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I HATE vaccines!!!

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I am feeling so impotent right now…trying to talk about why vaccines don’t work, why they’re the fox guarding the henhouse, why the CDC and the FDA and even why Jenner was a fraud… And all I can think is this provaccine friend is going to say ‘can you back up your claimsâ€â€¦why do I have to back up MY claims??? Are you backing up your sick theories? This one girl is convinced that some relative died because they did not receive ONE shot. I wish sometimes I could just cut off friendships where if they vaxxed, I was outta there. Except I don’t ask that question. I just gave a long winded response to some friend posting an AAP article on if not vaccination, then what? And I’m like then HEALTH people! You won’t see doctors’ offices full of kids. The first wall post was the article by AAP which I did not read. Then a friend said she thought vaccines were a good intention and she agrees with the article but she thinks a delayed schedule is better b/c young girls don’t need gardasil and kids don’t need CP vax. Then I said: I don't think vaccines ever had good intentions because Jenner lied about his work. he was a fraud. it was about money right from the very beginning. if you read papers from the 1800's you see doctors were against it then and it just kept going and going. the immune system is so immature and so barely understood, they're messing with what they don't understand. mama's milk is full of immunity. why does a new baby, fresh from the womb, need to be shot up with a vaccine? it's called conditioning. RX companies know that if no kid ever got any shot say til age 5, that parents would know that they aren't needed. they would see a perfectly healthy kid, able to stand insults and assaults much better. doctors offices would not be filled with sick kids. is a baby a drug user? is a baby sexually promiscuous? NO. how about a mom in a faithful marriage? not doing drugs? is she at risk? NO. so why give a vaccine to a baby that doesn't need it? who is not at risk for the disease they are vaxxing for? (assuming vaccines do in fact protect).. is a 2 month old going to get these diseases? why change your babies DNA when they're just TWO months old?? it's insane. there is a quote from a friends email on this: It can take some time to understand why vaccines don't work and only make kids sick. For now, here is a good point to not vaccinate babies with vaccine that have no benefit. Check out this article: http://​gaetacommunications.com/​site/?p=1092 Here is a quote from it: " ...it is pointless to administer drugs intended to stimulate antibody production to babies who are too young to produce antibodies. Infants in their first year mostly depend on generalized, non-specific immunity, including (hopefully) immunoglobulins from breast milk, to protect their young bodies from infection. They do not produce antibodies of their own until about age one. Despite this basic fact, the medical establishment insists administering a total of 19 shots, containing 24 vaccines, to infants on the 2, 4 and 6 month pediatric visits (Source: cdc.gov). Somehow, the basic facts of human physiology and development do not apply to vaccines. " I'll add liability doesn’t either. if you buy a car and it falls apart on the road after leaving the lot, and someone gets hurt, you can sue the manufacturer for damages. Vaccine manufacturers have been shielded from liability. Their product can maim and kill and they can walk away. Look at the list of conflicts of interest. how can someone who has a financial gain also be able to walk away? When you see a commission-only salesman, do you believe every word he says? His goal is to sell his product. but the people who OK these vaccines also have a hand in making them and selling them. Articles from the AAP on the " benefits " on vaccines are like the fox guarding the henhouse. anything from the CDC on the benefits are the fox guarding the henhouse. Vaccines are a religion and the RX company is its God and when you choose to believe in vaccines and let your children have them, you risk sacrificing your child. You can't ever undo it. They cross the blood brain barrier, they cross the placenta, they cross and change the DNA. They excite the immune system. antibodies do not equal immunity though. If no vaccination, then you'd have a healthier population that had stronger immune systems. measles is a house cleaner and it leaves the body stronger. when I was a kid and when my parents were kids, measles was just something you got. mumps was just something you got. when the polio vaccine came out they changed the diagnosing criteria and suddenly people who didn't have polio anymore and the vaccine was credited. there are so many lies about vaccination. they're wolves in sheep’s clothing. -- With as much information out there and it’s 2012!! TWO THOUSAND… it’s not like 550 BC or something yk?  I just get so frustrated. I know y’all know.. this is the only list I can really vent on on SUCH FREAKING  STUPID STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well this one and my no pet vax list. Oh my G.O.D.  that is how utterly .. I just want to scream. I can’t even complete a sentence. This girl is pregnant with twins. She’s going to shoot up her babies. It makes me want to tear out my hair and scream. Stop POISOINING your babies!!!  They don’t see it. ‘oh vaccinations saved the country. They’re such a boonâ€.. My own damn sister “go get my nieces and nephews vaccinated so they can live a good long lifeâ€.. like hell. I told her ain’t gonna happen! They’re going to live long and healthy because of NO vaccination, thankyouverymuch. I wish I could just shut up and walk away. Nita, homeschooling mompreneur to 8 kids and an online store! A tiscuit, a tasket, what a lovely  gift basket: http://www.nitasbaskets.com If you have melted chocolate on your hands, you're eating it too slowly!

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