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Re: 2012 Year of the Zombie Test!

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That was great! So true! I am forwarding that one!Amy From: Vaccinations [mailto:Vaccinations ] On Behalf Of Tobias GogolinSent: Monday, June 04, 2012 3:00 AMvaccinationsSubject: 2012 Year of the Zombie Test! Forwarding you this broad range dose of Zombie Test mainly for the state of awakening that it proposes, weather you or I agree with each and every one of them is irrelevant, but you can tell the people are getting ready to leave the dark ages and step into the light! ====================If you burn your yard rather than mow it, you might be a redneck, says comedian Jeff Foxworthy. But how might you realize you're a zombie? Here are the top ten signs that you just might be a zombie...Sign #1: If you routinely take flu shot vaccines and then wonder why you still catch the flu every winter, you might be a zombieAnnual flu shots are " medicines for the mindless. " Even according to the medical scientists who are pro-vaccine, flu shots simply don't work on 99 out of 100 people (http://www.naturalnews.com/029641_vaccines_junk_science.html). So if you find yourself standing in line at the pharmacy waiting to get a flu shot, think to yourself, " Whoa! I might be a zombie! " Sign #2: If you find yourself watching mainstream media news, but still can't make sense of world events, you might be a zombieThe purpose of the mainstream media is not to keep you informed, but to make you obedient. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033893_mainstream_media_vitamins.html) Mainstream news stories are chosen to promote a corporate agenda, not to bring you accurate information about events that might impact your life in meaningful ways. Those who watch mainstream news television quickly become zombies and then go on to succumb to vaccines and other brain poisons such as fluoride in the water (see below).Sign #3: If you find yourself mindlessly following your doctor's advice even while your sickness gets increasingly worse, you might be a zombie.Conscious people realize that if what they are doing isn't working, they need to change what they are doing! But zombies keep doing the same thing over and over again, all while wondering why they keep getting the same results. And doctors promote it with weird zombie logic such as: if that last round of antibiotics was useless, let's try another round of antibiotics and hope for a different outcome!Sign #4: If you automatically do what you're told by police officers and " authorities, " you might be a zombie.A police officer shows up at your doorsteps and politely asks, " May I come in? " A zombie says, " Sure! " and mindlessly opens the door. But an intelligent, conscious person knows this is a zombie mind trick that allows law enforcement officers to testify that you gave them consent to search your entire home. When a police officer asks to enter your home, they are not being polite. They are asking you to surrender your Fourth Amendment rights, and they are using clever social contracts to manipulate you into giving up those rights without you noticing. Don't be a zombie! Know your rights! Learn more at: www.FlexYourRights.orgSign #5: If you only read the front of food packages -- and not the back -- you might be a zombieWhile shopping at the local grocery store, you notice a package of cereal that claims to be " all natural " and says it may " lower cholesterol, " too. The back of the cereal, however, may reveal that the ingredients are not organic, meaning they're made with pesticides and GMOs (http://www.naturalnews.com/033838_breakfast_cereals_GMOs.html). Zombies only read the marketing claims on food products. Conscious people read the ingredients and learn how to see beyond the marketing hype of dishonest food companies.Sign #6: If all your savings are currently held in U.S. dollars, you are almost certainly an economic zombieThanks to the inflationary actions of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. dollar is losing value with each passing day. Before long, it will likely collapse in value. As that happens, all the people left holding useless dollars (both physical ones or electronic ones in your bank account) will discover they have been acting like " economic zombies " because they put all their currency eggs in the same basket. Conscious people diversify their savings into land, real estate, gold, non-U.S. currencies, corporate stocks and even barter items like silver dimes, storable foods, salt, sugar or common ammunition.Sign #7: If you believe what you were taught in public school, you are definitely a zombieAmerican scientists developed the nuclear bombs dropped in World War II, right? Wrong. It was Nazi scientists who processed the nuclear fuel and designed those first two bombs. (Read Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs.)Columbus treated the indigenous Indians with great friendship, right? Not exactly: He and his crews raped the female Indians, then tortured and murdered many of the males. To celebrate " Columbus Day " is to celebrate a mass murderer. (No wonder all the government workers get the day off!)The federal government exists to protect the rights of the People, right? C'mon -- today's government goes out of its way to violate the Bill of Rights, violate federal law and destroy the very Constitution it was sworn to protect. For example, did you know the Obama administration runs a secret " kill list " of Americans to murder without any trial or due process? This has now been openly admitted and confirmed by the White House. (http://www.naturalnews.com/033835_White_House_kill_list.html)Sign #8: If you drink fluoridated tap water, you are a fluoridated zombie (which is, of course, the whole point of fluoride)The Nazi war machine used fluoride as a mind-numbing agent to keep its population under control while it committed genocidal murder. Have you ever wondered for what purpose the U.S., Canada, Australia and other countries are now using the same chemical cocktail in the water supply?The medical fiction that " fluoride prevents cavities " is a complete quack science hoax. Fluoride is actually a highly corrosive toxic industrial chemical, as revealed in this hidden camera footage: http://www.naturalnews.com/033753_water_fluoridation_hidden_camera.ht...Sign #9: If you find yourself rooting for any presidential candidate other than Ron , you're probably a political zombieRon is the only Presidential candidate who has offered a genuine balanced budget (all the other candidates want to keep spending us into financial oblivion). Ron is the only Presidential candidate who stands firmly for health freedom, ending prohibition against medical marijuana, legalizing the farming of industrial hemp, and allowing nutritional supplement companies to make accurate, scientifically-validated health claims for their products. All the other candidates are just corporate puppets who have nothing to offer America other than a continuation of the problems that have driven our nation into economic and political turmoil.To vote for Romney, , Cain or even Obama is to mindlessly vote for continuing the same broken system of puppet Presidents who answer to their corporate globalist masters (just like Bush).Sign #10: If you think that Bigger Government is the way to solve the problems that have already been caused by Big Government, you might be a zombieIrrational faith in government is a sure sign of cognitive zombie-ism. As government itself is the cause of most of society's problems -- financial bankruptcy, political corruption, the waste of taxpayer money, the promotion of a culture of criminality, deadly health care monopolies and so on -- it is completely irrational to think that MORE government can solve the very problems it has created!• Zombie Obamanomics, for example, is the practice of spending more government money to eliminate government debt -- also known as " Zombienomics. " • Obamacare, also known as " Zombiecare, " is the practice of treating the health of the population with the very same medications and surgery that only " manage " disease symptoms rather than curing disease.• " Zombocracy " is what I call a government run by zombie politicians who are voted into office by zombie voters.• " Zombiflation " is the creeping upwards of prices on everyday goods at a pace too slow to be readily noticed by the zombie population. The Federal Reserve is constantly trying to create new money to expand the money supply at precisely the outer limit of Zombiflation.• " Zombruptcy " is what happens when zombie consumers go bankrupt and can't pay their home mortgages anymore, at which point zombie banks take them over and try to sell them at reduced prices to other zombies.• " Zombie elections " are contests between two or more globalist zombies who compete to receive the highest number of votes from a mass of zombie voters, none of which have any real knowledge about the character or voting records of the zombie candidates they are electing into office. Zombie voters tend to vote for people based on what they look like. " We need a black President because skin color is what matters! " Or better yet, " We need a fat President, because he looks like the rest of the zombie Americans! " What about this instead? " We need a President who defends the Constitution and wants to stop the Federal Reserve from stealing more of our money! " You can be a zombie for Halloween, but don't be one in real lifeThis Halloween, I was thinking of walking around wearing a mask of , because I can't think of a more frightening image of corporate-controlled zombie mindlessness. I could carry a microphone with the letters ZNN -- Zombie News Network -- and do interviews with " zombies on the street. " Hey there, parents, did you know the high fructose corn syrup in the candies your children are sucking down tonight is made from genetically modified corn? Did you know the chocolate in those name-brand candies was harvested from cacao plantations using child labor? Did you know the artificial food coloring chemicals in the candy promotes symptoms of hyperactivity and ADD?Ah, but you see, the parents don't want to hear that, because they too are zombies. Who else lets their kids run around and collect bags full of mystery foods from the houses of total strangers?By the way, it's okay to appear as a zombie for Halloween if you want. Just don't run around acting like a zombie in real life. Use your brain for a change... a global change!Think about what you're doing, who you're supporting, what you're buying, where you're getting your information and what you choose to believe. Don't be a sucker for mainstream news fictions, pharmaceutical propaganda, medical system quackery and political hucksterism. Always ask skeptical questions; always demand accountability; and if you catch yourself in one of the top ten zombie situations described here, get out and take back your brain as quickly as possible!A daily dose of NaturalNews will shock your brain back to reality and has been clinically proven in scientific trials to reverse chronic zombie-ism.Stay informed! 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