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New Evidence (gene mutations) Antidepressants (and other drugs) Can Send You into a Murderous Rage (& more)

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Serious new information on the dangers for some with

gene mutations (I would say dangers for all, but especially for

those with gene mutations) (dangers of many different drugs including

opiates, antidepressants, ibuprofen, amitryptline, benzos &

more).............do you know people on some of these meds who have

had serious bouts of rage, lost time, black outs, paranoia, and


" [The enzyme] CYP2D6 (cytochrome P450 2D6) acts on one-fourth of all

prescription drugs, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(SSRI), tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), beta blockers, opiates,

neuroleptics, antiarrhythmics and a variety of toxic plant substances.

Up to 15 percent of the population has a slow acting form of this

enzyme and many of these a fast acting form.

35% are carriers of a non-functional CYP2D6 allele, especially

elevating the risk of adverse drug reactions when these individuals are

taking multiple drugs ...

This means that potentially up to 1 billion people on the planet

cannot metabolize and eliminate the commonly prescribed drugs from their

bodies " .


EXCERPTS from................

New Evidence Antidepressants Can Send You into a Murderous


Posted By Dr. Mercola |

Story at-a-glance

Since the late 1980s, there have been frequent reports of increased

violent behavior, including homicides and suicides, among individuals

taking antidepressant drugs A newly published study provides a plausible theory about how a

genetic mutation in the CYP450 gene family can cause a metabolic

disturbance resulting in uncontrollable violent impulses and behaviors in

some individuals taking these drugs, which establishes the link between

the drugs and the violent impulses

“Homicidal akathisia” is an extreme motor restlessness sometimes

caused by antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs that is thought to

underlie these violent outbursts .............

By Dr. Mercola

More than a decade ago, Dr. Yolande Lucire started noticing high

rates of hospital admission and suicide among patients treated with

antidepressant medications and antipsychotics.

Since then, she has gathered evidence that makes it clear that many

people being treated with antidepressants can't metabolize them due to

common genetic mutations.

Dr. Lucire has been campaigning to introduce ways of minimizing

over-prescription of antidepressants.

According to Prevent Disease:

" [The enzyme] CYP2D6 (cytochrome P450 2D6) acts on one-fourth of

all prescription drugs, including the selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitors (SSRI), tricyclic antidepressants (TCA), beta blockers,

opiates, neuroleptics, antiarrhythmics and a variety of toxic plant


Up to 15 percent of the population has a slow acting form of this enzyme

and many of these a fast acting form.

Thirty-five percent are carriers of a non-functional CYP2D6 allele,

especially elevating the risk of adverse drug reactions when these

individuals are taking multiple drugs ...

This means that potentially up to 1 billion people on the planet cannot

metabolize and eliminate the commonly prescribed drugs from their

bodies " .

From Depressed to Homicidal: The " Miracles " of Modern


Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Yolande Lucire and pharmacogeneticist

Crotty found a significant association between genetics,

metabolism of psychiatric drugs, and severe " homicidal

akathisia. "

Akathisia is a medical term describing a condition of motor restlessness,

marked by anxiety, agitation, jitteriness, or the sensation of

" jumping out of one's skin " and the inability to sit quietly or

sleep. Akathisia is a common side effect of neuroleptic drugs. Chronic

sleeplessness itself can lead to a long list of physical and emotional


It has long been known that many antidepressants cause akathisia,

especially SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), a category

that includes Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, and other commonly prescribed


Some researchers and physicians believe that akathisia is the chief

symptom that triggers impulsive violence in certain individuals who take

antidepressant drugs.This is thought to be an extreme form of akathisia.

Homicidal impulses and murderous behavior due to akathisia is now being

called " homicidal akathisia. "

The akathisia issue first came into public view shortly after Prozac

entered the marketplace in the mid-1980s, when reports of murder and

suicide among patients taking Prozac were publicized by the media. Since

then, there have been thousands of reports of violent behavior by

individuals taking antidepressant drugs. There is even a website devoted

to collecting and indexing these reports in a sortable database. The site

lists more than 4,800 cases, from murder-suicides to road rage to school


Lucire's CYP450 Gene Study

In the featured study , 138 people were tested for CYP450 genes; a

family of genes thought to have metabolic consequences that lead to

serotonin toxicity and resultant severe akathisia in some


Researchers examined 129 subjects who experienced drug-induced adverse

events (mainly akathisia). Of the 129, 12 suffered disastrous

consequences while taking antidepressant drugs:


committed homicide 3

committed suicide 1

sleepwalked to her death

So, these individuals sought help for ordinary emotional distress related

to various life stressors, such as bereavement, marital difficulties, and

work-related stressand the treatment resulted in homicide, suicide

and unintentional death.

How can antidepressants that aim to improve your mood have such

tragic and unintended consequences?

A certain family of genes, called CYP450 genes, cause metabolic processes

in some people that lead to serotonin toxicity and severe akathisia.

These genes were found to be more prevalent among patients reporting

akathisia than in the general public. What this means is, if you have

these genes and you take antidepressants or a number of other drugs, you

can develop serotonin toxicity and uncontrollable violent impulses.(For a

complete list of CYP450 interactions, refer to this table on the Indiana

University School of Medicine website.)

Patients experienced complete resolution of their akathisia when their

antidepressant drugs were discontinued. Of course, it was too late for

the four patients who had already killed themselves, and no way to bring

back to life those killed by the other eight.

The authors concluded:

" The results presented here concerning a sample of persons given

antidepressants for psychosocial distress demonstrate the extent to which

the psychopharmacology industry has expanded its influence beyond its

ability to cure. "

But this isn't the only study that has shown these drugs to be

extremely risky. The following are two more very recent studies that

should give you serious pause before filling your prescription for a

mind-altering medication.

Antidepressants Increase the Risk of Death Among the Elderly

In a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in

August 2011, more than 60,000 adults over age 65 diagnosed with

depression were tracked between 1996 and 2007. The findings are

disturbing. Antidepressants were linked with higher risk of death from

heart attack, stroke, falls, and seizures.


Seniors not taking any antidepressant drugs had a 7 percent risk of death

from any cause.

Seniors taking older (prior to SSRI) antidepressants showed an 8.1

percent risk of death.


taking SSRIs (the newer antidepressants) showed a 10.6 percent risk of


Have PTSD? Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Drugs are a Waste of Time

and Money

A very large study of veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

(PTSD), published in JAMA in 2011, showed that antipsychotic agents are

no better than placebo at reducing the symptoms of PTSD. Government data

shows that 10 to 20 percent of soldiers who see live combat develop PTSD.

Of these, about one fifth are prescribed an antipsychotic drug, such as

risperidone (Risperdal), after antidepressant treatment fails.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Krystal, stated they could find NO

benefit of antipsychotic drug treatment for the soldiers. Although this

study involved only one antipsychotic medication (risperidone), the

findings can be extrapolated to the entire class of drugs, including

Seroquel, Geodon and Abilify.

This is such a typical approach of our healthcare systema hit and miss

strategy, juggling mixtures and doses of different drugs in a ramshackle

attempt to find something that works. Antidepressants aren't working, so

they try you on antipsychotics, which turn out to be just as worthless.

Meanwhile, your condition gets worse so you are given numerous other

drugs to manage your ever-growing list of side effects.

Senior scientist Dr. Hoge at Walter Army Institute of

Research commented on the PTSD study's findings:

" I think it's a very important study, given how frequently the

drugs have been prescribed. It definitely calls into question the use of

antipsychotics in general for PTSD. "


Pharmagedon: Big Coverup: What is 2D6? Making our kids & soldiers


First 39-45 vaccine doses by the time you are 6 years old. And

now add the recent in-utero shot to the fetus-the flu shot with

mercury. The epidemic of ADHD, ADD, OCD, Bipolar, Autism,

encephalitis, narcolepsy is caused by the inordinate amount of

vaccinations that are forced on children by our government in order to

get into school. To compensate or mitigate the effects of the

vaccine injury, mis-nomered as “mental illness” psyche drugs are given

out like candy. 25 % of all American children are on psyche


And now the National Coalition of Organized Women uncover one of the most

egregious Pharma sins in modern psyche history. The information

that would have averted the school shootings, the homicides, the

overdoses, the bizarre epidemic of mentally ill in recent years has been

available for circa 15 years since gene mapping. Cytochrome

P450 2D6 is the most major metabolic pathway that detoxifies 50% of all

psyche drugs and street drugs. 7-10% of Caucasians, for

example, are poor or non-metabolizers due to a deletion or

non activity of the 2D6 pathway. There is a percentage of Asians and

Afrikan Americans who are poor metabolizers. When certain drugs

(list below) are given to these demographics, due to their

inability to metabolize them, these people become psychotic, homicidal,

suicidal, a danger to themselves and society. There are other

pathways on Cytochrome P459 such as Cyt 3A4 implicated in the psychosis

reports of soldiers on Larium, a malaria drug. Another

example: Marijuana (Cannibals) is a powerful inhibitor of

cytochrome P450 isozymes 3A4, 2C19, and 2D6.

Links below:

You know those kids who are shooting each other and mothers who drown

their kids in the bath tub? Check out this most egregious cover up in

the history of modern psychiatry. Dr. Lucire elucidates. Her study

just published in the summer of 2011 is not only a academic victory but

the homicidal speak of their experiences in their own words on how they

were moved to kill their loved ones.

This information, now highlighted by Dr. Lucire has been heretofore

suppressed by the stakeholder. The justice system in the USA has

not realized the implication in law. (See personalized

Justice/Personalize Medicine). These drugs force the patient who is

a poor or non-metabolizer into heinous acts against themselves and

society. And who and what is really complicit when a crime is

committed? The manufacturer who “failed to warn”?; the physician

who “failed to warn” and who did not do the simple genetic test?

Read Dr. Lucire’s study. She removed her subjects from the drugs

and they regained their normal mental function. It was the

drugs…now we have a legal test to prove it!

Dr. Yolande Lucire’s recently published study

list of the drugs that need 2D6 pathway to metabolize

Laymen’s Synopis

Mayo Clinic Report on 2D6

Psychosis reports of soldiers on Malaria Drugs


Article by Turberville

Dr. Mercola on Cytochrome P450 2D6

Personalized Justice/Personalize Medicine

Do you want the simple 2D6 gene test? Contact us at



Antidepressant-induced akathisia-related homicides associated with

diminishing mutations in metabolizing genes of the CYP450 family

AT the end of the article click on Download Article for FULL



list of the drugs that need 2D6 pathway to metabolize


maybe this is what explains alcoholism too?

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

http://homeopathycures.wordpress.com/ &


ONLINE/Email classes in Homeopathy; Vaccine Dangers; Childhood


Next classes start May 18 & 25

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