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Re: it's been a terrible few days

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Yes!!! I experienced very similar symptoms for the first 6 months. I had an allergic reaction to the bites which became very red, looking like a lesion. They did not heal and it took a year or so for the "bite" to heal. You have an appointment with a LLMD? Hope so. You may have Lyme and Bartonella, who knows what else. I am so sorry for you! What have you done in the house? Are you spraying Lysol, vacuuming, using protective mattress covers, etc.? My apologies... I forgot what stage you are in. Do you have carpets or hardwood floors? The rugs seem to make a difference for the worse. We tore all of ours out and that was one of the best things we did.From: "alaire73" <alaire_fetters@...>bird mites Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:19:20 PMSubject: it's been a terrible few days

my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

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Hi Alaire

This happened to me too , Bites , hives , itching , swarming feellings

I stripped the house & soaked it in Dawn soap 1 cup per 1 gallon of water & wet

vaced it up later. This is very messy , but worked . (Windex in a tri-jet

fogger would be much easier then leave the house for 2 hrs ) I then covered my

self in sulfur creme1 teasp oil , like coconut oit of any oil & 1 teasp sulfur

in & n old clear dish washing detergent bottle , shake for 10 seconds & add 8

teasp of hand creme & shake for 15 seconds , I applied thei every every 12 hrs.

It stops itching

( on the bottle of sulfur it said flowers of sulfur , sublimed sulfur made by

Humco for $12.00 from www.americarx.com )

I slept on an air matress on a hard floor & sprayed the floor with 2 tbls

cococnut oil & 48 oz of hot water I also addes 1/3 cup borax & 1/3 cup epsom

salts sometimes , it was very effectice , the bug could not move accross the

oily surface , I also misted the air matress bed ,( I never used blankets or

pillows only turned the heat up, too much laundry to do daily , I washed the air

matress daily by defating & rolling up & placing in a 5 gal bucket w/ 1 cup Arm

& Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent for 1-8 hrs, then rinse & re-inflate with a

air dryer in 90 seconds

. I used a 48 oz sprayer from ace or any sprayer , even a windex bottle .

I alwasy sprayed the cieling & in the vents , the car I soaked with 1 cup borax

& 1 cup spic and span , the wet vaced out & dried with a hair dryer for 12-24


This mix kills the bug fast & heals lesions also works is the the envirnment as

a spray


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & the is no fizz

or bruning from this mix & it is cheap

God bless you Alare,


On Wed Sep 21st, 2011 9:19 PM EDT alaire73 wrote:

>my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?


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My Derm suggested Zyrtec morning and night. He said it was the best for skin

issues. It might help to take it for a while.


> my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?


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Hi Bill,Was this recently that you had this happen too or in the past? From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 1:40:03 AMSubject: Re: it's been a terrible few days

Hi Alaire

This happened to me too , Bites , hives , itching , swarming feellings

I stripped the house & soaked it in Dawn soap 1 cup per 1 gallon of water & wet vaced it up later. This is very messy , but worked . (Windex in a tri-jet fogger would be much easier then leave the house for 2 hrs ) I then covered my self in sulfur creme1 teasp oil , like coconut oit of any oil & 1 teasp sulfur in & n old clear dish washing detergent bottle , shake for 10 seconds & add 8 teasp of hand creme & shake for 15 seconds , I applied thei every every 12 hrs. It stops itching

( on the bottle of sulfur it said flowers of sulfur , sublimed sulfur made by Humco for $12.00 from www.americarx.com )

I slept on an air matress on a hard floor & sprayed the floor with 2 tbls cococnut oil & 48 oz of hot water I also addes 1/3 cup borax & 1/3 cup epsom salts sometimes , it was very effectice , the bug could not move accross the oily surface , I also misted the air matress bed ,( I never used blankets or pillows only turned the heat up, too much laundry to do daily , I washed the air matress daily by defating & rolling up & placing in a 5 gal bucket w/ 1 cup Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent for 1-8 hrs, then rinse & re-inflate with a air dryer in 90 seconds

.. I used a 48 oz sprayer from ace or any sprayer , even a windex bottle .

I alwasy sprayed the cieling & in the vents , the car I soaked with 1 cup borax & 1 cup spic and span , the wet vaced out & dried with a hair dryer for 12-24 hrs.

This mix kills the bug fast & heals lesions also works is the the envirnment as a spray


The mix:

2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster

16 oz peroxide (3%)

32 oz water.

mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide, it is painless & the is no fizz or bruning from this mix & it is cheap

God bless you Alare,


On Wed Sep 21st, 2011 9:19 PM EDT alaire73 wrote:

>my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?


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I have carpet and i put borax all over it last night, hope it works and landlady dont ever come in. What else can you do with carpet?>my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >

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yes i am doing all of the above.i do have carpet a through the house.today i

woke up without anything very bizarre.i think some hungry ones got out

somewhere.i am about 5 months into this (as i know of).people are telling me to

see an allergist i mean what good would that do? i know everything that is

happening is the bug! ive got my car under control because i drench that sucker

with everything.i rent my home so i have to be careful but at the moment i don't

care because if this doesn't end it will have to burned down anyway and i will

gladly strike the match.my landlord is very cool and a friend so i will suggest

the carpet to her.thank you


> Yes!!! I experienced very similar symptoms for the first 6 months. I had an

allergic reaction to the bites which became very red, looking like a lesion.

They did not heal and it took a year or so for the " bite " to heal. You have an

appointment with a LLMD? Hope so. You may have Lyme and Bartonella, who knows

what else. I am so sorry for you! What have you done in the house? Are you

spraying Lysol, vacuuming, using protective mattress covers, etc.? My

apologies... I forgot what stage you are in. Do you have carpets or hardwood

floors? The rugs seem to make a difference for the worse. We tore all of ours

out and that was one of the best things we did.





> it's been a terrible few days







> my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?


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if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she

is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on

my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did

help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet

didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve

symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol

work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce

and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!


> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

> >


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Sorry you're going through this. Have you tried taking MSM supplements and food

grade DE? I stopped getting bitten after taking them daily. I also take black

walnut hulls, olive leaf extract, and wormwood supplements. The thing that

helped me the most was spraying the ceilings. I alternate between spraying

1)lysol complete clean 2)oxy clean, and 3)a peppermint concoction made up of

meat tenderizer dawn and peppermint oil. I spray these three at different times

so they don't get used to one thing. I treat this as a fungus and i've found

that enzyme products work really well. When i feel crawling i spray Kleen Green

and the critter is immediately killed.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. There are many

different protocols here.

> >

> > >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with

extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body.

does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a

long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it

starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

> > >

> >


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Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.

I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this.

Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.

Good luck!

From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PMSubject: Re: it's been a terrible few days

if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!> > >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with

extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? > >>

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Hi Noreen !

Good to hear you are better Prasie God .

Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent is the end of this bug , I thank God

for SKF the poster who published this info , I use it on any surface to clean it

.. It stop them , & then just use simple baking soda to keep them away . I

never tried dry Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent dry except in my boots &

it killed all of them better than soaking the boots in bleach . Amazing , I put

1 cup Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in each boot & mist with windex

then shake the boot around & wait 8 hrs & the shoes are free of the bug . .

After that , just plain baking soda keeps the boots fine . & bugless. .

God bless you Noreen ,


ps :

110:1 (A

Psalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,

Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst

of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in

the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy


:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.


.... __/ /\____ ____

, o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\

```)( | | | | | | | || |l |

,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :

As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!


(Mat 27:40

50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the

bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were

opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the

graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto

many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus,

saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly,

saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding

afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18

18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast

received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might

dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with

benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.

On Fri Sep 23rd, 2011 12:02 AM EDT Noreen wrote:

>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was

the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days

-major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't

a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house

also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed

by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the

baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those

things worked to make my home environment affect me less.

>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites

to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those

of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting

loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I

found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin,

a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this.

>Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your

symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would

help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.

>Good luck! 


>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>

>bird mites

>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM

>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days




>if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she

is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on

my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did

help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet

didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve

symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol

work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce

and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!




>> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

>> >




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Hi ,

Good to see you back posting .

Praise God ,

Bill .

ps where is bobby these days ?

On Thu Sep 22nd, 2011 11:52 PM EDT wrote:

>Sorry you're going through this. Have you tried taking MSM supplements and food

grade DE? I stopped getting bitten after taking them daily. I also take black

walnut hulls, olive leaf extract, and wormwood supplements. The thing that

helped me the most was spraying the ceilings. I alternate between spraying

1)lysol complete clean 2)oxy clean, and 3)a peppermint concoction made up of

meat tenderizer dawn and peppermint oil. I spray these three at different times

so they don't get used to one thing. I treat this as a fungus and i've found

that enzyme products work really well. When i feel crawling i spray Kleen Green

and the critter is immediately killed.

>Good luck! I'm sure you'll find something that works for you. There are many

different protocols here.



>> >

>> > >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with

extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body.

does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a

long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it

starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

>> > >

>> >




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Thanks Bill. I hope you are doing well these days. This sure has been an amazing experience -lucky us :-) I remember reading forum posts of yours and SKF's when this started for me. It was like a lifeline at the time! Thanks for that.



From: Doe <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:20 PMSubject: Re: Re: it's been a terrible few days

Hi Noreen ! Good to hear you are better Prasie God . Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent is the end of this bug , I thank God for SKF the poster who published this info , I use it on any surface to clean it . It stop them , & then just use simple baking soda to keep them away . I never tried dry Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent dry except in my boots & it killed all of them better than soaking the boots in bleach . Amazing , I put 1 cup Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in each boot & mist with windex then shake the boot around & wait 8 hrs & the shoes are free of the bug . . After that , just plain baking soda keeps the boots fine . & bugless. . God bless you Noreen , Billps : 110:1 (APsalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength

out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,`... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house, We will serve YHWH! ,,`,,``(Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and

those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.On Fri Sep 23rd, 2011 12:02 AM EDT Noreen wrote:>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up

with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone

experienced these symptoms? >> >>>>>

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thank you, clarinex works too very expensive

> >

> > my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely

swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your

body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long

waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts

as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms?

> >


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Not I>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle.

it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >>


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Thanks... will look on google.From: " Benton" <sarahbenton48@...>bird mites Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 2:21:45 PMSubject: Re: Re: it's been a terrible few days

Not I>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle.

it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >>


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Hi Sara,

So its not a bird mite? I already looked at it and it is ugly, i dont have bugs coming out anymore but at first had all kinds of stuff oozing out when i used olive oil. Now just sensations, but at night when i oil down, they roam for awhile, then they quit, cant get any out anymore.>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle.

it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >>


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Whatever they are, they are at my job and in my car. I was looking at my co workers today, and saw the sparkly things on their work shirts.>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle.

it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >>


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It was gross, wish i hadnt looked at it. It had a brown body with glitter all over it, and a long crooked up tail. When i first discovered i had this, i started oiling down and sometimes used kerosine, and i got out all kind of pieces of bugs, lookied like little sticks, i almost went suicidal at first, but am coping better now. Took 2 months off work, been back about 2 months, doing better, evern though they are all over my job, dont know what to do about it. My coworkers think i am cured and so does my family, but my family dont come around, think they are afraid. I kept my grandkids and kids when i had it full blown, just didnt know it, and i guess they didnt get it, this is a lonely life. >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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I put borax all in my carpet with baking soda, how often should i vaccuum? >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> >


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Marilyn-Been there, had lots of stuff coming out of my skin, exactly how you described it. They were in my work environment too, car, everywhere! There's a 98% chance you have Lyme and coinfections. A On Sep 24, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Marilyn Bentley <colly_miller@...> wrote:

It was gross, wish i hadnt looked at it. It had a brown body with glitter all over it, and a long crooked up tail. When i first discovered i had this, i started oiling down and sometimes used kerosine, and i got out all kind of pieces of bugs, lookied like little sticks, i almost went suicidal at first, but am coping better now. Took 2 months off work, been back about 2 months, doing better, evern though they are all over my job, dont know what to do about it. My coworkers think i am cured and so does my family, but my family dont come around, think they are afraid. I kept my grandkids and kids when i had it full blown, just didnt know it, and i guess they didnt get it, this is a lonely life. >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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how do i get them out of my car, and do i need to get another job? >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work

either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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I saw the things with the squiggly tail too, I found a match online for what it appeared to be, can't remember the name- some kind of nematode I think.On Sep 24, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Aandraya <aandraya@...> wrote:

Marilyn-Been there, had lots of stuff coming out of my skin, exactly how you described it. They were in my work environment too, car, everywhere! There's a 98% chance you have Lyme and coinfections. A On Sep 24, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Marilyn Bentley <colly_miller@...> wrote:

It was gross, wish i hadnt looked at it. It had a brown body with glitter all over it, and a long crooked up tail. When i first discovered i had this, i started oiling down and sometimes used kerosine, and i got out all kind of pieces of bugs, lookied like little sticks, i almost went suicidal at first, but am coping better now. Took 2 months off work, been back about 2 months, doing better, evern though they are all over my job, dont know what to do about it. My coworkers think i am cured and so does my family, but my family dont come around, think they are afraid. I kept my grandkids and kids when i had it full blown, just didnt know it, and i guess they didnt get it, this is a lonely life. >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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I know! I never did figure out what the sparkly, glitter-like things were. said a fungi has that appearance. I had limited access to a microscope, but I had plenty of magnifying glasses. I saved hundreds of specimens and some day I will get a microscope and look at them.AOn Sep 24, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Marilyn Bentley <colly_miller@...> wrote:

Whatever they are, they are at my job and in my car. I was looking at my co workers today, and saw the sparkly things on their work shirts.>Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking

soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked to make my home environment affect me less.>I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too.>Good luck! >>From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...>>bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM>Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days>>> >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle.

it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!!>>>> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >>


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I doused my car with diatomaceous earth in massive amounts. I parked the car for 10 months while treating my chronic infections. Twice during that time I did the menthol crystals on a diffuser for a few hours. After 10 months they were dead or gone. My car is fine now, the DE isn't easy to get out though.AaOn Sep 24, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Marilyn Bentley <colly_miller@...> wrote:

how do i get them out of my car, and do i need to get another job? >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work

either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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No you don't need to get another job. When you're dealing with this you see them everywhere. I used to panic every time I saw a black speck, or speck of any kind for that matter. Doxy is a good start, Bactrim was good for me too. Make sure you have no mold at home.On Sep 24, 2011, at 6:38 PM, Marilyn Bentley <colly_miller@...> wrote:

how do i get them out of my car, and do i need to get another job? >Have you tried dusting the floor with dry arm and hammer detergent? This was the first thing that worked for me. I left it work itself in for a couple days -major relief, and it gave me a break from constant vacuuming. The carpet wasn't a problem for me after that. I was surprised that the tile areas of the house also seemed to be a problem. For that the combination of diluted bleach followed by dusting with dry baking soda cleared things up. I later vacuumed up the baking soda. I never identified the bug or bugs that were biting me, but those things worked

to make my home environment affect me less. >I ended up finding out that I was attracting various infections and parasites to my skin due to internal toxic overload. My symptoms closely followed those of 'Neuro Cutaneous Syndrome'. After having dealt with my environment, putting loads of stuff in storage for a year, and doing lots of scabies type remedies, I found this out and started more internal protocols prescribed by Dr. Amin, a parasitologist in Arizona that has been studying this. >Your situation may be different, but if the arm & hammer baths relieved your symptoms somewhat (as it also did for me), this could be something that would help you make some headway with your carpeted areas too. >Good luck! > >From: alaire73 <alaire_fetters@...> >bird mites >Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:32 PM >Subject: Re: it's been a terrible few days > > > >if i don't vacuum i keep something dusted on floor.if my landord has a prob she is more than welcome to move on in.i'm in survival mode! nothing i have put on my body repels.i have done it all. i took a lysol bath last night and that did help. these guys seem to like tea tree oil so i stopped. listerine,sulfur, deet didn't work

either. borax and epsom salt and arm and hammer baths do relieve symptoms. i woke up normal this morning so who knows.i know the dawn and lysol work it's just keeping up with the cycle. it takes only 2 to tango and produce and produce and produce. kill the bug!!!!!!!! > > >> >> >my body seriously cannot take anymore bites. i keep waking up with extremely swollen eyes & face, lumps, and these huge hives all over my body. does your body just get to the point where it can't take it anymore? i am on a long waiting list for a doctor. i just want to stay safe until i see him. it starts as bites then goes crazy. has anyone experienced these symptoms? >> > >> > >

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