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revised...Comment on......How the Medical Profession Covered Up Vaccine Injuries and Called it ‘Child Abuse’

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Comment on......How the Medical Profession Covered Up Vaccine Injuries

and Called it ‘Child Abuse’ ..........from



This site is on a roll; keep rolling! Nothing but the truth.

Being this is Valentines day, I wanted to share this amazing information.

Although not related to the articles content, it is related to vaccines

and biomedical treatment.


Mainstream, and the CDC has and would tell the public; " oh don't be

an internet mom, or parent; and don't listen to nor consider the unproven

misinformation that's out there on vaccines. Really? Misinformation? As

if the public is as to the reality in front of them, and as to their

mainstream claimed to science, to uneducated to determine fact from

fiction. They would have us believe that only professionals like they

are, can determine the facts about the risks and the benefits. Of course,

no matter how many no liability vaccines they add to the schedule, there

is still no problem with anything anywhere; ever. The benefits they say,

always out weight the minuscule level of risks. They discount VAERS, and

as well as what the federal NVCA has paid out. They would have us believe

that millions have been vaccinated without a problem, and millions have

been saved. And their evidence as to all of that, is what? The World

Health Organization claimed to numbers? And where is the science and/or

evidence based proof that the WHO has?

We keep hearing, polio has been nearly eradicated in Africa, Nigera, and

India; while the real story is that the polio virus has mutated and that

vaccine caused polio is on the rise.

When they want to claim to the proof of something, the proof of absence

is all they need; right? Well, who could possibly refute that? This is

their rock and claimed to science; lock, stock and barrel; with little

more to it than pharma clinical trials showing an increase in antibodies

to such as a virus, as result of an injected antigen. An antigen with a

host of other toxic ingredients added. But is it all as simple as that

antibodies equal immunity? Try and find some their hard core science on

that? Where is it? How many people have they ever followed up on? Here

exists the elephant in the room, they refuse to see; while as well

ignoring every outbreak and the existence of illness vaccinated for in a

fully vaccinated individual. This means nothing to them and it never


Until you see the reality of the real history of such as polio vaccine,

which the powers that be at the time, covered up; and the same thing with

small pox vaccine. If you never look or refuse to consider any of the

evidence; what is the result? Answer: continuance on the same failed

path, doing more damage than good. Continuance, despite the evidence. As

long as the CDC has not accepted the evidence of the fraud; then to the

typical denialists there is no such evidence existing. No matter what, it

can still ALL be denied, and all can yet remain rubber stamped as just a

nut job conspiracy theory. Out of sight and out of mind.

You see for them it works like this; the claimed proof of absents is

enough scientific proof of vaccine effectiveness; while yet claiming to

that the absents of proof, (CDC funded epidemiological studies), are all

they need to claim to that vaccines do not cause autism? Why are they

ignoring as well, all the studies on aluminum and aluminum adjuvants, (in

regard to immunological and neurological harm); which clearly are not in

their favor? After even the scandalous, Simpson Wood Conference,

and all the concern about mercury in childhood vaccines; (and the

eventual removal); why do they and would they continue to ignore the

potential affects of a thimersol containing flu vaccine, given to 1000's

of pregnant women, and/or their children? Why do they continue to ignore

the field of toxicology, period? Ask this? Is there any difference

between a chemist, and a toxicologist? Answer: a major difference. How

many toxicologists exist on the FDA and CDC advisory and decision boards;

which are a revolving door with the chemical/pharmaceutical industry? Yet

we keep on hearing the same old chant and drum continue to be beaten;

claiming, " We have all the science " , 'trust us " ; " we

have looked at everything, and there is NO problem " ? Add a little

more fear mongering to the cauldron, and " well...ahh " ; they

just keep lining up and questioning nothing.

The Number Needed to Vaccinate to Prevent Infant Pertussis

Hospitalization and Death Through Parent Cocoon Immunization


The real truth about what is going on.


So what it appears we have here is another Bordetella organism –

parapertussis – which also can cause whooping cough; and which is not in

the vaccine; while the strain of pertussis in the vaccine has mutated;

likely due to the vaccine. And instead of putting that in front of the

public in honesty, they mindlessly proceed to assault the family with the

same failed vaccine. Trust us!



The Latest Risky Fad to Hit Your Child's Pediatrician's Office


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start March 1 & 8

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