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Antibiotics Dangers

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from my Baby/Toddler Care Class

Antibiotics Dangers

I see antibiotics as quite dangerous unless life/death


Avoid them like the plague. I haven't taken an

antibiotic for 30+ years

1. They adversely affect the bowel, killing all bacteria, even ones

that are vital for health and the immune system (bacteria in the bowel

have many purposes and are vital to life)

2. The children I have treated who are unvaccinated but

with autism or borderline autism are children that have ALL been exposed

to antibiotics in utero, at labor and delivery or after delivery, either

directly or via breastmilk from mom

3. Some antibiotics are made with fluoride (articles to


4. Many adverse reactions from antibiotics

5. Antibiotic resistance developing and antibiotics not working in

life/death situations

Animals are fed antibiotics thereby contaminating the meat that we eat if

we don't eat organic

Antibiotics are flushed down toilets and urinated and defecated out and

therefore contaminate our water supplies

PS - I don't agree with his statement below about colloidal silver - that

is still buying into the idea that something needs to be killed.

Health is about the strength of the immune system and the health of the

host. Bacteria are not a problem to those who are strong and

healthy as bacteria are everywhere - why do some get sick and some

don't. Bacteria aren't the main cause of disease. The main

cause is decreased health of the host.

PROBIOTICS need to be taken to help replace

what bacteria are destroyed in the bowel after antibiotics - see next

lesson on this



BOOK available here



By Lawrence , MD

© Revised, December 2009, The Center For Development


Antibiotics is the title of a book by two medical doctors,

Sehnert and Lendon . These gutsy authors challenge one of the

most sacred cows of conventional medicine, the widespread use of

antibiotics. I have found antibiotics are very rarely needed, and

most often they are very harmful. I have drawn information from the

book to write this article.

Doctors prescribe

antibiotics at what can only be termed an incredible rate.

According to several studies done around the year 2000, obstetricians and

gynecologists wrote 2,645,000 antibiotic prescriptions every

week. Internists prescribed 1,416,000 per week. This

works out to 211,172,000 prescriptions annually, just for the two

specialties! Pediatricians prescribe over $500 million worth of

antibiotics annually just for one condition, ear infections.

The intent of this

article is not to suggest that antibiotics should never be used.

They can be life-saving. However, many health authorities are

beginning to admit that antibiotics are overprescribed and toxic,

creating many subtle problems that are worse than the original

condition. Let us examine antibiotics more carefully in light of

recent findings.


Among the prevalent

myths about antibiotics are the following three:

Myth #1. Antibiotics

are responsible for the decline in infectious disease. The

truth is that antibiotics are helpful for many infections. However,

antibiotics have not resulted in the elimination of infectious diseases

by themselves.

In fact, we now have

antibiotic-resistant diseases that are much more difficult to treat as a

direct result of the use of antibiotics such as certain strains of

gonorrhea and tuberculosis, as well as many others that are less well

known such as MRSA, a resistant strain of streptococcus. These

cause many deaths, especially in hospitals.

In Beyond

Antibiotics, the authors use graphs to trace the incidence of the

major infectious diseases from 1900 to 1973. The diseases include

measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, pneumonia,

influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio.

All were in decline

for several decades before the introduction of antibiotics or

vaccines. After reviewing the data, researchers McKinlay

and Sonja McKinlay at Boston University concluded that " .. at most,

3.5% of the total decline in mortality since 1900 could be ascribed to

medical measures introduced for the diseases considered here " .

Improved nutrition and improved sanitation and hygiene were far more

important than the 'wonder drugs' or vaccines to reduce these diseases.

Myth 2. Antibiotics are

useful against colds and flu. In truth, antibiotics are only

helpful for bacterial infections. However, many physicians continue

to prescribe them for viral conditions such as colds and flu. The

rationale is to prevent secondary bacterial infection. This would

be fine, except for myth #3 below, the dangers of antibiotics.

Given the dangers of

antibiotics, it is prudent in most cases not to take antibiotics for

colds and flus. They can worsen the situation and prolong recovery.

Myth #3.

Antibiotics are harmless. This is the most

insidious myth. It leads to overprescribing and blinds physicians

and the public to the dangers of antibiotics, described in the next

section. Meanwhile, safer methods of avoiding and treating

infections are ignored on the premise that the antibiotics will take care

of everything.

The Physicians Desk

Reference lists the adverse effects of antibiotics. Anyone who

is taking an antibiotic (or any other medication) should read about the

adverse effects. This can help prevent nasty surprises.

The interaction between

antibiotics and other medications should also be noted. In addition

to the side effects and cautions described in books, antibiotics present

other problems that are described below.


The list of problems

with antibiotics is quite long. Some are common and well

known. Others are subtle, but no less important. I have

divided the adverse effects into nine categories:

1) They contribute to

cancer. A 2008 study of 3,000,000 people divided the

participants into groups that had taken no antibiotics for the past two

years, those that had taken 2-5 prescriptions and those that had taken

six or more prescriptions in the same time period. Participants

were tracked for six years afterwards. Those who had taken 2-5

antibiotic prescriptions had a 27% increase in cancers compared to those

who took none. Those who took six or more prescriptions had a 37%

increase in cancers. This was a carefully done study on a large

group of people and published in a very reputable journal (Int J

Cancer 08;123:2152-2155).

Other studies show

the same thing. A National Cancer Institute study in a major

medical journal found that the incidence of breast cancer doubled among

women who took took more than 25 antibiotic prescriptions or took

antibiotics for more than 500 days over 17 years (JAMA


2. Allergic

Reactions. I used to worry every time I prescribed penicillin

when I was a medical intern. It had been explained that

rarely a patient would have a fatal allergic reaction to it.

I was taught that if I practiced medicine long enough someone would die

in my office after a shot of penicillin.

While this is uncommon,

other allergic reactions to antibiotics occur frequently. Not only

can the drug cause a reaction, but most antibiotics contain chemical

colors, sugar and other additives that can trigger a reaction in

sensitive individuals.

3. Destruction Of

Beneficial Bowel Flora. Like pesticides, antibiotics kill good

bugs along with the bad ones. Wide-spectrum antibiotics are

notorious for this. The human intestine has a somewhat delicate

ecology in which certain bugs help digest food, produce certain vitamins,

and maintain a balance of organisms that prevents harmful bacteria and

yeasts from multiplying.


antibiotics derange the normal ecology of the intestine. This can

cause parasitic infection, vitamin deficiencies, loss of minerals through

diarrhea, inflammation of the gut, malabsorption syndromes and

development of food allergies due to defects in intestinal function.

4. Development Of

Resistant Species Of Micro-organisms. An article in Science

Magazine, August 1992, stated, " Doctors in hospitals and clinics

around the world are losing the battle against an onslaught of new

drug-resistant bacterial infections including staph, pneumonia, strep,

tuberculosis, dysentery and other diseases that are costly and difficult,

if not impossible, to

treat " .

Bacteria have a certain

ability to mutate. Antibiotics kill bacteria that are susceptible

to their action, but this leaves the field open for mutant strains to

multiply even more. It is a case of survival of the fittest.

The use of antibiotics actually encourages the development of the mutant,

drug-resistant super-bacteria.

5. Immune

Suppression. This may sound odd, as the purpose of antibiotics

is presumably to help the immune response. However, evidence

indicates that people treated with antibiotics have more repeat

infections than those who are not treated. This is especially true

of children whose ear infections are treated with antibiotics.

Vitamin A and C and the use of simple herbs such as echinacea and

astragalus, for example, are much safer and often equally effective.

In fact, antibiotics do

not aid the immune system. They replace one of its functions.

Antibiotics act by inhibiting certain enzymatic processes of bacteria,

and by changing mineral balances. Normal cells, however, are also

affected. This may be one reason why antibiotics weaken the immune

response. Other toxic effects of antibiotics, such as the effect

upon the normal bowel flora, may also be a


AIDS research indicates

that a risk factor for AIDS is an impaired immune response. This

can be due to a history of repeated antibiotic use. Perhaps it is

no accident the same group with the highest incidence of AIDS, male

homosexuals as of 2009, is also a group that uses more antibiotics

than other groups in America.

The link between

antibiotic use and increased cancer rates can also be explained this

way. This topic is discussed in the paragraphs above under #1.

6. Overgrowth of

Candida Albicans And Other More Dangerous Intestinal

Infections. Normally, candida albicans, a common yeast, lives

peacefully in our intestines and elsewhere, in harmony with other flora

that keep the yeast in check. Take an antibiotic and all of this

changes. By suppressing the normal flora, candida takes over and

problems begin. In its mild form the result is diarrhea or a yeast


Far more serious is the

growing problem of chronic muco-cutaneous yeast infection. This is

described in books such as The Yeast Connection and The Yeast

Syndrome. It is a major iatrogenic illness today, and a very

debilitating and potentially fatal condition. One of the prime risk

factors for chronic candida infection is repeated antibiotic use.

Even more dangerous is

that antibiotic use opens the intestines to infection by other species of

pathogenic or disease-causing bugs, parasites, yeasts and other types of

organisms ranging from amebas to far more toxic ones that can cause all

types of systemic damage, as well as damage to the intestinal lining and

related areas.

7. Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome. This is another 'new' health plague. It is

associated with chronic viral illness and a weakened immune system.

While its exact origins are not clear, one of the major risk factors for

chronic fatigue syndrome is - you guessed it - repeated antibiotic use.

8. Nutrient Loss And

Resulting Deficiency States. Nutrient loss from antibiotics is

due in part to diarrhea, which causes a loss of essential minerals.

Destruction of friendly bacteria in the intestines can also impair the

synthesis of certain vitamins in the intestines. While not a major

cause of malnutrition, antibiotic usage may be another factor

contributing to poor nutrition and thus a weakened body chemistry.

9. Treating Effects,

Not Causes. Antibiotics only address the end-stage result of a

weakened body chemistry - bacterial invasion. The bacteria may only

be there to " mop up " the biological debris that are present

because the body is too weak to eliminate the poisons.

Fever is one way

the body burns up toxic substances. Providing it does not get out

of hand, the infectious process can serve a useful purpose. Cutting

short the process with antibiotics aborts the cleansing function of a

fever and impairs long-term health.

Not true, you might

say. However, I believe it is true in some cases because on tissue

mineral tests, there are clear indicators of increased susceptibility to

infections. The indicators are: 1) a low energy level, 2) a low

sodium/potassium ratio, 3) toxic levels of mercury, copper, or cadmium,

and 4) low zinc.

In hundreds of cases,

when these imbalances are corrected, the tendency for infections

decreases drastically. In other words, healthy people do not get as

many infections. Infections do not strike randomly. There is

a logic to infections, and the underlying causes can be


This line of reasoning

traces back to the famous debate between Pasteur and Beauchamp. Dr.

Pasteur insisted that germs are the cause of disease. His

colleague, Beauchamp, insisted that the health of the host was more

important than the germs.

On his death bed,

Pasteur was said to have declared that Beauchamp was correct - " the

host is everything, the germs are nothing " . Orthodox medicine,

however, embraced Pasteur's view, and ignored Beauchamp. It is time

to focus more on the person, and less on the germs.

10. High Cost.

While the cost of a single antibiotic prescription may not be

extremely high, newer ones are somewhat costly. The costs are

high when the side effects are considered, along with the sheer numbers

of prescriptions that are written around the world each day , month and


Millions of doctor

visits and prescriptions for antibiotics add up to a major expense.

While penicillin is not expensive, other newer antibiotics are quite


These newer antibiotics

are used more frequently today due to the presence of

penicillin-resistant strains of bacteria. We must also include in

the cost of antibiotics the cost of allergic reactions, candida albicans

infections, repeat infections, development of resistant organisms and

immune suppression.

The cost is justified if

life is at stake. However, if less toxic and less costly

alternatives can be used, shouldn't these be tried first? Bringing

health care costs under control is not just a matter of eliminating waste

and inefficiency. We need methods of healing that build up the

health of the people, not tear it down.


Steps to avoid the need

for antibiotics can be divided into two areas: prevention of infection,

and alternative treatment of infections.

Preventing Infections:

Preventing infections is

a part of taking back control over your life and health. You can do

a lot to prevent infections. Much of it involves common



Cleanliness. Wash your hands several times daily, wash

wounds carefully, dress properly in cold weather, and obtain adequate

rest and sleep. Proper hygiene and sanitation are measures we often

take for granted.

Also, be careful in

restaurants with what you eat. Eggs are the best, soft boiled if

possible. If they will not make them this way, poached or even

fried are best. Scrambled are not as good.

Please avoid all meats

that are not fresh, all dressings unless you know they are fresh and

salads unless you are sure they are clean. Cooked food is much

better in restaurants. Always avoid pork, ham and bacon in

restaurants. Most other foods are safe if cooked adequately.

Also on the subject of

cleanliness, be careful in restroom, especially public ones. Wash

your hands before and after using the toilet, ideally, but at least

afterwards, and use the towel that you dry your hands with to reach for

the door and even the flusher if the room is not clean. Most public

restrooms are filthy. Do not put clothing, baggage or purses on the


2. Diet, Rest and

Sleep. Rest and sleep are of utmost importance to avoid

infections of all kinds. In addition, a healthful diet is also most

critical. Adequate intake of nutrients including vitamins A, C, E,

selenium, and zinc are important for the immune system.

Fresh, natural,

unsprayed foods contain much higher amounts of nutrients than the

processed and artificial 'junk' foods so commonly eaten today. Do

your best to find meats that are antibiotic-free and hormone-free.

Drink water that is as

pure as possible. Unlike some health authorities, I use bottled water

although it is packaged in plastic. I believe this is better than

taking a chance on tap water in most locations. The best is usually

spring or distilled water.

Also, healthful eating

habits are almost as important as what you eat. Eat regular meals,

slowly, in a relaxed manner, chew thoroughly and rest after the meal at

least five or ten minutes before resuming your regular activities.

Do not eat on the run, but sit quietly without talking on the telephone

or driving a car while eating.

3. Reduce Toxic

Exposure. Reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxic

chemicals from food, air, water or through direct contact with your skin

or elsewhere (such as mercury amalgam dental fillings).

Also, breathe air that

is as pure as possible. We realize that in cities this is

impossible. Air purifiers in the home can be helpful in this


Don’t store toxic

cleaning agents, solvents and other toxic chemicals inside your home, and

look for less toxic alternatives. Have your silver amalgam dental

fillings replaced, if possible, with composite or other, less toxic

alternatives. Mercury used in amalgams is known to inhibit the

immune system.

4. Attitudes.

Your thoughts and attitudes affect your immune system more than

you may imagine. Fears, anger, worries and resentments tend to

weaken the immune system.

Positive, inspiring

thoughts have a beneficial effect on the body. Spiritual thinking,

which is thinking about positive subjects and that God or the high self

is present and loving, can even be helpful when one is ill or to

help prevent getting an infection. However, this is not substitute

for cleanliness and the other suggestions in this article.

Positive thinking not

enough. While thinking correctly is a key, never avoid doing

the physical suggestions here to prevent and get rid of infections,

believing you can just think yourself well. Some people can

do this, but most cannot or will not have the discipline to do it

correctly. Since infections are always potentially

life-threatening, always do all you can to care for them properly.

Deep breathing, which

helps oxygenate the blood, has a very beneficial effect upon the immune


Saunas, steam baths,

yoga, and other natural health practices may also help prevent

infections, providing you do not overdo on anything.


Never ignore any

infection! Even a simple cold, ear ache, or infected cut can turn

into a serious problem.

1. First, always

rest a lot more, preferably in bed. Stay home from work or

school and give the body a chance to fight the infection.

2. Eat very

lightly and drink more distilled or spring water only, or mild teas made

with this water only. Do not drink fruit juices or other

sweetened beverages. Sugar makes many infections worse. Eat

very simply such as chicken soups, vegetables and perhaps a little

chicken or eggs, but not a lot of grains, and no dairy and no red meat

until you feel better. More can complicate your recovery. A

little vegetable juice is excellent, such as carrot juice.

When high fever is

present, fasting on water, teas or dilute vegetable juices alone for

a day or two only may be very helpful. This is especially true if

the infection affects your digestive tract.

Also, there is no reason

to wait even a day to apply natural methods. Simple measures can be

surprisingly effective.

3. Colloidal

Silver. This is one of the most effective and safest

substitute for an antibiotic. It works on a wide variety of

organisms, including fungus, virus, many bacteria and some parasites as

well. Use as directed.

The usual dosage for an

average-sized adult is between one teaspoon to one tablespoon three times

daily, away from any food or drink, including water. The dosage

depends on the age and weight of the person and on the strength of the

preparation of colloidal silver.

We often prefer the

lower dosage product, which seems to work as well as others, yet carries

less possibility of toxicity or of damaging the ideal intestinal

flora. We like a brand of colloidal silver called Arabesque.

It is available from this website

(click here) or

from (480) 354-1565.






4. Bee

Propolis. This is another excellent natural remedy with

very low toxicity. It is not quite as potent as the others, but is

excellent support for any infection. It comes in capsules, tablets

or thick liquid that stains anything it touches. Take at least

three capsules or up to 9 tablets daily for an infection.

5. Vitamins A and

C. Vitamin A I(from fish oil, and not beta-carotene) is a

little-known immune stimulant that often works extremely well and carries

very low toxicity if taken for a short time, say a week or so. The

dosage for an adult is about 50,000 iu (international units) three times

daily. It may be taken with or without food or water.

Vitamin C in doses of up

to 20 grams daily by mouth or even more intravenously for a few days can

also do wonders to reduce infection. Children need less. If

you take too much by mouth, the only side effect is diarrhea and in this

case, just reduce the dosage.

If an infection is not

responding to colloidal silver, bee propolis and vitamins A and C, it is

time to check with a physician or use other methods described


Physical methods are also powerful and safe

6. Sauna

Baths. Sauna therapy is very helpful for some infections

caused by heat-sensitive microorganisms ranging from fungus and viral to

parasitic. It is also superb for acute sinus infections, for

example, in many instances. For acute infections, a number of short

sauna sessions is often best, with each session no more than 10-20

minutes each. One may take three or four sessions daily, preferably

when most relaxed such as upon awakening and before bedtime. To read more

about sauna therapy,

click here.

7. Coffee Enemas

and/or Colon Cleansing. This may seem like an odd treatment

for infections of all kinds, but they are quite effective in some

cases. They will also lower a fever in most cases. Toxins in

the intestines and constipation make the job of fighting infection much

more difficult.

Especially if an

infection is severe, make sure the bowels move. If not, clean them

out with an enema or colonic irrigation. Coffee stimulates bile

release and adds to the effect of an enema. One or two per day is

excellent for treatment or prevention, for that matter.

8. Vitamins and

herbs. Many other remedies can stop or reduce an infection.

For adults, take vitamin A, about 100,000 iu per day. Also take

vitamin C, about 3 to 6 grams per day. If it causes diarrhea,

reduce the dosage.

Herbs such as garlic,

echinacea, golden seal, and astragalus may also be helpful and are quite

safe. Another simple remedy that works well on some topical

infections are packs or poultices made with ordinary clay or even

mud. This can be life-saving in an emergency situation.

Also, discontinue your

regular food supplements in almost all cases. The exceptions are

the digestive aids if you are eating, and products with just vitamins A

and C, which you might actually increase.

Other anti-microbials

include grapefruit seed extract and oregano oil. However, these are

somewhat more toxic in our experience, so they are not our first

choice. However, they may be combined with the remedies listed

above these.


NOT NEED TO BE IN A 'SAFE' RANGE OF 103-104...............DO NOT NEED TO


To reduce

fever, sponge the person with water or a mixture of water and

alcohol. Do not use aspirin or Tylenol, if possible, to reduce a

fever. Sponging allows the fever reaction to proceed in a healthful

manner. It is also possible to place a person in a warm bath

and slowly reduce the temperature by adding cool water. This is

quite safe for children, as well. A coffee enema is also

excellent at times to reduce a fever. Repeat these procedures

several times daily, if needed, to keep the fever within a safe range

such as 103-104 F. It is not necessary to reduce a fever to


Tylenol or aspirin slows

the fever reaction and can prolong the illness. It also introduces

another toxic drug. Bed rest is also very important when a high

fever is present, along with drinking plenty of spring or distilled

water! Children who are sick should not be sent to school.

These simple measures

for infection are often forgotten in the belief that the 'wonder drugs'

will take care of everything, and that rest is not important. This

is a common cause of complications or slow recovery.

Complications of drug

therapy for infection are so common the problem is overlooked. In

many instances, the infection is stopped, but not completely

eradicated. Many people carry residues of their bacterial and viral

infections for years. They followed “doctors orders” instead of

using natural methods and allowing the body to overcome and eliminate the

infection at its own pace.


· Use natural remedies aggressively and

faithfully. This is a very important point. Do not skimp

on the dosages of vitamins and herbs, for example. Taking a little

more will not usually hurt you, but taking less may make them less


· Patience and persistence are essential

with any serious infection. Of course, each person and each

situation is different. It is not a problem, however, if healing an

infection naturally takes a week or even two or three, provided you are

slowly getting better. It is not necessary or helpful to abandon

your methods just for this reason. Drugs may speed up your

progress, but leave you weakened and toxic.

· Always act quickly with all

infections, even a cold. I hear of many people who do not want

to take antibiotics or other drug remedies, but who fail to apply the

natural remedies quickly or at all. This is not wise as any

infection can be very dangerous for one’s life, in fact.

· Start natural treatment at the first

sign of infection. This will increase their effectiveness and

prevent complications that occur due to waiting. Waiting with

infections is always a bad idea, as it can allow the infection to take

hold more firmly in the body. You never know when complications

will set in quickly and be life-threatening.

· If one method is not working at all

after a few days, add another one or two. Also, realize that at times

results are slow because it is a serious infection and not because your

methods are not working.

· You may combine all the natural

methods, and you may use them along with antibiotics or other medication

if you wish, unless told otherwise. The natural methods do not,

to my knowledge, interfere with antibiotics and, in fact, will make them

more effective by replacing nutrients in the body.

· If you are not succeeding within a few

days to at least feel a little bit better each day, always consult a

knowledgeable health practitioner. Rarely, an infection will

require medical or other intervention.

Sinus infections.

Many are fungal in origin and will not respond to antibiotics for

this reason. Antibiotics are actually fungal-based drugs and can

make them worse.

If a sinus infection

responds slowly, it may be fungal in origin. These respond very fast with

the use of two unusual-sounding methods:

1. A single red infrared

heat lamp (250-watt bulb sold at Home Depot or other hardware

store) shined on the sinuses for 5 minutes every hour is


2. Colloidal silver can

also be sniffed or inhaled into the sinuses with excellent results.

Do this several times per day. It should also be used systemically,

several teaspoons or up to two tablespoons by mouth, at the same

time. Preferably take colloidal silver 20 minutes away from all

food an drink, both before and after taking it.




Always visit a dentist. However, on a nutritional balancing

program, tooth flare-ups occur commonly and usually go away on their

own. You may shine a single red heat lamp on the jaw near the tooth

5-8 times daily for 5 minutes each time, as hot as you can stand

it. Also, you can place a tablespoon of colloidal silver in the

mouth and tilt the head so the solution covers the affected area, and

these methods can help in a pinch. Always consult a

knowledgeable person if you are not sure what to do.


Antibiotics are an

interesting class of medications that can save lives. However,

antibiotics are over-prescribed and toxic. They should be used as a

last resort, not the first. Very often, simple, inexpensive natural

methods described here work better with far fewer adverse


Infections are always

serious conditions, even seemingly mild ones. Therefore, take care

of all infections rapidly, and aggressively. Natural remedies often

work superbly. Finally, always ask for help if you are not sure how

to use simple, natural methods or if an infection is not beginning to get

a little better, at least, after two or three days, at the most.




Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)


Antibiotic Dangers to Fetus Highlights Unwise Use of Vaccines, Drugs


Antibiotics Put 142,000 Into Emergency Rooms Each Year

U.S. Centers for Disease Control Waits 60 Years to Study the



A Prescription for Problems: The Dangers of Antibiotics

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/03/science/earth/03water.html Drugs

Are in the Water. Does It Matter?

antibiotic contamination of water


Pharmaceuticals In Our Water Supplies


Unprecedented levels of antibiotics pollute India's water.

Swedish scientists measured antibiotics in surface and groundwater at the

true source of these materials – near drug production

facilities that supply the majority of the world's generic


Enormous quantities of antibiotics are released into wastewater from drug

factories that manufacture the bulk of the world's pharmaceutical

antibiotics. The compounds contaminated nearby surface and ground water,

exposing people and aquatic wildlife to the drugs.


On top of this, the widespread use of

antibiotics also poses dangers. Large-scale animal factories often give

animals antibiotics to promote growth, or to compensate for illness

resulting from crowded conditions. These antibiotics are entering the

environment and the food chain, contributing to the rise of

antibiotic-resistant bacteria and making it harder to treat human




Antibiotics to Avoid Like the Plague Due to FDA's Oversight Failure

fluoroquinolone broad spectrum antibiotics

" According to Bob Patton, a private citizen in England fighting

to get the truth out about these antibiotics, about half of the

fluoroquinolone antibiotics that were once on the market have been

removed from clinical practice due to their horrific side effects.

- Omniflox, Raxar, Trovan, Zagam, and Tequin have all been banned.


" However, Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, and Floxin continue to be

prescribed for a variety of infections, both major and minor. Cipro and

Levaquin are by far the favorites. "

see full article - be sure you make your doctor aware you do NOT want any

of those (even put down that you have an allergy to fluoroquinolone

antibiotics if you need to to prevent getting them

http://www.fqresearch.org/home_page.htm Home page


Alphabetical Listing of the Fluoroquinolone / Quinolone


This is not a complete list of all the fluoroquinolones currently in use

today. The number of fluoroquinolones including

generic equivalents is well into the thousands, with various

manufacturers using their own trademark names for the very same

drug. The following is a list of the various chemical names that

make up this chemotherapeutic class of drugs. Again this is far

from being an exhaustive list of such agents as new drugs are being

developed all over the world:

Fluoroquinolones are a group of synthetic antibiotics that are derived

from basic structure of nalidixic acid and have substituents at N-1, C-5,

C-7, position 8 and a fluorine atom at position 6. There are also

polycyclic derivatives. Quinolone antibiotics have a ketone at position 4

and a carboxylic group at position 3. Fluoroquinolones inhibit the

bacterial DNA gyrase or the topoisomerase IV enzyme, resulting the

inhibition of DNA replication and transcription. Fluorine at position 6

enhances gyrase inhibition and cell penetration. Piperaziny substituents

provide activity against Gram-negative bacteria and pyrrolidinyl moiety

is active against Gram-positive cocci. They improve water solubility

needed oral application. The function substituted at position 8 IS to

control anaerobe activity.

Fluoroquinolone Substituted at N-1

Alumofloxacin No information




Ciprofloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures


Veterinarian use no further information available

Ecenofloxacin Chemos GmbH No information



Fleroxacin Not available for clinical use in

several European countries and the USA.

Gemifloxacin Still in use in spite of

disfiguring rashes

Grepafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

heart problems

Lomefloxacin Still in use in spite of

irreversible peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Moxifloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures


Temafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use

Trovafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

fatal liver failures

Substituted at C-5

Grepafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

heart problems

Sparfloxacin Associated with


Substituted at C-7


Clinafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

severe phototoxicity and hypoglycemia

Ciprofloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Danafloxacin Veterinarian use no further

information available

Fleroxacin Not available for clinical use in

several European countries and the USA.

Garenoxacin Schering Currently in phase III clinical


Gatifloxacin No longer being manufactured due to

severe and fatal hypo/hyperglycemia

Grepafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

fatal reactions, heart problems

Irloxacin No information


Levofloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Lomefloxacin Still in use in spite of

irreversible peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Moxifloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Nadifloxacin Topical fluoroquinolone used

to treat acne


Ofloxacin Discontinued no reason given

Piperidiny No information available


Sparfloxacin Associated with rhabdomyolysis

Trovafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

fatal liver problems

Substituted at position 8

Alatrofloxacin (TROVAN) Still in use in spite of fatal

liver problems


Ciprofloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Clinafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

severe phototoxicity and hypoglycemia

Ecenofloxacin No information available


Fleroxacin Not available for clinical use in

several European countries and the USA.

Garenoxacin Currently in phase III clinical


Gatifloxacin No longer being manufactured due to

severe and fatal hypo/hyperglycemia

Gemifloxacin Still in use in spite of

disfiguring rashes

Grepafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

heart problems

Lomefloxacin Still in use in spite of

irreversible peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Moxifloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures



Pefloxacin Not available

in USA, Not FDA approved


Sparfloxacin Associated with rhabdomyolysis

Temafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use

Tosufloxacin Associated with chronic

interstitial nephritis

Trovafloxacin Removed from Clinical Use due to

fatal liver problems

Tricyclic derivatives



Flumequine Still in use in spite of being direct

acting genotoxic carcinogen

Levofloxacin Still in use in spite of fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures



Ofloxacin Discontinued no reason given

Oxolinic acid





QUINOLONES (Non-fluorinated)

Cinoxacin 28657-80-9 Discontinued no reason


Mictral 79449-95-9

Miloxacin 37065-29-5

Nalidixic acid 389-08-2 Discontinued cancer

causing agent

Nalidixate sodium anhydrous 3374-05-8

Nalidixate sodium


Oxolinic acid


Pipemidic acid


Piromidic acid


Rosoxacin 40034-42-2 Usage restricted to



Alatrofloxacin 157182-32-6

Amifloxacin 86393-37-5

Balofloxacin 127294-70-6

Ciprofloxacin 85721-33-1 Still in use in spite of

fatal reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Clinafloxacin 105956-97-6 Removed from Clinical

Use due to severe phototoxicity and hypoglycemia

Danofloxacin 112398-08-0 Veterinarian use

no further information available

Difloxacin 98106-17-3

Veterinarian use no further information available

Ecenofloxacin 162301-05-5 No information


Enoxacin 74011-58-8

Enrofloxacin 93106-60-6 Banned by the


Fleroxacin 79660-72-3 Not available for clinical

use in several European countries and the USA.

Flumequine 42835-25-6 Still in use in spite of

being direct acting genotoxic


Gatifloxacin 112811-59-3 No longer being

manufactured due to severe and fatal hypo/hyperglycemia

Gemifloxacin 175463-14-6 Still in use in spite

of disfiguring rashes

Grepafloxacin 119914-60-2 Removed from Clinical

Use due to fatal heart problems

Levofloxacin 100986-85-4 Still in use: fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Lomefloxacin 98079-51-7 Still in use in

spite of peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures

Marbofloxacin 115550-35-1

Moxifloxacin 151096-09-2 Still in use: fatal

reactions, peripheral neuropathy / tendon ruptures



Norfloxacin 70458-96-7

Ofloxacin 82419-36-1 No longer being

manufactured no reason given

Orbifloxacin 113617-63-3

Pazufloxacin 127045-41-4

Pefloxacin 70458-92-3

Not available in USA, Not FDA


Prulifloxacin 123447-62-1 Optimer

Rufloxacin 101363-10-4

Sarafloxacin 98105-99-8



Sparfloxacin 110871-86-8 Associated with


Temafloxacin 108319-06-8 Removed from Clinical


Tosufloxacin 100490-36-6 Associated with

chronic interstitial nephritis

Trovafloxacin 147059-72-1 Removed from Clinical

Use due to fatal liver problems

** Note: Lack of information found on the FDA site may be for

several reasons including

the drug being removed from clinical practice, different

name, or veterinarian use.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start April 5

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