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Hi sweet Tami,

Does this mean you are a St. 's day baby?

What a wonderful thing God did sending you down to bless all our lives!

Your husband is so wonderful! I am certain that he must feel like one very lucky man to have you for his wife. It sounds like you deserve each other.

You are so generous each day to share your struggles, and your triumphs in overcoming your eating disorder. I know that you will be a strong influence in helping others overcome what could have taken their lives. This is such an important subject and I have the deepest respect for you for sharing your experience.

I love your title "Breath of Life", it was one of my original choices for Life Lift, but it was being used by something else.

It does say it all. Maybe we should call it Life Lift, the breath of Life.

You are, as always right on when you suggest to start with a few to get yourself "up" for doing a real workout. It is amazing how it transforms the way you feel in just minutes.

Take care,


You are welcome to visit us at http://www.angelmagic.com or http://www.lifelift.com These are Rashelle's personal web sites, any others belong to distributors.join our discussion group at LifeLift-subscribeonelist

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From: Emailtamihere@... "A Dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep, a dream is a wish your heart makes, and whatever you wish for you keep!"Good morning everyone! And a wonderful day it is. I want to say a very big thank you to all that responded to my need for help. I am very touched, moved and extremely appreciative to have such wonderful cyber friends and confidants. I can hardly believe that anyone would think that I am special enough to continue to support me during a time of such selfish needs and pain. Thank you, thank you, thank you!I am happy to report that my spirits are once again flying high and I am determined to overcome. I am purposing to write down, experience and truly feel, everything that comes along during this time of self renewal, healing, pursuit of health and natural thinness. I really think that this could be used to help so many others who silently and secretly are walking through the same hell that I have finally found a way out of. If it will be of help to even one other person, it will have been a trail blazed not invain, and worth the effort, hurt and painful change. I know there are many who are afflicted by eating disorders of all sorts and feel completely at a loss. If this is you, please don't continue to suffer in silence! You may email me at anytime, and in confidence, we will walk through this together. I would like to say a great big "Welcome!" to all you wonderful new people that have recently joined our boards! This is so fabulous, having so many new personalities to brighten our days. What color and joy you all bring to our posts and lives. I'm very certain that you will find the much needed support that you're seeking in your journey to fitness and health. Please feel free to jump in and feel part of this family immediately. We all welcome newcomers with open arms and no longer consider you a newbie, more an important part of our growing community!I'm especially on cloud nine today because Friday is my birthday and I am happy to report that I keep getting comments, from those that can see me, guessing my approaching age to be between 25 and 28, truth is, I'll be almost 40! All genetics though, but I'll take the gift of youthful apperance, given to me by the genes of my parents any day! The most fun thing is though, that after being married to for 13 years, my husband had no idea, until very recently, of my eating disorders. He knew something was askew, but never new the truth. We bulimics are very good at hiding our secrets from even the most perceptive of eyes. I told him the whole truth a few days ago, and was rewarded last night, with a sizable gift certificate to Macy's, so that I can do away with the old, too small clothes, and purchase stuff that really fits and flatters my somewhat ample figure. Yippee, let's go shopping! And just in time for a very large birthday gala, being put on by my parents and held in Lake Tahoe!Is everyone breathing? I certainly hope so! If you're feeling tired, ill or just out of sorts, do a few breaths, without the stretches, and see if it doesn't motivate you to move on to the entire workout. It does for me! The "Breath of Life" as I call it, seems to flow quickly through the body, healing what it touches, and spurring us on to more. Thank the Lord for Rashelle and her courage and generosity in finding this healing method for our bodies. What a great gift she has given to the world!Well, enough for now. Thanks again all, and please email me if I can be of any further help to anyone who reads this!Sincerely,Tami"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true!"

!!!!!!!Just Keep Breathing!!!!!!!

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