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Son's physical done

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So I took my 17 year old son for his sports physical, which means a regular physical from soup to nuts. Literally--haha. We saw the nurse practitioner--very nice woman. Now, one thing I have a real issue with is when doctors write in big letters across the vaccine section of the health form "REFUSED"--as if I'm supposed to get them and just won't. When I handed them the form before going in, I pointed out that I already checked off "religious exemption" and asked that they write "DECLINED" rather than "refused." Happily, when the time came she instead wrote "Immunizations not given." I like that! I even had them write in that he had chicken pox when he was little so when the dreaded outbreak comes, he won't be evicted from school.

Then for the visit. She did all the usual physical checking then asked if I minded if she went over "the rest" while I waited in the other room. I said, Oh, kind of. I'll stay right here, thanks (having already warned my son that he was not to argue this, or to admit to having any problems at all because it can be held against you by insurance companies for pre-existing conditions--going through this now with another son). She said something about it being okay with him (hello? He's a minor). He was mute. Good boy.

She proceeded to ask him, very nicely I will say, questions about drinking, drugs, sexual activity etc. which I found unnecessary for anyone to know just so he could throw shotput for track. I was happy when he brushed over some he wasn't comfortable answering, and praised him afterwards for knowing he wasn't obliged to answer. He told me earlier maybe I should leave when they checked his nether regions and I said no way, they won't let me back in until they have their way with you and last time they gave you the TB test. I'll look the other way, and did.

Vaccines. She acknowledged our not vaccinating, then spoke about HPV. What a surprise. Said when she worked in a clinic she was shocked at how many kids had it--80% (of the ones who come in with symptoms, obviously). She did say the vaccine only covers four strains but if he were to get HPV, they'd have no way of knowing which kind it would be--I'm not sure what her point was. I'd think that would be a reason not to get the vaccine since IF he got HPV, it was unlikely to be covered by the vaccine.

I try to stay on good terms so I briefly discussed it. "Oh, I'm glad you brought this up. He does need to be aware and since I don't believe the vaccine works, it's not an option, and he has to know it's up to him to protect himself because nothing else will. I said that we know that about 90% of people who get HPV clear it naturally (she admitted this was true) so it shouldn't be a problem anyway. I added, and the HPV vaccine is one of the most dangerous vaccines out there. HPV, Hep B and pertussis--and I looked at my son and said I would never, ever let you get those most dangerous of all vaccines for any reason. Nothing more was said.

My son was more annoyed that she thought he needed more calcium just because he doesn't drink milk. "I'm 6'3." My bones are obviously growing just fine." He added that he and his kids will never get a vaccine, that he's more against them than I am (?!?).

Got the form. Didn't leave feeling harassed about vaccines any more than usual.


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