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My youngest is bresastfed ...still, has food allergies (gluten, dairy, eggs and

peanuts), un vaxed, and has had more colds and etc in his 2 short years then his

partial- vaxed 5.5yr old brother did at this age. The 2yrs old though by far is

a lot healthier then his 2 fully vaxed brother and sister were at this age.

so genetics due play a part of this too.



I am hoping I can get some feedback on why this may be. My children 2yr old and

4yr old, both unvaxed are always bringing something else home. When I bring them

to the doctor , their blood is always taken (finger prick) and results are

always viral. I love taking this test because all other doctors have just

continuously prescribed antibiotic. SO I am practically home with my children 1

week out of a month (every month) due to a virus that my 4 yr old brings home

from PreK. I am told by many moms that their (vaxed) children barely had any

sick days unlike my son that is sick all the time. My children also have

allergies to Dust mites and some trees. I feel like I am tripping on myself

because they both are always getting a fever.

Why is it that I hear all the unvaxed moms saying how healthy their children are

and I am feeling like my children didn't get so lucky. I am so upset about this.

Thank you in advance for all your comments

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well it helps to know a little about the immune system.. it really doesn't start to mature until age of 6.. so yours being under that age are going to bring a lot of stuff they are exposed to home. Most unvax families don't do school especially preschool so yeah to them their kids are healthier because they are not exposed when their immune systems are weak..  unvaxing families tend to be very health conscience and meticulous about what their children eat. AND finally... VAXing family have FAR different definitions of " sick " than we do.. we consider the first sign of illness as sickness, cough, sneeze, runny nose, acting funny.. they don't consider a child sick until they have a fever of 102 and are forced to medicate or keep them home, then they are considered sick...

these are just from my observations between the two families in my life.. vaxers tend to be more careless with their children what they eat and are exposed to because " they are vaccinated "

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 6:59 PM, sahm2jr <sahm2jr@...> wrote:


I am hoping I can get some feedback on why this may be. My children 2yr old and 4yr old, both unvaxed are always bringing something else home. When I bring them to the doctor , their blood is always taken (finger prick) and results are always viral. I love taking this test because all other doctors have just continuously prescribed antibiotic. SO I am practically home with my children 1 week out of a month (every month) due to a virus that my 4 yr old brings home from PreK. I am told by many moms that their (vaxed) children barely had any sick days unlike my son that is sick all the time. My children also have allergies to Dust mites and some trees. I feel like I am tripping on myself because they both are always getting a fever.

Why is it that I hear all the unvaxed moms saying how healthy their children are and I am feeling like my children didn't get so lucky. I am so upset about this.

Thank you in advance for all your comments

-- facebook.com/musingmindyphotographyhttps://mindylefort.myitworks.com


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My 9yo, unvaxed, homeschooled, had chicken pox and whooping cough, has epilepsy, and allergies (seasonal, I think). My father has a constant runny nose, so I'm not surprised that my son does, too. My 6yo, unvaxed, homeschooled, had crazy number of ear infections - one on top of the other, got tubes put in and hasn't had many illnesses since. Both have had a normal amount of viruses leading to nausea/diarrhea/vomitting at random times. They are fairly healthy most of the time.

I think some things are environmental, some things are hereditary, and it could be that all those kids have gotten those viruses before and your kids haven't. It doesn't take away the frustration, tho.

I don't have any answers, but wanted to share that my kids, while unvaxed, certainly haven't been 100% healthy.



I am hoping I can get some feedback on why this may be. My children 2yr old and 4yr old, both unvaxed are always bringing something else home. When I bring them to the doctor , their blood is always taken (finger prick) and results are always viral. I love taking this test because all other doctors have just continuously prescribed antibiotic. SO I am practically home with my children 1 week out of a month (every month) due to a virus that my 4 yr old brings home from PreK. I am told by many moms that their (vaxed) children barely had any sick days unlike my son that is sick all the time. My children also have allergies to Dust mites and some trees. I feel like I am tripping on myself because they both are always getting a fever. Why is it that I hear all the unvaxed moms saying how healthy their children are and I am feeling like my children didn't get so lucky. I am so upset about this. Thank you in advance for all your comments

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i have 8 kids 5 are almost fully vax the last 3 dont have any all 5 are in school so they are around the germs etc. none of mine get sick often besides colds or virus stuff. i dont run to doc with fever etc usually wait see if it goes away after couple days. we dont eat the best. wish we did. i started reading up and was like wow i have a choice on vaxing and didn't with 3 lil. i hear many get sick in daycare and prek.

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I feel your children might do great with probiotics, it really helps improve the immune system in the gut. Also, I would like to hear what kinds of foods they are eating? maybe they have a food sensitivity? or maybe gluten? Hope this helps~Anne From: sahm2jr <sahm2jr@...> Vaccinations Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 9:59 PM Subject: UNVACCINATED CHILDREN AND ALWAYS GETTING VIRUSES-WHY?

I am hoping I can get some feedback on why this may be. My children 2yr old and 4yr old, both unvaxed are always bringing something else home. When I bring them to the doctor , their blood is always taken (finger prick) and results are always viral. I love taking this test because all other doctors have just continuously prescribed antibiotic. SO I am practically home with my children 1 week out of a month (every month) due to a virus that my 4 yr old brings home from PreK. I am told by many moms that their (vaxed) children barely had any sick days unlike my son that is sick all the time. My children also have allergies to Dust mites and some trees. I feel like I am tripping on myself because they both are always getting a fever.

Why is it that I hear all the unvaxed moms saying how healthy their children are and I am feeling like my children didn't get so lucky. I am so upset about this.

Thank you in advance for all your comments

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I need to get probioticsSent from my Samsung Epicâ„¢ 4G Touch --- UNVACCINATED CHILDREN AND ALWAYS GETTING VIRUSES-WHY?

I am hoping I can get some feedback on why this may be. My children 2yr old and 4yr old, both unvaxed are always bringing something else home. When I bring them to the doctor , their blood is always taken (finger prick) and results are always viral. I love taking this test because all other doctors have just continuously prescribed antibiotic. SO I am practically home with my children 1 week out of a month (every month) due to a virus that my 4 yr old brings home from PreK. I am told by many moms that their (vaxed) children barely had any sick days unlike my son that is sick all the time. My children also have allergies to Dust mites and some trees. I feel like I am tripping on myself because they both are always getting a fever.

Why is it that I hear all the unvaxed moms saying how healthy their children are and I am feeling like my children didn't get so lucky. I am so upset about this.

Thank you in advance for all your comments

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Sally writes the forward. It is a really great book. But he doesn't sugar coat ANYTHING! It's pretty raw.On Jun 14, 2012, at 11:14 AM, Faeborn wrote:

I just found the book you recommend, "Healing Our Children" on Amazon. If I found the right one, it says it's by Ramiel Nagel and Sally Fallon. I think Sally is great too- sounds like an awesome book. Thanks!


GreenVariety <greenvariety@...>;


<Vaccinations >;




Thu, Jun 14, 2012 1:27:08 PM

Interesting question. My son is unvaxed, never gets sick but we have huge food issues. He does not tolerate dairy (any dairy, even raw sheep), grains (including quinoa), legumes (soy is the worst), or night shades. He does not tolerate poultry that has eaten a commercial diet. Yes, we have gotten it down to that level. Is it possible your children are expressing their intolerances to stuff (environmental, food, etc) through monthly illness? Is there a particular thing that happens before the illness? A particular meal? A particular movie? A homeopath I was working with even cut out television as being a maintaining cause of stress for my child. She was spot on. It was. If they are in any form of school, you have very little control of what they are exposed to on any level. It could be the stuff sprayed on the veggies if you don't eat organic. My girlfriend's daughter breaks out in hives when she eats conventional

berries (specifically strawberries). The other factors include how long you breast fed, if you have amalgam fillings (this will increase the heavy metal load on your fetus and nursing child as well as effect your gut bacteria which directly affects their gut bacteria and immunities), antibiotics (I didn't notice if you have done them or not), EMF exposure (this is a real threat, and seriously effects our children - cell towers are hidden in church steeples, on the tops of apartment buildings, on top of schools, etc.) including "Smart" Meters, high tension power lines, proximity to different types of industry, down to the mattresses they sleep on and the laundry detergent used.Not vaxing is not a guarantee of illness prevention. There are unvaxed children that get autism. I have huge gut issues, so they got passed onto my son plus the compounded effect of my mother and I both having

amalgam fillings. I know down to my bones that had I vaxed my child, he would have had a vaccine reaction and a bad one. Now I am just working backwards to try and clean up the generations of junk that has taken place. A book I really like but which is VERY controversial and not oh so PC is "Healing Our Children" by Ramel Nagel (sp?). He covers so many areas and sums up a ton of books I have personally read which I think is fantastic. But, not PC! He covers vaccines, food (WAPF), pre conception, conception, birth, our education system, and several other things. I wish you the best of luck on this journey! And yes, probiotics will help but if they have an ingredient in them your child has an intolerance to…they also may harm. And a lot of them do.namasteOn Jun 14, 2012, at 2:07 AM, Lorelei S wrote:

It is sad the typical or standard american diet and what kids now are being fed. For soccer practice my three year olds were given by other parents the ever famous Capri-Suns or goldfish. Arg, makes me cringe.

I'm a huge fan of the WAP diet too. Something you may want to consider is the GAP diet or giving your kiddos very nourishing bone broths to drink. I make my kiddos herbal teas with astralagus root (very common in chinese medicine to boost immunity) mixed with other nourishing herbs like nettle and/or rose hips for the extra Vit C. Plus each is full of essential minerals. I make an overnight infusion for them.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Arlynn J Liebster <abfabinc@...> wrote:

I have found that children who get sick a lot, not the usual run of the mill child colds, but a lot, like what you are describing a week out of every month - these kids are not eating properly for their own makeup and they are not sleeping enough, they may be under more stress than others and also may not have enough sun exposure. We are all born with our family genes, but there are food choices such as eating pasteurized dairy and wheat products, eating hormonally laden cheeses and meats and loads of white breads and pastas that simply bring about a state of dis-ease in that child. Vitamin D3 is crucial and Vitamin C. Most children who eat a standard American diet do not get enough nutrition even if they eat vegetables, if they are GMO and chemically grown those veggies are lacking the nutrition of decades past. I see parents giving their kids those horrific sugar cereals and homogenized, ultra pasteurized cow's milk that is laden with

growth hormones and I ***cringe***. Please start to read up on the Standard American Diet if you haven't yet. Read about Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions to start somewhere if you haven't yet. You will peel the onion and find out why your children are not the picture of health. The usual culprits are corn, wheat and pasteurized cow's dairy and soy products. If you can eliminate all of those in your diet for a few weeks, see how the kid feels. Or do your research and start adding in bone broths and organic vegetables and fruits and pastured meats and pastured butter to your diet. Hopefully, you will hit on the eating style that your little one needs, and don't believe that everyone should eat the same thing. It's just not so. We all need a different diet to thrive. Find your family's. Hugs, Arlynn

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