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Baby dies after 9 vaccines in 1 day

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How about sending this article to your representatives on the rightside

of your state's page at

www.nvicadvocacy.org ?

It would be good to open up the education of these seemingly ignorant

senators and representatives.

In Idaho, it would be good to sunset I.C. 39-4805 THIS YEAR.

Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day By

England | January 19th, 2012 | Category:


Top Stories |

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Babies and Lesly Sirjacobs

The end of last year was masked with sadness for Belgium parents Raphaël

Sirjacobs & Béatrice Dupont, as their nine week old daughter

Sirjacobs lost her fight for life. died just one week after her

first vaccinations and left her twin sister Lesly behind. Devastated by

their loss their parents are convinced that vaccines and hospital

failures were the cause of their beautiful daughters death.

and Lesly were born one month premature by Caesarean section and

spent the next four days in an incubator. needed resuscitation at


Following medical advice parents Sirjacobs and Dupont decided to have the

twins vaccinated. was slightly unwell with a cold on the day of her

vaccinations but doctors assured her parents that it was safe to give her

the vaccinations.

(It is worth noting that there is a history of Sudden Infant Death and

allergies in the family. The twins were being prescribed a milk

supplement due to a milk allergy at the time became ill)

The twins received Prevenar, a vaccine against meningitis and

pneumonia, Infanrix Hexa, a six in one vaccination for diphtheria,

tetanus, polio, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus type B, and

finally the Rotarix, a preventive vaccine for gastroenteritis.

This means that these tiny vulnerable babies received a staggering nine

vaccines in one day, vaccines that may have caused one of them to


A week after her vaccinations became unwell with a fever of 39.9

degrees C. Her parents decided to administer Perdolan to lower her fever.

As their daughter was still very poorly they called the hospital who

advised them to bring their daughter in.

The medical staff diagnosed with a slight chest infection and

infection in her blood and told her parents not to worry as this was

“not serious”. was then given medication and put on a drip

feed and kept in for observation.

’s father informed me that all links to the vaccines were strongly


Despite having a heartbeat of 200 to 230 beats per minute

the pediatrician told her parents that she was fine and that she

was probably suffering from gastroenteritis (an illness that this little

girl had been vaccinated against!).

The worried couple decided not to leave their daughter and remained by

her bedside. During the evening they informed the nurse that their

daughter had diarrhea but to their astonishment, they were told that the

baby had been changed and they were to let her get some sleep and change

her when she woke up.

During the night, continued to suffer ‘abnormal diarrhea’,

and despite frantic pleas from her parents the nurse refused to do

anything, even though by this time was restless and in obvious

distress. ’s father says that they reported to nursing staff that

was covered in small red spots and had difficulty


According to ’s father, ’s medical records states that at

19.45 a doctor telephoned his brother to ask his permission to

do a lumbar puncture and put on the antibiotic Ampire, while

they were awaiting the results. Authorization was denied …

died a short time later.

’s father says: (translated from French by Google


“The nurse 23h phone to the pediatrician to inform him that the little

is worse, this one happens to 11:45 p.m. ET begins to make attempts

at resuscitation. He informed at the time the parents that the baby is

not breathing on their own, and asks them to leave the room. Would follow

three hours, during which everything is sought to revive the girl, who is

declared dead at 3am. But in fact, the heart stopped beating at


The pediatrician then began to explain to parents that the little one

died of sepsis and meningitis, while in order to make such a diagnosis,

it would have had to do a lumbar puncture which was not performed, or

that would have required at least one blood culture or stool, the results

will not be known until 3 or 4 days”.

’s death was recorded as: Meningitis.

It is interesting and extremely sad that this little girl died of an

illness that she was vaccinated against just one week before she died. It

is obvious from the information that I have from the father that this

tiny vulnerable baby was left to suffer in considerable pain, dirty and

in distress, whilst the pleas of her parents were ignored.

Vaccinations are administered to a child based on the age of the child

from the day that they are born. Due to the advances in medicine, babies

are being saved at an earlier and earlier stage in their development. We

know that was born at approx one month premature, which means that

she was given her eight week old vaccinations at just a month old; she

was also unwell at the time she was vaccinated. It is my opinion that her

small immature immune system could not cope with the onslaught of deadly

toxins and chemicals that are in our vaccines today.

’s devastated parents are so outraged by what they have discovered

since their baby’s death, that they are now asking the world to join them

in a worldwide protest. They want the world to hold a global event in

memory of and the many hundreds of children that have been killed

or injured by vaccinations worldwide. They feel that vaccine deaths are

being covered up and ask the citizens of the world to stand united for

one day against vaccine damage. They say:

We are the parents of , who died a week after HER first vaccines;

we are organizing a global event in honor of , Nova and all other

vaccine victims worldwide. We are summoning every citizen of every

country to take to the streets in their own cities, towns and villages:

things must now change!

Remember to invite local journalists, the media and any victims or

parents of victims prepared to tell their story. Make placards, banners


The event is to be held on the January 20th 2012. If it is not

possible for you to attend one of the many protests that are being held,

then perhaps you could go along to your local church and light a candle

to register your protest at what is happening around the world.

Sirjacobs and Dupont are right; something radical does need to be done to

make the authorities listen to parents

Vaccine deaths are being reported around the world at an alarming rate.

In May 2010 The Times of India (2) reported that 128 deaths had occurred

during the previous year and the figure appeared to be rising with each

year. Their report suggested that the Indian government was covering up

vaccine deaths. Arun Ram reporting for the Times wrote:

“The government tries to pass on every death as unrelated to vaccine.

It sometimes merely does a culture of the vaccine in question. Just

because a vaccine is not found to be contaminated, it doesn’t mean the

vaccine has not caused the death,” says Dr Puliyel.

In March 2011 Neil Z miller (3) wrote that in the USA more than 2,000

babies died after receiving pneumococcal and Hib vaccines and yet nothing

whatsoever was done. He reported that whilst these vaccines were

suspended in Japan after just four deaths, the news of over 2000 deaths

in the USA was barely even reported. According to Offit had

called the Japanese authorities foolish, saying that the babies probably

died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In fact he passed their

deaths off as anything he could, except the vaccines that is.


According to Offit, media spokesperson for the vaccine industry,

“the Japanese Ministry of Health was foolish to suspend the Hib and

pneumococcal programs.” Offit thinks the deaths were probably caused by

SIDS, or underlying conditions, or another cause – anything except the

vaccines. Often, children get sick and die by chance.

Actually, Offit could be right, many of the vaccinated babies

could be dying as a result of SIDS because in May 2011 an interesting

article hit the internet by storm stating that a study published in the

Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology found that the

countries that administered the highest number of vaccines during the

first year of life experienced higher infant mortality rates.


This is not new because studies have been stating that vaccines were

causing children to die for many years.

The Pourcyrous study (5) was the first study to examine the impact of

multi-vaccinations on the immature brain. It is clear from the results of

this study that the more vaccines a child has, the larger impact the

vaccines have on the child’s brain. Massroor Pourcyrous, MD,

Sheldon B. Korones, MD, Kristopher L. Arheart PhD, Henrietta

S. Bada, MD studied 239 preterm infants who were given either a single

vaccine or multiple vaccines, their results are as follows:

Abnormal elevation of CRP level occurred in 85% of infants

administered multiple vaccines and up to 70% of those given a single

vaccine. Overall, 16% of infants had vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory

events within 48 hours postimmunization. In logistic regression analysis,

abnormal CRP values were associated with multiple vaccines (OR, 15.77;

95% CI 5.10-48.77) and severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (OR,

2.28; 95% CI 1.02-5.13). Cardiorespiratory events were associated

marginally with receipt of multiple injections (OR, 3.62; 95% CI

0.99-13.25) and significantly with gastroesophageal reflux (GER) (OR,

4.76; 95% CI 1.22-18.52).

This study has had so much impact that it has now being quoted in

papers and books on adverse reactions to vaccines and SIDS


As today saw the news that yet another vaccine is to be added to babies

vaccine schedule, the Meningitis B vaccine (6), we to ask ourselves how

many ’s will it take before action is taken?

This article has been written in memory of Sirjacobs and the many

hundreds of babies who have lost their life after receiving what the

governments tell us are ‘safe vaccines’.

http://vactruth.com/2012/01/19/baby-dies-after-first-shots/?utm_source=The+Vaccine+Truth+Newsletter & utm_campaign=5911ebe732-09_05_2011_O%27Shea & utm_medium=email


1. Citizen Action for Uncensored Vaccine Information and Freedom of

Vaccination Choice – 20th January 2012


2. Daily reporting on The Times of India article written by Ron


3. Neil Z


4. New Study: More Vaccines Increase Infant Mortality Rates


5. The Pourcyrous Study The Journal of Pediatrics


6. Daily Mail – New vaccine against deadly meningitis B ‘will be

available in the spring’ by Hope


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start January 11

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