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Pertussis (Whooping Cough) & Homeopathic Treatment

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Pertussis (Whooping Cough) & Homeopathic Treatment

DOSAGE info sent separately. (don't follow dosage info here)


mild and make the difference in life and death in some caxes when

treated with homeopathy (also would use Vitamin D3 and C)

I have compiled these sites - These are from a variety of homeopathic

websites to give you clues as to what remedy is needed.

These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute illness or first

aid. It helps shorten your time in looking when you are in a hurry

with an ill child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read thru the

list - if you find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go to

your book and read more about that remedy in the Internal Materia Medica.

Print out and save for quick reference!



Whooping cough is endemic worldwide and tends to become epidemic

every 2 to 4 years. The causative agent of whooping cough is a

bacteria named Bordetella pertussis which is usually spread by

droplets sprayed through the air by coughing during the early stages

of the disease. The bacteria invades the mucus membranes of the

nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi and has an incubation of 7 to 14

days. The illness has 3 stages, the catarrah, paroxysmal, and

convalescent. The entire cycle may last from 2 to 3 months. One of

the old names of pertussis was the " 100 day cough " . Most cases are no

longer infectious after the 8th week of the disease. Infected

individuals should be quarantined so that the disease is not spread.

The catarrh stage is insidious, and begins with sneezing,

lacrimation, coryza, anorexia, listlessness, and a hacking nocturnal

cough. Fever is not present in most cases. The cough usually becomes

paroxysmal around 10 to 14 days after the onset of the catarrhal

symptoms. The paroxysmal stage is characterized by 5 to 15 rapidly

consecutive coughs followed by a hurried, deep inspiration that

causes a whoop-like sound. The cough often produces copious amounts

of viscid mucus accompanied by vomiting and gagging. After a few

normal breaths a new cycle of coughing may develop leaving the

sufferer breathless. They may turn blue, stop breathing, and suffer

convulsions. Make sure the airways are clear of mucus and that the

patient is not choking on vomited material. Use artificial

respiration when it is necessary to assist the sufferer to breath.

Make sure that infants are lying on their sides so that there is less

chance of choking and the airways stay open. Call for medical

assistance if needed. Infants under 2 years old are in danger of the

most complications. In infants choking spells may be more common than

the whooping sound associated with the cough. The convalescent stage

usually begins 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of the disease. During

this stage the cough becomes less severe and frequent, the vomiting

decreases, and the patient begins to look better. This convalescence

may be disrupted by a secondary infection that causes irritation of

the respiratory tract. The most common complications are asphyxia,

otitis media, pneumonia, hemorrhages, and convulsions, especially in

the young. The weak and elderly are in danger of secondary

infections, especially bronchopneumonia. In homeopathy the remedy

Pertussin, the nosode of the Bordetella bacteria, is reputed to act

as a preventative to whooping cough.

Materia Medica

ACONITE (1). If a constant febrile condition prevails and when at the

commencement the cough is dry, whistling, with soreness of throat.

The child grasps at its throat with every cough, as if it were in

pain. Great anguish, restlessness, fear and anxiety. Feverish,

thirsty, heat and dryness.

ANTIMONIUM TART (3). Suffocative cough, the child becomes stiff and

blue in the face (corr-r., cup.). The chest seems full of phlegm, but

does not yield to coughing. The cough causes gagging and vomiting

phlegm. Great rattling of mucus with inability to expectorate. Drowsy

and despondent. Fear of being alone yet does not want to be touch.

BELLADONNA (2). Frequent paroxysms worse < in the night, hard and

barking, like croup. The child gets very red in face with every

coughing spell (gets blue, Corr-r., Ip.). Eyes swollen, and the

whites injected with blood. Bleeding of the nose. In beginning, or

when it has attained a high degree of severity. Fever, red face,

throbbing arteries, glistering eyes, dilated pupils, etc..

CARBO VEG. (3). A remedy for the beginning of whooping cough with

gagging, vomiting and redness of the face. Every violent spill bring

up a lump of phlegm, or is followed by retching, gagging, and

waterbrush with cold sweat and cold pinched face. Wants to be fanned.

Aversion to darkness, fear of ghost, sudden loss of memory.

CINA (2). The child stiffens out and there is a clucking sound in the

throat when the little one comes out of the paroxysms. Grinding of

the teeth during sleep. Paleness of face and blueness around the

mouth and eyes. Spasms with jerking and twisting of muscles. Much

picking of the nose and other worm symptoms. Ill humor, child very

cross, does not want to be touch, or carried.

COCCUS CACTI (2). Whooping cough with vomiting of clear, ropy mucus,

extending in thick, long strings even to the floor (Kali-bi. yellow

strings), waving back and forth, finally giving away. Protracted

bronchial cough remains after pertussis. Cough worse < on first

waking. Anxiety, after eating, in the night, 2 a.m. - 4 a.m. Seems confused.

CORALLIUM RUBRUM (2). Spasms of cough so violent that child loses its

breath and turns purple and black in face. Takes very little food or

drink. Spasmodic, convulsive cough. Head feels too large. Short,

quick " minute gun " cough. Abusive with the pains, complaining and lamenting.

CUPRUM (3). Violent and long-continued paroxysms of cough, completely

exhausting patient. During the attack becomes rigid, turns black in

face, seems as if dead (corr-r.). Vomiting after paroxysm, rattling

of mucus in the chest between attacks. Cramps, especially flexor

muscles. Tough, gelatinous mucus, rattling the chest with face and

lips are bluish. Thumbs tucked in during cough. Anxiety before the

attacks of cough. Weeping alternating with queer antics.

HEPAR SULPH (2). Dry, spasmodic cough, with soreness of larynx, worse

< towards morning. Cough sounds croupy, and causes choking. Rattling,

choking cough, worse < after midnight. Can not bear to be uncovered,

coughs when any part of body is exposed. Copious sour sweat, hasty

speech and hasty drinking. Worse < chilly night air. Irritable,

chilly, hypersensitive to pain, and impatient.

IPECAC (3). Suffocative cough, the child becomes stiff and blue in

the face, finally relaxes and vomits phlegm. The chest seems full of

phlegm, but does not yield to coughing. The cough causes gagging and

vomiting phlegm. Constant nausea with all complaints and disposition

to hemorrhages. Restlessness, tosses about in the bed,

capriciousness. tranquillity after anger.

KALI BICH (2). Violent rattling cough, with an effort to vomit.

Choking cough, with expectoration of viscid yellow mucus, which can

be drawn out into strings (clear Cocc-i.). Burning pain in trachea.

Sadness after annoyance, talks to himself.

KALI SULPH (3). Whooping cough with retching, without vomiting.

Yellow, slimy expectoration. Tongue coated with yellow mucus. Hot and

sweaty. Hates the cough and weeps. Looks fair, fat, and forty even as

a child. Anxiety from warmth.

MAGNESIA PHOSPORICA (1). Convulsive, nervous, dry, spasmodic coughs

ending in a whoop. The cough is in severe paroxysms with blue or

swollen and livid face. Not much mucus. Shrieking with the pain,

convulsive weeping.

MEPHITIS (2). Whooping cough where there is a well marked laryngeal

spasm, a loud clear whoop. Spasmodic hollow deep cough with

hoarseness and pain in chest. Inhalation difficult, exhalation almost

impossible. Vomits all food some hours after eating. Worse < night

and lying down. Indolence.

PERTUSSIN. This remedy is a nosode made from the discharge of

whooping cough. Can be used as a preventative as well as a curative

remedy. , the famous English homeopath, use it as a remedy in

early cases and found it help to abort the disease. If the individual

was not improving in a few days he would use another remedy.

PHOSPHORUS (3). Towards the end of whooping cough the disease

threatens to an unfavorable course, hollow, hacking spasmodic ticking

cough, excited by tickling itching in chest, expectoration of tough

whitish mucus during the day or rust-colored, bright, red, frothy

bloody mucus. Much hoarseness almost total loss of voice. Burning

piercing soreness and tension in chest. Comatose sleep in day,

restlessness and clammy sweat at night. Lively, open, sensitive,

friendly, etc..

SANGUINARIA (3). Dry cough awaking from sleep, and not easing till

patient its up, with pains in chest, better > by discharges of flatus

both ways, dysponea from afternoon till night, nocturnal diarrhea.

Disgusting thoughts with nausea, desires to be held.


WHOOPING COUGH - acon., ANT-T., Bell., CARB-V., Cina., Cocc-c.,

CUPR., Hep., Ip., Kali-bi., Kali-s., Mag-p., Meph., Pert., PHOS., SANG..

clucking sound in the throat after paroxysms - Cina..

cramps, especially flexor muscles - Cupr..

expectoration -

clear, ropy mucus, extending in thick, long strings even to the floor- Cocc-c..

rust-colored, bright, red, frothy bloody mucus - Phos..

tough whitish mucus - Phos..

viscid, yellow mucus, can be drawn out into strings - Kali-bi.

yellow, slimy expectoration - Kali-s..

febrile condition prevails - Acon, Bell..

grinding of the teeth during sleep. - Cina..

mentals -

abusive with the pains, complaining and lamenting - Cor-r.

anguish, restlessness, fear and anxiety - Acon.

anxiety -

before the attacks of cough -. Cupr.

warmth, from - Kali-s..

capriciousness - Ip..

darkness, aversion to - Carb-v.

desires to be held - sang.

disgusting thoughts with nausea - sang

drowsy and despondent - Ant-t..

fear of being alone yet does not want to be touch - Ant-t..

hasty speech and hasty drinking - Hep..

ill humor, child very cross,

does not want to be touch, or carried - Cina..

irritable, hypersensitive to pain, and impatient - Hep..

lively, open, sensitive, friendly, etc. - Phos..

restlessness, tosses about in the bed-Ip.

sadness after annoyance, talks to himself - Kali-bi..

shrieking with the pain - mag-p..

tranquillity after anger - Ip..

weeping -

alternating with queer antics - Cupr.

convulsive weeping - mag-p..

rattling of mucus with inability to expectorate - Ant-t

thumbs tucked in during cough - CUPR..

vomiting - Ant-t., Carb-v., Ip., Kali-bi..



Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

* Introduction

* Remedy options

* Amount to take

Coughing is the body's way of removing irritating substances, excess

secretions, and foreign objects from air passages. This is important,

both as a protective mechanism and for the healing process-which is

why a cough should not be artificially suppressed with drugs. When a

cough is painful, too intense, or prevents good rest, the use of

remedies can gently relieve discomfort and help with recovery.

Coughing can accompany a wide variety of illnesses or conditions. If

a person has serious difficulty breathing, coughs up blood or

abnormal discharge, or seems very ill in other ways, professional

help should be sought.

For dosage information, please read the information at the end of

this section. See also " Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance "

in What Is Homeopathy?

Aconitum napellus: This remedy is indicated when a cough has come on

suddenly-often from exposure to cold wind, or after a traumatic

experience. The cough is likely to be sharp, short, dry, and

constant. It may begin during sleep and wake the person up, or can

start when the person goes from a cool place into a warmer one.

Restlessness and fear are typical when this remedy is needed. It is

often used in early stages of croup and asthma.

Belladonna: A cough that comes on suddenly, often with the feeling of

a speck or tickle in the throat, is a strong indication for this

remedy. The cough is intense and nagging and the person may feel as

if the head is about to burst. Sensations of heat, a reddened face,

and dilated pupils are often seen when this remedy is needed.

Bryonia: This remedy is indicated when a cold goes into the chest and

the cough is very painful and dry. The person feels worse from any

movement, and may even need to hold his or her sides or press against

the chest to keep it still. The cough can also make the head or

stomach hurt, and digestion may be upset. The mouth can be dry and

the person may be thirsty. If someone is very grumpy when ill and

wants to be left alone, not talked to or disturbed, Bryonia is likely

to be the remedy.

Chamomilla: A dry, hard, irritating cough that starts after being

exposed to wind, or after being overexcited and angry, can indicate

this remedy. The cough is often worse around nine in the evening and

may continue into the night. The nervous system is hypersensitive,

and the person can be extremely irritable and agitated. (Children may

even shriek and hit, though they often calm down if someone carries

them.) This remedy is also useful in asthma attacks, especially those

brought on by anger.

Ferrum phosphoricum: This is an excellent remedy for the early stages

of many inflammatory conditions, especially colds and allergy

attacks. The cough is typically short and tickling, and may be

painful. Things are worse in cold air, at night, and in the early

morning. The person feels weary, and often has a moderate fever and

lightly flushed cheeks.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy is very helpful when a cough

is loose, rattling and gagging, and brings up yellow mucus. It also

relieves long, dry coughing jags. Extreme sensitivity to all

sensations-especially cold-suggests a need for this remedy. Cold in

any form (even food or drink) can set off a bout of coughing, and

make the person feel more ill. A person who needs this remedy feels

both physically and emotionally vulnerable, and can be irritable and

touchy. This remedy is often indicated in bronchitis and croup.

Ipecacuanha: A violent cough that comes with every breath, and long

spasmodic bouts of coughing that end in gagging or vomiting, are

indications for this remedy. The person may have a clean, uncoated

tongue and experience tightness in the throat and chest, or an

aggravating tickle. Warm, humid air or changes in the weather tend to

make problems worse. Ipecacuanha is often used during asthma attacks.

Nux vomica: Indications for this remedy include a tight sensation in

the chest with a dry, hacking, teasing cough-often causing soreness

or a feeling that something has been torn inside. Long coughing jags

can end in stomach pain and retching, and may make the person's head

ache. A person who needs this remedy is likely to be impatient,

irritable, and oversensitive to everything. A feeling of chilliness

is typical, and problems are often worse from exertion (both mental

and physical) and worse in the morning.

Phosphorus: This remedy is indicated when a person experiences

hoarseness and a tickly cough that hurts the throat, or a cold that

travels quickly to the chest. The cough can be aggravated by talking,

laughing, and exposure to cold air. The person may feel heaviness or

tightness. A thirst for cold drinks (that may cause nausea after

warming up in the stomach) is another indication for Phosphorus. A

person who needs this remedy is typically imaginative and fearful,

and likes the company of others, but tires very easily. This remedy

is often used for loss of the voice and laryngitis.

Pulsatilla: Coughs that are dry in the evening and loose in the

morning, worse in a stuffy room or when the person feels too warm,

and improved in open air may indicate this remedy. The chest usually

has a feeling of pressure and soreness, and thick yellow mucus may be

coughed up with gagging and choking. A person who needs this remedy

usually likes attention and company. It is often given to children

who tend toward tears when ill and want to be held and comforted.

Rumex crispus: A teasing, hacking cough that is triggered by a tickle

in the pit of the throat is a strong indication for this remedy; even

touching the base of the throat can set off coughing. The cough is

often dry, but frothy or stringy mucus may come up. Coughing may

begin when the person goes outside or changes from a warm place to a

cool one. The cough can keep the person from sleeping, and the center

and left side of the chest are likely to be sore.

Spongia tosta: This remedy is indicated when a cough is loud, harsh,

dry, and sounds like barking or sawing wood. The person may wake up

feeling suffocated, as if the throat is plugged or the breathing

passages are dry. Problems are usually made worse from being in a

room that is too warm, or from lying down with the head too low.

Talking aggravates the cough, and so does exposure to cold air and

smoke. Sitting up usually helps, and drinking something warm or

eating small amounts brings some relief. This remedy is often helpful

during croup and asthma.

Sulphur: This remedy is indicated for burning, irritating coughs that

get worse at night in bed, as well as for breathing problems during

sleep. It can also be useful when a mild cough drags on for a week or

more without getting worse, but without much improvement. Burning

sensations, redness of eyes and mucous membranes, foul odors, and an

aggravation from bathing are often seen in a person who needs this remedy.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

For dosage info...............see my email on Administration of Remedies

(See also Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma, Bronchitis, and Common Cold.)





Bronchitis, chest cold, cough centers around the upper chest,

patient is very dry, and has very extreme desire for cold drinks.


Patient has cough that is very scratchy accompanied by a cold or the

flu and aches all over. The cough is centered on the lower throat.


Hoarse, hacking cough that irritates the throat. The symptoms

usually are accompanied by mental symptoms of grief, hopelessness, or

hysteria. Patient may have laryngitis and chills.

Antimonium Tartarticum

This is useful for a respiratory disease that has its onset in warm

damp surroundings. There may be asthma symptoms, with bronchitis, and

chest congestion. There is a rattling cough. This remedy may be

useful in cases of pneumonia where there is a blockage of air

passages and mucous blocks the windpipe creating a feeling of

suffocation. Symptoms may be worse at 4 a.m., and the patient may

have to sit up rather than lie down to breathe. Useful when there are

respiratory blockages in the air passages of newborn babies.


There is a hard dry cough, almost a barking sound, with a persistent

tickle. Bronchitis and hoarseness, with painful laryngitis. Patient

is very cold and shivering and can't stand to have the windows open.


Dry Asthma symptoms. Croup. Difficult breathing. This type of cough

usually gets worse around midnight. The cough is from a very deep

place in the lungs. This cough is worse from cold air, warm rooms,

and warm foods or drinks give some relief.




Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is an infection of the

respiratory system caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or

B. pertussis). It's characterized by severe coughing spells that end

in a " whooping " sound when the person breathes in.

Symptoms of whooping cough

The disease begins with a cold and a mild cough. After this, the

typical coughing bouts set in. The coughing continues until no air is

left in the lungs. After this comes a deep intake of breath that

produces a heaving, 'whooping' sound when the air passes the larynx

(windpipe) that gives rise to the name of the disease.

The patient will eventually cough up some phlegm and these attacks

may well be followed by vomiting. The child's temperature is likely

to remain normal.

A bout of whooping cough can be very distressing for both the child

and the parents who feel unable to help.

Coughing attacks may occur up to 40 times a day and the disease can

last for up to eight weeks.

#Drosera. [Dros]

Drosera is one of the remedies praised by Hahnemann; indeed, he once

said that Drosera 30th sufficed to cure nearly every case of whooping

cough, a statement which clinical experience has not verified.

Drosera, however, will benefit a large number of the cases, if the

following indications be present: a barking cough in such frequent

paroxysms as to prevent the catching of the breath; worse in the

evening. All efforts to raise the phlegm end in retching and

vomiting. The attacks are especially worse after midnight; the child

holds its epigastrium while coughing. The drosera child cries a great

deal. Arnica has crying before coughing because recollection or

previous soreness and pain in present. Bayes says: " Drosera is more

useful in whooping cough than any other remedy in our Materia

Medica. " Unlike Hahnemann, however, he claims that the higher

dilutions are powerless, and he prescribes the first. Drosera acts

better in pure, uncomplicated whooping cough, and while it will

correspond to some epidemics it will fail in others.

Solanum Carolinense has a good clinical record in explosive and

spasmodic coughs, and is recommended by electric physicians as almost specific.

#Castanea vesca [Cast-v]

Has also been vaunted as a specific in the 3x dilution.

#Cuprum. [Cupr]

In whooping cough accompanied with convulsions, or when the paroxysms

are long and interrupted, Cuprum will be the remedy. Spasms of the

flexor muscles predominate. The cough is very violent and threatens

suffocation. This remedy will come in sometimes very nicely after

Drosera and do good work. The patient coughs up a tough, gelatinous

mucus, there is much rattling in the chest, and the face and lips are

bluish. A great characteristic of the remedy is the relief from a

swallow of cold water. Hale mentions the usefulness of Cuprum in

cases accompanied with spasms, clenched hands, etc.

#Corallium rubrum. [Cor-r]

This is a very useful remedy in severe cases of whooping cough.

Before the cough there is a smothering sensation. The child gaps and

becomes black in the face. It is a remedy for that shot, quick,

ringing cough known as the " minute gun " cough. The smothering shows

itself in the form of gasping, crowing inspirations. After each

attack of cough the child sinks back perfectly exhausted. No other

drug produces such a violent paroxysm. It is perhaps oftener

indicated in the later stages of the affection, but the neurotic

element must be present, and also the constriction of the chest

before the attacks. The crowing inspiration of whoop is not so

pronounced as under Mephitis. Dr. Teste recommended Corallium and

Chelidonium as comprising the entire therapeutics or whooping cough,

and Dunham praises Corallium in violent cases.

#Coccus cacti. [Coc-c]

This remedy has paroxysms of cough with vomiting of clear, ropy

mucus, extending in thick, long strings even to the floor. This is

sometimes seen in children who cough and cough with this tenacious

mucus stringing from mouth and nose, waving to and fro until it

finally gives way. The paroxysms come on in the morning, and

accompanying them there is often vomiting of a clear, ropy mucus.

Eructations of wind following cough are an indication for Ambra

grisea. Coccus is a useful remedy for the protracted bronchial

catarrhs remaining after whooping cough. The excessive secretion of

mucus under Coccus is marked and causes the child to strangle. The

choking is most characteristic, even more so than the strangling.

#Mephitis. [Meph]

Mephitis is useful in a cough with a well marked laryngeal spasm, a

whoop. Cough is worse at night on lying down, there is a suffocated

feeling, and the child cannot exhale. Farrington observes that this

remedy will often apparently make the patient worse, while it really

tends to shorten the course of the disease. The catarrhal symptoms

calling Mephitis are slight, but the whoop is prominent. The

smothering comes on with cough, while with Corallium rubrum it comes

on before the cough, and is followed by great exhaustion. There is

not much expectoration with Mephitis. There are many spasmodic

symptoms with this remedy, such as cramping of the legs at night. The

writer has also seen good results from Naphthalin when the cough is

very dry and catarrhal symptoms not pronounced, and the paroxysms of

extreme length, and the constriction of the chest are present. It is

a remedy that is especially suitable to whooping cough in adults. One

of Hahnemann's therapeutic hints in whooping cough is ledum, which

has a spasmodic racking cough, and should be thought of in connection

with this affection.

#Belladonna. [bell]

In sudden violent paroxysms of whooping cough, without any

expectoration, and the symptoms of cerebral congestion, Belladonna

will be found useful. Epistaxis may accompany, and the patient is

worse at night. Boenninghausen says that it is suitable mostly in the

beginning of the disease, or, later, when there is fever. Often in

the beginning of the disease it use will shorten and modify the

disease. Another indication for belladonna is present when the

attacks terminate by sneezing. The cough is excited by a tickling in

the throat, as if from down. Retching and vomiting and pain in the

stomach are prominent symptoms, but when Belladonna is the remedy the

congestive symptoms will be present and active, the onset sudden; the

child grasps at the throat and clings to its mother, as if frightened.

#Ipecac. [ip]

Convulsive cough, where the child stiffness out and becomes blue or

pale and loses its breath, great nausea and relief from vomiting are

prominent symptoms for Ipecac. A " gagging cough " is a good indication

for the remedy. The discharge of mucus is copious and tenacious, and

the patient is very weak after the attacks. Violent shattering coughs

following each other in quick succession, not permitting recovery of

breath, indicate Ipecac. he child is limp and weak, and there is free

perspiration. Sulphur is an excellent remedy for vomiting after the

paroxysmal cough.

#Antimonium tartaricum. [Ant-t]

With this remedy the child is worse when excited or angry, or when

eating; the cough culminates in vomiting of mucus and food. There is

much rattling of mucus in the chest, but the expectoration is slight.

The child demanding Antimonium tartaricum will be irritable and

cross, and will cry, when approached; the tongue will be white and

weakness will be present. If diarrhoea be present with great debility

and depression of vital forces, or if the child vomits its supper

shortly after midnight, Antimonium tartaricum will be the remedy. It

also has marked aggravation form warm drinks.

#Cina. [Cina]

This is not always a worm remedy. It is a most excellent remedy in

whooping cough. It has the same rigidity as Ipecac, the child

stiffness out and there is a clucking sound in the oesophagus when

the little one comes out of the paroxysm. Grinding of the teeth

during sleep will further indicate Cina. It, is of course, specially

indicated by symptoms of worms and in children who are predisposed there to.

#Magnesia phosphorica. [Mag-p]

This is the prominent Schuesslerian remedy for whooping cough, which

begins as does common cold. The attacks are convulsive and nervous,

ending in a whoop. Clinically, I have found this remedy, used in the

30th potency, to act marvelously in certain epidemics. While

associated with Dr. Boericke, of San Francisco, it was not an

uncommon thing for a patient to come to us for " some of our whooping

cough remedy, " which was nothing else than Magnesia phosphorica 30th.

It seemed especially adapted to the then prevailing epidemic. The

indications may be stated as cough in severe paroxysms, with blue or

swollen and livid face, with a severe whoop.

Kali sulphuricum will also at times be found useful.

#Sanguinaria nitrate. [sang]

This remedy is useful when there is hoarseness, rawness in the throat

and larynx, and headache.

# Kali bichromicum. [Kali-bi]

This remedy suits cases where there is a hoarse cough; child breathes

superficially and rapidly to prevent attacks of coughing. It is a

coarser cough than that of Hepar, worse from eating and on inspiring

deeply; there is a general catarrhal involvement of the nose, throat

and frontal sinus, and the expectoration is yellow, tough and

stringy, differing from that of Coccus cacti in being yellow.

Coqueluchin or Pertussin, a nosode of whooping cough, is advocated by

Dr. J. H. e, of London, who claims food results from its use. A

spasmodic hacking, deep-sounding, croupy cough with coryza and

difficulty in getting the breath seem to be the indications. Cartier

and others report success with the remedy. It is better used not

lower than the 30th.


http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?ID=1122 & action=print


" Whooping cough " can be quite a nasty and prolonged illness, even in

older children, in whom it is seldom fatal or dangerous. It can

certainly threaten life in young infants under one year of age,

because of the narrowness of the immature laryngeal opening and its

particular vulnerability to obstruction from any inflammation or

swelling. It is rarely serious in children older than six; and

adults, for some reason, rarely contract the illness at all, even

when they are exposed and have never had it before.

The incubation period varies from one to two weeks; and the illness

often begins quite slowly, with some fever, typical upper respiratory

symptoms, and a cough that gradually becomes more and more

paroxysmal, until the characteristic spasms appear, often terminating

in vomiting or tenacious sputum ejected with great violence. Such a

cough may commonly persist for six weeks or even longer, suggesting

an autoallergic as well as an infectious origin.

The nosode Pertussin, prepared from the sputum of patients with this

disease, is the homeopathic remedy generally used for prophylaxis of

exposed children (Pertussin 30c, one dose daily for two weeks after

contact); and it can also be given in early stages of illness, at

four-hour intervals. Drosera is the remedy most often used for the

illness itself, although other remedies may also be needed. For

children with a well developed cough, Drosera 30c or Pertussin 30c

may be given every four hours, or even more often if necessary. A

physician should be consulted if the illness is severe.

Homeopathic remedies are available without prescription, but care

should be exercised to obtain them from a manufacturer belonging to

the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacies. This way, you

will know that they have been prepared in accordance with the

standards of the U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.



Managing Chickenpox and Whooping Cough

Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc, CCH

Whooping cough (pertussis)

Be prepared for bad coughing spells. Beyond that whooping cough is

usually free of complications. Infants under twelve months suffer

more complications than any other age group, sometimes requiring

hospital care for pneumonia or difficulty breathing with the cough.

Antibiotics are often prescribed for pertussis, but they have minimal

effect on symptoms. Antibiotics do kill the bacteria and prevent

spread of the disease to others. Cough suppressants are useless.

Homeopathic medicines are more effective and have no side effects.

Find an experienced homeopathic practitioner through the Council for

Homeopathic Certification, or the National Center for Homeopathy.

Since whooping cough lasts for at least six to eight weeks, the

homeopathic prescription often needs to be adjusted as symptoms

change. If no practitioner is available in your area, consider giving

remedies on your own.

Drosera rotundifolia is the premier remedy for whooping cough, used

if these symptoms are present: Symptoms are worse in the middle of

the night. The cough is triggered by laughing and exertion. The cough

is hoarse and barking with prolonged attacks that often end in

gagging and vomiting.

Cuprum metallicum is the second most frequently prescribed remedy,

used if these symptoms are present: The coughing spells are alarming

and long, with spasms of the larynx that result in gasping and

difficulty getting a breath. These spells end in exhaustion.

Sometimes the correct remedy needs to fit the individual's unusual

symptoms. Be patient with whooping cough. The coughing spells will

fade over time, but colds subsequent to the illness may result in a

recurrence of coughing bouts. The good news is that whooping cough

does confer lifelong immunity, unlike the vaccine.

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