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OT: Anti infection Allimed

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Another post from Lyme and Rife. This is something I had tried about

2 years ago but was way too toxic and filled with heavy metals. I had

really bad herx reactions. At some point ill try it again though as I

think this stuff is really powerful.



Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:22 pm (PDT)

Hi, & All:

It's been almost two years since the beginning of the study, so I went

back and looked at my notes. Instead of retyping all of it, I'm just

going to copy and paste it. It's a little long, but it may answer

unasked questions about Allimed.

, to answer your questions:

1. My main complaints were overall body pain, fatigue, candida, brain

fog, spatial disorientation, balance problems, joint pain --

especially my neck and spine.

2. Yes, my improvements are permanent. I am not cured, but I took a

huge leap in a short period of time.

3. The herxes were mainly pain. The interesting thing was that I had

no neuro herx symptoms like I normally had with abx or rife.

4. I think the other details would be covered in my notes below:

There are twelve of us in the study -- ten on the pills and two on the

liquid. I am on the liquid. The study began one month ago and

continues for two more months. We are all required to be on a

low-glycemic version of the Blood Type Diet, and take certain Nature's

Sunshine supplements, and drink half our body weight in ounces of

water per day. Exercise is encourage, but not required.

Right now I take 10 drops three times a day. I was up to 15 drops,

but when the full moon happened last week, my lyme doc told me to

reduce it. The herxing was horrible †" pain, O the pain! Fifteen

drops has the equivalent allicin of 500 cloves of garlic. So I was

getting the equivalent allicin of 1500 cloves of garlic per day.

The taste doesn't last in your mouth more than a minute or so. I

thought that my skin, saliva and breath might smell of garlic, but it

doesn't. I'm pretty happy about that. It would be a long three

months for those around me if that were the case.

Before we started the Allimed and the diet, Joan, ND did dark field.

She ran video so there is proof that it does or does not work. She

will do another one at the end of the study.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _______

I saw my doc last Friday, and because I was herxing so badly he sent

me over to Joan's for another dark field. He thought the allicin

might be causing free radical damage (like abx do) to my red cells.

But God be praised, my free radical damage was gone! The candida was

gone! The dead spirochete debris was thick -- why I felt so bad.

On the first dark field I had so many cyst forms inside my red cells.

Depressing, and I think I just did not understand the magnitude of my

infection †" 16.5 years to get diagnosed. On the first dark field the

spirochetes and cyst forms were so healthy looking -- flitting around

and doing as they pleased.

On the second dark field they were sickly looking, not moving as much,

their population descimated by 50 percent, and the remaining ones not

moving, and much smaller. I'm still amazed that after only one month

on the allicin and the diet that it had that much impact.

Well, when I first saw my blood I was pretty happy because I didn't

see any lyme coodies in any form. It wasn't until she crushed my red

cells that all the critters (cyst, spirochetes, L form) came pouring

out. It was like a scene from a horror movie. I kept thinking...one

drop of blood and almost a thousand lyme coodies...that' s at least a

few billion in my body. Freaked me out.

Part of this study is to figure out dosing. I started out with five

drops three times a day. My doc told me to go up to 15 drops 3 x a

day. I was up to that in about a week and a half. For a few days I

felt really good and had lots of energy. Then I started feeling worse

and by the time the full moon came around I was dying -- bone pain in

my neck, spine and sacrum. I am back to 10 drops.

When I started with the five drops I had some pretty severe pain the

first two days. Then it went away. I felt pretty good for about

three days after that, and kept upping the dose by two drops a day

until I got to 15 drops. After I had been on the 15 drops for a week

or so, I started noticing my energy level dropping, and the pain.

Then the pain got severe, then the full moon, and I had a hard time

walking. I had a lot of pain in my neck, spine and sacrum. It's

weird to feel your sacrum like that.

____________ _________ _________ _________ ________

I have just completed my second month on the Allimed trial. I saw my

doc on Friday, and everything is going well.

I would like to report that I am doing quite well, considering

yesterday was the full moon. Last month during the full moon I had

intense pain in my spine and sacrum -- so intense I had a hard time


I just noticed today with the full moon coming on that I feel worse.

But I always have felt worse during the full moon. My spine and

sacrum are hot to the touch -- probably three to four degrees hotter.

I have pain most of the time, but it is tolerable, so I know it is

working. Normally, if I had not been doing anything for this long I

would begin to feel much worse -- more fatigue, migraine, balance

issues, spatial disorientation, etc.

Allimed Study Conclusions:


Liquid Allimed (1000 ppm) 15 drops three times a day. This was changed

at the two-month point to the Allimed capsules, 450 mg, two capsules

three times a day. Not sure why.

Nature's Sunshine Products:

Super Omega 3 EPA, 1 capsule 2 times a day; VitaWave, 1

tablespoon in one liter of water with 2 tablespoons Thai Go, two

ounces pomegranate juice and one packet Stevia (pomegranate juice and

stevia optional). Drink throughout the day, no more than four ounces

at a time. Everybody's Fiber, 1 scoop in water/juice at bedtime;

Bifidus Flora Force, 3 at bedtime.


One hour of diet counseling at the beginning of the study from

Joan, ND. Low glycemic version of the Blood Type Diet. Eat organic

foods as much as possible. No sugar, alcohol, or caffeine. Drink half

your weight in ounces of water each day. Eat one organic avocado a day.

Personal Observations:

At the beginning of the study we were told that we would not herx with

Allimed. I didn't believe it. I did herx, but I did not have

neurological issues. Normally a good herx would cause balance

problems, spatial disorientation and thick brain fog, in addition to

pain and a headache. During the whole study my brain was clear even

though I had lots of pain in my neck, spine and sacrum. At the end of

the study my thinking is clearer, and has been getting more so daily.

We had dark field at the beginning of the study. I saw free

radical damage to 30 percent of my red cells. The outside cell walls

were jagged. I had four white cells that were not moving and looked

sick. There were proteats that were active, but far too few. I also

saw fungus and debris from poor diet. I also saw one " mother bacteria "

that was the size of seven or eight of my red cells. I could see white

shadows in approximately 80 percent of my red cells. I did not see any

Lyme borellia until my red cells were broken open. Those shadows

turned out to be cyst forms and spirochetes hiding there. I saw four

spirochetes, L rod forms and 800 to 1000 cyst forms.

At this point in time I had been off antibiotics for over a year. I

did not rife during the study except detoxing frequencies.

Each day upon rising I took my morning Allimed dose.

Approximately three hours later the pain began in my neck, spine and

sacrum.. After the afternoon dose, usually around 2:00 or 3:00 p.m., I

was reaching for my Biomodulator (www.senergymedical group.com) to

reduce the pain. By dinnertime I was having visions of crawling into

bed and taking a pain pill. I took my last dose at bedtime. Some

nights the pain was enough to keep me awake, and sometimes when I was

able to sleep it woke me up.

After one month on the protocol I had my regular Lyme

appointment. I was in so much pain that I was having a hard time

walking. The pain was in my neck, spine and sacrum. He sent me over

for another dark field because he suspected the Allimed might be

causing free radical damage.. But the dark field showed the reason for

my pain †" thick debris of dead and dying spirochetes and cyst forms.

At this point the free radical damage to my red cells was gone, as was

most of the candida. My lyme doc reduced my dose from 15 drops three

times a day to 10 drops three times a day. I eventually worked my way

back up to 15 drops three times a day. During the full moon each month

I dropped back to 10 drops three times a day for a few days.

After six weeks on the protocol I had horrible vaginal itching.

Since I have been battling candida for 25 years I just figured I had

another " infectionâ€. I got the usual tube of cream and found some

overlooked Diflucan and Sporonox. After two weeks, three tubes of

cream, ten Diflucan and five Sporonox and no relief I just gave up.

When I saw my lyme doc I mentioned it to him and he said it was not

candida, but die-off. I have since realized that no amount of cream,

Diflucan or Sporonox would help because it was die-off. It has

continued to improve to this date, but I am still having some very

minor itching.

Three weeks ago I had wrist pain that woke me in the middle of the

night. I immediately thought, " I'm peeling my onion! " I haven't had

wrist pain for ten years. Because I used to be a court reporter, I was

diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Sometime around ten years ago

the pain just magically went away and I forgot about it. I now realize

that my wrist pain all those years ago was Lyme. My current wrist pain

was intermittent and lasted for two weeks. I don't know if it will

return or not. I haven't had any for a week.

Today, January 3, 2007, I had the last dark field. It showed

some amazing things. The white shadows that I had seen in my red cells

were reduced from 80 percent to approximately 2 or 3 percent. Free

radical damage was reduced almost 100 percent. Instead of my red cells

having jagged edges, a few were oval shaped. I saw debris and fungus,

but it was reduced by 75 percent. The proteats were numerous †" as many

as there should be. I still did not have as many white cells as I

need, but the ones I do have were bigger and healthier and were

moving. After my red cells were broken open, I

actually saw a white cell attacking/munching a cyst form! There was a

reduction in cyst forms from 800 to 1000 to approximately 10. I did

not see any spirochetes or L forms.

Today is the full moon. Usually I am in bed with pain, or

wishing I could be in bed. I am having pain in my neck. It is hot to

the touch †" probably three degrees hotter than the rest of my body. I

had Joan my ND feel my neck and she agreed that the Allimed is still

at work there. But I am not in bed and I don't feel like I want to be

in bed. I have not had pain in my spine or sacrum for almost a week.

Throughout the three years of my Lyme treatment almost all of my pain

has been in my neck, spine and sacrum.

I did not have any digestive problems with the liquid, but I do

have minor digestive issues with the capsules.

I ran the Lyme bank on my PERL for the first time in four

months. I got a couple minor hits in my brain from a couple

frequencies, but nothing like I used to. I went to bed right after I

finished rifing and when I got up in the morning I was not herxing at


Personal Conclusions:

Allimed kills Bb cyst, L forms and spirochetes. Allimed

kills candida. Allimed strengthens the immune system. Allimed repairs

free radical damage. Allimed crosses the blood/brain

barrier. Allimed herxes are easier to endure than an antibiotic herx.

Allimed killed whatever coodies I had in my vaginal tract.


Joan, ND suggested I stay on the Allimed, but reduce it to three pills

a day, instead of six.

My lyme doc suggested I take a break, which I am going to do.

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