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Hey everyone. I'm new to this discussion group. I recently turned

34 years old, married for 11 years and mom to a soon to be 4 year old

daughter. My situation might be a bit different. I was one of those

kids in school that was always tall and very skinny. In high school

they use to call me Annie Anorexic and I wore anywhere from a size 0

to a size 5 by the time I was in college. I really didn't hit

puberty until my mid 20's. Then around 28 or so I had to start

watching what I ate but still did okay and was happy to be a size

8...felt like after all the skinny skinny years, I looked like a

woman with a few curves. After having my baby at 30 all seemed great

for the first year. But, with most small kids, your life totally is

out of control. I found that during her two's and three's there was

just no time for me and dinners were whatever was fast. Didn't have

time to focus on exercise and cooking the foods I liked. Well at the

beginning of this year, I was really miserable and truly heavy. I

was a size 10 which was really heavy for me and I just looked fat in

pictures from Christmas. I truly was depressed. I felt so

overwhelmed at what was happening to me and my OB/GYN even wanted me

to take a mild anti-depressant because I was just gloomy and had

changed so much in the last year. In January I decided to just take

back control of my life. I had done Body Flex off and on in the past

and I truly was turned off by Greer. I couldn't get past how goofy

she looked in her exercise getup and she didn't hold the positions

long enough. I had done yoga as a teen and loved it and Body Flex

reminded me so much of it. So after searching the web for something

similar I found LifeLift. Well not only did I order LifeLife

original (and last month Workout #1 and Stretchband videos), I bought

a juicer. I do LifeLift everymorning before my family gets up and

before work and on my way to pick up my daughter at nursery school, I

do over 40 breaths in the car. I also am drinking four juices a day

one for breakfast, lunch, mid-afternoon and pre-dinner. Then I eat

dinner of a lean meat and two vegetables. No potatoes, bread or

rice. I can't tell you all how great I feel. I've been hard core

dedicated to both since the beginning of March and let me tell

you....THE OLD ME IS BACK!!!!!! Not only am I back into my size 8

jeans but I will be going back to the store this week to get size 6

as the 8's are too big! When I stand with my hands on my hips, you

can see right down the front of my jeans. Yipee. If any of you are

like me and don't have time to count calories, plan menues, etc. I

highly recommend the juicing as part of your diet. It's so easy and

very very good. Also, I can't say enough about Lifelift too. I'm

extrememly firm (still a bit to go in upper thigh) but the 20 minutes

in the morning are so special to me and really get me set for the

day. Lifelift breaths are more powerful than anything I've done

before and the contraction of the muscles on each exercise are

awesome. I swear the inside of my belly button is touching my spine

on the lift part of the exercises. Also drink lots of water. I'm

not a big ice water fan as it's just too cold and I sip it too

slowly. I drink room temp and can't get enough of it. The best

thing about LifeLift is that there is no excuse for not doing it. I

get out of bed each morning in my pajamas and just do it. We were

out of town this last weekend and I did the exercises at the hotel. I

just wrote down the positions from one of the tapes and did them.

It's great to have a program where you don't need special equipment.

I'm sure there may be those who say that my size problem was not that

bad and I can't relate but let me assure you the problems I had were

no different. You can feel overwhelmed and desperate no matter what

your size. This program is great for us moms with young kids and the

mental rush in me is great. I just feel so powerful. I don't have a

scale anymore and I don't even bother to measure myself. I can tell

I look good and I feel great. My husband said I was the talk of his

office the other day when I stopped by...something good for both our

egos. Sorry this was long winded but I just want to encourage

everyone to keep with it and keep thinking positive about

yourselves. Don't worry about scales and measuring tapes. If you

can conquer the mental bashing you may be doing to yourself, you can

conquer anything! My daughter even tries excersising with me on the

weekends...quite a site to see her PAAAAAAAH!

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