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Thank you for sharing. This is the most complete lay friendly explanation I have ever seen. Vicki From: Sheri Nakken <vaccinedangers@...> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 7:54 PM Subject: COMPLETE LIST OF VACCINE INGREDIENTS AND THEIR KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS


Monday, February 6, 2012


"Vaccine Side ­Effects

There has been much recent concern regarding vaccines

given to children, and their possible side effects. Particularly

highlighted is the link between early childhood vaccines and autism. This

article provides a list of known ingredients inside vaccines, and their

documented side effects. It will aid you in making informed decisions,

which is something the industry is against. The corporations involved

have attempted to suppress this information for decades. Readers are

advised that there are extra chemicals and toxins which are not

mentioned, because we based this list upon the ingredients which are

public knowledge. If you know of anything we have missed, please contact

us. It seems that the more we research this topic: the more sinister it


The connection to autism has already been repeatedly

and scientifically established, and there are many other conditions

caused by vaccines which are yet to be proven. Vaccines are said to

prevent certain diseases. However, the chances of catching these diseases

are incredibly remote, and the horrid side effects from vaccines are so

common that vaccines cause much more harm than good. The chance that a

particular vaccine will actually offer effective protection varies

between 35% and 90%, and almost all of them expire. In some cases,

vaccines will infect the patient with the very disease it is meant to

offer protection from. Do you think they would do the right thing, and

treat you for free.

Vaccine Ingredient: Aborted Human Fetus Tissue and

Human Albumin

Did you ever wonder where aborted babies really went?

Now you know. From a health perspective, the tissues from another human

(not just animals) are still foreign, and therefore toxic to the body.

One industry ­friendly web site matter-­of­-factly boasted, “The cells

reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to

sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell

cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itselfâ€. The

Liberty Counsel reported, “You may be surprised to learn that some

vaccinations are derived from aborted fetal tissue. Vaccines for chicken

pox, Hepatitis­A, and Rubella were produced solely from aborted fetal


Vaccine Ingredient: Formaldehyde

This is used in vaccines as a tissue fixative, and a

preservative. Formaldehyde is oxidized to become formic acid. Formic acid

is the main ingredient of bee and ant venom. Concentrated, it is

corrosive and an irritant. While absorbing the oxygen of the body, it may

lead to acidosis, nerve, liver, and kidney damage.

According to the National Research Council, fewer than

20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be

susceptible to extreme formaldehyde toxicity, and may react to exposure

at any level. Formaldehyde is ranked as one of the most hazardous

compounds on ecosystems and human health, according to the Environmental

Defense Fund. These findings are for environmental exposure, and

therefore, the dangers are much greater for the formaldehyde included in

vaccines, since it is injected directly into the blood.

The known side effects of formaldehyde are:

• Eye, nasal, throat and pulmonary irritation

• Acute sense of smell due to altered tissue


• Anaemia

• Apathy

• Blindness

• Blood in urine

• Blurred vision

• Pain

• Bronchial spasms

• Bronchitis

• Burns in sinus area and throat

• Cardiac impairment

• Palpitations and arrhythmias

• Central nervous system depression

• Changes in higher cognitive functions

• Chemical sensitivity

• Chest pains and tightness

• Chronic vaginitis; colds

• Coma

• Conjunctivitis

• Constipation

• Convulsions

• Corneal erosion

• Death

• Destruction of red blood cells

• Depression

• Dermatitis

• Diarrhoea

• Difficulty concentrating

• Disorientation and dizziness

• Ear aches

• Eczema

• Emotional upsets

• Ethmoid polyps

• Fatigue

• Fecula bleeding

• Foetal asphyxiation

• Flu­like or 'common cold' illness

• Frequent urination with pain

• Gastritis

• Astrointestinal inflammation

• Headaches

• Haemolytic anaemia

• Haemolytic haematuria

• Hoarseness

• Hyperactive airway disease

• Hyperactivity

• Hypomenstrual syndrome

• Immune system (allergen) sensitizer

• Impaired (short) attention span

• Impaired capacity to attain attention

• Inability or difficulty swallowing

• Inability to recall words and names

• Inconsistent IQ profiles

• Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive


• Intestinal pain

• Intrinsic asthma

• Irritability

• Jaundice

• Joint pain

• Joint swelling

• Kidney pain

• Laryngeal spasm

• Loss of memory

• Loss of sense of smell

• Loss of taste

• Malaise

• Menstrual and testicular pain

• Menstrual irregularities

• Metallic taste

• Muscle spasms and cramps

• Nasal congestion

• Crusting and mucosa inflammation

• Nausea

• Nosebleeds

• Numbness and tingling ofthe forearms and finger


• Partial laryngeal paralysis

• Pneumonia,and Pulmonary Oedema

• Reduced bodytemperature

• Retarded speech pattern

• Ringing or tingling in the ear

• Schizophrenic­ type symptoms

• Sensitivity to sound

• Shock

• Short term memory loss

• Shortness of breath

• Skin lesions

• Sneezing

• Sore throat

• Spacey feeling

• Speaking difficulty

• Sterility

• Swollen glands

• Tearing

• Excessive Thirst

• Tracheitis

• Tracheobronchitis

• Vertigo

• Vomiting blood

• Vomiting

• Wheezing and Lung Complication

Vaccine Ingredient: Mercury

Mercury compounds are used in vaccines as

preservatives. The toxicity of mercury has been repeatedly ignored in the

area of vaccines by the medical establishment and oversight agencies.

Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to mankind (second

only to uranium and its derivatives). Brain neurons rapidly and

permanently disintegrate in the presence of mercury within 30 minutes of

exposure. Mercury is also known to change a body’s chromosomes, so I

especially worry about those who have had mercury ­based dental fillings

(which are the standard ‘silver’ type), for these people are constantly

being filled with this cumulative poison from the mercury’s vapors as

well as direct contact inside the mouth.

The U.S. has known about the potential problems of

Thimerosal (the preservative in vaccines that contains mercury) for many

years. The World Health Organization voiced concerns about it in


Mercury is a cumulative poison, which means a body has

difficultly removing it, and that levels of it in the body will grow

significantly over time. Enormous amounts of mercury can accumulate over

a lifetime. During a typical day of routine vaccines, infants sometimes

receive the same amount of mercury as the absolute maximum set by the

World Health Organization for 3 months of adult exposure.

The following was taken from a website affiliated with

the National Institutes for Health detailing the effects of mercury

exposure: “Symptoms of high exposure to this class of mercury based

compounds include: aphthous, stomatitis, satarrhal gingivitis, nausea,

liquid stools, pain, liver disorders, injuries to the cardiovascular

system and hematopoietic system, deafness and ataxia, death, headache,

paresthesia of the tongue, lips, fingers and toes, other non­specific

dysfunctions, metallic taste, slight gastrointestinal disturbances,

excessive flatus and diarrhea may occur. Acute poisoning may cause

gastrointestinal irritation and renal failure. Early signs of severe

poisoning include fine tremors of extended hands, loss of side vision,

slight loss of coordination in the eyes, speech, writing and gait,

inability to stand or carry out voluntary movements, occasional muscle

atrophy and flexure contractures, generalized myoclonic movements,

difficulty understanding ordinary speech, irritability and bad temper

progressing to mania, stupor, coma, mental retardation in children, skin

irritation, blisters and dermatitis. Other symptoms include chorea,

athetosis, tremors, convulsions, pain and numbness in the extremities,

nephritis, salivation, loosening of the teeth, blue line on the gums,

anxiety, mental depression, insomnia, hallucinations and central nervous

system effects. Exposure may also cause irritation of the eyes, mucous

membranes and upper respiratory tract.â€

Complete intolerance to Thimerosal, the mercury

containing preservative, is known to develop from previous vaccines. The

vaccines stimulate the immune system and cause sensitization. The effects

of mercury differ between inorganic, organic, and metallic mercury

compounds. The neurologic toxicity symptoms caused by mercury compounds

have a delayed onset after exposure, so few, if any of these symptoms

will be noticed at the time of exposure. This explains the suspected

long-term neurological symptoms of learning disabilities and behavior

disorders associated with vaccines, which did not exist in previous


Vaccine Ingredient: Antifreeze

Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) is an ingredient of the

polio vaccine. It is classified as a "very toxic material". It

would take less than a tablespoonful to kill a 20­pound dog with this

substance. Pet owners are generally very wary around this dangerous

substance, knowing that only a small amount is fatal. I can only imagine

the effects that this has on the human body when directly injected into

the blood stream.

Antifreeze can eventually lead to kidney, liver, blood

and central nervous system (CNS) disorders. It is quite harmful and

likely fatal if swallowed. Effects include behavioral disorders,

drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhoea, visual disturbances, thirst,

convulsions, cyanosis, rapid heart rate, CNS stimulation, depression,

cardiopulmonary effects, kidney disorders. It can also lead to liver and

blood disorders. It produces reproductive and developmental effects in

experimental animals.

Vaccine Ingredient: Aluminium

Aluminum is a suspected carcinogen. It is a

cardiovascular or blood toxicant, neurotoxicant, and respiratory

toxicant. It has been implicated as a cause of brain damage, and is a

suspected factor in Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, convulsions, and

comas. It has been placed on at least 2 federal regulatory


Vaccine Ingredient: 2­Phenoxyethanol

This is a suspected carcinogen. A developmental and

reproductive toxicant. It is also a metabolic poison, which means that it

interferes with the metabolism of all cells. This is the primary factor

in the formation of cancer cells. It is capable of disabling the immune

system’s primary response. It also contains phenol (see below for


Vaccine Ingredient: Phenol

This is a suspected carcinogen, and a cardiovascular

and blood toxicant. Also known as carbolic acid; this is a developmental

toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, kidne toxicant,

neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant, skin and sense organ toxicant. It

has been placed on at least 8 federal regulatory lists.

Vaccine Ingredient: Methanol

This is a volatile, flammable, poisonous liquid

alcohol. In industry, it is used as a solvent, and an antifreeze compound

in fuel. In the body it is metabolized into formaldehyde (as described

earlier). Whilst it can be found naturally in the pectin that is present

in some common fruits, the naturally occurring version is only in minute

quantities, and the natural form is not known to cause harmful


Vaccine Ingredient: Borax (sodium tetraborate


Traditionally used as a pesticide and ant killer. It

is suspected to be a cardiovascular or blood toxicant, endocrin toxicant,

gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, and neurological toxicant. It was

found to cause reproductive damage and reduced fertility rates in studies

on rats. It is already banned in foods in the United States, but

astonishingly, it is still allowed for direct injection into the blood

through vaccines. It is toxic to all cells, and has a slow excretion rate

through the kidneys. Kidney retention and toxicity are the greatest. It

has a cascading effect, causing liver degeneration, cerebral edema, and


“A single vaccine given to a 6 pound infant is the

equivalent of giving a 180 lb. adult 30 vaccines in one day.â€

? Dr. Boyd Haley

Vaccine Ingredient: Glutaraldehyde

Glutaraldehyde is always toxic, causing severe eye,

nose, throat and lung irritations, along with headaches, drowsiness, and

dizziness. The effects mirror the chemical warfare agent known as nerve

gas. It is poisonous if ingested, and known to cause birth defects in

experimental animals. The effects of direct injection into the blood to

bypass the process of ingestion are unknown. It is often used to clean

medical equipment. In hospital accidents involving environmental

exposure, it has been known to cause the following symptoms:

• Throat and lung irritation

• Asthma, asthma­like symptoms, and breathing


• Nose irritation, sneezing, and wheezing

• Nosebleed

• Burning eyes and conjunctivitis

• Rash­contact and/or allergic dermatitis

• Staining of the hands (brownish or tan)

• Hives

• Headaches

• Nausea

Vaccine Ingredient: MSG (Monosodium


Monosodium Glutamate is a synthetic flavor enhancer.

In a 1995 report by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental

Biology, two groups of people were defined as intolerant of MSG. This

includes those who eat large quantitie of MSG (it is used in lots of

processed foods as a flavor enhancer), and those with “poorly controlled

asthmaâ€. Our research indicates that anyone can suffer after consuming

Monosodium Glutamate. In the 1995 report, which was contracted by the

FDA, there was public admission that MSG yields the following


• Burning sensations in the back of the neck, forearms

and chest

• Numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the

arms and back

• Tingling, warmth, and weakness in the face, temples,

upper back, neck and arms

• Facial pressure or tightness

• Chest pain

• Headache

• Nausea

• Rapid heartbeat

• Bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG

­intolerant people with asthma

• Drowsiness

• Weakness

Note that this is the short­list (the one with side

effects the FDA actually admits), and it does not consider the highe

toxicity of direct injection into the blood. The long list, which is

about 15 times longer, includes heart attacks, especially in young people

with magnesium deficiencies. Injections of glutamate in laboratory

animals have resulted in rapid damage to nerve cells in the brain. MSG is

in a special class of chemicals called excitotoxins, which are known to

directly attack brain cells. In 1978, MSG was banned from baby foods and

other baby products for infants who were less than one year of age,

because the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Academy of

Sciences expressed concerns. It is now being used in these products

again, along with vaccines.

Vaccine Ingredients: Sulfate and Phosphate


These can trigger severe allergies in children which

may last throughout their lives to permanently impair their immune


Vaccine Ingredient: Ammonium Sulfate

This is another carcinogen. Ammonium sulfate is

prepared by mixing ammonia with sulfuric acid. It is used as a chemical

fertilizer for alkaline soils to lower the pH of the soil. In the body,

it stresses the immune system by causing acidosis.

Ammonium sulfate is also a gastrointestinal (liver)

toxicant, neurotoxicant, and respiratory toxicant.

Vaccine Ingredient: Gentamicin Sulfate

This is a strong antibiotic, which is often used for

life­ threatening illnesses (eg. pneumonia).

Known side effects:

• Muscle twitching

• Numbness

• Seizures

• Increased Blood Pressure

• Alopecia

• Purpura

• Pseudotumor cerebri

• Photosensitivity

• Transient irritation

• Burning

• Stinging

• Itching

• Inflammation

• Angioneurotic edema

• Urticaria

• Vesicular and maculopapular dermatitis

• Mydriasis

• Conjunctival paresthesia

• Conjunctival hyperemia

• Nonspecific conjunctivitis,

• Conjunctival epithelial defects

• Lid itching and swelling

• Bacterial/fungal corneal ulcers

Vaccine Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate

When researching this, we discovered the neurotoxicity

of neomycin sulfate following oral use as an antibiotic. I can only

wonder about what damage this causes when injected directly into the

blood of infants. It interferes with vitamin B6 absorption, which is the

cause of a rare form of epilepsy, and mental retardation. Adult patients

given neomycin as an antibiotic are typically placed under close clinical

observation (ie. hospitalized), so that intensive care intervention is

immediately available. Neurotoxicity has been reported, along with

nephrotoxicity, and permanent bilateral auditory ototoxicity. Sometimes

vestibular toxicity is present in patients with normal renal function

when treated with higher or longer doses than recommended.

Vaccine Ingredient: Tri(n)butylphosphate

This is yet another carcinogen. This is a kidney

toxicant and a neurotoxicant. It is more hazardous than most chemicals in

2 out of 3 ranking systems, on at least 1 federal regulatory


Vaccine Ingredient: Polymyxin B

This is another antibiotic. Injection of this is

generally avoided by doctors (except in the case of vaccines), due to

severe pain at injection sites, particularly in infants and


Other Known Side Effects:

• Albuminuria

• Cylindruria

• Azotemia

• Rising blood levels without any increase in


• Facial flushing

• Dizziness progressing to ataxia

• Drowsiness

• Peripheral paresthesias: circumoral and


• Apnea

• Signs of meningeal irritation with intrathecal


Vaccine Ingredient: Polysorbate 20 /80


This is a suspected carcinogen. It is a known skin and

sense organ toxicant. It is verified as a cancer agent in


Vaccine Ingredient: Sorbitol Sweetener

Diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy may be related to

excess sorbitol in the cells of the eyes and nerves; leading to

blindness. This is another suspected carcinogen. Sorbitol is a

gastrointestinal and liver toxicant.

Vaccine Ingredient: Polyribosylribitol

This is an experimental artificial sweetener. Actually

the experimentation is ongoing ? in children that is, without the

knowledge or consent of their parents.

Vaccine Ingredient: Beta­ Propiolactone

Documented as a verified carcinogen. It is a

gastrointestinal (liver) toxicant, respiratory toxicant, skin toxicant,

and sense organ toxicant. More hazardous than most chemicals; earning a 3

out of 3 in ranking systems. It appears on at least 5 federal regulatory

lists. It is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds to


Vaccine Ingredient: Amphotericin B

This can cause irreversible kidney damage, and mild

liver failure. It has been known to produce severe histamine (allergic)

reactions. There are several reports of anemia and cardiac failure.

According to the MME definition it is, “a drug used to treat fungus

infections. Known allergy to this drug prohibits use. Side effects

include blood clots, blood defects, kidney problems, nausea and fever.

When used on the skin, allergic reactions can occurâ€.

Vaccine Ingredients: Animal Organ Tissue and Animal


Animal cell lines are used to culture the viruses in

vaccines, so animal tissues and impurities are included in the

formulation that is injected. These tissues are unusable and toxic to the

body except for when their protein materials are digested to form amino

acids through normal food consumption. There is no digestion process for


Injections may also contain many types of animal

viruses (see the Animal Viruses section). Animals used include monkey

(kidney), cow (heart), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), duck

(egg), pig (blood), sheep (blood), dog (kidney), horse (blood), rabbit

(brain), guinea pig, etc.

Vaccine Ingredient: Large Foreign Proteins

In addition to the animal tissue impurities, there are

large proteins that are deliberately included, and used for such purposes

as adjuvants (substances that aggravate an immune response using their

inherent toxicity). Egg album and gelatin (or gelatine, obtained from

selected pieces of calf and cattle skins, de­mineralized cattle bones and

pork skin) are in several vaccines. Casein (milk protein) is in the

triple antigen (DPT vaccine). When injected, these normally harmless

proteins are toxic to the body. Hence the immune system “responseâ€. The

immune system is intentionally stressed by this invasion to produce an

unnatural sensitization to all the ingredients. The body will become

further sensitive to these substances in the future, rather than becoming

immune to them. So, the basic premise of vaccinations which the public

has been sold is false. This explains why bizarre allergies such as

lactose intolerance, egg, and nut allergies have suddenly become common

in recent history.

Vaccine Ingredient: Latex

This is included in the hepatitis B vaccine which is

given routinely to health workers. The high occurrence of the latex

allergies among nurses is due to their sensitization to latex through the

large amounts of chemical rubber which is injected into them. These

vaccines produce a panicked immune response. These nurses will suffer

with this allergy permanently. Such allergic reactions can be life


This vaccine is now routinely given to newborn babies

in many countries, including Australia, and the United States.

Vaccine Ingredient: Animal Viruses

Some of these can be particularly alien to the human

body. The most frequently documented and publicised example is the monkey

virus SV40. The virus is harmless in monkeys, but it stimulates rare

cancers when injected into humans producing brain (tumors), bone (e.g.

multiple myeloma), lungs (mesothelioma), and lymphoid tissue (lymphoma).

Monkey Virus SV40 has only appeared in people born in the last 20 years

(The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Sept. 1999), long after the

manufacturer claimed to have “cleaned up†the polio vaccines where it was

found. Such cases include the late Horwin, both of whose

parents tested negative for SV40. Therefore, recent cases cannot just be

blamed on inheritance from parents who received the vaccine (see

www.ouralexander.org). This proves that manufacturers are secretly

including it again.

Vaccine Ingredient: Human Viruses

The viruses against which the vaccine is supposed to

protect are frequently said to be “killedâ€, “inactivatedâ€, or

“attenuatedâ€. This is a myth. The main method used to inactivate viruses

is treatment with formaldehyde, whose effectiveness is limited, and even

then only temporary. Once the brew is injected into the body, the

formaldehyde is broke down by the body potentially releasing the virus in

its original state. This is intentional. It is documented in orthodox

medical literature that these living “crippled†viruses can revert to

their former virulence.

Please remember that the included viruses, and

bacteria, which the vaccine is supposed to protect against are claimed to

be in “very small dosesâ€. These small doses are not small to the body,

and these quantities are quite high enough for the diseases to occur.

When they do occur, the cases are always severe, and sometimes fatal.

Several deaths were reported in the British medical journal, Lancet, from

vaccine ­induced yellow fever. A susceptible person may succumb to

infection when exposed to only a minute doses, especially when it is

injected directly into the bloodstream. Likewise, there are other cases

in which a healthy person will not succumb, even when exposed to large

doses environmentally. It is not the pathogens, but the interaction

methods between pathogens and hosts which causes diseases to appear, and

the level of their severity.

Vaccines may not manifest obvious injury, especially

not immediately, but are still likely to cause long term harm to internal

organs and the immune system given their ingredients, and their known


Most disease symptoms are the visible signs of a

body’s attempts to defend itself against the infection. With disease

injections, many important defences in the digestion path and mucous

membranes are bypassed.

Vaccine Ingredient: Mycoplasma

These are microscopic organisms lacking rigid cell

walls and considered to be the smallest free­living organisms. Many are

pathogenic, and one species is the cause of mycoplasma pneumonia; which

interestingly, is noted to occur only “in children and young adultsâ€,

according to Mosby's Medical Dictionary. This is not simply in vaccines

by accident. It is deliberately added as an adjuvant (to increase the

immune system's allergic “responseâ€) to the vaccine. The ingredients must

be either poisonous, or slightly biologically infectious to trigger

immune system responses, in other words.

Vaccine Ingredient: Genetically Modified


This is in the Hepatitis B Vaccine. Given the

controversy over the ingestion of genetically modified foods, how much

more dangerous do you think the direct injection of them is? What are the

future consequences of this genetic experimentation against our children?

Normal yeast that grows throughout the tissues is already known to be the

root cause of countless ailments which can last for years, and in the

rare cases when it is proper diagnosed, these are called yeast

infections. Yeast overgrowth directly attacks the immune system, and

cripples the body’s ability to remove wastes, toxins, and absorb

nutrients categorically. The standard treatment for it with antibiotics

often actually strengthens these infections in the long­ term by killing

more of the beneficial flora which normally keeps yeast overgrowth in


Vaccine Ingredient: Foreign DNA

DNA is used from such organisms as animals, viruses,

fungi, and bacteria. It has been documented that injecting foreign DNA

can cause it, or a portion of it, to be incorporated into the recipient’s

DNA. The horrendous long­term multi­ generational implications defy the

imagination. Although, some people might actually find it beneficial to

have their grandchildren born with three arms, or horns from the head.

These possibilities may seem far­fetched, but with the rate at which

these type of ingredients are being incorporated into vaccines, it is a

matter of when they happen ? not if. Describing it as insane is being too



The human body has never experienced such a direct

invasion as this before. We hope that you consider this list, and the

side effects of vaccines before giving your child vaccinations. We have

strong reasons to believe that overall, and in general, that the risks of

horrible and long­ term side effects far outweighs the risks of the

diseases which vaccines are supposed to prevent.

Human blood is supposed to be, and traditionally was,

remarkably sterile. There were virtually no bacteria or organisms present

in the bloodstream. With vaccines now being so prevalent, this is no

longer the case. Contrary to what we have been told, they weaken the

immune system dramatically instead of strengthening it. In the United

States, the Hepatitis B Vaccine is given to a child on the day of his

birth, often weakening his immune system for his lifetime. His small body

is just becoming accustomed to the germs around him for the first time,

and it needs the strong immune system that he was given to be


Although vaccines are mandatory in the U.S., all

states currently offer religious exemptions, and some states offer

philosophical exemptions. You may wish to consider these as options in

order to protect your children. Religious exemptions are quite

appropriate for this, because you can tell them honestly, and with a

straight­ face, that you are doing it because it is the Christian thing

to do."

Posted by Birth of a New Earth at 1:19 PM

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start July 12

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Guest guest

Only problem is this statement which is wrong and I need to tell them

about it:

" Although vaccines are mandatory in the U.S., all states currently

offer religious exemptions "

WV and MS do not


At 04:15 PM 7/19/2012, you wrote:

Thank you for sharing.

This is the most complete lay friendly explanation I have ever seen.


From: Sheri Nakken


Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 7:54 PM




Monday, February 6, 2012


" Vaccine Side ­Effects

There has been much recent concern regarding vaccines

given to children, and their possible side effects. Particularly

highlighted is the link between early childhood vaccines and autism. This

article provides a list of known ingredients inside vaccines, and their

documented side effects. It will aid you in making informed decisions,

which is something the industry is against. The corporations involved

have attempted to suppress this information for decades. Readers are

advised that there are extra chemicals and toxins which are not

mentioned, because we based this list upon the ingredients which are

public knowledge. If you know of anything we have missed, please contact

us. It seems that the more we research this topic: the more sinister it


The connection to autism has already been repeatedly

and scientifically established, and there are many other conditions

caused by vaccines which are yet to be proven. Vaccines are said to

prevent certain diseases. However, the chances of catching these diseases

are incredibly remote, and the horrid side effects from vaccines are so

common that vaccines cause much more harm than good. The chance that a

particular vaccine will actually offer effective protection varies

between 35% and 90%, and almost all of them expire. In some cases,

vaccines will infect the patient with the very disease it is meant to

offer protection from. Do you think they would do the right thing, and

treat you for free.

Vaccine Ingredient: Aborted Human Fetus Tissue and

Human Albumin

Did you ever wonder where aborted babies really went?

Now you know. From a health perspective, the tissues from another human

(not just animals) are still foreign, and therefore toxic to the body.

One industry ­friendly web site matter-­of­-factly boasted, “The cells

reproduce themselves, so there is no need to abort additional fetuses to

sustain the culture supply. Viruses are collected from the diploid cell

cultures and then processed further to produce the vaccine itselfâ€. The

Liberty Counsel reported, “You may be surprised to learn that some

vaccinations are derived from aborted fetal tissue. Vaccines for chicken

pox, Hepatitis­A, and Rubella were produced solely from aborted fetal


Vaccine Ingredient: Formaldehyde

This is used in vaccines as a tissue fixative, and a

preservative. Formaldehyde is oxidized to become formic acid. Formic acid

is the main ingredient of bee and ant venom. Concentrated, it is

corrosive and an irritant. While absorbing the oxygen of the body, it may

lead to acidosis, nerve, liver, and kidney damage.

According to the National Research Council, fewer than

20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be

susceptible to extreme formaldehyde toxicity, and may react to exposure

at any level. Formaldehyde is ranked as one of the most hazardous

compounds on ecosystems and human health, according to the Environmental

Defense Fund. These findings are for environmental exposure, and

therefore, the dangers are much greater for the formaldehyde included in

vaccines, since it is injected directly into the blood.

The known side effects of formaldehyde are:

• Eye, nasal, throat and pulmonary

irritation • Acute sense of smell due to altered

tissue proteins

• Anaemia

• Apathy

• Blindness

• Blood in urine

• Blurred vision

• Pain

• Bronchial spasms

• Bronchitis

• Burns in sinus area and throat

• Cardiac impairment

• Palpitations and arrhythmias

• Central nervous system depression

• Changes in higher cognitive functions

• Chemical sensitivity

• Chest pains and tightness

• Chronic vaginitis; colds

• Coma

• Conjunctivitis

• Constipation

• Convulsions

• Corneal erosion

• Death

• Destruction of red blood cells

• Depression

• Dermatitis

• Diarrhoea

• Difficulty concentrating

• Disorientation and dizziness

• Ear aches

• Eczema

• Emotional upsets

• Ethmoid polyps

• Fatigue

• Fecula bleeding

• Foetal asphyxiation

• Flu­like or 'common cold' illness

• Frequent urination with pain

• Gastritis

• Astrointestinal inflammation

• Headaches

• Haemolytic anaemia

• Haemolytic haematuria

• Hoarseness

• Hyperactive airway disease

• Hyperactivity

• Hypomenstrual syndrome

• Immune system (allergen) sensitizer

• Impaired (short) attention span

• Impaired capacity to attain attention

• Inability or difficulty swallowing

• Inability to recall words and names

• Inconsistent IQ profiles

• Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive


• Intestinal pain

• Intrinsic asthma

• Irritability

• Jaundice

• Joint pain

• Joint swelling

• Kidney pain

• Laryngeal spasm

• Loss of memory

• Loss of sense of smell

• Loss of taste

• Malaise

• Menstrual and testicular pain

• Menstrual irregularities

• Metallic taste

• Muscle spasms and cramps

• Nasal congestion

• Crusting and mucosa inflammation

• Nausea

• Nosebleeds

• Numbness and tingling ofthe forearms and fingeer


• Partial laryngeal paralysis

• Pneumonia,and Pulmonary Oedema

• Reduced bodytemperature

• Retarded speech pattern

• Ringing or tingling in the ear

• Schizophrenic­ type symptoms

• Sensitivity to sound

• Shock

• Short term memory loss

• Shortness of breath

• Skin lesions

• Sneezing

• Sore throat

• Spacey feeling

• Speaking difficulty

• Sterility

• Swollen glands

• Tearing

• Excessive Thirst

• Tracheitis

• Tracheobronchitis

• Vertigo

• Vomiting blood

• Vomiting

• Wheezing and Lung Complication

Vaccine Ingredient: Mercury

Mercury compounds are used in vaccines as

preservatives. The toxicity of mercury has been repeatedly ignored in the

area of vaccines by the medical establishment and oversight agencies.

Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to mankind (second

only to uranium and its derivatives). Brain neurons rapidly and

permanently disintegrate in the presence of mercury within 30 minutes of

exposure. Mercury is also known to change a body’s chromosomes, so I

especially worry about those who have had mercury ­based dental fillings

(which are the standard ‘silver’ type), for these people are

constantly being filled with this cumulative poison from the mercury’s

vapors as well as direct contact inside the mouth.

The U.S. has known about the potential problems of

Thimerosal (the preservative in vaccines that contains mercury) for many

years. The World Health Organization voiced concerns about it in


Mercury is a cumulative poison, which means a body has

difficultly removing it, and that levels of it in the body will grow

significantly over time. Enormous amounts of mercury can accumulate over

a lifetime. During a typical day of routine vaccines, infants sometimes

receive the same amount of mercury as the absolute maximum set by the

World Health Organization for 3 months of adult exposure.

The following was taken from a website affiliated with

the National Institutes for Health detailing the effects of mercury

exposure: “Symptoms of high exposure to this class of mercury based

compounds include: aphthous, stomatitis, satarrhal gingivitis, nausea,

liquid stools, pain, liver disorders, injuries to the cardiovascular

system and hematopoietic system, deafness and ataxia, death, headache,

paresthesia of the tongue, lips, fingers and toes, other non­specific

dysfunctions, metallic taste, slight gastrointestinal disturbances,

excessive flatus and diarrhea may occur. Acute poisoning may cause

gastrointestinal irritation and renal failure. Early signs of severe

poisoning include fine tremors of extended hands, loss of side vision,

slight loss of coordination in the eyes, speech, writing and gait,

inability to stand or carry out voluntary movements, occasional muscle

atrophy and flexure contractures, generalized myoclonic movements,

difficulty understanding ordinary speech, irritability and bad temper

progressing to mania, stupor, coma, mental retardation in children, skin

irritation, blisters and dermatitis. Other symptoms include chorea,

athetosis, tremors, convulsions, pain and numbness in the extremities,

nephritis, salivation, loosening of the teeth, blue line on the gums,

anxiety, mental depression, insomnia, hallucinations and central nervous

system effects. Exposure may also cause irritation of the eyes, mucous

membranes and upper respiratory tract.â€

Complete intolerance to Thimerosal, the mercury

containing preservative, is known to develop from previous vaccines. The

vaccines stimulate the immune system and cause sensitization. The effects

of mercury differ between inorganic, organic, and metallic mercury

compounds. The neurologic toxicity symptoms caused by mercury compounds

have a delayed onset after exposure, so few, if any of these symptoms

will be noticed at the time of exposure. This explains the suspected

long-term neurological symptoms of learning disabilities and behavior

disorders associated with vaccines, which did not exist in previous


Vaccine Ingredient: Antifreeze

Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) is an ingredient of the

polio vaccine. It is classified as a " very toxic material " . It

would take less than a tablespoonful to kill a 20­pound dog with this

substance. Pet owners are generally very wary around this dangerous

substance, knowing that only a small amount is fatal. I can only imagine

the effects that this has on the human body when directly injected into

the blood stream.

Antifreeze can eventually lead to kidney, liver, blood

and central nervous system (CNS) disorders. It is quite harmful and

likely fatal if swallowed. Effects include behavioral disorders,

drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhoea, visual disturbances, thirst,

convulsions, cyanosis, rapid heart rate, CNS stimulation, depression,

cardiopulmonary effects, kidney disorders. It can also lead to liver and

blood disorders. It produces reproductive and developmental effects in

experimental animals.

Vaccine Ingredient: Aluminium

Aluminum is a suspected carcinogen. It is a

cardiovascular or blood toxicant, neurotoxicant, and respiratory

toxicant. It has been implicated as a cause of brain damage, and is a

suspected factor in Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, convulsions, and

comas. It has been placed on at least 2 federal regulatory


Vaccine Ingredient: 2­Phenoxyethanol

This is a suspected carcinogen. A developmental and

reproductive toxicant. It is also a metabolic poison, which means that it

interferes with the metabolism of all cells. This is the primary factor

in the formation of cancer cells. It is capable of disabling the immune

system’s primary response. It also contains phenol (see below for


Vaccine Ingredient: Phenol

This is a suspected carcinogen, and a cardiovascular

and blood toxicant. Also known as carbolic acid; this is a developmental

toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, kidne toxicant,

neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant, skin and sense organ toxicant. It

has been placed on at least 8 federal regulatory lists.

Vaccine Ingredient: Methanol

This is a volatile, flammable, poisonous liquid

alcohol. In industry, it is used as a solvent, and an antifreeze compound

in fuel. In the body it is metabolized into formaldehyde (as described

earlier). Whilst it can be found naturally in the pectin that is present

in some common fruits, the naturally occurring version is only in minute

quantities, and the natural form is not known to cause harmful


Vaccine Ingredient: Borax (sodium tetraborate


Traditionally used as a pesticide and ant killer. It

is suspected to be a cardiovascular or blood toxicant, endocrin toxicant,

gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, and neurological toxicant. It was

found to cause reproductive damage and reduced fertility rates in studies

on rats. It is already banned in foods in the United States, but

astonishingly, it is still allowed for direct injection into the blood

through vaccines. It is toxic to all cells, and has a slow excretion rate

through the kidneys. Kidney retention and toxicity are the greatest. It

has a cascading effect, causing liver degeneration, cerebral edema, and


“A single vaccine given to a 6 pound infant is the

equivalent of giving a 180 lb. adult 30 vaccines in one day.â€

? Dr. Boyd Haley

Vaccine Ingredient: Glutaraldehyde

Glutaraldehyde is always toxic, causing severe eye,

nose, throat and lung irritations, along with headaches, drowsiness, and

dizziness. The effects mirror the chemical warfare agent known as nerve

gas. It is poisonous if ingested, and known to cause birth defects in

experimental animals. The effects of direct injection into the blood to

bypass the process of ingestion are unknown. It is often used to clean

medical equipment. In hospital accidents involving environmental

exposure, it has been known to cause the following symptoms:

• Throat and lung irritation

• Asthma, asthma­like symptoms, and breathinng


• Nose irritation, sneezing, and wheezing

• Nosebleed

• Burning eyes and conjunctivitis

• Rash­contact and/or allergic

dermatitis • Staining of the hands (brownish or


• Hives

• Headaches

• Nausea

Vaccine Ingredient: MSG (Monosodium


Monosodium Glutamate is a synthetic flavor enhancer.

In a 1995 report by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental

Biology, two groups of people were defined as intolerant of MSG. This

includes those who eat large quantitie of MSG (it is used in lots of

processed foods as a flavor enhancer), and those with “poorly

controlled asthmaâ€. Our research indicates that anyone can suffer after

consuming Monosodium Glutamate. In the 1995 report, which was contracted

by the FDA, there was public admission that MSG yields the following


• Burning sensations in the back of the neck,

foorearms and chest

• Numbness in the back of the neck, radiating too the

arms and back

• Tingling, warmth, and weakness in the face,

teemples, upper back, neck and arms

• Facial pressure or tightness

• Chest pain

• Headache

• Nausea

• Rapid heartbeat

• Bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) in MSG

­intolerant people with asthma

• Drowsiness

• Weakness

Note that this is the short­list (the one with side

effects the FDA actually admits), and it does not consider the highe

toxicity of direct injection into the blood. The long list, which is

about 15 times longer, includes heart attacks, especially in young people

with magnesium deficiencies. Injections of glutamate in laboratory

animals have resulted in rapid damage to nerve cells in the brain. MSG is

in a special class of chemicals called excitotoxins, which are known to

directly attack brain cells. In 1978, MSG was banned from baby foods and

other baby products for infants who were less than one year of age,

because the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Academy of

Sciences expressed concerns. It is now being used in these products

again, along with vaccines.

Vaccine Ingredients: Sulfate and Phosphate


These can trigger severe allergies in children which

may last throughout their lives to permanently impair their immune


Vaccine Ingredient: Ammonium Sulfate

This is another carcinogen. Ammonium sulfate is

prepared by mixing ammonia with sulfuric acid. It is used as a chemical

fertilizer for alkaline soils to lower the pH of the soil. In the body,

it stresses the immune system by causing acidosis.

Ammonium sulfate is also a gastrointestinal (liver)

toxicant, neurotoxicant, and respiratory toxicant.

Vaccine Ingredient: Gentamicin Sulfate

This is a strong antibiotic, which is often used for

life­ threatening illnesses (eg. pneumonia).

Known side effects:

• Muscle twitching

• Numbness

• Seizures

• Increased Blood Pressure

• Alopecia

• Purpura

• Pseudotumor cerebri

• Photosensitivity

• Transient irritation

• Burning

• Stinging

• Itching

• Inflammation

• Angioneurotic edema

• Urticaria

• Vesicular and maculopapular dermatitis

• Mydriasis

• Conjunctival paresthesia

• Conjunctival hyperemia

• Nonspecific conjunctivitis,

• Conjunctival epithelial defects

• Lid itching and swelling

• Bacterial/fungal corneal ulcers

Vaccine Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate

When researching this, we discovered the neurotoxicity

of neomycin sulfate following oral use as an antibiotic. I can only

wonder about what damage this causes when injected directly into the

blood of infants. It interferes with vitamin B6 absorption, which is the

cause of a rare form of epilepsy, and mental retardation. Adult patients

given neomycin as an antibiotic are typically placed under close clinical

observation (ie. hospitalized), so that intensive care intervention is

immediately available. Neurotoxicity has been reported, along with

nephrotoxicity, and permanent bilateral auditory ototoxicity. Sometimes

vestibular toxicity is present in patients with normal renal function

when treated with higher or longer doses than recommended.

Vaccine Ingredient: Tri(n)butylphosphate

This is yet another carcinogen. This is a kidney

toxicant and a neurotoxicant. It is more hazardous than most chemicals in

2 out of 3 ranking systems, on at least 1 federal regulatory


Vaccine Ingredient: Polymyxin B

This is another antibiotic. Injection of this is

generally avoided by doctors (except in the case of vaccines), due to

severe pain at injection sites, particularly in infants and


Other Known Side Effects:

• Albuminuria

• Cylindruria

• Azotemia

• Rising blood levels without any increase in


• Facial flushing

• Dizziness progressing to ataxia

• Drowsiness

• Peripheral paresthesias: circumoral and


• Apnea

• Signs of meningeal irritation with intrathecal


Vaccine Ingredient: Polysorbate 20 /80


This is a suspected carcinogen. It is a known skin and

sense organ toxicant. It is verified as a cancer agent in


Vaccine Ingredient: Sorbitol Sweetener

Diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy may be related to

excess sorbitol in the cells of the eyes and nerves; leading to

blindness. This is another suspected carcinogen. Sorbitol is a

gastrointestinal and liver toxicant.

Vaccine Ingredient: Polyribosylribitol

This is an experimental artificial sweetener. Actually

the experimentation is ongoing ? in children that is, without the

knowledge or consent of their parents.

Vaccine Ingredient: Beta­ Propiolactone

Documented as a verified carcinogen. It is a

gastrointestinal (liver) toxicant, respiratory toxicant, skin toxicant,

and sense organ toxicant. More hazardous than most chemicals; earning a 3

out of 3 in ranking systems. It appears on at least 5 federal regulatory

lists. It is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds to


Vaccine Ingredient: Amphotericin B

This can cause irreversible kidney damage, and mild

liver failure. It has been known to produce severe histamine (allergic)

reactions. There are several reports of anemia and cardiac failure.

According to the MME definition it is, “a drug used to treat fungus

infections. Known allergy to this drug prohibits use. Side effects

include blood clots, blood defects, kidney problems, nausea and fever.

When used on the skin, allergic reactions can occurâ€.

Vaccine Ingredients: Animal Organ Tissue and Animal


Animal cell lines are used to culture the viruses in

vaccines, so animal tissues and impurities are included in the

formulation that is injected. These tissues are unusable and toxic to the

body except for when their protein materials are digested to form amino

acids through normal food consumption. There is no digestion process for


Injections may also contain many types of animal

viruses (see the Animal Viruses section). Animals used include monkey

(kidney), cow (heart), calf (serum), chicken (embryo and egg), duck

(egg), pig (blood), sheep (blood), dog (kidney), horse (blood), rabbit

(brain), guinea pig, etc.

Vaccine Ingredient: Large Foreign Proteins

In addition to the animal tissue impurities, there are

large proteins that are deliberately included, and used for such purposes

as adjuvants (substances that aggravate an immune response using their

inherent toxicity). Egg album and gelatin (or gelatine, obtained from

selected pieces of calf and cattle skins, de­mineralized cattle bones and

pork skin) are in several vaccines. Casein (milk protein) is in the

triple antigen (DPT vaccine). When injected, these normally harmless

proteins are toxic to the body. Hence the immune system “responseâ€.

The immune system is intentionally stressed by this invasion to produce

an unnatural sensitization to all the ingredients. The body will become

further sensitive to these substances in the future, rather than becoming

immune to them. So, the basic premise of vaccinations which the public

has been sold is false. This explains why bizarre allergies such as

lactose intolerance, egg, and nut allergies have suddenly become common

in recent history.

Vaccine Ingredient: Latex

This is included in the hepatitis B vaccine which is

given routinely to health workers. The high occurrence of the latex

allergies among nurses is due to their sensitization to latex through the

large amounts of chemical rubber which is injected into them. These

vaccines produce a panicked immune response. These nurses will suffer

with this allergy permanently. Such allergic reactions can be life


This vaccine is now routinely given to newborn babies

in many countries, including Australia, and the United States.

Vaccine Ingredient: Animal Viruses

Some of these can be particularly alien to the human

body. The most frequently documented and publicised example is the monkey

virus SV40. The virus is harmless in monkeys, but it stimulates rare

cancers when injected into humans producing brain (tumors), bone (e.g.

multiple myeloma), lungs (mesothelioma), and lymphoid tissue (lymphoma).

Monkey Virus SV40 has only appeared in people born in the last 20 years

(The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Sept. 1999), long after the

manufacturer claimed to have “cleaned up†the polio vaccines where it

was found. Such cases include the late Horwin, both of whose

parents tested negative for SV40. Therefore, recent cases cannot just be

blamed on inheritance from parents who received the vaccine (see

www.ouralexander.org). This proves that manufacturers are secretly

including it again.

Vaccine Ingredient: Human Viruses

The viruses against which the vaccine is supposed to

protect are frequently said to be “killedâ€, “inactivatedâ€, or

“attenuatedâ€. This is a myth. The main method used to inactivate

viruses is treatment with formaldehyde, whose effectiveness is limited,

and even then only temporary. Once the brew is injected into the body,

the formaldehyde is broke down by the body potentially releasing the

virus in its original state. This is intentional. It is documented in

orthodox medical literature that these living “crippled†viruses can

revert to their former virulence.

Please remember that the included viruses, and

bacteria, which the vaccine is supposed to protect against are claimed to

be in “very small dosesâ€. These small doses are not small to the

body, and these quantities are quite high enough for the diseases to

occur. When they do occur, the cases are always severe, and sometimes

fatal. Several deaths were reported in the British medical journal,

Lancet, from vaccine ­induced yellow fever. A susceptible person may

succumb to infection when exposed to only a minute doses, especially when

it is injected directly into the bloodstream. Likewise, there are other

cases in which a healthy person will not succumb, even when exposed to

large doses environmentally. It is not the pathogens, but the interaction

methods between pathogens and hosts which causes diseases to appear, and

the level of their severity.

Vaccines may not manifest obvious injury, especially

not immediately, but are still likely to cause long term harm to internal

organs and the immune system given their ingredients, and their known


Most disease symptoms are the visible signs of a

body’s attempts to defend itself against the infection. With disease

injections, many important defences in the digestion path and mucous

membranes are bypassed.

Vaccine Ingredient: Mycoplasma

These are microscopic organisms lacking rigid cell

walls and considered to be the smallest free­living organisms. Many are

pathogenic, and one species is the cause of mycoplasma pneumonia; which

interestingly, is noted to occur only “in children and young adultsâ€,

according to Mosby's Medical Dictionary. This is not simply in vaccines

by accident. It is deliberately added as an adjuvant (to increase the

immune system's allergic “responseâ€) to the vaccine. The ingredients

must be either poisonous, or slightly biologically infectious to trigger

immune system responses, in other words.

Vaccine Ingredient: Genetically Modified


This is in the Hepatitis B Vaccine. Given the

controversy over the ingestion of genetically modified foods, how much

more dangerous do you think the direct injection of them is? What are the

future consequences of this genetic experimentation against our children?

Normal yeast that grows throughout the tissues is already known to be the

root cause of countless ailments which can last for years, and in the

rare cases when it is proper diagnosed, these are called yeast

infections. Yeast overgrowth directly attacks the immune system, and

cripples the body’s ability to remove wastes, toxins, and absorb

nutrients categorically. The standard treatment for it with antibiotics

often actually strengthens these infections in the long­ term by killing

more of the beneficial flora which normally keeps yeast overgrowth in


Vaccine Ingredient: Foreign DNA

DNA is used from such organisms as animals, viruses,

fungi, and bacteria. It has been documented that injecting foreign DNA

can cause it, or a portion of it, to be incorporated into the

recipient’s DNA. The horrendous long­term multi­ generational

implications defy the imagination. Although, some people might actually

find it beneficial to have their grandchildren born with three arms, or

horns from the head. These possibilities may seem far­fetched, but with

the rate at which these type of ingredients are being incorporated into

vaccines, it is a matter of when they happen ? not if. Describing it as

insane is being too gracious.


The human body has never experienced such a direct

invasion as this before. We hope that you consider this list, and the

side effects of vaccines before giving your child vaccinations. We have

strong reasons to believe that overall, and in general, that the risks of

horrible and long­ term side effects far outweighs the risks of the

diseases which vaccines are supposed to prevent.

Human blood is supposed to be, and traditionally was,

remarkably sterile. There were virtually no bacteria or organisms present

in the bloodstream. With vaccines now being so prevalent, this is no

longer the case. Contrary to what we have been told, they weaken the

immune system dramatically instead of strengthening it. In the United

States, the Hepatitis B Vaccine is given to a child on the day of his

birth, often weakening his immune system for his lifetime. His small body

is just becoming accustomed to the germs around him for the first time,

and it needs the strong immune system that he was given to be


Although vaccines are mandatory in the U.S., all

states currently offer religious exemptions, and some states offer

philosophical exemptions. You may wish to consider these as options in

order to protect your children. Religious exemptions are quite

appropriate for this, because you can tell them honestly, and with a

straight­ face, that you are doing it because it is the Christian thing

to do. "

Posted by Birth of a New Earth at 1:19 PM

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start July 12

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