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Only trusted research will quell vaccine fears - by Framson

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Only trusted research will quell vaccine fears

Parents, others worry that the next bad drug is being

used nowBy Framson

Mar 8, 2012


Latham once said, “Truth in all its kinds is most difficult to win

and truth in medicine is the most difficult of all.”

For just a moment, can all those in and out of medicine who consider

themselves knowledgeable and informed say to themselves, “so


Problems that plague medicine, medical science and research have created

an enter-at-your-own-risk system to health and well being. Dysfunctional

peer-review, dangerous and unnecessary interventions, ghost writing,

conflicts of interest, the revolving door between industry and

regulation, clinical trials designed by marketing departments, medical

journals that serve their pharmaceutical industry advertisers and

statistical manipulations all contribute to dangerous problems for the


Yet parents are asked, in spite of all the above, to believe that the

mass vaccination program is immune from medicine’s plague. The grab ‘em

and stab ‘em, as one physician puts it, the one-size-fits-all approach to

vaccinating every child in this country with 49 doses of 14 vaccines

before the age of 6 is not pristine or pure as fallen snow.

When a parent questions the methodology of a vaccination study published

in a peer-reviewed medical journal, touted in the media as safe and

effective, the pejoratives of “anti-vaccine” or “anti-science” darts


Why should anyone accept these studies after they compare adverse

reactions for a new vaccine vs. placebo and buried in the study is the

fact that the “placebo,” usually a biologically inert substance, is

another experimental vaccine?

Were similar characterizations applied to those who questioned the safety

of Vioxx, Avandia, PhenPhen or HRT? Are those questioning repeated

concussions in football, anti-football? Are those who recognize there are

problems for some with yoga, anti-yoga? In spite of the Hippocratic oath,

to do no harm, the next Vioxx is likely, already being prescribed by


One in four parents think vaccines cause autism, and aren’t buying the

scientifically irrelevant, methodologically flawed studies. Riddled with

conflicts of interest, studies supposedly exonerating the vaccination

connection to neurological, behavioral, immune and gastrointestinal

disorders don’t match what parents see in real life.

Fifty-four percent of parents are worried about serious adverse effects

caused by vaccines.

At the same time, an interesting comment was made at a recent

international vaccination conference: “By recognizing that the two groups

that know the most about immunization are the policy makers on the one

hand and the anti-vaccination [there’s that pejorative again] lobby on

the other ...” First, there is no lobby. Second, there is only a growing

number of educated, scientifically literate parents who know the most

about the science and politics of vaccines. They also know the most about

their children.

These parents are dedicated to the safety of their children and are

entrusted to above all else, “first do no harm.” They aren’t going to

allow their children to be “Vioxxed” or “Gardasized” by Merck or by mass

vaccination products and policies which pose a reckless disregard for the

long-term health of each and every child.

The parents aren’t the problem. The problem is the problem. It’s not the


For example, blaming parents and unvaccinated children for the recurrent

cyclical nature of bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) infections is

scientifically unsupportable. The more likely explanation can be

attributable to 1) the temporary short-term immunity of as little as

three years, for the pertussis vaccine, 2) studies suggesting the

occurrence of the natural evolution of b. pertussis and 3) the misapplied

concept of herd immunity because of the first two reasons.

For evidence that this is happening, look to the story that received

national attention. The 2010 Southern California outbreak of whooping

cough found, “the bulk of the outbreak was in vaccinated and fully

vaccinated up-to-date children.”

Research in the Netherlands suggests that b. pertussis is in a process of

evolution, adapting to the pertussis vaccination.

When public health officials or pediatricians pressure parents for their

children to join “the herd,” many parents see a herd with increasing

numbers of children afflicted with chronic disease, children with a

multitude of learning disabilities, severe neurological and behavioral

disorders, immune system impairment, and chronic and novel inflammatory

gastrointestinal disease in staggering numbers unseen 20 years


School budgets are collapsing under the weight of services for special

education. By no stretch of the imagination is “the herd”


For more than a decade, parents have been asking for genuine

independently conducted health outcome studies comparing the vaccinated

vs. the unvaccinated which, to date, has fallen on deaf ears. There is

not one single study demonstrating that the current recommended

vaccination schedule is safe for all children.

Until such studies are conducted, free of the multitude of corrupting

influences in science, parents will be well advised to do their own

thorough research on all vaccines that the U.S. Supreme Court has

described as “unavoidably unsafe.”

Framson of Medford does volunteer work in Oregon for the National

Vaccine Information Center.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start March 1 & 8

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