much. Extreme cleansing can cause people to

experience nausea, rashes, headaches and fatigue.

If your liver could talk, it might sound like the comedian Rodney

Dangerfield, protesting " I don't get no respect. " It's true that

most people focus their health management on avoiding heart disease,

stroke and cancer -- but would do well to direct some of that

attention to keeping the liver well tuned, since it powers all other

systems. Most people can achieve this by practicing good health

measures as explained above.

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