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CFIC respnses to allegations from Patti Finn

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another point of view - I have no idea the facts of this matter


From: " Krasner " <cfic@...>

Below are 3 responses (emails) from me to what I consider recent shoddy


I do not blame NY attorney Patti Finn necessarily. She's acting as

expected, and as she always has: In her self-interest.

In this case, she's trying to create a firestorm of support among

activists and parents-----against whom her predatory behavior is becoming

known I'm glad to note.

What I really blame are the useful idiots of the " press " who

uncritically accept Finn's spin at face value, or worse, going along with

the false spin of her as victim of pro vaccinators.

--- Krasner



Cc: watson_web@...

Subject: Do not believe Attorney Patti Finn' allegations

Editor Kurt Nimmo

Dear Mr. Nimmo,

I'm the director of the largest NYS coalition of parents who refrain from

vaccination. Approx 5000 members.

I hope that you would take Ms. Finn's allegations with a grain of

salt. There have been enough people taken in by her false



The article by Curt Linderman Sr. accepts what she alleges

uncritically. I can tell you from past experience, since Finn had

first approached me to refer parents to her some 7 years ago, that it is

a mistake to trust her veracity.

Over 40 parents have come to me dissatisfied with her misrepresentations

and false promises. I've helped many obtain their money back,

through credit card chargebacks.

He biggest scam is to charge $800 for assembling a prepackaged

boilerplate letter for a parent, in which she describes how her client is

opposed to vaccination.

And these religious exemption applications are routinely denied, because

as Finn already knows, religious statements MUST be in the parent's own

words. Assembly Health Committee Chair Gottfried had tried

to reform that requirement in 2005, but had failed (his correspondence

avail upon request).

I don't know how many parents she may have ripped off in this

manner. See attached document i wrote, disrecommending her


PLEASE begin by asked Finn for substantiation with regards to the alleged

court order that she furnish the names of parents that dont

vaccinate. Ask to see that notice.

Indeed, ask for all the paperwork, because I learned that this proceeding

has nothing to do with vaccination. Just the notion that the state

Bar could act so quickly to file against her since the rally on

Wednesday, the 22nd of February in WV is ludicrous.

Finn's mentor, Filenbaum had also been disbarred some 10 years

ago. But he was merely incompetent, from the many reports that i

and my colleague, Sharon Kimmelman, had learned throughout the 1980s and











if Mike wants to make a fool of himself, I'm in no position to

stop him. He certainly has made stories he's covered more

sensational and inflammatory than my sensibilities would tolerate.

But that's just me, and colleagues like me who have been involved with

the vaccination issues for 3+ decades. i can think for myself and

don't need assistance on how I should feel or conclude about any given


claims to have read the Finn documents?! it would have been

nice if he reported on the mundane, unimportant parts of it. you

know, like the actual charges against Finn? Like who were the

complainants and why they filed complaints against Finn? Like what

court or prosecutor or judge is making these charges? You know, the

basics of good reporting-----who, what, why, where and when?!

Or like printing actual quotes longer than " threatening the public

interest " in order to learn whether that was dicta, commentary, or

the basis of actual charges she's facing?! WHAT IS IT THAT


These charges against Finn are in the public record. POST THE DAMN

DOCUMENTS IN FULL! Let your readers determine for themselves what

the hell this is all about. Stop the censoring of

information. You are behaving as patriarchal as government does

when it mandates vaccinations for everyone.

I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GUESS, nor accept your spin, why a court or

government or professional board (it would be nice to know which) is

petitioning Finn and the reason why.

SO I WILL SPECULATE. I could be wrong. But who's fault is


MY GUESS is that Patti Finn had ripped off one too many people, or

perhaps the wrong person, and is finally being scutinized by the

Bar. And why would the court seek the names of her clients?

My guess is that one of the allegations is that she knowingly has been

misrepresenting the threshold requirement for exemption

applications-----that the APPLICANT write the statements in their own

words, and not written by a third party, as Finn has wrongly been doing

for years.

I'm not a lawyer, but I would think that would make her past handling of

similar cases dispositive in these proceedings, and the reason the names

of such clients may be required.

Either way, please do better journalism by consulting a lawyer about

this. or asking the court about it. Treat your readers like

the adults they are.



From: cfic@...

kkorber21@..., lizr@..., rays@...,

<markw@...>, <terryn@...>,

<estellet@...>, <aN@...>,


Subject: My Reaction to " Queens parents sue over

vaccines "

Dear Mr. Korber,

With respect to your article, " Queens parents sue over

vaccines "


Your article was attrocious. No one reading your account can

possibly understand what this lawsuit is all about.

Before I explain the errors you made, I should make it clear that I have

absolutely no association with plaintif's attorney, Finn.

In fact, I disrecommend her services when parents seek information or


I also had no prior knowledge of this lawsuit. I first discovered

it was filed just a few days ago.

Below, under the double line, is the text I had emailed to you concerning

my thoughts on the lawsuit. On Wedn afternoon, I had invited you to

print as much of it as you can fit.

I will begin with the law itself. It is not just a rule of

the chancellor’s, as you had written! This is a state


NY CLS Pub Health §2164(9) provides NYSED with gatekeeping

functions. But DoH holds general oversight of this operation for

all school districts. State DoH implementation regs governing

religious exemptions are located here: 10 NYCRR, Section

66-1.3(d). But the subject of this lawsuit has nothing to do

with that section, contrary to what you wrote later on!

Rather, this lawsuit pertains to this section: 10 NYCRR 66-1.10,

“Exclusion of susceptibles in event of disease outbreak”:


(a) In the event of an outbreak of diphtheria, polio, measles, rubella or

mumps in a school, the commissioner may order the appropriate school

officials to exclude from attendance all students without documentation

of immunity, as specified in section 66-1.3 (a) or (B) of this Subpart,

including those who have been excused from immunization under section

66-1.3 © or (d) of this Subpart.

(B) The exclusion shall continue until the commissioner determines that

the danger of transmission has passed or until the documentation

specified in section 66-1.3(a) or (B) of this Subpart has been



In other words, as the gatekeepers, the City may have been served, and

Corporation Counsel may be the respondents' legal counsel, but if they

lose this lawsuit, then it will be the state regulation that will be

struck down, and it will be STATE regulatory agencies responsible for

finding a remedy, and possibly the legislature.

Also, Finn could not have said " that the regulation violates both

state laws regarding vaccination .... " The regulation itself

doesn't violate statute, because there's nothing of substance or

specificity in the statutes that relates to exclusions during

outbreaks. Therefore, it cannot violate it. Finn can

only claim that it violates Free Exercise in the federal and state

Constitutions, and as I argue below, that it's inconsistent with medical


You wrote:


But Certain Christian sects like the Church of Christ, Scientist object

to the use of vaccines on religious grounds. According to the church’s

website, Christian Scientists believe that healing comes through



You are referring to the PRIOR statute, before it was struck down by

Judge Wexler in 1987, and before the legislature amended it in

1989. The law since then permits any person belonging to any

religion, or no religion, to identify some aspect associated with

vaccination and to cite religious beliefs, or those of the religion he

identifies with, which he interprets are inconsistent with said aspects

of vaccination.

There have been thousands of religious exemptions granted in NYS since

1989. A miniscule percentage of them have belonged to " certain

Christian sects. " The majority have been Catholics, Jews, and


Also, this is NOT about HPV vaccine and it's health effects, as you had


This is also NOT about vaccines causing autism, as you had


This is also NOT vaccine safety, as you had written!

You also quote City Councilman Danny Dromm as saying " that schools

have the right to enforce vaccinations and related regulations " , and

that " the benefit to the health of our children is too great to

ignore. "

Both contentions are also irrelevant to the Finn lawsuit.

Mr. Korber, had you left out all your erroneous and irrelevant statements

in your article, you would have had sufficient room to include my

RELEVANT and HELPFUL information, HERE:


The first paragraph below is what you gleaned from my verbal comments on

the phone with you. Then on wednesday, I sent you the remaining


Note: It's actually called, " Home Instruction

Program. " Those are the words I used on the phone.


Krasner of the Coalition for Informed Choice, an statewide

organization that supports allowing parents to choose whether or not to

give their children vaccines, said that the current DOE policy was

“costly and unnecessary.” “Other school systems outside of New York State

have amended their versions of this regulation on practical grounds,

through means such as placing suceptible students in separate classrooms

or allowing them to qualify for home tutors,” Krasner said. Krasner also

noted that New York State already has a home tutor program in place.

“That could be expanded for this purpose,” he said.

Krasner added that beyond the cost of excluding students, there's also

growing awareness that exclusion for the entire incubation period of the

disease (averaging about 3 weeks) is not even medically justified.

He points out that " the CDC admits that 5-15% of vaccinated kids

aren’t immune from any given disease " , noting that " this is one

reason the CDC traces most outbreaks stemming from children already

vaccinated. "

If this whole issue of exclusion is based on the notion that unvaccinated

students pose a greater risk to public health, then Krasner argues that

" we are witnessing an ongoing violation of Equal Protection and Free

Exercise. " His reasoning is that " if students with

religious objections have to stay home, but the much greater absolute

numbers of that 5-15% of vaccinated students---who are not immune---can

stay in class, then clearly the parents of students with religious

exemptions are experiencing undue discrimination. "

He adds that the whole rationale for exclusion is unsupportable to begin

with, when you consider that vaccination may arguably reduce a persons

risk of infection, but not necessarily transmission:

" Asymptomatic vaccinated students acquire, and subsequently

transmit, all manner of microbial pathogens---at no less a degree than

unvaccinated students. "

" The key, rather, is infection WITH symptoms----and all such

students are appropriately excluded from school. Sick kids have no

business being in class. " " All this has led some

states, as a compromising measure, to attenuate the exclusion period by

two-thirds, down to about a week. "

" Why this insane policy continues may be due, in part, to the fact

that state departments of health receive more federal block grants in

direct proportion to the vaccination rates they can show for their

state. Even pediatricians feel the pressure: insurance

companies have dropped them from their coverage when they have too many

unvaccinated clients. In any other area of commerce, these people

would be arrested for commercial bribery or extortion! "


Krasner, Director

Coalition For Informed Choice

188-34 87th Drive, Suite 4B

Holliswood, NY 11423


(note: there might be silence after you dial. But remain on

the line. I can hear it ringing)



IF your message carries email attachments totalling over 3 MB is

size, call me before sending it.

" For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over

public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled " . . . P.


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