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Re: please read this and tell me it isn't true

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Very simply this so called Dr doesn't have a clue regarding saponification and

the making of soap. In short this article to which you request information about

is about a so called doctor who is talking out his.....well ask me and I'll tell

you no lie.

I had an interview with a person that is expert in the field of making soap and

he explained the process and noted that the human body doesn't get hot enough

nor have time enough to do the process of making " soap " . This information was

posted years ago on this group but is far to hard to find in the archives and

I've had computer crashes since that caused the loss of his interview. It may be

in the Cure Zone's archives but I have not been able to find it in the

gall bladder group's archives for years.

Saponification is part of the process to the making of " Soap " but that process

calls for a specific amount of fat to alkali in combination with heat to make

soap. Also, keep in mind that stones don't just come from the gallbladder they

are also made in the liver, and in abundance. Also X-rays will not show up

stones made from cholesterol preciptation or coagulation. You have to have an

MRI to be proof positive or an ultrasound, but an ultrasound isn't all that

great for being positive.

Just for grins and giggles how about reading what said at the Cure Zone

site it is very much like what the soap expert wrote me and I posted on the

group. http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=65921


please read this and tell me it isn't true


A. Posey

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Hi ,

Being new to the group you have missed this ongoing discussion for the

past many many years. while I lean toward the camp that the green blobs are

some type of coagulation (not necessarily saponification specifically) this

" doctor " shows hhis ignorant bias with statements like " the tendency of an

excess of oil is to further impair metabolism " or " but may do considerable

harm " .

This group is full of real experts on gallstones such as Dale. People who

have been curled up in pain writhing on the floor who researched their options

besides having the organ removed, applied anywhere from 1 to 50 flushes and have

far more than " temporary relief " . How long has it been Dale since you had an

attack? While I lean towards the coagulation school of thought, the green blobs

are not the only things eliminated in the flushes. Dale sent me the pictures of

the stones that he past on his first flush years ago. They were not green

blobs. They were tan and brown calcified gallstones identical to some of those

recovered from removed gallbladders. The largest of which was over 3/4 of an

inch in diameter. The composition of gallstones can vary widely by the way.

80% of the gallstones in this country are mostly cholesterol. Cholesterol is

soft. The purpose of the flushes is not to " dissolve gallstones and cause them

to pass out " . It is to evacuate the bowel so that whatever is released may pass

out quickly and unencumbered, soften the " stones " to whatever extent is

possible, relax the ducts, build a large quantity of stored bile before,

stimulate contraction to release as much as is possible of what is stagnating in

the gallbladder. This ignorant mouth waving his degree and license as proof to

accuracy would do well to join a group like this in order to educate himself on

the actual degree of sucess by these methods. It's irrefutable. And there are

no gaurantees as to how many flushes it may take. If you are looking for a one

shot wonder you should have your gallbladder out. If so, it is the only shot

you can take. Gallbladder health after stones have formed or function has been

limited requires diet and lifestyle changes, persistence and discipline. The

total ramifications in health benefits for those that do far outshadow just the

relief of gallbladder discomfort. This is a great big wake up call from a

friendly Universe.

This doctor is right that the formation of gallstones is caused by the

" perversion of metabolism " and that the solution is the normalization of such.

Again, this requires a lot more than just performing a flush (or ripping out the

organ). Working long term on liver/gallbladder health is essential. So at

the end of the argument lies the real issues and those are things like; " do I

feel better?, " is my quality of life better? " and such. The answers, proven by

members of groups like this, are a resounding " YES! " . So who cares whether I am

a delusional idiot as the not-so-good doctor would have you believe? Please do

not disturb my bliss.


gallstones@...: heatheraposey@...: Tue, 27 May

2008 22:22:29 -0700Subject: please read this and tell me it isn't


http://www.ourplaceinternational.com/s4%20curing%20gallstone.html A.


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> How long has it been Dale since you had an attack? While I lean towards

> the coagulation school of thought, the green blobs are not the only things

> eliminated in the flushes. Dale sent me the pictures of the stones that

> he past on his first flush years ago. They were not green blobs. They

> were tan and brown calcified gallstones identical to some of those

> recovered from removed gallbladders. The largest of which was over 3/4 of

> an inch in diameter.>

I had my first and only GB attack March 12, 2006. I refused surgery,

studied, did 3 flushes and passed stones for over a year!!! A few were

green but most were yellow with white speckles. Started out the size of

corn (and no, I don't eat corn), then the size of hominy and a few were 3/4

inch. I have never had another attack and I've read that lots of people who

do have an attack never have another one. I swear by the A-F Betafood

tablets, a good diet, and exercise. I totally agree that the purpose of

flushes is to soften the stones so that they can be discharged. Many people

have stones, never have a problem and don't know they have stones until they

have a test for something else and it shows up. I've had 2 sonograms and I

still have stones, but they do not cause me a problem. I am thrilled and

relieved that I refused that surgery.


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Thanks man...I'm working up the nerve to try a flush soon...

Sent from my iPhone!

On May 28, 2008, at 10:37 AM, Dave Shelden <wholehealthawareness@...> wrote:

Hi ,

Being new to the group you have missed this ongoing discussion for the past

many many years. while I lean toward the camp that the green blobs are some

type of coagulation (not necessarily saponification specifically) this " doctor "

shows hhis ignorant bias with statements like " the tendency of an excess of oil

is to further impair metabolism " or " but may do considerable harm " .

This group is full of real experts on gallstones such as Dale. People who

have been curled up in pain writhing on the floor who researched their options

besides having the organ removed, applied anywhere from 1 to 50 flushes and have

far more than " temporary relief " . How long has it been Dale since you had an

attack? While I lean towards the coagulation school of thought, the green blobs

are not the only things eliminated in the flushes. Dale sent me the pictures of

the stones that he past on his first flush years ago. They were not green

blobs. They were tan and brown calcified gallstones identical to some of those

recovered from removed gallbladders. The largest of which was over 3/4 of an

inch in diameter. The composition of gallstones can vary widely by the way.

80% of the gallstones in this country are mostly cholesterol. Cholesterol is

soft. The purpose of the flushes is not to " dissolve gallstones and cause them

to pass out " . It is

to evacuate the bowel so that whatever is released may pass out quickly and

unencumbered, soften the " stones " to whatever extent is possible, relax the

ducts, build a large quantity of stored bile before, stimulate contraction to

release as much as is possible of what is stagnating in the gallbladder. This

ignorant mouth waving his degree and license as proof to accuracy would do well

to join a group like this in order to educate himself on the actual degree of

sucess by these methods. It's irrefutable. And there are no gaurantees as to

how many flushes it may take. If you are looking for a one shot wonder you

should have your gallbladder out. If so, it is the only shot you can take.

Gallbladder health after stones have formed or function has been limited

requires diet and lifestyle changes, persistence and discipline. The total

ramifications in health benefits for those that do far outshadow just the relief

of gallbladder discomfort. This is a

great big wake up call from a friendly Universe.

This doctor is right that the formation of gallstones is caused by the

" perversion of metabolism " and that the solution is the normalization of such.

Again, this requires a lot more than just performing a flush (or ripping out the

organ). Working long term on liver/gallbladder health is essential. So at

the end of the argument lies the real issues and those are things like; " do I

feel better?, " is my quality of life better? " and such. The answers, proven by

members of groups like this, are a resounding " YES! " . So who cares whether I am

a delusional idiot as the not-so-good doctor would have you believe? Please do

not disturb my bliss.


gallstones@...: heatheraposey@...: Tue, 27 May

2008 22:22:29 -0700Subject: please read this and tell me it isn't


http://www.ourplaceinternational.com/s4%20curing%20gallstone.html A.


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