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Fwd: [CoMeD] The 'Anything but Mercury' Realities

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From: Dr G King


The truth is that Thimerosal is still found in several

vaccines marketed in the

USA at a less-than-preservative level and, currently, all of the

multi-dose formulations

of the US-licensed inactivated-influenza vaccines produced by Sanofi,

Novartis, CSL

(Merck), and GlaxoKline are still Thimerosal-preserved doses that

account for

more than 50% of the available doses.

In addition, in the developing countries, the DTP, Hib, Hep

B, DT, TT vaccines and

combinations of these components are still Thimerosal-preserved.

Yet, this researcher continually finds that the most

frequent LIE in any mainstream

media piece that claims that there is no link between the level of


and the risk of serious adverse reactions including death and permanent

disability or

chronic disease is:

'Thimerosal was removed from … vaccines in 2000,

2001, 2002, or some other year'.

Further, when misleadingly attempting to offer “anything but

mercury” alternative

to the growing epidemics of chronic disease these Establishment articles


focus on “autism spectrum disorders”, often simply called “autism”,

which, because

these are symptom-based diagnoses, the causative links are harder to


However, the reality is that the increase in

injected-Thimerosal exposure is probably

the most significant causal factor in the growing epidemics of childhood

chronic diseases

that were non-existent or rare prior to the late 1970s.

The attached article,

“The ‘Anything but Mercury’ Realities”,

addresses the reality that, in the USA and the developing countries where


vaccines are still being illegally or improperly used in vaccines given

to pregnant women

(without the required reproductive toxicity studies to justify such use

in pregnant women)

and developing children, Thimerosal is a major causal factor in all of

these epidemic

increases in childhood chronic diseases, including, but not limited to,

childhood neuro-

developmental and developmental disorders, childhood asthma, childhood

obesity, childhood

allergies, childhood type 2 diabetes, severe childhood gastrointestinal

disorders, childhood

muscle weakness and incoordination, and childhood Kawasaki’s


If injected Thimerosal had been proven to be “safe” for

pregnant women and developing

children, then, at a minimum, there would be published toxicological

no-effect levels for

injected Thimerosal.

In toxicology, these levels are called the NOAELs (no

observed adverse-effect levels) for

the chemical.

For example, the NOAEL for injected Thimerosal in developing

children would be expressed

as: NOAEL inj. Thimerosal, developing children.

For those substances that are rapidly metabolized into

non-toxic, non-accumulative end-

point metabolites, NOAELs are typically expressed in terms of the mass of

the substance per

kilogram of body mass in the exposed individuals per day (mass of


For those substances whose metabolic products are

bioaccumulatively toxic where the half-

life for the end-metabolite is a significant percentage of the human’s

life span (e.g., a

half-life of 10 to 20 years when the human life-span is 60-80 years [or a

half-life of 12.5%

to 33% of the human life-span], the appropriate units for a NOAEL for

such chemicals is

simply mass of substance per kilogram of body mass (mass of


To determine a valid NOAEL for a substance, the appropriate

chronic toxicity studies in

an animal having a well-defined relative toxicity to human toxicity are

conducted at various

exposure levels starting from below the level at which any acute toxicity

effect is observed

that mimic human exposure and proceeding downward in a decreasing

concentration pattern

to a level well below that where any long-term toxic effects will be

observed along with a

control, where, for injected substances, the test control


a. A sterile, pH-balanced, isotonic saline injection

of the same volume as the test

substance or

b. A solution prepared as in “a.” with glucose added

at the level of the toxic substance.

Then, the test animals are repeatedly dosed at the selected

levels and their weight and

health monitored for a significant portion of their nominal lifetimes

(e.g., at least a year

in rats that typically live for about 2 years).

The dosing is then discontinued and the health of the

animals tracked for some additional

period or until the animal dies and, at the end of the study, all of the

remaining animals

are sacrificed and autopsied – ideally with appropriate tissue-slide

comparisons between the

test animals and the control animals.

From the results of the autopsies, the adverse effects and

their magnitudes are computed

at each test level.

By plotting the results against the exposure levels,

correlated adverse effects are

identified and their “no effect” levels computed.

From these computations, the NOAEL levels for the test

substance are computed.

Using the recognized inter-species toxicity factors for the

test animals, which is a divisor

of 10 for the NOAEL in rats to compute the average NOAEL toxicity level

in humans.

Then, the computed NOAEL for injected Thimerosal in humans

is divided by 10 to estimate

the general human NOAEL and, unless the study included the

appropriate testing of the

neonatal animals, the result is again divided by a factor of 10 to obtain

the specific

developing human NOAEL value. [Thus, the NOAEL for injected Thimerosal in

developing humans is

the NOAEL for injected Thimerosal in rats divided by 1000.]

When such values are found, then the appropriate NOAEL is

the “safe” level for exposure to

that chemical.

However, absent the applicable established NOAELs for a

substance, especially one whose

end-point metabolite is a bioaccumulative poison, there is NO proven

“safe” level for that


Since: a) Thimerosal, a highly toxic, bioaccumulative

mercury poison, is the substance,

B) Thimerosal is injected in a vaccine formulation, and c)

developing humans are the most

sensitive general group, the critical NOAEL is: NOAEL injected

Thimerosal, developing human.

With these realities in mind, this scientist provides his

view of the “anything but mercury”

realities in the attached file.

If your provider does not allow attachments, you can access

the file at:




If you need a Word “doc” file, please send an e-mail with

“TABMR” in the subject line

and the reason for your request in the body of the e-mail.


G. King, PhD


CoMeD Science Advisor & Secretary

PS: The article,

" 'Falsus in Unum, Falsus in Omnibus' -- A

Thimerosal-preserved Vaccine Conundrum " (31 March 2012; 4

pages) " ”


is now available on the CoMeD website as well as

dr-king.com in case you missed it.

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start May 8 & 10 & 15

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