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Orthomolecular psychiatry

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Venting is good Greg, I am glad you feel safe enough within this group.

Your description of frustration reminds me of the women who see certain male

doctors about menstrual issues and are told they are being hysterical and are

then recommended to have a hysterectomy. Now, it may not still happen this way

precisely, but it did (therefore the name- hysterectomy); And the unconnected

bias is still there. I see this all the time, no matter the actual issue: If I

cannot figure someone's problem out, they cannot possibly have it, it must

therefore be in their head. The natural health movement is almost as ripe with

it as standard allopathy. For someone who has not experienced extreme pain

(physical or emotional) 24/7 for 20 years it is a bit difficult to comprehend

how that might effect someone's interactions with their environment... This is

no excuse for ignorance or actions based there upon.

Orthomolecular psychiatry holds great promise. It is now known through the

works of the likes of Dr. Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief), Dr. Candace Pert

(Molecules of emotion), and others that the " mind " is not in the brain!

Supposed " neurotransmitters " are produced by possibly every cell in the body and

every cell in the body potentially has the receptor sites for such (the only

barrier to answering these questions is lack of observing every cell type).

Recent research has uncovered neural cells within the heart! This is not just

the receptor sites for chemical communication but actual " brain cells " within

cardiac tissue. More research out of Russia has shown that the 90% of your DNA

that is supposedly " junk " (named that by the pillars of science because they did

not observe any function until now) alters it's shape and composition when

challenged by frequencies or language!

Those who are in positions of authority concerning the hard sciences of

biology, chemistry and medicine are as a general rule way undereducated in the

newer discoveries of science. They therefore act as anchors, and destructively

so, of the growth of their own fields.

Orthomolecular psychiatry was pioneered by Linus ing, Hawkins,

Abram Hoffer and others over 30 years ago. It has been ridiculed and suppressed

for as long. The reality may be that our biochemical makeup is critical to our

emotional and mental processes. So going back to the question, months ago,

that started this rather convoluted discussion; Can gallbladder/liver issues

effect our emotional makeup? Absolutely so. I have lost count of the people I

have talked to who have performed flushes or general liver gallbladder support

and had very positive changes in their mental health.

" The whole world is daft but thee and me, sometimes I wonder about thee. "

-Ben lin

Always, in all ways,


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