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I am . I am 31 (almost 32). I have 3 beautiful children ages 9, 6,

and 2. I did have a miscarriage last September at 10 weeks gestation.

This was really a shock to me as I have always had very healthy

pregnancies. At any rate, Since my 2 year old was born I have

increasing problems with my

Digestion Tract. I need to avoid certain foods or I find myself very

ill for about a day. So far the foods I must avoid are raw veggies

(especially broccoli, mushrooms, califlower) , cow's milk (although it

seems I can have food with small amounts of milk in it as long as I

don't have it several times in few days span such as ice cream), nuts

especially peanuts. And there are a few other things but these are the

ones that stick out in my mind the most.

** Sorry if this is more information than anyone wants...

Symptoms I am encountering--begins with a bloated feeling for a few

hours, rifting (small burps) which taste absolute horribly like vomit,

That usually will continue for about 5-6 hours. Abdominal pain as

whatever it is moves through my stomach and intestines. Diarrhea

(completely fluid form), and vomiting. This vomit is horrible! I know

vomit is not usually a fun thing but this is absolutely vile. Usually

thick and the worst smelling thing ever. Within the past 3-4 months I have

started having an itching and burning of my entire body associated

with this whole ordeal too! Last night my body felt as if it had been

coated in some form of hot acid. Luckily I seem to have a good idea of

which foods are triggering this most often. BUT I have at times

thought, " well maybe just this once..... " and I end up very ill. 2

days ago I had a handful of peanut M & Ms and I had an ice cream

sandwich my kids decided they didn't want.

Once everything has moved through I am dehydrated and exhausted. I

usually do not eat for about 12-24 hours after it is done. My insides

are sore--not from throwing up because I usually only vomit 3-4 times.

But sore as in my actual intestines and stuff feel tender or damaged.

My neighbor and I were discussing and she mentioned her gallbladder

was giving her some similar problems. So here I am.

I do not have health insurance and saw some tidbits on " flushing the

gallbladder " here but could not get the entire gist.

Does any of my stuff sound familiar? Any opinions as to what steps I

should take? or are you thinking I need to rush to the emergency room

and deal with the bills after I am taken care of? I just don't know

where to start and needed to bounce some of this off of other people.

Thanks for reading and again I hope I did not get more disgusting than

was desired.


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