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Excellent article with meniton of AB 2109 Hearing

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NEW: Government takeover of the sheeple


April 19, 2012

By Katy Grimes

The unwavering fundamental of being American is individual freedom. Man

is constitutionally free in America. And the only legitimate purpose of

government is to preserve individual freedom. A government whose purpose

has become coercive cannot be one based on the premise of the sanctity of



This is where we’ve been in America, and where we currently are. We went

from inherent freedom, to living under coercive authoritarianism.

California is arguably the worst state in the country for violating

individual liberties. Several things happened in the Legislature this

week proving that California’s state government is out of control, and

lawmakers disregard the rights of its citizens, as well as the state and

U.S. constitutions.

Loss of liberties this weekOn Tuesday, the Assembly

Health Committee heard AB 2109 by Pan, D-Sacramento, which would

make it exceedingly difficult for parents to opt out of immunizations and

vaccinations for their school-aged children. Parents were outraged and

testified in droves at the hearing. But public health doctors, medical

students, healthcare employees and their labor unions supported AB


Despite the violation of parental rights, or the 30,000 reported adverse

reactions to vaccinations that the

Centers for Disease

Control admits, the bill was passed anyway.

The following day, the Senate Health Committee was presented with SB 1318

by Sen. Lois Wolk, D-, which would require health care workers to

receive mandatory vaccinations or wear facemasks.

What a change in attitude one day can make.

Labor unions for nurses and medical employees were outraged, and

questioned the legality of the requirement. The Service Employees

International Union, Califoria State Employees Association, the

California Labor Federation and myriad other labor unions subtly

threatened legal action.

The Senate analysis reported on the bill, “The American Federation of

State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME) and the United

Nurses Associations of California/Union Health Care Professionals write

that it is unreasonable to mandate a questionably effective vaccine on

onsite health care workers and that it is more sensible to work on

educating workers on better infection control and improve screening and

triaging of patients, families, and visitors who enter health care


What’s good for the goose apparently is not good for the gander. The

unions even stated that the vaccines were “questionably effective.”

The day before, legislators, unions and public health doctors were fine

with forcing parents into an untenable position where they would have to

vaccinate their school-aged children, or forgo school. But these same

groups were up in arms over a similar requirement for health care


Both bills were passed. But many are saying that Wolk’s bill will be

killed because the unions will not tolerate such a requirement.

Government jobs over products and servicesIf there was

any doubt that parental rights are very far down the list of importance

to lawmakers, it should be gone by now. The rights of teachers over

children, health care workers over patients and the insured and

government employees over the state’s citizens and taxpayers have never

been so unbalanced.

The work product of government has taken a back seat to union jobs. Even

serious discussions about public health take a back seat to union


As I wrote earlier this week, “The unspeakable issue at the root of Pan’s

bill is the influx of children from other countries into California’s

public schools, who bring with them new strains of measles, mumps,

chicken pox and flu bugs, among other communicable diseases.”

But it is not politically correct to talk about immigration. Instead the

Legislature is proposing that everyone get vaccinated, whether the

sheeple want the vaccinations or not.

With the health care lobby spreading big bucks around to legislators in

buckets, it’s no wonder that mandatory vaccinations are a hot bill


Hostility toward votersAssemblyman Bill Monning,

D-Carmel, the Assembly Health Committee chairman, clearly wanted no

discussion to take place at the hearing about issues with vaccinations,

or illnesses from immunizations.

There was a high level of hostility in the large committee room the likes

of which I have never seen in a committee hearing. Sergeants-at-arms were

nearly as agitated as Monning, and spent the entire hearing barking at

the many mothers holding babies, and parents who showed up to testify.

They forced people to sit, refusing to allow anyone to stand along the

wall, or mill about the room, as is standard at most hearings.

But the next day in the Senate Health Committee hearing, with many of the

same lobbyists and capitol regulars present, sergeants allowed a

circus-like atmosphere in the same committee room to go on during the

hearing. No one was required to sit quietly, and there was no hostility

toward bill opponents.

I spoke to Assemblyman Nestande, R-Palm Desert, after the hearings.

The proper role of government came up because he questioned why the state

was even involved with vaccinations. During the Assembly hearing,

Nestande tried to get to the root of the controversy, but was shut down

quickly by Monning.

Ironically, earlier in the week, Nestande had introduced the winner of


There Ought Not to Be a Law contest, his answer to Sen. Joe

Simitian’s There Ought

To Be a Law contest.

The winner of Nestande’s contest became

AB 2585, which seeks to repeal SB 929 of 2011. SB 929 mandated raised

to 8 years of age from 6 the mandatory age a child must be placed in a

car seat. SB 929 penalizes parents who do not comply, but Nestande said

that most parents are completely unaware of the law. The change would

reduce government family life and restore parental responsiblity.

Nestande said that there is already too much government in our lives, and

is looking to repeal other intrusive legislation. But after safety

experts were trotted out one after another to provide grisly and

emotional testimony about the awful things that have happened to children

during auto crashes,

AB 2585 failed to pass out of the Assembly Transportation Committee

on a party line vote, 2-10. Democratic legislators didn’t find his

contest or bill very funny, but maintained the existing revocation of

parental rights.

Nestande said that that the primary intention for the contest is to

repeal laws that are ineffective and inefficient. He could be very busy

in the next year with this excellent goal.

Regulate the


California lawmakers continue to further regulate people’s everyday life,

despite other very serious matters in the state. California has the

second highest state unemployment rate in the country. Public employees’

pensions are about to break the state’s budget. Prisoners are being let

out of prison.

Yet legislators spend their time regulating car seats; mandating bicycle

and skiing helmets, fitted sheets in hotels, clean light bulbs and

electric cars; banning plastic bags; imposing a babysitter bill of

rights; passing a state workers bill of rights; fighting trans fats; and

banning Happy Meal toys.

But those issues seem like child’s play compared to the violation of

parental rights with the immunization bills

Voters can do something about this, but only if they don’t want to be

sheeple under total control of the government.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start April 17

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