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I don't think it's safe to open anything from Troy. We get all sorts of

e-mails from this source, and many of them are from cyber-places I don't

want my kids going. I'm pretty sure he is related to Helen, and I suspect

he has a very large, mischevious horse!



>From: " D. King " <dking@...>


>Subject: rheumatic Re: Off Topic

>Date: Sat, Apr 17, 1999, 11:00 PM


>From: " D. King " <dking@...>


>Hi Group,


>Who's Troy? (And I don't mean " Helen of " )



>Did you know that we add over 1,000 new e-mail communities every day?


>Explore a new hobby, discover a new friend, laugh at a new joke!


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  • 4 months later...

trust me , it's been around the block a million times. :)) But hey, the

Internet is the land of the free and the .......


rheumatic off topic

I would like to post a story and recipe about Neiman Marcus - maybe it's been

around the block a few times (like forever) and everyone but me has heard it.

Anyway, it is totally off topic.......should I post it or not?

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Re: rheumatic off topic

trust me , it's been around the block a million times. :)) But hey, the

Internet is the land of the free and the .......


It's not the story I was interested in, but the cookies! They sound

absolutely mouthwatering...........probably because I'm not having


rheumatic off topic

I would like to post a story and recipe about Neiman Marcus - maybe it's

been around the block a few times (like forever) and everyone but me has heard

it. Anyway, it is totally off topic.......should I post it or not?

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I'd like to read it.


Sala wrote:

> I would like to post a story and recipe about Neiman Marcus - maybe

> it's been around the block a few times (like forever) and everyone but

> me has heard it. Anyway, it is totally off topic.......should I post

> it or not?

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In article <003e01beea9c$d77947c0$5b4462d8@oemcomputer>, HOLMES, MARK T.

<MHOLMES@...> writes

>> I would like to post a story and recipe about Neiman

>> Marcus - maybe it's been around the block a few times

>> (like forever) and everyone but me has heard it. Anyway,

>> it is totally off topic.......should I post it or not?


It's not a particularly good recipe.


Regards, Dr Graham Chiu

Prospective Internet Observational Study in Arthritis

Home Page http://www.compkarori.com/arthritis/

Contribute at http://www.compkarori.com/arthritis/contrib.htm

Data Entry at http://www.compkarori.com/cgi-local/piosa.cgi

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  • 11 months later...
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Hello Pepi

Not a stupid question at all. Just got rid of some myself, but I don't

usually make it public! I thought I could get away with just throwing out

the opened packets, but the little b.....s hide in places you can't see,

just like spirochetes! They had even eaten into unopened sachets and sealed

plastic bags. The only way is to throw out everything, in ALL the

cupboards, yes, ALL of them, and then disinfect and keep every item of food

stuff in sealed hard plastic containers with labels on - for ever. Food

keeps better like that anyway. They seem to reproduce best in dried, wheat

or grain products in my experience. For someone with lyme, or any other

disabling chronic condition, keeping food like this anyway, saves an awful

lot of wasted effort when preparing meals - things are easier to find and

access, and there is less cleaning round to do, which I am always glad

about. Of course only the best homes get weevils!

Take care - Sheila

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Thank You Sheila, I was afraid someone was going to suggest throwing

everything out and starting over :( This cupboard is 8' t and 4' wide,

and FULL to the max. Oh well! Thanks again Pepi

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What is a weevil?

[ ] Off topic

Hey stupid question here! I have a huge problem with weevils (think thats

what they are) in my cupboard. Bought a box that was infested with them,

got rid of box, vacuumed cupboard and washed it out. Got rid of any opened

bags/boxes but still am finding them in my new stuff! Help! they are

really freaking me out. Pepi

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Nasty little bugs. Believe me, you really don't want them!!! Sheila

[ ] Off topic



>Hey stupid question here! I have a huge problem with weevils (think thats

>what they are) in my cupboard. Bought a box that was infested with them,

>got rid of box, vacuumed cupboard and washed it out. Got rid of any opened

>bags/boxes but still am finding them in my new stuff! Help! they are

>really freaking me out. Pepi


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  • 1 year later...

In Pasadena, Texas there was recently a case where a woman living in well to do

area, in a nice brick home, who kept her yard neatly trimed and her house

looking beautiful....all that, except for a darkened back room where she kept

her autistic son in filth and with nothing but a mattress. No one besides her

knew that he was there. He was kept naked all day. He got injured somehow in

his leg and the leg became infected because she didn`t take him to the doctor.

He died from starvation and infection. She did call the paramedics, but he was

already dead. She wanted her privacy. She didn`t want anyone to come into her

house to help her son. If someone had known about this going on and had called

the authorities, he would be alive today. We need to speck up when action is

needed. Albert d701@...

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In Pasadena, Texas there was recently a case where a woman living in well to do

area, in a nice brick home, who kept her yard neatly trimed and her house

looking beautiful....all that, except for a darkened back room where she kept

her autistic son in filth and with nothing but a mattress. No one besides her

knew that he was there. He was kept naked all day. He got injured somehow in

his leg and the leg became infected because she didn`t take him to the doctor.

He died from starvation and infection. She did call the paramedics, but he was

already dead. She wanted her privacy. She didn`t want anyone to come into her

house to help her son. If someone had known about this going on and had called

the authorities, he would be alive today. We need to speak up when action is

needed. Albert d701@...

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In Pasadena, Texas there was recently a case where a woman living in

well to do area, in a nice brick home, who kept her yard neatly

trimed and her house looking beautiful....all that, except for a

darkened back room where she kept her autistic son in filth and with

nothing but a mattress. No one besides her knew that he was there.

He was kept naked all day. He got injured somehow in his leg and the

leg became infected because she didn`t take him to the doctor. He

died from starvation and infection. She did call the paramedics, but

he was already dead. She wanted her privacy. She didn`t want anyone

to come into her house to help her son. If someone had known about

this going on and had called the authorities, he would be alive

today. We need to speck up when action is needed. Albert


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Hi my name is Vicki Lowery mom of 5 year old who has autism. That is

on e of the most disturbing stories I have ever heard of dealing with child

abuse and neglect. I was in tears reading it. Please tell me that monster of

a woman was given a life sentence?? When did this happen to that poor child??

I agree, people need to speak up when they feel something is not right, or

when something is definetly going on thats wrong. We all need to protect

these children if their own parents dont and do not take care of them. Please

as a nation lets protect our children. Dont ignore if you feel something is

wrong. The worst thing about this story is the child was helpless, and unable

to defend himself, or tell someone. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING THAT HAPPENED TO

HIM!!! Everyone please spread the word on noticing whats going on in this

world with child neglect and abuse. God forbid anyone would ever hurt my

child and I had to find out on my own because he couldnt express himself and

tell me, I cant even explain what I would do!!! God bless...


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  • 1 year later...
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Please remember in your prayers the eleven soldiers who lost their lives in a

helicopter accident at Ft. Drum this week and the two who are recovering in

the local hospital. Kathy -NNY, LTC ® USA

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  • 5 months later...

I believe I have read, too, that a lack of essential fatty acids can also

result in itchy skin.

rheumatic off topic

> I just read this from Dr. Mirkin. Sending it to the persons who were

> complaining of itching with no rash. Sorry if you read this already...some

> people do mot get this.




> Dear Dr. Mirkin: I have constant itching but cant see anything on

> my skin. How can I find out what is wrong?


> Itching can be caused by nerve damage associated with

> diabetes or lack of vitamin B12, skin diseases, an allergy to

> something touching the skin or inside your body, or a hidden

> tumor or infection. Often doctors cannot find the cause. When

> more than one person in a family itches, the most common cause

> is scabies, a parasite that burrows into your skin.

> You usually cannot see the bug that causes scabies.

> Sometimes the only way that you can see it is in a piece of skin

> placed under a microscope. The doctor suspects scabies when

> you have little bumps between your fingers, in your armpits and

> groin, at your belt line or on your back and chest. The usual

> treatment is permethrin cream applied to cover your entire body

> for 12 hours. If you still have itching, your doctor may prescribe a

> single pill called Ivermectin. Check with your doctor or a

> dermatologist.





> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/10/03 1:00:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

jbmistletoe@... writes:

> www.Scorecard.org

very interesting site, found a site by my parents house(where I grew up) that

is an active superfund site for contaminating ground water. Possibly explain

why every home around my parents including my mom at least one family member

has gotten breast cancer (for women)and died, colon and stomach cancer in

the men. all of these people have lived in their homes at least 20 plus years.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Cooky,

Flax seed would be just fine for her to take while pregnant. It's a very

healthy food item for everyone to have in their diet. I'd also advise her

to eat smaller meals more frequently, avoid anything too fatty or spicy and

not to lie down for at least a couple of hours after eating.



rheumatic off topic

> Hi Group,


> My daughter is pregnant and has acid refux really bad. Does anyone know if

> you can take flax seed when pregnant? ...

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Hi Cooky,

Is your daughter drinking her eight glasses of water a day? That usually

helps with reflux.


> Hi Group,


> My daughter is pregnant and has acid refux really bad. Does anyone know if

> you can take flax seed when pregnant? Or if you have any other suggestions I

> am open to all. She has used pepeprmint gum with fair results but can't find

> gum with natural sugar..only sugar free. Acidophilis helps also but not all

> the time.


> Also anybody into Doc Mercolla....cod liver oil has Vit A in it and so does

> her prenatal vits. Too much A for babies is not good. Any solutions?? I

> would ask him but do not know how to get a question to him...anyone know

> how?


> thanks a bunch,



> cooky





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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


That is so scary! Thank God she is ok.

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Angie Pope " <apope04@c...>




> I just want to remind everyone the importance of anchoring items to

the wall. My 2 1/2 year old dear devil decided to climb a bookshelf

this afternoon. The bookshelf fell over and landed right on top of

her. Thank God there was nothing real heavy on it. She did end up

with some scrapes on her legs. Also a nasty bump on her forehead,

above her eye and below her eye. Also some scrapes on her nose.

After a trip to the emergency room, she is okay. The hospital

stressed how lucky she was. They said to spread the word on

anchoring items to the wall. Thank goodness her eye is okay.


> She is my youngest of 3 and the most daring. I just wanted to

share our story to prevent it from happening to others.


> Thank you for listening.


> Angie & Jenna(STAR grad and dare devil)

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Thanks . Her eye is still swollen today. I feel so bad. It was the 1

bookshelf we missed when anchoring. Thank goodness it just had light things

on it. The bad thing is she didn't learn anything. A few hours after

getting home she was climbing on top of the kitchen counters. I just hope

her story prevents it from happening to others.

Angie and Jenna

Re: Off topic

> Angie,

> That is so scary! Thank God she is ok.



> >

> >

> > I just want to remind everyone the importance of anchoring items to

> the wall. My 2 1/2 year old dear devil decided to climb a bookshelf

> this afternoon. The bookshelf fell over and landed right on top of

> her. Thank God there was nothing real heavy on it. She did end up

> with some scrapes on her legs. Also a nasty bump on her forehead,

> above her eye and below her eye. Also some scrapes on her nose.

> After a trip to the emergency room, she is okay. The hospital

> stressed how lucky she was. They said to spread the word on

> anchoring items to the wall. Thank goodness her eye is okay.

> >

> > She is my youngest of 3 and the most daring. I just wanted to

> share our story to prevent it from happening to others.

> >

> > Thank you for listening.

> >

> > Angie & Jenna(STAR grad and dare devil)





> For more plagio info

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  • 6 months later...

I take three milligrams at bedtime and find it is very helpful. I also avoid all caffeine after noon and have very little in the morning as well. Melatonin is effective within 15 to 30 minutes of taking it, and is effective the first night. You can use it to "train" yourself to fall asleep better. It doesn't MAKE you sleep, it encourages natural sleep.

[low dose naltrexone] OFF topic

Is there anyone here on melatonin and if so how many mgs do you take and how long did it take to start working? I took some last night and it (sublingual melatonin) had the effect of sucking on a mint :( Approx. had 1 1/2 hrs sleep last night and am desperate to improve that.Kathy H.

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Thanks for responding . Guess I'll have to pursue something else

cause it didn't work for me. There is effexor that did work; actually

just made me feel very normal, mood wise, less anxiety and a fairly

good sleep. Just didn't want to go the pharmaceutical route

again....but sometimes its needed.

Kathy H

On 18-Jan-05, at 7:01 PM, wrote:





















> <l.gif>




> •



> •



> •



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I checked this out at snopes.com and have pasted in a short excerpt from

their detailed explanation and opinion about the warning. For more info, go

to http://www.snopes.com/



The item quoted above is another example of a " crime warning " message that

is difficult to classify as either true or false. The scenarios it describes

are possible, and someone, somewhere, might very well have been victimized

by them, but on the other hand the message provides no details of time,

place, or person, to use in verifying these tales, and the scenarios

proffered are generally too implausible to be of much legitimate concern to

the average person.

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Cooky, I hope you don't think I was being critical of you for sending this.

Not at all. But I thought a check at one of the " urban legend " sites would

be good. (I've been criticized by personal contacts in the past for not

checking something out and I ended up with egg on my face, so that's why I'm

careful now. But I did send it on to my personal list.) As the blurb on

snopes.com points out, it's probably an awakening to a lot of people to keep

tabs on their credit cards and not be careless with them. I appreciated the

alert, to tell you the truth, and I'm sure everyone else did too. Thanks!


Re: rheumatic off topic



> I checked this out at snopes.com and have pasted in a short excerpt from

> their detailed explanation and opinion about the warning. For more info,

> go

> to http://www.snopes.com/


> Ellen





> The item quoted above is another example of a " crime warning " message

> that

> is difficult to classify as either true or false. The scenarios it

> describes

> are possible, and someone, somewhere, might very well have been victimized

> by them, but on the other hand the message provides no details of time,

> place, or person, to use in verifying these tales, and the scenarios

> proffered are generally too implausible to be of much legitimate concern

> to

> the average person.





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