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OT: Root Canals advice for a friend

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Some info on root canals,

Fact is that I will always give advice that I think is the correct

advice. So I wont stop advising you and others to have those toxic

root canaled teeth pulled nor will I stop advising you to have your

mercury fillings replaced with non toxic non metal fillings because I

know the TRUTH. It will cost you 100's of times more money in the long

run to constantly treat your condition (because the root canals and

mercury fillings are preventing you from healing and killing the

infections in your body) than it will to have the dental procedures done.

After I had my extractions I cut back on many of the supplements and

treatments I required because my body wasn't under attack nearly as

much and I just didn't need them anymore.

White blood cells are deactivated in a mercury rich environment how

can you expect to recover with a problem like that? The frequencies

from the brain which kills all infection cant penetrate to areas where

infection thrives when mercury is present. (this is why IRT eventually

stopped working for me, though it did permenantly save me from being

bed ridden)

It's too bad your getting so upset over this there really isn't any

need to get upset or stressed. Your just as passionate and determined

in your health as I am about mine. I can see whats happening because

I've been through it myself and am now healthier because I had them


There is no blood flow inside a root canaled tooth so I think it is

incorrect that MMS will be able to kill the infections inside those

teeth. Not only that but MMS relies on the blood stream to get to

where it needs to kill infection, with mercury and root canal toxins

in your body blood vessel damage happens faster than your body can

repair. So MMS will be unevenly distributed in your body thereby

rendering it ineffective for those areas of vascular damage (including

small pockets of gangrene or sub clinical pre-gangrenous tissue).

Bleeding is not a risk factor for having root canals extracted unless

your blood is not clotting for some reason. Mine healed just fine.

Dry socket is a reversable and minor condition when compared to the

systemic osteo necrotic and gangrenous soft tissue that can form from

root canal toxins and pathogens. Not to mention the fact that root

canals and amalgam fillings can kill you.

There may be a temporary increase in the toxic burden (but at least

the blood vessels can heal since there is no more neuroxotins being

released from the root canals. MMS at that point may then be able to

do its job) on your body after extraction but in the long term your

body will heal because it no longer has to put up with those deadly

anaerobic pathogens from the root canals and mercury.

I don't know anyone that has problems chewing without 1 or 2 molars.

I agree 100% that a person's health should be stabilized before any

extractions begin. I think your as stable as your going to get

considering your aggressive treatments.

You can disagree with me as you usually do but there are other people

on this forum that I think also badly need to read this.

Misinformation about the deadilyness of root canals is rampant. Even

many Biological dentists don't understand the dangers of NOT removing

root canals. It's sad because people need to hear the truth about

whats making them sick in the first place.

If they are extracted safely according to the Hal Huggins protocol,

one at a time instead of all at once, then the potential for any

negative impact is vastly minimized. Even if you don't right away go

after the root canals at least start on the amalgam fillings you have

and when they are all gone chelate the heavy metals out of your body.

Getting to the roots of disease,


ps My daily fevers stopped after having my root canals extracted. My

cerebral edema improved about 40% (the rest went away after dosing MMS

and using far infrared sauna and IRT), my sinuses began to drain, the

feeling came back in my face, the pressure behind my ear drums went

away, my balance improved, I got about 10% stronger (the rest is

improving by chelating out heavy metals), I could think better and

process information faster, and the chronic low grade aching where my

root canals were went away 1 month after extraction.

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