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Petition now translated into French - please share

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Hi all,Our petition to try and get the government to stop discriminating against families who have chosen not to vaccinate has now been translated into French by one of our very dedicated supporters. I have added the text to the bottom of our petition on change.org (http://www.change.org/petitions/do-not-penalise-parents-by-2100-for-choosing-not-to-vaccinate-their-children) and would really appreciate your sharing this with your English and French speaking friends and family. I would love to get this up to 5,000 signatures before the end of March when we are sending a delegation to Canberra to try and get amendments introduced to legislation to support free and informed vaccination choice. Below is the text in both English and French.Thanks,MerylStop discriminating against families who don't vaccinate (Bi-lingual - English and French)Greetings,I just signed the following petition addressed to: The Commonwealth of Australia.----------------Stop discriminating against families who don't vaccinateVaccination is not compulsory for children in Australia. It is still a parent's legal right to choose not to vaccinate or to vaccinate selectively. Therefore, the recent policy announced by Health Minister Nicola Roxon (http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/inject-children-or-lose-money/story-e6frea8c-1226205819461) to penalise families who have made this choice by withholding over $2,100 in financial entitlements is discriminatory and potentially unconstitutional.Minister Roxon claims she is concerned about the increase of whooping cough and claims to "... know that immunisation is fundamental to a child's lifelong health."The fact is that we already have the highest level of childhood vaccination we have ever had in Australia - over 95%. Despite this, we have had an increase of over 10,000% in the incidence of whooping cough!There are a few questions that this government needs to answer before they even consider bribing parents to vaccinate and withholding funds from those who don't:1- Why are these vaccines not working? Why have there been no independent studies comparing the health of the fully vaccinated vs the fully unvaccinated?2- Why has the Australian government refused the AVN's request to enact legislation to ensure that we have mandatory reporting of the vaccination status of those presenting with 'vaccine-preventable' diseases? How can we possibly tell if vaccines are working unless we know how many vaccinated individuals are getting the diseases they are supposedly immune to?3- Why has the Australian government refused the request of both the AVN and the AMA that we enact legislation making it compulsory to report reporting adverse reactions to all vaccines with independent follow-up of all serious reaction reports?Our current 'passive' reporting system omits approximately 99% of all reaction reports and has no independent oversight system in place for investigating these events.Only when this information is available will society start to realise the true efficacy and safety of these vaccines. Trying to penalise parents without full access to this information is not only discriminatory - it is also unscientific.Meryl DoreyAustralian Vacciantion Network, Inc.----------------Sincerely,Thank you to one of our dedicated members who has translated this petition into French. I very much appreciate their help in ensuring that this petition will be understood by a sector of our society that might not otherwise be able to learn this information. Meryl DoreyDes parents Australiens choisissent de ne pas faire vacciner leurs enfants -Nous demandons qu’ils ne soient pas pénalisés d’une somme de 2.100 dollars !La vaccination des enfants n’est pas obligatoire en Australie. C’est le droit le plus strict des parents de choisir de vacciner ou de ne pas vacciner leurs enfants.La politique actuelle annoncée par la Ministre de la Santé N. Roxon de pénaliser de 2.100 dollars les familles qui ont fait le choix de ne pas vacciner est à la fois discriminatoire et anticonstitutionnelle.La Ministre Roxon dit s’inquiéter de l’accroissement des cas de coqueluche. Elle prétend également savoir «que la vaccination est fondamentale pour la santé des enfants tout au cours de leur vie ».Il est un fait qu’en Australie nous avons les taux les plus hauts de vaccinations jamais connus : plus de 95%.En dépit de ce fait nous avons enregistré une augmentation de plus de 10.OOO% des cas de coqueluche !Le gouvernement doit d’abord répondre à quelques questions avant d’envisager de retirer de l’argent à ceux qui ne vaccinent pas.1. Pourquoi ces vaccins ne sont-ils pas efficaces ? Pourquoi ne dispose-t-on pas d’études indépendantes qui compareraient la santé des enfants ayant reçu toutes les vaccinations à des enfants qui n’ont jamais été vaccinés.2. Pourquoi le gouvernement a-t-il refusé la demande de l’AVN de promulguer une loi visant à rendre obligatoire la déclaration du statut de ceux qui souffrent des maladies sensées être évitées par les vaccinations. Comment serait-il possible de prétendre queles vaccinations sont efficaces si on continue d’ignorer combien d’individus vaccinés ont fait la maladie que le vaccin était senséprévenir ?3. Pourquoi le gouvernement australien a-t-il refusé les demandes de l’AVN et de l’AMA d’une législation rendant obligatoire la déclaration des effets secondaires de toutes les vaccinations avec une vaccino vigilance indépendante concernant toutes les réactions graves.Notre système actuel de vaccino vigilance laisse en fait dans l’ombre 99% de tous les effets secondaires. Il n’existe non plus aucun système indépendant de surveillance.L’efficacité et la sécurité des vaccins ne sera claire pour la société qu’à partir du moment où ces informations seront disponibles. Tenter de pénaliser les parents sans qu’il leur soit accordé la possibilité d’accéder à toutes ces informations est non seulement discriminatoire, mais aussi anti scientifique.Meryl DoreyS’il vous plait, faites parvenir cette pétition à tous vos amis et connaissances, à tous ceux qui ont des enfantshttp://www.change.org/petitions/do-not-penalise-parents-by-2100-for-choosing-not-to-vaccinate-their-children

Meryl Dorey,SpokespersonThe Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.Investigate before you vaccinateEditor,Living Wisdom MagazineFamily, Health, EnvironmentPO Box 177BANGALOW NSW 2479AUSTRALIAhttp://www.avn.org.auhttp://www.living-wisdom.comPhone: 02 6687 1699 FAX 02 6687 2032skype: ivmmagFreedom is not merely the opportunity to do as one pleases; neither is it merely the opportunity to choose between set alternatives. Freedom is, first of all, the chance to formulate the available choices, to argue over them -- and then, the opportunity to choose. - C. MillsThe authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin. - Gloria SteinemWe rely on the help and support of our members and subscribers to continue offering our services freely and without prejudice.Please consider helping us by subscribing to Living Wisdom and renewing your membership promptly if you are already an AVN member. Go to http://www.avn.org.au to subscribe or renew.We also sell books, videos and DVDs on vaccination and other health issues. Go to http://shop.avn.org.au/ for more details.PS - all of our subscriptions are currently on sale until December 24th. Our digital (online delivery) subscription is 50% off. Please check out the information at http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs082/1101800214009/archive/1108706073097.html

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