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End of California Exemption/ Newsletter

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from Tim O'Shea newsletter

newsletter follows




Didn't take much of a fortune teller to predict the attack on the

philosophical vaccine exemption in California, which I did in the

April 2011 Newsletter . But it's here, right now in

California. A week ago Bill AB2109 was proposed:

" AB2109 was

introduced on February 23, 2012 by Assembly Member Pan, a

Democrat physician.

" This bill, if passed, would require

parents to obtain the signature of a " health care

practitioner " for a personal beliefs/religious

exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants can

sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature

will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of

Public Health which states that the health care practitioner has provided

risk and benefit information to the parent. "

Wow. Do I see a compliment in there, hidden behind the academic

insult? They knew better than to include us DCs.

Let's see what actions are taken by any chiropractic organizations for

this slight.

Gonna save you a lot of time here, as far as what it all means and what's

going to happen. I went through all of this last year with the good

people of Washington State and Dawn Winkler, who organized opposition to

the exact same bill up there. Read my April 2011

Newsletter for details of that fiasco.

As predicted, Washington was the guinea pig state. Running

roughshod over the small amount of opposition, the bill became law in

just a few short months. In a flash of " why didn't we think of

this before? " since it was a virtually painless shoo-in, several

other states have introduced similar bills, chaired by the usual

mouthpieces for Big Pharma in their respective states. Campaign

coffers runneth over.

If California falls, the rest of the domino states are certain to fall in

the next 2 years. Remember - you read it here.

Once the informed minority of California parents who don't vaccinate get

over the initial outrage of 'how could they? " and " who do they

think they are? " , etc., there will be some amount of

grassroots petitions outside Whole Foods and facebook lists and emails

lists, etc., registering opposition. Which I will certainly be a

part of. And it might even get to the physical level of a small

group assembling at some point at the committee meeting in Sacramento

whose job it will be to ram this bill through.

But if that opposition is defused, deceived, and rudely ignored,

the bill will pass.

I will certainly participate in any opposition with every available

resource. But I know how this game is played. Wish I


Such a bill probably will have a much easier time being passed in

California than in Washington State. Washington has a much higher

percentage of informed parents who don't vaccinate than California, which

means a more informed public, and greater likelihood of opposition.

But all that is irrelevant.

Grassroots democracy is all but gone in California. Just ask the

people of ville how effective their recent referendum against

fluoridation was. Or any of a hundred other such stories

exemplifying the force of corporate quid pro quo's upon legislative

decisions which have significant economic consequences for vested

interests. Political outcomes guaranteed by corporate


Think you get the picture here without going all on you.

It's as old as Julius Caesar.

Let's remove the word vaccination from the whole discussion for a minute

here. Let's pretend this whole issue isn't about vaccines at all,

but rather about any other medical procedure. Got that


OK so then tell me, what kind of political system, or medical system

anywhere on earth would presume to make it a law for you to obtain

permission to opt out of any medical procedure, which decisions are

completely your choice in the first place? Permission not to

get medicine? See what I'm getting at here?

What’s next - permission not to be euthanized?

The lines begin to blur, as more and more we see government as

medicine and medicine as government.

Let us be very clear here. This new law is not about trying

to inform parents about the value of vaccines. That's the cover

story - the front, the mask they're using. No, it's really about

one thing and one thing only: making vaccine exemptions all but

impossible in California.

So much for the internal dialogue and connecting the dots.

See how much time I saved you? But what does it really mean to the

young parent who has just finished Vaccination Is Not Immunization

or some other well documented literature, and who has decided that no

vaccine will pollute the sacrosanct environment of their newborn's


Now it's going to cost them money and time to make an appointment

with a nurse " practitioner, " P.A., or MD to get permission to

protect their child. The health care practitioners are going to

take this opportunity to educate this poor deluded individual, who is so

recklessly putting the child at risk, etc. And those with weak

resolve will fall back, roll over, go with the flow, and inject the

hapless child.

It may well be that the above named 'health care' professionals

have no intention of signing anything. If they can't convince the

parent to vaccinate, the parent will leave with an unsigned document,

having just wasted their time and money. This is already happening

in Washington state.

The bill may well be passed in the next few months. To follow

the progress of the opposition and learn how to voice your opinion,

your best resource is certainly Dawn Winkler’s site:


So here are some practical suggestions on how to protect

your child's emerging immune system from this newest and most invidious

of legal/corporate machinations, should it pass:

1. Ask friends for an enlightened MD who signs the original

medical exemptions. Rare, but they're out there. These

exemptions are still valid. This is real one-stop shopping - end of


2. For the philosophical exemption, don't make an

appointment with someone where you don't know the outcome. If you

do, likely there will be no outcome. Except the needle.

They're waiting there with the needle. Which is why do DCs

or NDs can’t sign.

3. Under no circumstances take the child to the


4. Be impatient. Don't sit there politely and allow

them to spew forth endless mantras. They are insulting you by your

very presence. To them you are a reckless idiot, who is now

required by law to listen to their uninformed uneducated rambling.

Any parent who is ready to sign a vaccine exemption is manifestly more

educated than one of these marionettes at the very outset.

5. The information contained in Vaccination Is Not Immunization may

be helpful. They will say - oh that was only written by a

chiropractor. Irrelevant – it might have been written by a

shepherd. All the references in the book are mainstream

medical. All the endorsements are from MDs. Even so, don't go

into a debate that lasts longer than 5 minutes. As soon as it seems

that further discussion will be fruitless, you stand up and say:

" I didn't come here for your

opinion. I came here for your signature, and I paid the fee to get

it. So please sign this and I'll be on my way. "

Then shut up and hand them the paper.

In fact, it might save time to open with that. Don’t lose

your sense of constitutional outrage here.

In retrospect, the only thing that will ultimately matter here is

this: was the child left unmolested? Did you protect that emerging

immune system?

All else is smoke and mirrors, and the Science of Lying. And

one further incursion of government into areas where it has no business -

morally, legally, or constitutionally.



t h e d o c t o r w i t h i n

In this issue:

1. New Chapter: Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

2. Upcoming Events

3. End of CA


4. Parents' Most Reliable Vaccine Book For 2012


Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is a very common condition, all the more

vexing because of the high rate of misdiagnosis. It is mysterious

because onset can be either traumatic or nontraumatic, with a variety of

contributory causes, any of which may be primary.

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is the sudden loss of range of motion of one

shoulder joint, often occurring in just a few days, often with no

apparent inciting event. There is severe pain that limits

motion. Sudden moves because one forgets the condition may result

in blinding pain that can bring the patient to his knees.

Pain may keep the patient awake at night. Taking sweaters and

jackets off and on now has become a monumental undertaking. Being

forced to switch which arm goes into a jacket first is an unfavorable


Following a rapid onset, Frozen Shoulder may persist for weeks, months,

or years.

Left untreated or incorrectly treated the condition can be debilitating

and permanent.

Symptoms include:

Loss of abduction – raising arm to the side Loss of internal rotation; can’t touch opposite scapula behind the

back Loss of extension Loss of lateral reach Loss of flexion: raising the arm fully overhead Severe guarding spasms of the trapezius, rhomboids, and rotator cuff

muscles Sharp paralyzing pain if full range is suddenly attempted Radiating severe neuromuscular pain from acromion to distal biceps,

occasionally to wrist in advanced cases Pain may be temporarily incapacitating, taking one’s breath

away Pain is relieved by limitation of motion – hence the name

This article very likely has already gone far beyond the depth of the

average medical visit, which will have the patient out the door in 10

minutes or less with a prescription for Motrin, and if persistent,

cortisone. We all know the drill. X-rays will be normal, in

the off chance they are taken. Medicine doesn’t have time for these

conditions which don’t warrant high expenditures of testing and the

possibility for serious interventional procedures. Dead


In a small number of cases, cortisone injection may actually be

effective in the short run, despite the fact that continued use is most

certainly destroying most of the tissues involved: bursa, rotator

cuff ligaments and other shoulder muscles and tendons. But in

general, steroids have little effect on Frozen Shoulder because the

underlying cause is not addressed.

Therapeutic techniques for Frozen Shoulder abound, and even the

most primitive will likely show some improvement. But for anyone

who requires full use of both arms, some improvement will not do. A

cure is required.

Fortunately there are some excellent techniques available which can bring

full resolution.

There are many components of the Syndrome, which is actually good news:

all the more avenues in to a cure.



2. Upcoming Events

The Chiropractic Seminar

10 Mar San

12 May


5 Jul

Dublin, Ireland

The Vaccine Seminar


Mar Phoenix


May Denver


Jul Canterbury, England

The Edinburgh Lectures


Jun Edinburgh, Scotland


website for course descriptions and details.


Two live and two online. All CE



The Chiropractic


The Science of

Immunology and Vaccination


Therapeutic Nutrition

and Cell Detox in Your Practice

Childhood Immunology & Vaccines


The Chiropractic


12 hours

(including technique)



(with Dr Tim Young)


(with Dr. Liam Schubel)

First time in San for this one day event, the focus is to take an

unflinching look at what is really happening with our profession today.

This provocative nuts and bolts seminar will give the doctor a useful and

defensible understanding of chiropractic not readily available to the

profession today, with a focus on the communication of these ideas to

those who have failed to be cured by other doctors.

We say what everyone is thinking.


The biology of the adjustment

Explaining why patients should care

Discussing neural summation

The adjustment and somatovisceral effects

Explaining altered sensory-motor neurology

Explaining altered biomechanics and disease

Spinal lesions alter brain neurology

Neuroplasticity, genetics, epigenetics

Aberrant afferents and disease

Mastering a technique: the art of change

How today’s best neuroscience validates the original ideas of DD

and BJ


“Exactly what this profession needs – truth and clarity. Concise and

useful.” – Dr M Casey, W. Hollywood

“The energy is fabulous and uplifting.” – C. Siga, DC,


“Inspiring seminar! Glad I brought my staff. Glad to see

authenticity return to chiropractic.” – Barcelona doctor

“All fired up – ready to save more lives!” – Dr D ,


“Filled with great data and cautionary tales­strong motivation to

read­I feel I’ll get a little crazier!.” – Dr TW, Seattle

“The diversity of information gathered in one seminar, organized in

such an understandable way was fantastic!”

“The profession is in great need of this ­ should be required for

all graduates.” – Dr T. Schroeder, Thousand Oaks

“Quite painless… actually informative!” – Dr K Sera, Long


“Refreshing to hear an instructor not afraid to speak the

truth…most people validating chiropractic seem very insecure about it ­

not this doc.” – Dr DC, Fair Oaks


The Science of Immunology and Vaccination

12 hours (including technique)


MAR 2012



Back by popular demand – the only full day seminar in the profession that

takes an unbiased, fully referenced look at vaccine policy and science. A

half day simply wasn’t enough.

This subject has become so complicated and so full of misinterpretation,

yet at the same time never more vital an issue than it is now. For

parents, what is at stake is the developing immune system of the newborn.

This seminar will provide the information necessary to make the most

important decision in the life of the child.

A few topics:

The Emergent Immune System

Adjuvants, Attenuation, Excipients

Polio and DPT vaccines

Hemophilus Influenzae Vaccine; Rotateq.

Thimerosal and Neuroimmunology

Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine since 1978. Influenza


Shaken Baby Syndrome

Gardasil: Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine

To register: 408.298.1800

$169 in advance, $199 at

door Students,General Public




video series

2 New 8 hour CE Courses:

2. Childhood Immunology & Vaccines

8 Hours Online

Course Description:

An 8 hour online video course in some fundamental issues of basic

science regarding the development of the immune system from the fetal

state onward into adulthood. Elements of the formative immune system.

A look at classical biologicals beginning with the historical development

of vaccines since the time of Jenner.

We will discuss the history of vaccines and their effects on disease

rates in this country during the past century. The original science

behind the current Immunization Schedule, along with a discussion of

ingredients and adjuvants.

Here are the topics of the 8 one-hour Sections:

The Immune System

Adjuvants, Attenuation, Excipients; Peanut


Human Papilloma Virus: The First Cancer Vaccine

Polio and DPT vaccines

Shaken Baby Syndrome 2012

Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine since 1978

Hemophilus Influenzae Vaccine, Rotateq Vaccine

Thimerosal and Neuroimmunology


Registration : 408 298 1800 or doc@...






Didn't take much of a fortune teller to predict the attack on the

philosophical vaccine exemption in California, which I did in the

April 2011 Newsletter . But it's here, right now in

California. A week ago Bill AB2109 was proposed:

" AB2109 was

introduced on February 23, 2012 by Assembly Member Pan, a

Democrat physician.

" This bill, if passed, would require

parents to obtain the signature of a " health care

practitioner " for a personal beliefs/religious

exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants can

sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature

will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of

Public Health which states that the health care practitioner has provided

risk and benefit information to the parent. "

Wow. Do I see a compliment in there, hidden behind the academic

insult? They knew better than to include us DCs.

Let's see what actions are taken by any chiropractic organizations for

this slight.

Gonna save you a lot of time here, as far as what it all means and what's

going to happen. I went through all of this last year with the good

people of Washington State and Dawn Winkler, who organized opposition to

the exact same bill up there. Read my April 2011

Newsletter for details of that fiasco.

As predicted, Washington was the guinea pig state. Running

roughshod over the small amount of opposition, the bill became law in

just a few short months. In a flash of " why didn't we think of

this before? " since it was a virtually painless shoo-in, several

other states have introduced similar bills, chaired by the usual

mouthpieces for Big Pharma in their respective states. Campaign

coffers runneth over.

If California falls, the rest of the domino states are certain to fall in

the next 2 years. Remember - you read it here.

Once the informed minority of California parents who don't vaccinate get

over the initial outrage of 'how could they? " and " who do they

think they are? " , etc., there will be some amount of

grassroots petitions outside Whole Foods and facebook lists and emails

lists, etc., registering opposition. Which I will certainly be a

part of. And it might even get to the physical level of a small

group assembling at some point at the committee meeting in Sacramento

whose job it will be to ram this bill through.

But if that opposition is defused, deceived, and rudely ignored,

the bill will pass.

I will certainly participate in any opposition with every available

resource. But I know how this game is played. Wish I


Such a bill probably will have a much easier time being passed in

California than in Washington State. Washington has a much higher

percentage of informed parents who don't vaccinate than California, which

means a more informed public, and greater likelihood of opposition.

But all that is irrelevant.

Grassroots democracy is all but gone in California. Just ask the

people of ville how effective their recent referendum against

fluoridation was. Or any of a hundred other such stories

exemplifying the force of corporate quid pro quo's upon legislative

decisions which have significant economic consequences for vested

interests. Political outcomes guaranteed by corporate


Think you get the picture here without going all on you.

It's as old as Julius Caesar.

Let's remove the word vaccination from the whole discussion for a minute

here. Let's pretend this whole issue isn't about vaccines at all,

but rather about any other medical procedure. Got that


OK so then tell me, what kind of political system, or medical system

anywhere on earth would presume to make it a law for you to obtain

permission to opt out of any medical procedure, which decisions are

completely your choice in the first place? Permission not to

get medicine? See what I'm getting at here?

What’s next - permission not to be euthanized?

The lines begin to blur, as more and more we see government as

medicine and medicine as government.

Let us be very clear here. This new law is not about trying

to inform parents about the value of vaccines. That's the cover

story - the front, the mask they're using. No, it's really about

one thing and one thing only: making vaccine exemptions all but

impossible in California.

So much for the internal dialogue and connecting the dots.

See how much time I saved you? But what does it really mean to the

young parent who has just finished Vaccination Is Not Immunization

or some other well documented literature, and who has decided that no

vaccine will pollute the sacrosanct environment of their newborn's


Now it's going to cost them money and time to make an appointment

with a nurse " practitioner, " P.A., or MD to get permission to

protect their child. The health care practitioners are going to

take this opportunity to educate this poor deluded individual, who is so

recklessly putting the child at risk, etc. And those with weak

resolve will fall back, roll over, go with the flow, and inject the

hapless child.

It may well be that the above named 'health care' professionals

have no intention of signing anything. If they can't convince the

parent to vaccinate, the parent will leave with an unsigned document,

having just wasted their time and money. This is already happening

in Washington state.

The bill may well be passed in the next few months. To follow

the progress of the opposition and learn how to voice your opinion,

your best resource is certainly Dawn Winkler’s site:


So here are some practical suggestions on how to protect

your child's emerging immune system from this newest and most invidious

of legal/corporate machinations, should it pass:

1. Ask friends for an enlightened MD who signs the original

medical exemptions. Rare, but they're out there. These

exemptions are still valid. This is real one-stop shopping - end of


2. For the philosophical exemption, don't make an

appointment with someone where you don't know the outcome. If you

do, likely there will be no outcome. Except the needle.

They're waiting there with the needle. Which is why do DCs

or NDs can’t sign.

3. Under no circumstances take the child to the


4. Be impatient. Don't sit there politely and allow

them to spew forth endless mantras. They are insulting you by your

very presence. To them you are a reckless idiot, who is now

required by law to listen to their uninformed uneducated rambling.

Any parent who is ready to sign a vaccine exemption is manifestly more

educated than one of these marionettes at the very outset.

5. The information contained in Vaccination Is Not Immunization may

be helpful. They will say - oh that was only written by a

chiropractor. Irrelevant – it might have been written by a

shepherd. All the references in the book are mainstream

medical. All the endorsements are from MDs. Even so, don't go

into a debate that lasts longer than 5 minutes. As soon as it seems

that further discussion will be fruitless, you stand up and say:

" I didn't come here for your

opinion. I came here for your signature, and I paid the fee to get

it. So please sign this and I'll be on my way. "

Then shut up and hand them the paper.

In fact, it might save time to open with that. Don’t lose

your sense of constitutional outrage here.

In retrospect, the only thing that will ultimately matter here is

this: was the child left unmolested? Did you protect that emerging

immune system?

All else is smoke and mirrors, and the Science of Lying. And

one further incursion of government into areas where it has no business -

morally, legally, or constitutionally.


More important now than ever

The Most Reliable Vaccine Textbook For Parents

Vaccination Is Not Immunization

- Tim O'Shea

This is the brand new 2012 Second Edition of the book, a complete

re-write, not just a reprint of the old book. The most reliable

book for parents who want to end the confusion once and for all on

whether they should vaccinate or not.

If you've read an older version of this text, it's out of date. So

much has happened in this field this past year which has not been in

media. Quick look:

The Pourcyrous Study: the peer reviewed medical study proving

exactly how vaccines cause brain hemorrhages, apnea, and heart

damage in infants.

The Peanut Allergy Epidemic: how vaccines have been found as the

proven cause of over 1 million children hypersensitive to peanuts, now

the #1 cause of child anaphylaxis -

The new Shaken Baby industry, which can be a cover-up for vaccine

injury -

The ongoing Autism Epidemic, affecting between 2 -4 million

children today and NIH’s refusal to look for the cause

This research is effectively banned from mainstream media. As

always though, each fact, each statistic is meticulously documented from

the best sources available. The solid references make this

information bulletproof.

The vaccine industry today is in a panic. It can no longer keep these

secrets hidden. More and more people are learning about the actual

physical brain effects on their children, and they’re opting out, signing

the exemptions. That’s what all the hysterical new law enforcement of

school vaccines and the other desperate new marketing tricks are really


With all the effort it takes to opt out, it's not the lazy or the

uninformed folks deciding not to vaccinate.

Do you even know what Prevnar or Human Papilloma Virus, or MCV4 or DPT –

do you even know what these vaccines are?

And even if you do, wouldn’t you like to know what the scientists who

make the vaccines have said about them, down through the decades? Or are

you going to get all your information from the clinic that makes its

living selling vaccines, just roll over, and vaccinate your kid?

Takes a little reading but it's not that difficult to learn the story

here. You can read this book in a day or so.

We are shocked to find that many medical doctors know the information in

this book and do not vaccinate their own children. But they’ll vaccinate

yours. The majority of the endorsements on the back cover of the book are

from medical doctors. Here’s one of the most recent:

" It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O'Shea's work.

His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more

thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more

balanced. " … O'Shea has once again blessed us with a resource

that will allow parents to make an informed choice, and for medical

professionals to take pause at what they had been indoctrinated to

believe was valid science and good medicine. "

- Ayoub, MD Clinical Radiologist

The definitive book on vaccines today .

Vaccination Is Not Immunization




Edition 2012


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60 N 13 St, San , California, 95112

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

http://homeopathycures.wordpress.com/ &


ONLINE/Email classes in Homeopathy; Vaccine Dangers; Childhood


Next classes start March 1 & 8

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