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Sore Throats & Homeopathic Treatment

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Materia Medica

ACONITE (2) Early stages with violent fever, dry heat, burning, burning

thirst, dark redness of affected parts, burning, choking, creeping and

contraction of throat. croup from cold dry air beginning before midnight,

child wakes and grasps throat. Dry cough with barking hoarse croup sound

during exhalation from spasm in larynx. Worse < being chilled by cold

winds, dry weather, pressure, touch of bed, noise, light, dentition,

lying on affected side, inspiration of tobacco smoke, warm rooms,

sleeping in the sun, evening and night. Better > rest, from a warm

sweat. Great fear, anxiety and restlessness. Fear the future, predicts

the time of death, etc.

APIS (3) Edema of mucous membranes of throat and bag-like swelling of

uvula, fiery red, shining, glazed and puffy, with blisters in clusters

filled with clear lymph on back of throat. Inability to swallow from

great swelling of the throat, internally and externally. Stinging,

burning, rawness, stitching pain between acts of swallowing. difficult

breathing and swallowing, pain in throat extends to the ears. Worse <

warm drinks, swallowing solids, sour or hot substances. Better > cold

drinks. Rawness and scalding around margin of tongue. Insidious cases

coming on without suffering, No thirst, wants to be uncovered, sensitive

to clothing about neck, allergenic edema of face and eyelids,

rose-colored rash on skin. Worse < heat in any form, touch, pressure,

right side, sleeping, in close heated rooms, late afternoon, after 4PM,

suppressed eruptions, Better > open air, uncovering, cold bathing,

cool air, motion, slight expectoration. Restlessness, fidgety, and


BELLADONNA (3 *). Violent fever, burning heat, bright-red throat, great

dryness of mouth and throat, shooting pains in throat on swallowing,

turning the head or breathing. Constriction and oppression impeding

swallowing, speech and respiration, spasms of throat when trying to

swallow. Enlargement of cervical glands and stiff neck. Inability to

swallow liquids, thristlessness or thirst but to pain to drink so drinks

in sips. Worse < right side, check sweating, drafts, haircut, washing

head, taking cold, lying down, touch, jar, noise. Better > siting

semi-erect, light covering, bending backward, bed rest. Delirious, starts

at the approach of others, desire to escape, acuteness of all


CANTHARIS (2). Throat feels on fire, inflamed and covered with plastic

lymph, with bloody expectoration, symptoms come on with great rapidity.

gangrene of the throat, water drunk returns through the nose, shooting

pains when swallowing, esp. liquids, from constriction and intense pain

at back of throat. Tenacious mucus. Intense thirst but will not drink due

to pain. Concomitant painful burning urination and exhaustion. Worse <

while urination and after, drinking, cold water, or coffee, touch, esp.

larynx, bright objects, sound of water. Better > rest, warmth,

rubbing, warm applications. Strong sexual desire, anxious restlessness

ending in rage, acute mania.

HEPAR SULPH (2). Pricking sensations, as if from pins, splinters or

fish-bone sticking in the throat, extending to the ears when yawning or

swallowing. Smarting, roughness and rawness of fauces worse < when

swallowing solid food. Heat and scraping in throat, with constant

expectoration of yellow, tenacious mucus, impeding suppuration. Vomiting,

in morning with dry, deep cough, worse in evening, when it becomes

violent and agonizing. Pressure as from a plug, with danger of

suffocation. Swelling of tonsil and cervical glands, ulcers in throat

cause breath to smell like old cheese. Great sensitivity to atmospheric

changes. Worse < cold, slightest drafts, cold dry winds, cool air,

drafts, least uncovering. Better > by heat, damp weather, wrapping up

head. Irritability, hasty, the slightest cause makes them angry.

KALI BICH (2). Soreness as if something sticking in the throat,

accumulation of tenacious mucus that causes gagging, constant hawking,

mucus, Discharges of touch stringy mucus which adheres to parts and can

be drawn out in long strings. Uvula relaxed, elongated, edematous,

bladder like. Ulcers in fauces, discharging cheesy lumps of offensive

smell. Pseudo-membranous deposits on tonsil and soft palate. Mapped

tongue, red, shining, smooth and dry. Tenacious mucus in pharynx, with

tendency to hoarseness and tickling cough, throat pains more when putting

out tongue, sharp. shooting pains in left tonsil, extending toward the

ear, better > by swallowing. Ropy, stringy, fetid discharge from

posterior nares and fauces. Worse < cold, damp, open air, spring,

undressing, morning, 2-3 AM, after sleep, hot weather, suppressed

catarrh. Better > heat, wrapping up, motion, pressure. Mentally

ill-humored and low-spirited, listless, indifferent, and aversion of

mental and physical exertion. Anxiety arising from chest. Fear of people,

avoids society.

KALI MUR (1). Sore throats with swollen glands, grayish white exudate,

grayish of white patches on the tonsils, gray or white coating on the

base of tongue. Follicular tonsillitis, loss of voice, hoarseness.

Dryness and redness, burning, stinging pains, after abuse of mercury

(from filling of volcanic smog). Tough, white mucus with similar

secretion from posterior nares, great efforts to dislodge it by snuffing

and hawking. Worse < open air, cold drink, drafts, lying, night

dampness, fatty rich foods, during menses. Better > cold drinks,

rubbing, letting hair down. Thinks they must stave, discontented,

discouraged, sits in silence, irritable and angry at trifles.

LACHESIS (3). Throat mottled, bluish, bluish-red, livid purple. Dryness

of mouth and throat with no thirst or with aversion to water, pain extend

to ear, cervical glands swollen and suppurating. Much saliva and stringy

mucus, tongue swollen, stiff, trembles and catches on teeth when

protruded. Pains begin or are worse < left side or begin on the left

and go to the right (opposite Lyc.). Patches and membranes go from the

left to right and down larynx. Much choking and swallowing, esp. during

sleep. Constriction and difficult breathing, worse < arousing form

sleep or after sleep. Pains worse < by warm drinks better > by cold

drinks (opposite Lyc.). and empty swallowing, pains travel to the ears.

Better > swallowing solids rather than liquids. Throat worse < from

slightest external pressure, heat, empty swallowing, left side, warm

bath, retarded discharges. Better > appearance of discharges, open

air, cold drinks. Great loquacity, jealous and suspicious, feels they are

under super human control, fears going to sleep.

LYCOPODIUM (3). Swelling, pain, and suppuration of throat and tonsils

starting on the right and going from the right to the left (opposite

Lach). Chronic enlargement or ulceration tonsils, fauces brownish-red,

hawking of bloody mucus or hard, greenish-yellow phlegm, feeling as if a

ball rose form below into the throat, feeling as a hard body in esophagi.

No thirst or thirst with disgust for drinks or better > from hot

drinks and worse from cold drinks (opposite Lach). One side of neck stiff

and swollen, glandular swellings, throat feels constricted, nothing can

be swallowed. Worse < eating to satiety, cold drinks, awaking, right

side, right to left, 4 to 8 PM, hot air, bed, warm applications, pressure

of clothes, wet stormy weather, wind. Better > hot drinks, warm food

and drinks, erucations, after midnight, cold applications. Headstrong and

haughty when sick, averse to company yet wants someone in the next room.

Angry when arising.

MERCURIUS (3*). Great soreness, dryness, rawness, and burning, stitches

into ear on swallowing. Obliged to swallow constantly because of profuse

salivation yet throat feels dry. Swelling of the parotid and cervical

glands. Tongue moist coating, yellow, flabby, teeth indented, feels as if

burnt with ulcers, lengthwise furrows, putrid breath. Lancinating pains

in neck and tonsils, extending to the ears, esp. right side, pressure in

esophagi and larynx, worse < when eating, drinks can't pass epiglottis

and are forced back through nose. Great thirst for cold drinks with moist

tongue. Sneezing, coryza, violent cough, tonsil dark-red or greenish-red,

studded with ulcers. Chilliness toward evening or alternating chill and

heat, sweating without relief. (Suitable for volcanic smog). Worse <

night, wet, damp, lying on right side, wet feet, perspiring, heated, warm

room, bed, sensitive to drafts to head, changes of weather, cold, damp

weather, heat and cold. Better > moderate temperament. Slow in thought

and speech yet some can be hasty. Irresolution, constantly changes their

minds, weak memory, lose of self confidence.

MERCURIUS COR. (2).Throat intensely inflamed, red, painful, preventing

swallowing and causing suffocation, uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red,

tonsil swollen and covered with ulcers. Prickly in throat as from

needles, cutting in the throat as from a knife, retching and vomiting on

attempting to swallow, worse < when depressing the tongue. Cervical

glands hard and swollen. Pain in post-nasal area with sharp pains to ear.

Worse < after urination and stool, swallowing, night, cold, fall, hot

days, cool nights. Better > rest. Can not sleep because of anxiety and

restlessness. Stares at the person who talk to him and does not

understand them. Difficult thinking, disturb speech, stupid.

MERCURIUS CYN. (1). Necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate and

fauces. Diphtheria of larynx and nose, septic diphtheria membrane is

thick and gray. Throat feels raw, sore, cutting pains on swallowing,

redness of fauces. Mucous membranes broken down, ulcerated. Worse < on

swallowing, speaking, after eating. Great excitement, fits of passion,

fury, talkativeness.

MERCURIUS IOD. FLAV (2). Sore throat, dry, swelling begins on the right

side, or goes from the right to the left (Lyc). Easily detached patches

on inflamed pharynx and fauces. Constant desire to swallow, tenacious

mucus, hawking causes gagging, sensation of a lump. Tongue thickly coated

yellow at base, bright yellow on back part, tip and edges red. Right

Tonsil swollen, better > cold drinks. Worse < odors, touch,

pressure, raising up, warm room, warm bed, warm drinks, cold and damp

weather, night before 1 A.M. on waking, rest. Better > open


MERCURIUS IOD. RUB. (2). Sensation as of a lump in throat, with

disposition to hawk which brings up hard greenish lumps or tough white

phlegm. Sticking in throat, on waking feels sore and scalded, worse <

empty swallowing. fauces dark-red, left tonsil swollen, submaxillary

glands painfully engorged. Sore through starts on left and goes to the

right (Lach). Sensation of lump with disposition to hawk from posterior

nares. Stiffness of muscles of the neck and throat. Uvula elongated.

Cough with sore throat. Worse < empty swallowing, swallowing food,

after sleep, weather changes, getting wet, touch, pressure, after dinner,

afternoon evening, touch, pressure.

NITRIC ACID (1). Pricking as form a splinter in throat, worse <

swallowing, stitches in throat, pains travel to the ears, tonsil red

swollen, uneven small ulcers on the palate, tongue, inside of gums sore,

with stinging pains and ulceration of corners of the mouth. White patches

with sharp points, as from splinters. Bloody saliva. Worse < fat food,

milk, after eating, cold air, dampness, changing weather, heat of bed,

mental exertion and shock, evening and nights. Worse < mercury

(volcanic smog).

NUX VOMICA (2). Throat is raw, sore, rough, scraped, stinging pains

causing hawking. Tickling when wakening in the morning, pharynx

constricted, as if a plug were sticking in throat during empty

swallowing, swelling of the uvula, stitches into ear when swallowing,

small fetid ulcers. Pains worse < while eating and more afterward, dry

cough with headache and pains in hypochondria when coughing,

constipation. Worse < cold, morning, uncovering, open air, high

living, coffee, stimulants, smoking, drugs, over eating, alcohol. Better

> after a nap, free discharges, wrapping head, hot drinks. Very

irritable and impatient, can't bear noise, odors, light, can't stand the

pain it makes him angry. Talks about his condition, so mad he


PHYTOLACCA (2). Throat dark red or red-blue, pain at root of tongue

travels to ear when swallowing, or soreness of posterior fauces, with

extension of irritation into Eustachian tubes. Pain on swallowing hot

liquids or foods. Sensation as if trachea were being strongly grasped,

hawking relieves the choked feeling, dryness of throat at bedtime.

Tonsils swollen, esp. right. Great muscular soreness, chilliness, groans

when moved, restlessness and prostration. Worse < changes of weather,

cold weather, damp, electric charges, rain, exposure to damp, hot drinks,

heat. Better > warm dry weather, rest, cold drinks, lying on abdomen.

Loss of personal delicacy, complete shamelessness of and indifference to

exposure of her person. Indifferent to life. Refuse food in spite of

continuous insistence.

RHUS TOX (1). Sticking stinging pains in tonsils, worse < beginning to

swallow, throat sore stiff, after straining, sensation of swelling in

throat, with contusive pain, even when talking, cellulitis of neck,

parotitis. Hoarsness from over straining the voice. Soreness > warm

drinks. Esophagitis from swallowing corrosive matter. Worse <

midnight, ice cold drinks, uncovering, during rest, exposure to wet, cold

air, draught, before storms, after exertion. Better > heat, warm

wrapping, warm applications, continued motion. Whining mood, restless

with continual change of position, can't remain in bed.

SULPHUR (2). Burning, heat, dryness and redness in the larynx, throat and

mouth, suppuration of the uvula and tonsils. Sensation of swelling and

pressure in throat, as if from a body lodged in throat, esp. on

swallowing or breathing. Dry coryza, persistent hoarseness or lose of

voice, breathlessness, contraction of chest, swelling of cervical glands.

constant desire to swallow saliva. Whole back posterior of palate arches

ulcerated. Worse < rest, warmth of bed, washing, bathing in morning,

11 AM., night, periodically, alcohol, suppressions, standing. Better >

open air, motion, sweating, walking.



Homeopathic Educational Services

A Homeopathic Perspective on Sore Throats

Writings by Dana Ullman, MPH © 1995

(Excepted from Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine,

Cummings, MD, & Dana Ullman, MPH Tarcher/Putnam, 1997)

(Excepted from


Medicine for Children and Infants, Tarcher/Putnam)

The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to

most people with diarrhea.



Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms

of a sore throat, though professional constitutional care is usually

necessary to cure chronically recurring sore throats. Children with much

pain from a sore throat or those who have difficulty opening their mouth

or swallowing should receive a culture to determine if they have strep.

ACONITUM: Consider this medicine during the initial onset of the sore

throat. The symptoms come on suddenly, often after exposure to a cold

air. There may be some burning in the throat and a red, dry, swollen


APIS: These children have a red, inflamed throat with swollen tonsils,

which is aggravated by warm drinks or food and relieved by cold drinks or

sucking on an ice cube. This remedy should be considered when the throat

hurts even when the child isn't swallowing. The throat not only looks

red, it looks shiny. There is dryness in the throat with a burning,

stinging pain. They have constrictive feeling in the throat. The inner

and outer throat is swollen, and the uvula which hangs from the upper

throat is also swollen. These children may have a sensation of a fishbone

caught in the throat and may have difficulty swallowing. They may

experience hoarseness in the mornings and cannot stand to have anything

around their neck.

Arsenicum: When children have a burning pain in the throat that is

relieved by warm food or drinks and aggravated by cold food or drinks,

this medicine should be considered. The child's condition may begin with

a nasal discharge and then go into the throat. The pains are usually

worse on the right side. There may also be dryness of the mouth with a

great thirst for frequent sips of water.

BELLADONNA: This medicine is the most common remedy for acute tonsilitis.

It is also commonly given at the early stages of other types of sore

throat. The tonsils are noticeably red, usually scarlet red. There are

burning pains and a constant desire to swallow, despite the fact that it

hurts to do so. There is a constricting feeling in the throat, which

causes difficulty even swallowing water. They have a tendency to desire

lemons or lemonade. There is a tickling in the larnyx. If these children

have a fever, it will usually be a high one. Characteristically, their

head is hot, though their extremities are cold.

Ferrum phos: This remedy is common for acute, non-violent tonsillitis.

The inflammation does not begin suddenly, and the pain is not severe. The

throat is red and swollen, especially on waking. They have pain on

swallowing, usually a burning pain, which is better from cold

applications. They may also have hoarseness. This remedy should be

considered for sore throats in children who sing a lot.

Hepar sulph: When children experience a sensation as though there was a

stick in the throat, or when a sore throat starts after the child is

exposed to cold, this medicine should be considered. The tonsils are

enlarged, and they have throbbing pains. There is usually a radiating

pain to the ears on swallowing. Hot drinks provide some relief. These

children are hypersensitive to touch and cold and are highly irritable.

Ignatia: The distinguishing symptom of children who need this medicine is

sore throat pain that is relieved by swallowing foods and is aggravated

by empty swallowing (Lachesis children also have this symptom). These

children may experience throat pain even when they don't swallow. They

tend to have a lump in the throat, sometimes related to the suppression

of some strong emotion. They sometimes have hoarseness or a complete loss

of their voice. An emotional state is also evidenced by their tendency to

take deep breaths or to sigh frequently.

LACHESIS: When children have a sore throat that is worse on the left

side, this medicine is often indicated. The left gland in the throat is

more swollen, and inside the throat the left side is more red, sometimes

purplish. They tend to experience a constant tickle or a feeling of a

fishbone caught in the throat. Their pains are worsened by empty

swallowing (just swallowing saliva) or drinking warm or hot liquids, and

the pains are eased when swallowing foods. Their throat particularly

hurts when they try to hawk up mucus. The throat is hypersensitive to

touch, which explains why these children do not like wearing clothes with

a tight collar.

Lycopodium: This medicine should be considered when the child has a sore

throat that is worse on the right side or one that has started on the

right and moved to the left. Although the child may not notice the

difference, the parent who looks in the throat will be able to see more

inflammation on either side. The throat is aggravated by swallowing cold

liquids and relieved by warm ones. The child may experience a choking

sensation, as though a ball was stuck in their throat.

MERCURIUS: These children have colds that settle in their throat. They

have a constant desire to swallow and much pain when they do so. In

extreme cases they have a choking sensation on swallowing. There is much

redness and swelling in the throat along with a raw burning pain. Their

throat is dry despite much salivation in their mouth. They may have so

much salivation that they need to swallow frequently, and they may wet

their pillow with saliva. They have swollen tonsils and lymph glands, and

their throat pain extends to the ear. Their throat can be ulcerated and

tends to be worse on the right side. Another characteristic symptom is

their noticeably bad breath. When a child has these symptoms along with a

left-sided sore throat, give Mercurius iodatus ruber; when a child has a

right-sided sore throat, give Mercurius iodatus flavus.

Phytolacca: There are two types of pains that are experienced when

swallowing which are characteristic of the need for this medicine:

shooting pain from the throat into the ears, and pain at the root of the

tongue that causes pain when the child sticks out their tongue. They have

a feeling of rawness and roughness in thethe throat, which is usually

worse on the right side and while drinking hot fluids. The children feel

a swollen, constricted feeling in the throat. The tonsils tend to be

swollen and may have been swollen for a long time. The glands in their

neck are also swollen.

RHUS TOX: These children have throat pain on initial swallowing but

experience relief the more often they swallow.

Sulphur: This medicine is helpful for children who experience burning

pains in the throat that are aggravated by warm food or drinks and

relieved by cold drinks. They have swollen tonsils and offensive


Wyethia: When children have a tickling sensation on the roof of the mouth

or in the throat that stimulates coughing, this medicine should be

considered. Another important indication for this medicine is a sore

throat caused by an allergy. It is also commonly effective in treating

sore throats in children who sing a lot or who irritate their throat from

overuse. They usually have a dry, hot, and swollen throat with a constant

desire to swallow saliva, despite having difficulty swallowing.



Homeopathic Treatment for Earaches and Sore Throats

Aconite | Sulphur | Apis | Belladonna | Calcarea carbonica

Chamomilla | Hepar sulph | Kali muriaticum

Mercurius solibus | Pulsatilla | Sulphur

A well selected homeopathic remedy will give speedy pain relief,

without side effects. Match one of the pictures below with your child's

symptoms. You may need to consult a first aid book (like mine! The

Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro if these descriptions

don't match your child's collection of symptoms. Having selected the


* give according to the urgency of the complaint i.e.

every 15-30 minutes if in severe pain, less often (every 1-2 hours) if in

less pain.

* stop on improvement (this is important, a

homeopathic medicine works as a trigger, stimulating the body to heal


* repeat if the same symptoms return.

* change the remedy if you have given about 6 doses

and had no reaction or if the symptoms change.

You might want to purchase some remedies for those middle-of-the-night

times when the shops aren't open: Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla and

Pulsatilla are my favourite for painful, sudden earaches in children.

First-aid homeopathic kits are available from homeopathic pharmacies such

as Dolisos, 1-800-DOLISOS, or Boiron, 1-800-258-8823.

to top


Sudden onset of any infection, after a shock, after getting chilled

(especially by a cold wind.) Pains are severe, often waking them in the

night (around midnight). Child is distressed (anxious and scared),

screams with pain, is restless and thirsty.


Burning, stinging pains with earache or sore throat; worse for heat and

better for cold (drinks, compresses, ice packs). Doesn't want to be

touched or covered. Child is weepy, restless and thirstless.


Sudden onset of any infection. Pains are severe, throbbing and worse for

warmth. They radiate from ears to neck and face; or from throat to ears.

The throat is bright red and glands are swollen. Flushed, thirstless and

delirious with a burning, dry fever. Tongue is red with white spots (like

a strawberry). Child is angry when unwell and may throw


Calcarea carbonica

Infections with swollen glands in teething infants. Throbbing earache

with noises in the ear. Child is sweaty, especially the head and back of

the neck, especially at night. Everything smells sour (sweat, stools,



Infections with unbearable pains in teething or angry children. Burning

fever with shivering. Child is inconsolable, wants to be carried, screams

with the pains and is very angry. Asks for things which are then rejected

or thrown down.

Hepar sulph

Infections with swollen glands. Stitching or splinter-like pains are

better for heat (hot drinks or warm compresses). Throat feels as if there

is something stuck in it. Tonsils are swollen and ulcerated. Sweat is

smelly and profuse.

For chilly types who become morose and irritable when ill and don't want

to be touched, who are better for being well wrapped up.

Kali muriaticum

Hearing loss after an earache or sore throat. Ears snap, crackle and pop

after an infection.

Mercurius solibus

Infections with swollen glands. Sore throat with pains radiating to ears

on swallowing. Tonsils swollen and ulcerated. Fever with heat alternating

with chills and profuse, smelly sweat. Breath smells, children

drool especially in their sleep. Sensitive to both heat and cold. Burning

thirst. Glue ear after a cold or earache with smelly discharge from



Complaints may come on after getting wet, when teething, with emotional

stress (especially separation from mother, including weaning). Earache

with feeling of pressure from catarrh pressing on eardrum, hearing

loss and noises in ear. The external ear is red. There may be a thick

yellow discharge. Sore throat: throat is dry, irritated and raw, as if

there were dust in it. Symptoms are worse for heat and better for fresh

air. Child is thirstless, pathetic, clingy, wants to be carried and

cuddled. Weeps with the pains and needs lots of reassurance.


Left-sided infections with swollen glands. Earache with painful

ringing/roaring in ear. Sore throat — throat is dry, raw, burns and voice

is hoarse; pains are worse for swallowing and coughing. Fever with

sweating and shivering. All symptoms are worse for heat. Thirsty,

restless, sluggish and irritable. Hates being washed, especially in warm

(hot) water.

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