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News Updates and Action Alerts! Please read and share

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Subject: Australian Vaccination Network-News Updates and Action Alerts! Please read and share

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A Special Action Alert NewsletterDear AVN Supporter, This edition of the AVN's email newsletter is filled with the latest information on vaccination from around the world.There are also several VERY IMPORTANT action alerts that I would like to ask you to read carefully and share with others.Thanks so much,Meryl Dorey

TGA Censorship If I had waited any longer to put out this newsletter, the action alert would have been longer. Since winning our case before the Supreme Court on Feb 24th, 2012, the AVN has been the subject of no fewer than 4 new government investigations and new complaints from members of Stop the AVN (SAVN) and their parent group, the Australian Skeptics, have been going out to various bodies on a daily basis - this is not an exaggeration. Read our blog post - V is for Vendetta - for further information.One of those complaints was sent to the Therapeutic Goods Administration regarding the fact that we are selling Elaine Hollingsworth's excellent DVD, One Answer to Cancer, in our web shop. (please click the link to read more information about this issue).This DVD discusses the use of a herbel cream called Black Salve, to treat and cure cancer. It includes many testimonials from those who have been helped by this product and also shows you how to make the cream since it has been banned for humans in Australia for some time and is now also banned for use in animals.The AVN has set up a poll on this issue and we'd like to ask you to vote and share this poll with friends and family. Click here to access the poll.We have also set up a meeting for this coming Tuesday, May 22nd, to discuss the issues surrounding government censorship and restrictions on information. If you would like to attend either physically (if you are on the Far North Coast) or via phone or internet hookup, please call Meryl on 02 6687 1699 or email meryl@... for further details.Australian government intentionally misleads parents As you are no doubt aware, there has been some angst for the last 6 − 8 months over whether the Federal government was cracking down on families who have chosen not to vaccinate. The introduction of the Healthy Kids Checks which links the $728 Family Tax Benefit Supplement Part A with visits to the doctor at 12 and 24 months and then again, before school entry, and concerns about whether a vaccination component was required with these checks has kept conscientious objectors on tenterhooks for some time now.This situation was not helped when reports emerged last week that parents who did not fully vaccinate their children would lose all of their government 'welfare' payments. It was especially concerning that the source of this information (or, shall I say misinformation) was none other then the Federal Minister for Health, Plibersek.In many media reports and also in a document prepared by Minister Plibersek's department called Strengthening Immunisation for Children, it is claimed that, "Families will now need to have their children fully immunised to receive the existing $726 per child Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement, replacing the Maternity Immunisation Allowance from 1 July 2012."This would be shocking enough if it were true. But in fact, it is not and the Minister's office knows that it's not. A senior policy advisor in that office openly admitted that it was government policy to strongly encourage vaccination and so, of course they would not put information about conscientious objection into the government paperwork!Of course, this is not acceptable behaviour on the part of any politician - federal or state.The AVN has filed a complaint with the Department of Health - something we must do before taking this issue further with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.We need your support however in sending a strong message to Canberra - a message that we will NOT stand to be misinformed by the government no matter what their policy may be. It is not their right to withhold information or to be deceptive and misleading in trying to make parents think that government funds will be withheld if you don't vaccinate - especially when the AVN fought so hard to ensure that all families would have the right to become conscientious objectors without any loss of government entitlements.For more information on this issue, read our recent blog post - Politicians and the Truth - Strange Befellows?To Recap:Join the AVN at a planning meeting to discuss ways of dealing with the TGA's efforts to censor information on altnerative cancer treatments.Date: Tuesday, 22nd May, 2012Time: To be AnnouncedLocation: Near Bangalow, NSW with availability for phone and internet hookups for those who are not in this area.Write letters about the misleading information being put out by the Federal Minister for Health: Plibersek, Minister for Health - Minister.Plibersek@... Dutton, Shadow Minister for Health - peter.dutton.mp@... Macklin, the Minister for Families and Community Services - jmacklin.mp@... s, Shadow Minister for Families, Housing and Human Services - .s.MP@...Copy all messages to - meryl@...AVN Launches New Blog!

The AVN has just launched a new blog which will be a place to read critiques of articles from both peer-reviewed and mainstream media sources.Called The REAL Australian Sceptics, this page will be a place where you can see the news behind the news and learn about what true scepticism is all about.If you would like to be a contributing writer for this blog and have an interest in any of the issues listed on the home page -www.realaustraliansceptics.com- please contact info@... and we will be happy to discuss this further with you.

Join the AVN

After almost 2 long years, it gives us great pleasure to FINALLY be able to say - please join the AVN as a member and support us with your donations! Our victory in the NSW Supreme Court and the subsequent reinstatement of our authority to fundraise has meant that we can start to rebuild this vital organisation - with your help!Please check out our range of standard memberships, gift memberships and professional memberships.And if you would like to help us with a donation (one-off, weekly or monthly), click here or call us on 02 6687 1699.Thank you so much for your support!

Vaccination in the News

The Lancet should Reinstate the Wakefield Paper

In the wake of the High Court judgment on Professor -'s appeal against the decision of the General Medical Council (the UK regulatory body for doctors) to delicense him, what should now happen to the retracted paper he co-authored with Dr Wakefield?

Is the Vaccine Industry Beginning to Fail?

....Turns out, as we've documented, that vaccines were never double-blind tested, for "ethical" reasons. And that the statistics that brought vaccines into force were fudged.And then there is the extraordinary persecution of Wakefield, who had the temerity to explain that SOME children might have bad reactions to vaccines.

Studies confirm H1N1 vaccine-narcolepsy link in Finnish kids

The two reports, published yesterday in Public Library of Science (PLoS) One, follow a September 2011 final report by Finnish officials confirming the link between narcolepsy and the AS03 adjuvanted vaccine that the country used exclusively during the pandemic.

Australian doctors still administering banned flu vaccine to children

Two years to the day after CSL's Fluvax was banned for use in children under the age of 5, news has emerged that Australian doctors are continuing to administer this shot to infants and toddlers despite the fact that there are four other vaccines that are licensed for use in this age group.

Polio: 47,500 paralysis cases after polio vaccine

Polio vaccines are causing paralysis and death in India and the local press is reporting it (not the US or Australian press, of course). This article is from the largest circulation English language paper in South India.April 14, 2012 Cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis, better known as AFP, has sharply increased with the increase in the administration of oral polio vaccination (OPV) in the country under the much-acclaimed polio eradication programme.

AVN Legal Fighting Fund Appeal:FIGHTING FUND FOR AVN LEGAL EXPENSESAs stated above, since the AVN won its case in the NSW Supreme Court back in February this year, we have been the subject of no less than 4 investigations from various state and federal agencies. The complaints are ongoing on a daily basis. It appears that anything I say can and will be used as the basis for further complaints and I'm not shutting up so the complaints will keep coming. It's a matter of when - not if - one of these complaints takes us back into court. We are currently working with a solicitor and barrister on the attempt by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to stop us from selling the One Answer to Cancer DVD in our web shop as well as working on another complaint from a different NSW government authority. We have earmarked several thousand dollars for these cases but it could end up costing a great deal more. How much more? I don't really know. How long is a piece of string? Since I'm not backing down - and since our members have indicated that they don't want the AVN to give in to these sorts of tactics, I am asking everyone to consider making a small (or large, if you are able) donation to help us stand strong against these legal assaults against health freedom. I am estimating that we may need in excess of $20,000 in donations for this cause.FIGHTING FUND FOR NON-VACCINATING PARTNERS Next, It has come to my attention that there are a number of parents who have recently been obliged to respond to court proceedings commenced by their ex-partners/spouses who, following separation, have sought an order of the court requiring their child (or children) to be vaccinated. Such proceedings could very well result in orders being made providing for the young children, the subject of these proceedings, to receive the full spectrum of vaccines in a catch up schedule over a period of about 6 months. As most of you are parents yourself, you will no-doubt be able to feel the horror of being placed in such a situation with one of your own children! I understand that this is the first time the issue will be thoroughly ventilated in the courts. The determination of these current cases could very well set precedents for future litigants in the court who find themselves in similar situations. There is a wealth of evidence available and a variety of experts willing to give evidence, many for reduced fees, but such litigation still comes at a significant cost by the time barristers and solicitors have been instructed to prepare these involved and lengthy cases for hearing and subsequently represent a parent at the hearing. If you would like to assist these parents present a case with the best chance of success and, thereby, avoid implementation (who knows how far into the future) of mainstream conventional policy that vaccination is a necessity and the only way to protect children from disease, I would ask that you commit what monies you can to this most worthy endeavour. Some of these parents have run out of money and their hearing dates are imminent. They have very little time left (days) to secure the funding they need. One particular mother, on a low income with few tangible assets, has gone into debt to fund her proceedings, used her family's meagre savings, then to be denied legal aid. Although she believes her case has a really good chance of success, she just has no money now available to fund her barrister, her solicitor or expert witnesses for the hearing, even though these professionals have given generously of their time over many months and sometimes without recompense. The legal team have acquired a wealth of expertise and knowledge about vaccination, encompassing various fields of science, research and clinical practice. The calibre of experts who have offered their professional services is impressive. But the case could fall short at a most critical time. $50,000.00 will go a long way to help the most pressing case and help start a fund for the influx of cases deserving of financial assistance that follow close behind. An opportunity could otherwise be lost forever.HOW CAN YOU DONATE: Web- Please visit our donations page - http://shop.avn.org.au/categories/Donations/ - and choose any of the pre-set amounts there to donate using your credit card or paypal. You can choose multiples of the amount (for instance - 3 X $10 for a $30 donation) to add up to the total you are able to give. Direct your donation to the fund or funds you would like to support using the comments box during the checkout process and also tell us if you'd like to split your donation between both the AVN and non-vaccinating partners fighting funds in the same way.Phone- Call us during business hours on 02 6687 1699 and we will be happy to take your donation over the phone.FAX- FAX your details to 02 6678 0894 at any time. Please include your credit card details, name, address, email address (if you have one), card expiration date and security code as well as which fund or funds you are supporting.Direct deposit - our bank details are:AVN Gift Fund account Westpac Bank BSB - 032591 Account number - 196282 YOU MUST email meryl@... after making a bank deposit or internet transfer, telling us what fund or funds you are supporting. If you don't do this, the donation will be taken as a general donation to support the AVN's running costs.Please note: Should the funds raised exceed the amounts required for these cases, the AVN reserves the right to apply an excess donations to supporting AVN's general objectives and running costs.

New books to check out - many more in store!

All I can Handle - I'm No Mother

One woman's account of raising 3 daughters with autism. Funny, clever and poignant.

Our Price: $29.95

Evidence of Harm

Mercury in vaccines and the autism epidemic - THE premiere volume on this strong connection.

Our Price: $24.95

Vaccine Nation

s Moritz reveals undeniable scientific proof that vaccines are actually implicated in most diseases today.

Our Price: $35.95

Callous Disregard (now in paperback)

Wakefield's battle for justice for children made autistic by vaccination. MUST READ!

Our Price: $24.95

's Last Wish

A family fights to save their daughter from toxic cancer treatments.

Our Price: $29.95

Death by Medicine(includes a free 93 minute DVD!)

Learn the truth about why so many people are dying from medical 'care' and what we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones from medical error and adverse reactions.

Our Price: $24.95

Waging War on the Autistic Child

Brand new release from Dr Wakefield. Blaming parents for their children's autism.

Our Price: $29.95

Without Due Care

Mackay was a quadriplegic man whose death was caused by shocking medical abuse at the hands of a diseased and unaccountable Australia healthcare system

Our Price: $29.95

Silenced Witnesses Vol 1 & 2

Save $10 off of the individual price + receive a free DVD!Story of the Wakefield 12 in their own words.

Our Price: $40.00

The Australian Vaccination Network

PO Box 177BANGALOW NSW 2479PH: 02 6687 1699 FAX: 02 6678 0894www.avn.org.auinfo@...

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Australian Vaccination Network, Inc. | PO Box 177 | BANGALOW | NSW | 2479 | Australia

Meryl Dorey,SpokespersonThe Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.Investigate before you vaccinateEditor,Living Wisdom MagazineFamily, Health, EnvironmentPO Box 177BANGALOW NSW 2479AUSTRALIAhttp://www.avn.org.auhttp://www.living-wisdom.comPhone: 02 6687 1699 FAX 02 6687 2032skype: ivmmagFreedom is not merely the opportunity to do as one pleases; neither is it merely the opportunity to choose between set alternatives. Freedom is, first of all, the chance to formulate the available choices, to argue over them -- and then, the opportunity to choose. - C. MillsThe authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen's skin. - Gloria SteinemWe rely on the help and support of our members and subscribers to continue offering our services freely and without prejudice.Please consider helping us by joining the AVN as a member. Go to http://www.avn.org.au to become a member or donate to support our work.We also sell books, videos and DVDs on vaccination and other health issues. Go to http://shop.avn.org.au/ for more details.

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