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I wrote this some time ago & just revised some



Hi all,

It is difficult on this list to be always addressing this issue - DO

BACTERIA or VIRUSES " CAUSE " disease???

I will try to explain when I answer emails from now on, from both

perspectives - as if they do 'cause' disease and as if they don't 'cause'


But I wanted to write up something specific and share links to other ways

of looking at this - that bacteria & viruses do NOT 'cause'


Something is likely 'spread' - the energy of the illness, something

stimulating release of toxins that is healthy (the illness of chickenpox,

measles, etc). Something happens in childhood illnesses that might

be very necessary for development of the immune system - but are the

bacteria or viruses the cause?? Are they only present? Are

they doing a job cleaning up? Is the illness important as it is the

body's way of getting rid of toxins inherited and acquired in utero and

early life?

I am now writing up some of my ideas about germs, viruses,


So, whether or not it is bacteria or viruses that are spreading

something, the fact remains that something is communicated from one to

another - somehow, someway.

And it is the susceptibility of the person, the terrain, the state of the

mind, body spirit, that matters when it comes to staying healthy or

becoming ill.

The symptoms of chickenpox exist and seem to spread through schools,

families and neighborhoods

The symptoms of measles, rubella, mumps, & pertussis, exist and seem

to spread through schools, families & neighborhoods

But does the above mean that a bacteria or virus CAUSES them?

No. Does the existence of a bacteria or virus mean that it causes

it? NO. Because they are detected to be there does not mean

they CAUSED it. Just because I am found at the scene of a car

accident and am trying to help, does not mean that I caused it.

Because bacteria come to a stagnant pond and is cleaning it up, does mean

that the bacteria caused the stagnant pond. They are there doing a

job. Maybe the job is related to the illness, maybe not.

The symptoms of poliomyelitis are very different - see my

http://www.geocities.com/harpub for info on proof that polio was NOT

infectious - did not spread from contacts, but was a toxic


The smallpox situation is likely similar to the polio situation


BUT much has become invested in the germ theory and that bacteria and

viruses cause illness - an entrenched belief system that now makes lots

of money for researchers, the medical industry including doctors,

hospitals, insurance companies, drug and vaccine companies and every

industry related to these.

It will be very difficult to ever find the truth about all of this, at

this point in time. Misinterpretation & absolute lies have

tainted everything and likely we will never recover the truth until we

are destroyed.

A lot of this has to do with your worldview - are we part of a world that

is purposeful and all things work to support life and health and we are

part of that world - symbiosis. OR is the world a dangerous

place where all kinds of things are out to get us. Things that are

separate from us, harmful, dangerous. US and THEM. We have

been programmed, especially in the last 100 years to fear disease and

many things - it has been implanted it into the consciousness of all of

us - why has this been done? Always look to 'who benefits' when you

are questioning what someone is telling you. This type of

propaganda that produces fear of disease is about greed. It can be

used to reduce knowledge, compassion, understanding. It can be used to

cause people to separate from each other. It divides us.

Maybe we need to help the bacteria or virus (if it is doing a job) do its

job more effectively. Help instead of fight it. We have a war

mentality going on in every aspect of our life - fight it. This

goes back, in part, to the time of Descartes ( & before) - separation

of the mind, body and spirit. We are separate from the planet, we

are separate from each other.


I know that bacteria live on & in our bodies all the time

Many/most of those are doing a job that is important - symbiotic

(mutually beneficial) bacteria are instrumental in digestion, vitamin

production, and other good work.

a: producing vitamins

(bacteria in the human gut produce vitamin K ) - Escherichia coli (a.k.a.

E. coli) lives in the gut, where it helps


food and produces Vitamin K

Healthy bacteria are needed to help with digestion as they produce

enzymes which, help to break down food. Some species


bacteria also produce B Complex Vitamins and assist in their assimilation

by the intestines. Healthy bacteria also perform

" house-

cleaning " duties like helping to repair the intestinal mucosa lining

the intestinal walls.

b: live on our skin and protect us from many harmful agents. The

drier areas, like the back, have few microbes; moist areas, such


under the arm, have many more

c. In the body - consume and mop up dead and decaying matter -

cleaning up toxic situation

Bacteria in some cases produce toxins while doing these jobs and these

may be what makes us sick if we are sickly all ready.


that the bacteria's fault? Or is that the fault of the terrain -

that it is so weakened and so sickly that it can't tolerate


normal going on in the body - bacteria breaking down dead stuff

d. one of the indicators or symptoms that an organ or tissue is

undergoing pathogenic changes, the causes of which have little to do

with the presence

or absence of the viruses or bacteria.

e. maintain our atmosphere - Cyanobacteria (formerly known as

blue-green algae) live in water, where they produce large amounts of


oxygen we breathe.

f. Lactobacillus bulgaricus helps turn milk into cheese, yogurt,

and other dairy products. Lactobacillus turns lactose, the sugar in


into lactic acid that wards off microbes that cause spoilage.

g. Bacillus thuringiensis is also know as

" Bt. " This common soil bacterium acts as a natural

pest-killer in gardens and on crops.

h. Propionibacterium freudenreichii - This bacterium produces

carbon dioxide gas bubbles that burst in ripening cheese, leaving


cheese's trademark holes.

i. Xanthomonas campestris - produces a slimy outer couting

called xanthan. Xanthan gum is used as a thickening and stabilizing


in many common products including water-based paints and cosmetics.

j. Saccharomyces is also known as Baker's Yeast because it is used

to make bread rise. This fungus also breaks down the


sugars in grains or other starchy ingredients into carbon dioxide and

ethanol (a.k.a. alcohol).

k. Methanotrophs eat methane gas to clean up hazardous waste dumps

and landfills. These methane-munching bacteria make

an enzyme that can

break down more than 250 nasty pollutants into harmless molecules. By

piping methane into the soil, we


increase growth of the methanotrophs that normally live in the polluted

soil. More methanotrophs means faster pollution break up.

l. Acetobacter modifies glucose, making vitamin C as a


m. Arbuscular is part of a soil-living fungus family. This fungus

helps crops take up nutrients from the soil.

n. Saccharomyces carlsbergensis - This fungus breaks down the

natural sugars in grains to form ethanol and carbon dioxide



o. Pseudomonas cleans waste from sewage water at water treatment


p. Acidophilus bacteria breaks down sugars and carbohydrates in

milk, turning it into yogurt. This process is called fermentation.

q. Bacteria are what decompose and use up dead plant and animal


r. Certain species of bacteria that live on the roots of plants

actually " fix " nitrogen from the air, convert it to plant food,

and feed the


with essential plant nutrients.

Rhizobia convert free nitrogen into a form that the plants can use in

order to grow.

s. Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt), has insecticidal properties and is

used to control plant pests.

t. The " average " American; that is, the one eating his or

her daily " meat and chemicals " diet, carries in their large

intestine alone 4-4


lbs of bacteria, or 1x10 18 , that is, more bacteria in their large

intestine than there are cells in their



u. maintain our atmosphere - Cyanobacteria (formerly known as

blue-green algae) live in water, where they produce large amounts of


oxygen we breathe.


Here are some pages on the positive things about bacteria (Of course the

webpages buy into the idea that viruses & bacteria 'cause' disease -

but that is one track that was taken back a few hundred years ago and

there are others who did not have the perspective.)

http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=87 & Itemid=59

http://www.microbeworld.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=169 & Itemid=66

- some of how 'they' explain differences between bacteria &




I don't know if there are such things as viruses as they have explained

it to us

If there are such things as viruses, I don't know that they 'cause'

illness in everyone

If there are such things as viruses, I don't know that they 'cause'

illness in some

If there are such things as viruses, they may be doing an important job

helping to repair DNA, etc

If there are such things as viruses & they are doing an important

job, then we aren't helping by trying to destroy them.

If there are such things as viruses, are they spread around? Is

that a bad thing? Are they doing an important job?

Are the childhood illnesses situations where the body has a chance to get

rid of toxins and disturbances inherited, acquired while in utero,

acquired at delivery and early life?

Are these viral caused? Something else that we don't understand yet

- a wave of energy, or something stimulating it.

Are they early challenges of some sort to help build the immune system -

idea that everything has a purpose on this planet and is doing a job that

is necessary - nature is not against us

Do foreign viruses, injected into us from other animals or humans, cause

problems, whereas naturally produced ones are doing a job?



Part 2 excerpt

" Now, no-one in their right mind, in seeing the body of a dead mouse

covered with thousands of ants, would ever conclude that the swarm of

ants were responsible for killing the mouse. No, the ants are eating and

cleaning up and removing the decaying flesh of the already dead


Conversely, no-one on their right mind would conclude that if we pour

some insect killer on the swarm of ants in an attempt to eliminate them

would restore life to the dead mouse.

Yet, it is thought axiomatic today, in the scientific medical community,

that if evidence of the presence of viruses or bacteria are found in an

ill-person's body, that the virus or bacteria is the cause of the

illness. This is analogous to concluding that because we find a swarm of

ants consuming the body of a dead animal, the ants killed the

animal. "

" Therefore, finding more and more powerful antibiotics or anti-viral

agents to kill the bacteria or virus will do absolutely nothing to help

promote the revitalization and regeneration of the decaying organ or

tissue being " mopped-up " by the bacteria or

virus. "

Further links

Also might want to read (of course I DON'T agree with everything below,

and some I haven't made my mind up about yet):

Dr Stefan Lanka exposes the " Viral Fraud " (from 2002 - on

purportedly existing " diseasecausing viruses " in general):


Interview with Stefan Lanka on " bird flu " etc


http://www.whale.to/b/lanka.html or


An article by Stefan Lanka, 01.03.2006, " Are there and can there

be diseasecausing viruses " (written in particular with a view to

that big hoax about there existing a " bird flu virus " ):


more from Stefan Lanka o-



The Genius of Homeopathy

Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy

By Dr Stuart M. CLOSE

Presented by Médi-T

Chapter VI

Life, Health and Disease


Viral Infections

What do we know?

by Dr Quanten MD

Here are websites on natural hygiene (they don't buy into the germ


Here are some websites









(archived here, but original webpage gone)

A Faulty Medical Model: The Germ Theory



by R. B. Pearson


archived here

Many interesting articles by Ian Sinclair

He is right on!

Germs - The Mistaken Enemy

Immunity - A Medical Myth

Vaccination - A False Premise

Life-Long Immunity - No Such Thing

Infectious Disease - A Misnomer

Immunological Memory Is Not Enough

The Immune System - Its True Role

New Cough Vaccine!

You Can't Build A Brick House Without The Bricks

Safe Vaccines - What's The Point?

What The Game Is All About

Hepatitis - The Liver Cure



Synthesis of the Work of Enderlein, Bechamps and other Pleomorphic





(I'm not in agreement with isopathics which they have a link to toward

the bottom & associate with this)

also google on pleomorphism


Pasteur or Bechamp? Pleomorphic Organisms



Nature Cure

Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure

Henry Lindlahr, M.D.


Published by The Nature Cure Publishing Company

525 South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago



July 05, 2003

Hepatitis C epidemic - where is the virus?


The Lost History of Medicine

Sick and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

Lots on that issue and how to eat more healthfully created a more

alkaline environment

BOOK here - excellent for this information - I don't agree that all

should be vegetarian and also don't agree with pH numbers he says we

should attain - from my study a pH of 6.4 in urine and saliva is the








So, that’s my offering of ideas and resources for further information

for now!

Lot’s to think about and contemplate



copyright Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian

Homeopath, May 2012



Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start May 8 & 10 & 15

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