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My castor oil observations

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Hi all,

As some of you might know from my sore throat post, I've been battling a very

stubborn illness this week. It started as a sore throat and upgraded to a

major head cold with flu-like symptoms. I had been oil swishing with Hain's

Sunflower Oil for most of the week. While it made me feel a little better,

it wasn't completely knocking out this cold. On Thursday I bought some

castor oil ( " Now " brand...it was all the local health food store had) and

started swishing with it. For those of you who do swish and haven't tried it

yet, it takes a while to get used to the consistency. Compared to the Hain

oil, it is very thick... I felt like I had motor oil in my mouth, haha. But

it is also tasteless like Hain (at least it's tasteless to me...who knows,

maybe I'm just used to having oil in my mouth). And after a couple minutes

it thins out, so it really isn't bad. I have to admit, I was a little

disappointed at first. I didn't feel any better immediately like I do with

the Hain oil. My sinuses always drain with Hain and I notice an immediate

improvement. With the castor oil, I felt like I didn't even swish. But I

stuck with it and swished a couple more times throughout the day. This

morning when I woke up I noticed a remarkable improvement. My sinuses were

clear and I didn't have the lovely stuffed-up sound to my voice. Except for

a slight cough, I'm completely better. Has anyone else noticed this with the

castor oil? While Hain produced slight immediate results, it didn't

completely heal me; The castor oil didn't do anything for me immediately but

it ended up doing the job in one day! Maybe I'm not normal... that wouldn't

come as a shock to me, haha. But if any of you are considering trying the

castor oil, I highly recommend it. I'm only going to use it to swish from

now on.

Oh yeah, one more thing I noticed with the castor oil: (Warning: this is a

bit gross) I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 15 and one side of my

mouth never healed quite right....there's almost a " pit " in my jaw. Once in

a while something will get stuck down in there and become infected (I know

this is disgusting, I'm sorry). If any of you every had major dental work

done and you get a little piece of popcorn or something in there, you know

how painful it is. Until now, I'd have to pick at the infected area and

pretty much beat it up, hoping to unlodge whatever was in there and usually

prolonging the healing process. It isn't a pleasant task. On top of this

illness this week, I managed to get something lodged in that pit... the back

of my jaw was swollen to extremes. It looked like I had a jelly bean under

the skin...it was horrible. I know, I've been a wreck this week. Since I

was sick I didn't fiddle around with it. But after swishing with the castor

oil, the swelling miraculously disappeared also! I don't feel any pain, and

my jaw is back to normal. I don't know what this oil does, but I can vouch

for it!

Finally pulling herself back together,

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