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Re: Bonnie-Report in please

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I am so glad that you reported in and hooray for doing your breaths

two days in a row! Way to go! I think we're getting our Bonnie

back. Keep it up and you will feel better. It's a great way to

start your day on such a healthy and positive note.

> Way to go Liz BIG:-) That's FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! I did 40 breaths

yesterday and again today, praise God. I actually did them in bed

this morning. Seemed I gave it more of an effort. Maybe cause I

thought it was too easy to exercise in bed??????LOL Anyway, I'm

trusting God that I'm back on track thanks to Him and you and so many

others who took the time to encourage me and give me suggestions. All

I can say is, THANK YOU! And who knows, maybe I'll hit 100 breaths

one of these days BIG:-) I think I'll stick with 40 for now LOL

> {{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************

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We're just all rooting for you Bonnie and so proud of you for doing

two days in a row. After a week, I think it will be second nature to

you to do the breaths in the morning before you do anything else. My

family knows that even on weekends, the first thing I do is go

downstairs and do LL it's just a habit for me now and it gets me

focused on making good healthy choices throughout the day. Pat

yourself on the back for me for doing such a good job AND for

sounding so positive again. We've missed that. Ummmmmm, you still

haven't patted your back, go ahead.....

> TexasMom,

> Thanks sis :-) For caring and for just being you :-) I really liked

your response to Liz LOL No way am I going to try to keep up with

her, bless her heart! Right now, I'll stick to getting in my 40!!!

BIG:-) { thanks to you all :-) }

> {{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************

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Yep, my hubby looks at me like I'm nuts but he says, " It must work

because you look great " . He's use to it now and it's just part of

our morning noise. I personally think it sounds better than the

grunts and Ug's that he and his friend make each morning when they

lift weights. You'll be glad to know, too, that my daughter now

likes to lie on his weight bench and do the LL breaths lying down too

so you and she have something in common. I do hope your form and

technique is better than her's though! I think lying down is easier

because your stomach and stretched out. To really help, you might

try putting your arms over your head like Rashelle does on Workout

#1. It should help tighten the vacum too.

> TexasMom,

> Thanks sis BIG:-) And OK, I'll give myself that pat LOL And by the

grace of God it WILL be like second for me. I can't do it right when

I wake up as it freaks my poor husband out LOL He flips every time he

hears me do the breath! However, even when I have to sub, I have time

after he leaves to go ahead and DO my breaths! So I'll get back on

the bed and do it like that. Seems like it was easier for me for some

unknown reason :-) Except Saturday and Sunday, which I don't ever do

exercises on anyway :-)

> Once again, thanks for rooting me on sis.

> {{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************

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Dear Bonnie...that has been my discovery, too! That if I lay back

down and really, really stretch while doing LL I can knock out 20

easily in bed and it feels good. My husband knows to expect it,now!

Love and Pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


> TexasMom,

> Thanks sis BIG:-) And OK, I'll give myself that pat LOL And by the

grace of God it WILL be like second for me. I can't do it right when

I wake up as it freaks my poor husband out LOL He flips every time he

hears me do the breath! However, even when I have to sub, I have time

after he leaves to go ahead and DO my breaths! So I'll get back on

the bed and do it like that. Seems like it was easier for me for some

unknown reason :-) Except Saturday and Sunday, which I don't ever do

exercises on anyway :-)

> Once again, thanks for rooting me on sis.

> {{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************

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The old Bonnie's back....the old Bonnie's back. Bye bye Bonnie

Blue! 50 breaths yesterday that is so great. Watch out Liz, you've

got competition from Bonnie!

> Thanks Lib :-) So I'd say I'm in good company BIG:-) Maybe one of

these days won't freak out about the breaths. LOL But for now,

I'll just wait till I kiss him " bye " and then go back to bed to

BREATH!!!!! And you know what? You're right, it really does seem like

the breaths go by fast for some reason :-) I can't remember who first

mentioned doing them in bed, but I sure am glad I listened!!!!!! I

was thinking that maybe being relaxed will also cause me to lose

faster. You never know! Anyway, thanks for being here for me when I

needed you. You ladies are the BEST!!!!!!!!! And I really get a lift

from your posts :-) You're a pretty special lady!

> Love{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

> **********************************************

> With God, ALL things are possible.

> **********************************************


> Dear Bonnie...that has been my discovery, too! That if I lay back

> down and really, really stretch while doing LL I can knock out 20

> easily in bed and it feels good. My husband knows to expect


> Love and Pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

> Lib

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