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> My natural doc has given me Quantum Limonene Complex to be used as an

> anti fungal. Is this ok?

==>When you can get something more natural it is not advisable to take

a complex product that costs much more, and which you may not do well

on. The best are: garlic and oil of oregano (only a couple of drops 3

times a day of most brands is all you need), in addition to coconut oil

of course. A good motto is: KISS " keep it simple stupid "


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  • 2 years later...
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Limonene a monoterpene, which shows so much promise for cancer

treatment, is the same substance that gives lemon scent to furniture

polish and grease-cutting power to detergent. (One scientist once

described how it dissolved a researcher's plastic pipette.) It is found

in citrus oils, as well as garlic and the oils of other plants; it is

used in Japan to dissolve gallstones. Limonene and its chemical cousin,

perillyl alcohol, show powerful anticancer effects in animals. In rats,

limonene caused the complete regression of mammary tumors. Human

studies are underway with cancer patients.

I found this at the following website:


Lemons – Kills roundworms, helps dissolve gallstones, helps prevent

cancer due to LIMONENE.

Limonene – The highest concentrations are found in the spongy white

inner parts of citrus fruit i.e. orange

peel, lemon peel, kumkuats and cranberry. Limonene can dissolve

gallstones. It helps to prevent Breast

Cancer and inhibits the progression of established breast cancer and in

animal studies with rodents it

prevented the development of pancreatic cancer and caused the

regression of existing pancreatic cancer. In

animal studies with breast cancer (rodents) it caused the complete

regression of the majority of advanced

rat breast cancers. Limonoids seem to work against cancer three ways:

prevent it from forming, slow the

growth of existing cancer and kill cancer cells. Neuroblastomas a type

of brain cancer which accounts for

10% of all cancers in children – in laboratory tests limonoids found in

citrus killed neuroblastoma cells in

48 hours or less when exposed to relatively small amounts of

concentrated limonoids. The newest research

with limonene is it's use in treating problems with esophageal reflux

and chronic acid indigestion it has the

potential to put nexion ie. " the purple pill " out of business. Limonene

has the potential to lower cholesterol

more effectively than some prescription drugs, and without side

effects, according to a study by U.S. and

Canadian researchers.

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