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The Attack On Pregnant Mothers Escalates, by Suzanne Humphries, MD

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Attack On Pregnant Mothers Escalates, by Suzanne Humphries,

MD– February 29, 2012Posted in:




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Obstetricians and primary care physicians throughout the world will

no-doubt, be lauding the result of a recent publication, “Neonatal

outcomes after influenza immunization during pregnancy: a randomized

controlled trial,” which can be downloaded free at the time of this

publication HERE, and the abstract can be viewed HERE. This study will be

cited by doctors, advisory panels, and pharmaceutical drug reps., as they

work to increase the vaccination rate, and sales, using pregnant mothers

as receptacles.

Expectant mothers will be told that getting a flu shot, while they are

pregnant is not only safe, but will protect from one of the possible

consequences of influenza while pregnant – low birth weight.

How many doctors will ever read the abstract, let alone the full text? In

the hectic environment of medical practice, they will take someone else’s

word for it, and reassure unsuspecting mothers that the vaccine is the

way to go.

There are several serious problems with this study, the least of which is

that it was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and several

pharmaceutical companies. Bill did, after all declare this the “decade of

vaccination,” after delivering a check in the amount of 10 Billion

dollars to make it happen. Much of his donation is hitting India and

Africa in the form of oral polio vaccines, and vaccine trucks to reach

remote villages. Now, influenza vaccines for pregnant mothers is on the

way into the pipeline. Rumor has it that he is a candidate for a NOBEL

PRIZE, for providing millions of infants and children with live oral

polio vaccines. Well, it seems the fetus is now on his radar and this new

article displays the misinformation typical of the rally to inject

pregnant mothers with untested vaccines. This article references the main

study, which was also funded by his foundation.

Before too many doctors take the infotainment about this study at face

value, let’s review some of the issues in design and


Problem number one: This study is lauded as a “randomized

controlled trial.” Most unsuspecting doctors, upon seeing the title will

think that this study met bench-mark gold-standard design criteria for

validity. After all, we’ve been told that the best way to test an

intervention is through this type of study.

By definition, a randomized controlled trial is: A study design that

randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control

group. As the study is conducted, the only expected difference between

the control and experimental groups in a randomized controlled trial

(RCT) is the outcome variable being studied. The variables being studied

should be the only variables between the experimental group and the

control group.

The problem with calling this study ‘controlled,’ lies in what is

used as the control. Hold onto your hats folks, because you are going to

love this…the control injection for the other half of this study

population was a 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine given to mothers in their

third trimester – the one where heart valves, thyroid, adrenal glands,

muscles, lungs, brain, eyes and nervous systems are maturing, and

testicles are descending. By now most of us are not shocked, because this

is part-and-parcel with the smoke-and-mirrors pseudo-science of

vaccinology, and the integrity of those involved.

The other question is, is there a ‘variable’ between the two groups? If

both groups are being vaccinated, how can the difference be assessed, in

terms of safety, adverse outcomes, and protection from infection? They

are comparing granny smith to golden delicious, where in a controlled

study, the idea is to compare apples to no-apples.

So to summarize, there were 340 pregnant women in the study, done by –

get this…”the Mother’s Gift project.” Half of the mothers, in their third

trimester received an inactivated influenza vaccine and the other half

received a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine as the

“control.” Hopefully, by now you are starting to get annoyed. If not,

keep reading. After the infants were born, they were again injected with

influenza vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine.

Problem number two: The study was, for some reason done in

Bangladesh, and it was a secondary analysis of data generated from the

ORIGINAL STUDY, to evaluate the immunogenicity of pneumococcal

vaccination on pregnant mothers and infants.

At baseline, almost a quarter of babies (24%) in Bangladesh are born with

LOW BIRTH WEIGHT. In contrast, in the USA approximately 8.2% of

pregnancies result in low birth weight. In the developing world, low

birth weight stems from deficiencies in maternal health and

nutrition, and only rarely – from influenza infections. There is no

Bangladesh-specific reference for gestational age, so, the authors note;

“we used a North American standard.” Most thoughtful people would

consider that Bangladeshi infants are overall smaller than American,

European, Canadian etc. infants, and that a standard used on them ought

to be their own, not a North American standard. Granted, Bangladesh has a

very high INFANT MORTALITY RATE, ranked at number 47, compared to 167 in

the USA as of 2011. Bangladesh is the eighth most populous country in the

world and, after only a few microstates and small island nations, has the

highest population density. In such a densely populated country, it

should be easy to enroll enough mothers to have a true control group,

don’t you think? It seems to me that there are far more benevolent and

effective means to help the Bangladeshis, especially given that we know

nothing of the longer-term effects on the child for these vaccines – and

that nobody is planning to look.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking…? “Why don’t Bill and Melinda spill

billions of dollars into improving living conditions and implementing

programs that would assure sustainable nutrition, clean water, and

sanitation in the third world, rather than vaccinating anything with two

legs?” So now, what do you think of generalizing these results to the

rest of the world?

There are some other noteworthy issues in this study. Namely, it states

that there were NO differences in the numbers of stillbirths between the

groups. But clearly listed in Figure 1, there were 3 stillbirths in the

influenza-vaccinated group and none in the pneumococcal-vaccinated group.

That’s three stillbirths out of 172 or 1.7 percent. In addition, there

were eight infants excluded from data evaluation in the influenza group

and one in the pneumococcal group. As always, I must wonder why these

infants were excluded and what the data would look like with that 4.6% of

infants included.

Apparently, the marvelous effect of the influenza vaccine was not

profound enough just looking at the pneumococcal vs. influenza vaccines,

so they further divided the groups by influenza season vs. non-season,

thus shrinking the final evaluation group down to 58 infants. In the

analysis of the groups during influenza season, the results showed a mean

birth weight of 3178 g in the influenza vaccine group, which was a

whopping 7% higher than 2978 g in the control (pneumococcal vaccinated)

group. But here’s the kicker; low birth weight in USA is considered less

than 2500 g, so, the mean in this sham-study group (influenza) didn’t

even meet the criteria for low birth weight. But rest assured, this

vaccine will be offered, probably along with the 23-valent pneumococcal

vaccine, and vigorously pushed upon pregnant mothers all over the world –

with the promise of having a nice big healthy baby. But what of the

toddler, or the teenager? Today, the WHO is trying to solve problems

regarding MYSTERIOUS DISEASES in children aged 5-15, and they don’t seem

to be turning up any answers. How many of these children do you think

have had their immune systems destroyed by previous vaccinations? And

will the WHO even consider that vaccines could be the a contributing


The package insert for influenza vaccine, as it reads now, says:

* Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women

or nursing mothers.

* In a clinical study of children <3 years of age, antibody titers

were lower after FLUARIX than after an active comparator.

*There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant

women. *Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of

human response, FLUARIX should be given to a pregnant woman only if

clearly needed.

*In a reproductive and developmental toxicity study, the effect of

safety and efficacy have not been established in pregnant women.

…AND will stay just as it is. Who reads it anyway, besides a parent

after a vaccine has destroyed their child’s life…hopefully in time to

protect the next child?

The authors conclude:

“The pneumococcal vaccine that was used as a control may have had an

independent positive effect on the outcomes among infants. If that were

the case, the observed difference between the two vaccine groups would be

an underestimate of the true effect of influenza vaccine compared with


But that’s an assumption. My question would be, “Did the influenza

vaccine increase that baby’s weight or did the pneumococcal

vaccine decrease the ‘placebo’ baby’s weight?” If the pneumococcal

vaccine had negative effects, then that would minimize the observed

effects seen in the influenza-vaccinated group. We’ll never know, unless

someone funds a true placebo study, preferably on rats, not pregnant

Bangladeshi mothers and their infants.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


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