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Thank you for posting those . If you just joined you did not see my

posts. The people on the list (there is about 75) are very lazy and they

won't post! Only 2 or 3 of us are posting. We might have to delete this

list due to people's laziness. would you be able to moderate this

list for about a week. I am the moderator and the list owner is

(Dancer3031) and we will be in NJ for a competition. She is leaving

Tuesday and I am leaving Wednesday the 21st. We will be coming back

Sunday night so I will need you to moderate until Monday the 26th. Would

you be interested in helping out? All's you need to do is post a recipe

or 2 a day and try to get these guys to talk cause I sure can't! Thanks

and write back soon! -

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Becky,

I am new to this list also and about to make my first items from recipes I

got on the list. I hear you about PA winters. I live near Greensburg PA

just east of Pittsburg.

>From: Becky~ aka \ " Psychomom\ " <sepblnkts@...>



>Subject: Hello

>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 11:56:02 -0500


>From: Becky~ aka \ " Psychomom\ " <sepblnkts@...>


>Hi Everyone

>Just thought that I'd do a quick intro of myself. I have jsut recently

>joined this list & am finding SO much info on here. This appears to be a

>very iformative and fun group of people. I have recently started

>'playing' with making a few toiletries, candles, & am waiting on my

>shipment of M & P so I can start playing there also! If anyone is willing

>to share/recommend their suppliers' names, I sure would appreciate it -

>the pros & cons of them. If I can contribute any info - I,too, will

>gladly do that as well.

>I live in the South Hills area of Pittsburgh PA, where it is startingto

>get cold! YUK!

>Have a great one!



>>~*~*Thanks for joining! Tell your friends!!!!!All natural is the way to


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Welcome back BIG :-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

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Welcome back Helen. I know breaking your tailbone is painful! I hope it is healing and you will be back with us sitting on that computer chair again!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Glad you posted. Also am glad you started back with your breathing :-) Believe you me sis, if I can do the breaths, ANYONE can! I've got to be the worlds "hate to exercise the most" champion. And I am serious. I absolutely hate to exercise. Bad huh??? But thank God for LL and the fact you don't have to do but 40 breaths and don't have to get all sweaty and funky LOL I think being relaxed is kind of a key thing. You know, if you're stressed you won't lose or something. I don't know, just seems that you'd be faster to see results if you aren't all stressed out over it. At least that's my theory :-) Doesn't make it so but it sounds good to me LOL Also, I have and will pray for you and your toe situation. Think positive sis BIG:-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

**********************************************With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

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Dear ,

Consider it done...we will definitely remember you in our prayers for

your toe. My Dad has had melanomas on his face and I have become the

queen of sunscreen and big hats (red hair, blue eyes). Thank you for

reminding us to take care of our skin...it's the only thing that

keeps our insides in! (yes you gotta have skin!)...old Sherman

reference, anyone remember?

Love and pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


> Hello Life Lifters-


> My name is and I don't post much. I started LL

> a few months ago and lost 9 inches rather quickly. I

> was doing 40 reps twice a day. Then I just stopped.

> I've been an avid reader of the list and finally have

> started doing my breaths again. I'm not doing as many

> per day. I've been just trying to do a set in the

> morning before work and a few in the car between

> schools where I teach. I know I really need to work

> on drinking more water too. I think maybe I just

> expected too much of myself in the beginning. If I

> can't do something perfect, I tend not to do it at

> all. Now, I've tried to be a little more relaxed

> about it whole thing because I know doing even a

> little is better than not doing any at all.


> You are all a bunch of powerful women and if I may, I

> have a prayer request. Today I had biopsy of my toe.

> I had a quite an alarming looking brown spot removed

> from it. I always thought it was a birthmark, but it

> wasn't. It was sent to pathology today to make sure it

> isn't a melanoma. I should hear something in about

> ten days. I thought I'd just wait to find out if it's

> cancer before I started praying about it or asking for

> prayer, then it hit me that I should pray about it

> now. Also, I found out May is Melanoma Awareness

> Month, so with only one day left in the month, be sure

> to check all suspicious moles and don't forget the

> sunscreen!


> Thanks for your support.



> __________________________________________________


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Hi ,

Welcome! If you're doing your breathing 40 reps. a day, almost everyday a

week you're doing great! Keep up the good work! As for drinking your

water: I keep a pitcher full of water in the fridge and make sure that I

finish it throughout the day. I also use a 16 ounce cup to drink out of.

If you drink 4 cups using the bigger glass that equals 8 cups. It's a

mind thing, you think you're drinking less but you're actually doing

good. It sounds crazy but it works for me.

I'm praying for your toe. Please keep us informed......... God's in a

miracle working business. No matter how big or small the request, He

cares about it.........

Have a great day! Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Pah, Pah, Pah.........

Love and prayers from Cincinnati




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You've got my prayers,


> Hello Life Lifters-


> My name is and I don't post much. I started LL

> a few months ago and lost 9 inches rather quickly. I

> was doing 40 reps twice a day. Then I just stopped.

> I've been an avid reader of the list and finally have

> started doing my breaths again. I'm not doing as many

> per day. I've been just trying to do a set in the

> morning before work and a few in the car between

> schools where I teach. I know I really need to work

> on drinking more water too. I think maybe I just

> expected too much of myself in the beginning. If I

> can't do something perfect, I tend not to do it at

> all. Now, I've tried to be a little more relaxed

> about it whole thing because I know doing even a

> little is better than not doing any at all.


> You are all a bunch of powerful women and if I may, I

> have a prayer request. Today I had biopsy of my toe.

> I had a quite an alarming looking brown spot removed

> from it. I always thought it was a birthmark, but it

> wasn't. It was sent to pathology today to make sure it

> isn't a melanoma. I should hear something in about

> ten days. I thought I'd just wait to find out if it's

> cancer before I started praying about it or asking for

> prayer, then it hit me that I should pray about it

> now. Also, I found out May is Melanoma Awareness

> Month, so with only one day left in the month, be sure

> to check all suspicious moles and don't forget the

> sunscreen!


> Thanks for your support.



> __________________________________________________


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You are right. I fill up a little water bottle 4 times which is 16 oz. And

it is mind over matter I guess.

Thanks for the tip.


Re: Hello

> Hi ,


> Welcome! If you're doing your breathing 40 reps. a day, almost everyday a

> week you're doing great! Keep up the good work! As for drinking your

> water: I keep a pitcher full of water in the fridge and make sure that I

> finish it throughout the day. I also use a 16 ounce cup to drink out of.

> If you drink 4 cups using the bigger glass that equals 8 cups. It's a

> mind thing, you think you're drinking less but you're actually doing

> good. It sounds crazy but it works for me.


> I'm praying for your toe. Please keep us informed......... God's in a

> miracle working business. No matter how big or small the request, He

> cares about it.........


> Have a great day! Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Pah, Pah, Pah.........


> Love and prayers from Cincinnati

> Liz


> ________________________________________________________________


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Kat, my name is . I am also 17. I live

in California, in the U.S. I can totally understand

your pain suffering and frustration of being on

crutches since January. I had my first surgery in January,

a lateral release. The second surgery was in July

and they shaved down the cartilage. I am still on

crutches from the surgery. I cant put any weight on my leg

with it bent. Email me and let me know how you are

doing. Hope we both get better soon. .


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Jetti,

Welcome to the list.

Do you have any of the videos?




Hello everyone, I hope to get to know all of you here and to get help and sugguestions on how to achieve good health. My body is so out of shape and reaps with illiness. It seems the more diets I go on the more I gain and the sicker I become. I have so many illinesses it is very hard to exercise but I am praying that learning how to breathe and exercising my body through breathing techniques that this may be the key to cure some of what is wrong with me. Other than being obese I have fibromyalgia, Chronic fatique syndrome, degenerative disc disorder and asthma, stomach problems and even tinnutis ringing of the ears and few other stuff. I am tired of all these doctors saying they is no cure for you and if you just lose some weight you feel better and we can do nothing for your pain. I believe there is a lot of truth to how we breathe and how we look and live are lives. it time I prove to the doctors that just maybe there is a cure how in this world. If this works we can all get rich in money and in good health...sounds good to me how about you. Along with your help and God's anything is possible right? Thank you for excepting me here.Jetti

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Hi Jetti,

Welcome to our list. Do you have any of the Life Lift tapes yet? If so

what do you think of the breathing so far?

Have a great night and weekend!

Love, Liz



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  • 1 month later...

Bridget Bragg wrote:


> Hi all,


> I recently joined your group and look forward to meeting everyone. My name

> is Bridget, I live in SC,

Peace Bridget,

I too live in SC, just outside of Columbia :-)



jkh in sc


myrrhsea ~Peaceful Life of the Heart~

Paths to Natural Living



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  • 1 month later...

Hello .<br><br>Congratulations on getting a

new doctor! <br><br>That ultrasound machine was my

good friend until my insurance decided I was well

enough and quit covering my PT visits. Do you ice your

knees? My PTist had me icing before bed every night, and

also after any physical activity except for swimming.

I still ice and do the exercises from PT even

though I stopped going to PT a couple weeks

ago.<br><br>Go up stairs slowly and concenrate on using the

inner thigh muscles when you do. Take the elevator when

you can. As far as your job, can you kneel on a

pillow or something? Your knees will probably ache off

and on. One day they'll feel good and the next

they'll hurt for no apparent reason. I find that drinking

lots of water helps, and avoiding salt to prevent

bloating and excess swelling. <br><br>I started taking

Glucosamine Sulphate about 2 weeks ago. It is supposed to

rebuild cartiledge. It takes a couple of months to start

working. I'll let you know. Also I use Arnica gel which is

an herbal thing. Helps me with pain and swelling.

Also doing the straight leg exercises I posted

recently, and stretching daily, twice a day if I can

remember.<br><br>Wear comfortable shoes, too. I have been alternating

between running shoes and orthopedic Granny shoes which,

by the way, I have actually received more

compliments on than any other article of clothing I own.

(What does that say about me?! )<br><br>Well, good luck

and hope to hear from you soon.<br><br>Jeannine.

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Hi Jeannine and thanks for the welcome. I feel a

lot better about my knees since I found this club :)

I'm seeing my PT tomorrow and I now feel more

confident asking her questions. I live in a 6th floor

apartment and I have no lift but 74 steps (See I counted

LOL) I also live in a very hilly area. I live in

running shoes so thats no problem LOL. I've never thought

of trying iceing my knees, I'll have to try that

tonight although I do take ibuprofen when they hurt

(which is quite often). Whats Glucosamine Sulphate as

I've never heard of it? and I've been doing the

exercises my PT has given me and she's pleased with the

strength I'm getting as before I could barely lift my leg

up LOL. <br><br>

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Glucosamine Sulphate is a naturally occurring

amino sugar, which is necessary for the construction of

cartiledge in the joints. (nutshell explanation) It's

available in healthfood stores or anywhere they sell

vitamins.<br><br>Ask your PT or doctor about icing- for you, moist

heat may be more effective.<br><br>Good luck and keep

up on the exercises!<br><br>Jeannine.

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  • 6 months later...


We are watching it here live on TV,

amazing pictures which seem more like

a disaster movie than real life.

Our thoughts are with you and fellow Americans.

Best wishes


Managing Director

SP Services (UK) Ltd

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Don't forget to visit our website at


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Howdy, my name is Luke son and I am a beginning EMS student located

at Fort Hood Texas. I find this site to be quite informative and

intriguing. I believe I would like to specialize in remote medicine as I

take my courses to become a paramedic.

Additional information from the US - a plane hit each building of the World

Trade Center and caused Tower #1 to collapse - a plane also hit the Pentagon

at the same time.



Member Information:

List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...

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It is a sad day when a small group who dislikes AMERICA and AMERICANS decides

that it is easier to kill innocent civilians than military targets. I hope

and pray that the 175 missing NYPD, NYFD, and NYEMS officers currently

missing are found safely but history shows that most likely most of them have

given thier lives in the line of duty " So That Others May Live " . I am

normally a peaceful person and feel that anything can be worked out

rationally and with talking. Today I have to say that I hope and pray those

who are responsible are found and punished painfully and slowly.

I can only hope my firends and Guido from NYFD were off today and were

not lost to this irrational act.




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I wish to send out my deepest sympathy for those persons who were either

caught up in or who have relative surrounding the recent disaster. I am

sure the remainder of the list wishes all Americans best wishes.


Steve Bray wrote:

> Luke


> We are watching it here live on TV,

> amazing pictures which seem more like

> a disaster movie than real life.


> Our thoughts are with you and fellow Americans.


> Best wishes


> Bray

> Managing Director

> SP Services (UK) Ltd


> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

> Don't forget to visit our website at


> http://www.spservices.co.uk


> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



> Hello




> Howdy, my name is Luke son and I am a beginning EMS student

> located

> at Fort Hood Texas. I find this site to be quite informative and

> intriguing. I believe I would like to specialize in remote medicine

> as I

> take my courses to become a paramedic.


> Additional information from the US - a plane hit each building of the

> World

> Trade Center and caused Tower #1 to collapse - a plane also hit the

> Pentagon

> at the same time.


> Cheers,

> Luke




> Member Information:


> List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

> Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


> Post message: egroups

> Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

> Unsubscribe: -unsubscribeegroups


> Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.






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I have seen the terrible events in New York and at the Pentagon, it was the

most evil thing I have ever seen, and my heartfelt sympathies go out to all

in Texas and the USA.

Are you military EMS or civilian? the reason I ask is that I have some good

links to EMS protocols and sites which might help you in your studies.

All the best




>Howdy, my name is Luke son and I am a beginning EMS student located

>at Fort Hood Texas. I find this site to be quite informative and

>intriguing. I believe I would like to specialize in remote medicine as I

>take my courses to become a paramedic.


>Additional information from the US - a plane hit each building of the World

>Trade Center and caused Tower #1 to collapse - a plane also hit the


>at the same time.







>Member Information:


>List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

>Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


>Post message: egroups

>Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

>Unsubscribe: -unsubscribeegroups


>Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.






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I totally second that Steve, it is the most evil thing I have ever seen, and

I was near the Pub bombings in Brum.

It is just amazing how evil human beings can be, the thought of all those

poor innocent people in the aircraft and the buildings is shocking, but

having seen so much of terrorism over the years I cannot say I am surprised

it happened, only at the scale of it . God help all those involved, and

guide those who seek to help the suffering.






>Howdy, my name is Luke son and I am a beginning EMS student located

>at Fort Hood Texas. I find this site to be quite informative and

>intriguing. I believe I would like to specialize in remote medicine as I

>take my courses to become a paramedic.


>Additional information from the US - a plane hit each building of the World

>Trade Center and caused Tower #1 to collapse - a plane also hit the


>at the same time.







>Member Information:


>List owner: Ian Sharpe Owner@...

>Editor: Ross Boardman Editor@...


>Post message: egroups

>Subscribe: -subscribeegroups

>Unsubscribe: -unsubscribeegroups


>Thank you for supporting Remote Medics Online.






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