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OT: ALS and Root Canals and Mercury

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Setting It Straight - Lou Gehrig's Disease

Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) has been around for many decades, although

when I was a child, Lou Gehrig was a baseball player. It has been on

the increase over the past few decades, but figures of just how much

increase are not known.

ALS is classified as an autoimmune disease. The autoimmune diseases

are a set of diseases in which the white blood cells of the immune

system decide to attack and destroy cells and tissue within the

afflicted individual. In the case of ALS, nerve cells are primarily

attacked and rendered non-responsive. In many cases the voice is the

first to go, which makes it a particularly challenging disease to

have. Most folks with rapid degenerative diseases can tolerate the

insult to their bodies if they can at least retain the ability to

talk. ALS is one of the most vicious diseases I have encountered. I

see why these people are the ones who seek the services of Dr.

Kavorkian. It takes a real tough person to face this disease. And,

what bothers me, is that many people probably did not have to face it.

There is a genetic component, of course. Yes, one must have a

predisposition first, then an " environmental " challenge. What happened

when patients underwent dental revision with the protocol that we

used? Successful? That depends upon your definition. If we got

involved in the first third of the disease, yes, anyone would agree

that the disease appeared to " go into remission " or disappear from

some set of standards. At the other end of the scale, if we started

after the wheelchair, and most motor function was gone, the patient

usually died anyway, but reports from the remaining family said that

their last few months were much more comfortable than the six months

prior to having the treatment done. Of course there were those who may

have responded for a short time, and then continued upon their

collision course.

No, the treatment was not perfect in turning people back into original

equipment, mint condition, but over 70% found it worthwhile-especially

those who were diagnosed within a few months of initiating treatment.

The patients we saw were fighters. They were not candidates for

Kavorkian, and definitely had more stamina and positive attitude than

I can muster in my best day. I love these people, learned from them,

and pay them a verbal tribute for their ability to fight for life.

They remind me of a quote, " Winners never quit. Quitters never win. "

That's the ALS attitude.

Although there is a great amount of similarity between all of the

autoimmune diseases, there were a couple of items that made the

difference in ALS. During the first 20 years of dealing with the

dental aspects of autoimmune diseases, we had no success at all with

the disease. All the chemistries told me where the problems were, and

I know how to correct all of them. The only problem was that it didn't


Then we found the cavitation. This is the area where a tooth has been

removed-even decades ago-and the extraction site is still hiding there

under 2 millimeters of bone. Try to take an X-ray picture of a piece

of air within bone. Cavitations are hard to find. They require lots of

skill, years of experience, and most of all, a vivid imagination to

spot them on an X-ray film.

Upper wisdom tooth cavitations were the primary culprits, but they

could be any cavitation I suppose. When these were cleaned out along

with the rest of our protocol, we saw positive responses. This

stimulated us to look further. The next item that produced a notable

change was to remove fillings in what I termed, " absolute sequence " .

This requires more time, but what does the ALS patient have the most

of? The one filling with the highest negative charge was removed

first. Then at the following appointments new electrical charge

readings were taken every second removal. This gave a notable

improvement. Acupressure was used after each dental revision

appointment; the acupressurists described the patients " pulses " as

" scrambled " . To us lay people, that means the patient's nervous system

was mixing up the messages it was trying to send to other parts of the

body-this is very important.

All of the protocol was important, for if we left out one step-no

improvement. The most important thing that we found was that there was

a series of events that preceded the onset of the disease. Usually a

traumatic injury, and then placement of either root canals, nickel

crowns, or amalgams with high negative current charges that seemed to

precipitate onset. In some cases, the root canals were already there

for years, and the traumatic event may have triggered a release of

toxins that we have found on the root surface of non-vital teeth.

Hopefully some day the relationship between dental toxic materials and

the onset of degenerative diseases will be openly recognized and


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