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AB 2109 - Callifornia Families Alert from Dr Bob Sears

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California Bill AB2109 Threatens

Vaccine Freedom of Choice

The California Legislature is

currently considering a bill that would require parents to obtain their

doctor’s signature on a government form prior to enrollment in public

school if they wish to skip one or more vaccines for their child. Current

law allows parents to decline vaccines by signing an exemption form at

the school – no doctor’s signature needed. The new law would require “a

written statement signed by a health care practitioner that indicates

that the practitioner provided the parent with information regarding the

benefits and risks of the immunization and the health risks of specified

communicable diseases.”

On the surface, this doesn’t seem like a bad idea. It will require

parents to prove that they’ve had an informed discussion with their

physician. Most parents already have such discussions anyway. However,

what gravely concerns me is that some doctors will refuse to sign this

form. I know how doctors think. Many doctors strongly believe that

vaccines should be mandatory, and that parents should not have the right

to decline vaccines. Some doctors are willing to provide care to

unvaccinated kids, despite this difference in philosophy. But now the

power over this decision will be put directly into doctors’ hands. He or

she can simply refuse to sign the form. Doctors who oppose vaccine

freedom of choice have been frustrated for years over this issue.

Finally, they will have the power to impose their beliefs on their

patients. Patients will be forced to find another doctor to sign the

form, submit to vaccines, or get kicked out of public school.

Supporters of this bill believe that all doctors will be willing to sign

this form, as the signature does not imply agreement with the parent’s

decision; it simply signifies that the doctor has provided the parents

with information regarding the pros and cons. I disagree. I know for an

absolute fact that some doctors will not sign this form out of principle

or over fears of liability.

Parents will be forced to “doctor shop” for another doctor to sign their

form. This won’t be easy. Some doctors are reluctant to take new patients

who don’t vaccinate. Many doctors will be unwilling to sign an exemption

form for a new patient or a patient who is only there for one visit (just

to get the form signed). Some doctors get financial incentives from

insurance companies for having high vaccination rates into their

practice; seeing patients to get their form signed will put such bonuses

at risk. How many doctors will parents be expected to call? How many

“no’s” will a patient need in order to be allowed into school? Natural

and alternative health care providers can NOT sign the form; it must be a

“regular” medical professional. Some families only see naturopathic or

holistic health care practitioners instead of pediatricians. These

families will have a difficult time getting the form signed.

And what will happen to those kids who can’t get their formed signed?

They will be denied entry into public school.

The sponsors of this bill may have some good intentions, as their primary

“public” reason for the bill is to make sure that parents who don’t

vaccinate their children are making an informed medical decision under

the guidance of their doctor. But it isn’t difficult to see the REAL

reason for the bill: to increase vaccination rates in our state by making

it more difficult for parents to claim the exemption. But whatever the

reason, this bill will likely NOT increase vaccination rates, nor will it

create closer partnerships between doctors and patients. It will create

anger, financial hardship, animosity, and further mistrust in our medical


For those patients who CAN find a doctor to sign their form, these

“doctor-patient lectures” are not going to increase vaccination rates:

Parents who are seeking a doctor’s signature have already made up their

mind. The doctor isn’t going to change it during a ten minute discussion.

The time for a doctor to influence parents’ opinion and trust of vaccines

is during the initial well-baby checkups, years before such exemption

forms even come into play. By the time a child will enter school, the

parents have made up their mind to decline vaccines. A lecture from a

doctor at this point won’t matter. It’s a waste of everyone’s time and

money. At a time when we are trying to decrease health care spending,

this bill will add millions of dollars of extra health care visits for

families every year. If this unfortunate bill passes in California, the

rest of the country will be soon to follow.

And it’s a government intrusion into our personal freedom to make health

care decisions for our children.

There are numerous other objections to this bill:

It will cost the parents, or their insurance company, more money for

the extra appointments. This could cost our state millions of dollars in

extra health care costs every year. We are trying to DECREASE health care

spending, not increase it. This bill may seem like it is designed to create a closer partnership

between physician and patients. Instead, it will create more animosity

between parents, doctors, and schools, amid a climate of vaccine

controversy that is already volatile. Be aware that the legislators who are sponsoring this bill have

received campaign donations from vaccine manufacturers. Enrollment in public schools may decrease, which will in turn

decrease public school funding.


Call your California Senator and Assemblyperson now and share your

opinion. Here’s an easy way. Go to


and you

will see a summary of the bill, numerous arguments against it, and see

contact information for the members of the Assembly Committee on Health

who are involved in this bill. You can also register to become a member.

It’s free! – see step two below the list of the assemblypersons, or click

on this link:


.. After you register, you can click on

AB2109 under the Action Needed Now section. You will be given your

California Senator and Assemblyperson’s contact information based on your

zip code. You can then call or EMAIL to express your opinion. Thank

you for joining me and many others to guard our freedom.

Dr. Bob Sears

Author of The Vaccine Book

TACA Physician Advisory Group

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start March 20 & 22

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