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OT: More mercury info from a post on Lyme and Rife

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http://www.spiritof healing.com/ articles/ html/mercury_detox_amalgam_


Mercury is linked to the most degenerative diseases known to man. In

many cases these diseases are iatrogenic - i.e. diseases caused by

inappropriate medical / dental treatment.

Mercury is the second most toxic metal known to man; second only to

plutonium. But regardless of ranking, mercury has proven to be the

most devastating to the health of mankind through its ability to

induce diverse, degenerative diseases. In terms of its toll on human

suffering, no other metal comes close. Many common medical and

mental problems are known to be linked to, if not caused by mercury


The majority of mercury that accumulates in our bodies comes from

the " silver " amalgam fillings in our teeth. But mercury can be

picked up from numerous other sources including artificial flowers,

ammunition cartridges, various chemicals including aldehydes, acetic

acid, acetone (as in finger nail polish removers), alcohols (as in

spirits and rubbing alcohols), chlorine (as in drinking water and

chlorine bleaches), disinfectants, cosmetics, Q-tips, dental

appliances, dary cell batteries, dyes, electroplated products, felt

hats, gold, inks, vapor lamps, mirrors, pharmaceutical products

(drugs), pottery, prints, radio tubes, storage batteries,

thermometers, wood preservatives, and others.

But the majority of the mercury in your body comes from so-called

silver amalgams. The term " silver amalgams " is misleading. Amalgam

fillings contain no silver but a whole host of toxic metals including

mercury from which its silver appearance derives. In fact, these

fillings contain 53 percent or more mercury along with other

dangerous and toxic metals including copper, nickel, zinc and tin.

Dozens of research studies from around the world indicate that

mercury poisons the central nervous system leading to serious

dementia, depression and short-term memory loss. Among the many

signs and symptoms of mercury toxicity are depression, paranoia,

sudden outbursts of anger, hallucinations, inability to accept

criticism, inability to concentrate, inability to make decisions,

extreme irritability, memory loss, persecution complexes, tremors of

hands, head, lips, tongue, jaw and eyelids, weight loss, anemia,

anorexia, perpetually low body temperature, drowsiness, excitability,

headaches, hypersensitive reflexes, insomnia and fatigue.

You could also show the following signs and symptoms: anxiety, a

sensitive tongue, bad breath, bleeding gums, bronchitis, chills,

colitis, coughing and nausea, depression, erratic behavior, fever,

flu-like symptoms, gingivitis, high blood pressure, irregular gait,

joint pains, muscle pains, low blood sugar, mouth sores, nervousness,

numbness, paralysis, sore throat, stomach pains, vomiting. Many

mercury toxicity patients become Alzheimer's patients.

It is clear that mercury is accumulated in nervous tissues all

through the body. But that is not the only place that mercury


Mercury poisons many other systems in the body leading to dozens of

symptoms and an equal number of disease states originating in all

parts of the body (see Diseases Caused by Mercury Amalgam Fillings).

Hundreds of research studies have been carried out examining the role

of mercury in the etiology of chronic degenerative diseases. The

findings are unequivocal -- mercury is the causative agent and is

indiscriminately accumulated in connective tissues all through the


This paper is concerned with providing you information on how to

protect yourself from the cytotoxic and sometimes lethal effects of

mercury contained in your body. It is also focused on how to chelate

[ " key-late " ] this deadly metal and remove it more safely from you


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