Guest guest Posted April 5, 2004 Report Share Posted April 5, 2004 BioMechanics April 2004 P ain Management PTTD symptoms respond to orthotic intervention Variable surgical results are refocusing treatment efforts on more conservative methods. By: Sheldon S. Lin, MD, Wayne Berberian, MD, and Van Gelderen One common cause of acquired flat-foot deformity is dysfunction of the posterior tibial tendon.1-5 Historically, the treatment for PTT dysfunction has been surgical.4,6,7 However, results from tendon transfers, osteotomies, and fusions have been variable.8-11 Nonoperative treatment of this disorder with orthotic management is another way to minimize hindfoot valgus alignment, lateral calcaneal displacement, and medial ankle collapse. Anatomy and pathophysiology A clear understanding of the normal function of the PTT is necessary before analyzing its pathology. The tendon originates from the proximal third of the tibia and the interosseous membrane, courses behind the medial malleolus, where it changes direction acutely and inserts into the plantar and medial aspect of the navicular, the plantar aspect of the three cuneiforms, and the bases of the second, third, and fourth metatarsals.12 Due to this anatomic position, the PTT serves to plantar flex as well as to invert the middle part of the foot with an action that occurs primarily across the transverse tarsal joint. When the subtalar joint is in an inverted position, the transverse tarsal joint becomes rigid as the axes of the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints are no longer parallel and diverge.13,14 This biomechanical relationship allows the gastrocnemius-soleus complex to plantar flex the metatarsal heads as a rigid lever arm. Therefore, the PTT's role in inverting the hindfoot and locking the transverse tarsal joint is critical for normal gait and ambulation.15 The pathophysiology of PTT dysfunction involves both primary and secondary changes. Initially, loss of longitudinal arch height and an increasing valgus angulation of the heel occur. Loss of longitudinal arch height is due to the gastrocnemius-soleus complex acting on the everted calcaneus and to the peroneus brevis muscle acting unopposed on the talonavicular joint with a dynamic abduction eversion force. Through these continued dynamic forces, the medial static constraints of the longitudinal arch gradually attenuate.16 The increasing valgus angulation of the heel is probably a result of the loss of strength in secondary soft tissue supportive structures, including the deltoid ligament, the talonavicular capsule, and the spring ligament.17 Once these deformities have occurred, the PTT has significant difficulty overcoming the soft tissue laxity to correct the position of the foot.18 Secondary changes that may develop over time include an equinus deformity of the ankle, a fixed horizontal orientation of the subtalar joint, and a fixed valgus angulation of the heel. The associated contracture of the Achilles tendon causes more sagittal-plane motion to occur at the subtalar joint rather than at the tibiotalar joint. As the deformity progresses, this change eventually causes the calcaneus to impinge on the fibula, creating pain in the lateral part of the foot and ankle.17 Clinical presentation The clinical presentation of patients with PTT dysfunction varies; some patients with minimal deformity are quite symptomatic, while some with marked deformities have minimal symptoms. The patient with PTT dysfunction usually denies any acute traumatic event of any significant degree. Instead, a majority of patients describe a gradual onset of deformity. The classic patient is a woman over 40 who presents with a vague discomfort about the ankle.6,16,19,20 Initially, it may be difficult for patients to localize the discomfort. Tenderness may be elicited along the medial aspect of the ankle, especially under stress with activities. As the tendon dysfunction progresses, patients may localize or describe mild to moderate tenderness in the medial malleolar region.12 On physical exam, it is important to look for both early and late signs of PTT dysfunction. Hinterman and Gachter21 advocated the first metatarsal rise sign of early PTT dysfunction. This test is performed by externally rotating the shank of the affected foot with one hand or passively aligning the heel of that foot into a varus position. The head of the first metatarsal will rise if there is PTT dysfunction but will remain on the floor in patients with normal PTT function.12 Funk et al,6 ,19 and and Strom22 are credited with describing the pathognomonic triad for late PTT dysfunction. First, 19 described the classic foot deformity (consisting of a valgus alignment of the hindfoot and increased abduction of the forefoot) as the hallmark of PTT dysfunction. As a result of these deformities a " flat-foot appearance " develops. Finally, there is the presence of " too many toes. " 22 This sign is determined by observing the patient from behind and counting the number of toes viewable on the involved and uninvolved feet. This triad, in conjunction with the patient's being unable to perform a single heel rise, is consistent with a diagnosis of PTT dysfunction.12 While there is no study documenting the progression of early to late PTT dysfunction, the presence of these deformities implies its chronicity. and Strom22 are credited with characterizing the first three stages of PTT dysfunction (Table1). Recently, Myerson17 described a stage IV deformity characterized by valgus angulation of the talus and early degeneration of the ankle joint. Nonoperative treatment Although the effectiveness of various operative procedures for treatment of PTT dysfunction has been delineated in the recent literature, little has been written concerning nonoperative measures. Appropriate conservative measures are extremely useful as part of the initial treatment, especially when the presence of factors such as advanced age, comorbidities that preclude surgery, low activity levels, or the presence of minimal discomfort make the nonoperative approach more prudent. Prior to reviewing methods of conservative treatment, a review of the literature is necessary to comprehend the previous protocols used for this common clinical diagnosis. In 1963 23 reported on a series of 52 patients with " chronic nonspecific tendovaginitis of the tibialis posterior. " Various conservative measures were used including restriction of activities, arch supports, foot baths, plaster of paris, calipers with T-strap, and injection of hydrocortisone. Although most of the patients were relieved of symptoms, 12 patients (23.1%) failed to improve despite several months of conservative treatment. Unfortunately, few specific details of the treatment protocol were discussed and an analysis of these patients using an outcome or functional scoring system was not provided. In 1982 Jahss24 reported on a series of 10 relatively sedentary patients over 52 years of age diagnosed with spontaneous rupture of the PTT. The first five patients were treated conservatively because Jahss's contention was that the surgical technique available at that time (primary tendon repair) was less than optimal. His regimen consisted of orthotic oxfords with long medial contours, low rubber scaphoids, a medial heel wedge, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Minimal relief was reported with the patients' status remaining stable or becoming slightly worse. As a result, although Jahss believed all patients initially should be treated with a conservative course (length unspecified), he thought it advisable to explore and repair all suspected PTT tears, except in older patients who are asymptomatic and relatively sedentary. Frey and Shereff25 recommended a conservative treatment of rest, ice, NSAIDs, and a medial-posted orthosis to decrease pronation during the weight-bearing phase of ambulation for patients with acute PTT dysfunction. For the young athlete with severe tenosynovitis, recommendations included immobilization in a nonweight-bearing short leg cast with the foot in inversion for several weeks. In regards to chronic tenosynovitis in athletes, Frey and Shereff recommended a protocol of rest, NSAIDs, and shoe modification, including medial sole and heel wedges with longitudinal arch support. The treatment concept is to relieve stress on the posterior tibial tendon by limiting the extent of excursion. Mann13 believed the goal of conservative management of patients with PTT rupture or symptomatic flat foot is to establish support for the medial longitudinal arch and valgus deformity of the calcaneus. He recommended the use of an orthosis with a small correction at the arch and progressive build-up as a patient becomes more tolerant of the pressure beneath the longitudinal arch. Use of a University of California Biomechanics Laboratory (UCBL) orthosis was proposed for its ability to reduce eversion of the calcaneus while establishing some support beneath the arch. Recently, Myerson17 described his protocol for the treatment of patients with PTT dysfunction. For the patients who present with acute tenosynovitis, an initial protocol consisting of rest, appropriate NSAIDs, and immobilization was recommended. Myerson recommended immobilization with a rigid below-the-knee cast or removable boot for six to eight weeks, during which time ambulation is allowed. For patients who demonstrate significant improvement with immobilization, a molded heel and sole shoe wedge, hinged ankle foot orthosis, or orthotic arch support is used to invert the hindfoot. If improvement is only mild or moderate, an additional period of immobilization (in a cast or removable boot) is recommended; otherwise, a surgical procedure is contemplated. For patients with advanced disease, a rigid AFO is recommended to immobilize the involved articulations. Current treatment options When choosing an orthosis for the treatment of acquired flat-foot deformity, the practitioner has several options to choose from, including the UCBL orthosis, a molded ankle foot orthosis, and the Arizona brace. The UCBL brace is a thermoplastic in-shoe orthosis designed to limit subtalar and midfoot motion. If the patient is unable to tolerate the UCBL brace, an MAFO or an Arizona brace may be used in patients with a flexible deformity.17 The MAFO is a thermoplastic orthosis with an articulation at the level of the ankle joint to allow free dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Finally, the Arizona brace is a custom-molded leather and polypropylene orthosis designed by Ernesto Castro, CPed, of Mesa, AZ, for the nonoperative management of PTT dysfunction (see figure). Biomechanical analysis The Arizona brace extends proximally to the midshaft of the tibia and distally to the metatarsal heads. Once properly fitted, the low-profile brace can be inserted inside a patient's shoe for daily wear.26 The brace works by minimizing hindfoot valgus alignment, lateral calcaneal displacement, and medial ankle collapse. When casting the mold for the brace, the calcaneus is reduced to its proper anatomic alignment underneath the tibia and talus. The brace maintains this relationship by three-point fixation, similar to a well-molded cast.26 Imhauser et al27 found, when comparing the unbraced cadaveric flat foot to the braced cadaveric flat foot, the Arizona brace completely restored the height of the longitudinal arch and the height of the navicular, but it did not restore talar height or calcaneal angle. In terms of hindfoot parameters, the brace did not significantly increase calcaneal or talar dorsiflexion. Similarly, the brace did not effectively invert the calcaneus with respect to the tibia.27 The authors hypothesized this may be because of the rigid plastic support that is molded around the medial and lateral aspects of the tibia and extends under the plantar surface of the foot; the rigid structure may also interfere with functional activities, such as walking. When compared to the Arizona brace, the UCBL orthosis was found to be superior in reducing calcaneal angle and correcting hindfoot parameters. Imhauser et al27 found that the UCBL brace significantly restored all parameters of the arch, including calcaneal angle, inclination of the first metatarsal, and increased talar, navicular, and arch heights. Moreover, the UCBL brace significantly corrected two out of three hindfoot parameters: dorsiflexion of the talus at the ankle joint and inversion of the calcaneus with respect to the tibia.27 These results were supported by Mereday et al,28 who found the UCBL brace had an immediate effect on arch parameters, including a reduction in calcaneal eversion by an average of 7.9 degrees and an increase in arch height of 11.2 degrees . Talar alignment in plantar/dorsiflexion is vital because the talus acts to distribute body weight to the heel and forefoot. Therefore, improper talar alignment will cause altered weight distribution and abnormally high stress on the medial calcaneal ligaments and tarsal articulations.28 Clinical results Chao et al29 have reported on the success of bracing in a series of 52 patients diagnosed with PTT dysfunction treated during a four-year period with either an MAFO or a UCBL brace with medial posting. Forty-nine patients were included in the study; three were lost to follow-up, and one died of unrelated causes. In patients with flexible deformities who had less than 10 degrees residual forefoot varus with the heel in a neutral position and who were not obese (13 feet total), a UCBL brace with medial posting was used; all other patients (40 feet) were treated with an MAFO. A functional scoring system was devised based on pain, limp, use of assistance devices, distance of ambulation, and patient satisfaction.5 With a mean follow-up period of 20.3 months (range eight to 60 months), 67% of the patients demonstrated good to excellent results based on the functional scoring system.5 Critical evaluation of the two groups revealed 10 of the 13 feet (77%) treated with a UCBL shoe insert with medial posting and 23 of 40 feet (57.5%) treated with an MAFO demonstrated good to excellent results. The average length of daily orthosis use was approximately 12.3 hours (range 1.5 to 16 hours). The number of modifications made on the orthosis ranged from zero to four, with an average of one modification per patient.12 Of the 33 patients classified as having " good to excellent results, " six discontinued their use of the orthosis at the latest follow-up because of complete resolution of symptoms.12 Augustin et al26 recently published one series analyzing the efficacy of the Arizona brace. The study followed Myerson's protocol17 for the treatment of 21 patients (27 ankles) with PTT dysfunction, including an initial trial of rest, NSAIDs, and immobilization with a rigid below knee cast or removable boot for six to eight weeks. After obtaining informed consent, the patients were asked to fill out two questionnaires. The first questionnaire was the Foot Function Index (FFI)30 which uses an analog visual scale to evaluate the patient's own perception of function, pain, and disability before wearing the brace. Within each of these categories, several questions pertain to the particular topic; these are averaged and a percentage score is obtained for function, pain, and disability. The second questionnaire used was the Medical Outcomes Survey (MOS) 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36).31 Based on multiple choice responses, this evaluates the patient's overall perception of his/her health and function as well as pain level. Finally, all patients were examined by a physician before dispensing of the brace and were scored according to the AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society) Hindfoot Score System.32 A maximum score is 100; points are deducted for the use of assistive devices, pain, difficulty walking distances over uneven terrain, and decreasing motion in the hindfoot and midfoot joints. Hours per day of brace use and the use of NSAIDs before and after beginning brace use were documented as well.26 Disease classification was according to the criteria of and Strom.22 In this study, six patients had stage I disease (seven ankles), 12 patients had stage II disease (15 ankles), and five patients had stage III disease (five ankles). Mean follow-up was 12 months (range three to 19 months). Each patient wore the brace for an average of 10 hours/day (range 0 to 14 hours/day). The average age of the patients was 57.3 years (range 34 to 81 years).26 Two patients were dropped from the study. One had continuing pain while wearing the brace and was dissatisfied with her results. She subsequently underwent surgery by a physician in another part of the country but was unavailable for follow-up questioning. The other patient had severe peripheral vascular disease that was diagnosed after she had been fitted for the brace. Because of her potential risk, the patient was advised by her vascular surgeon to discontinue brace wear.26 After using the Arizona brace, clinical evaluation of patients was done using the AOFAS Hindfoot Score System, the FFI, and the SF-36 questionnaire. AOFAS Hindfoot Scores increased from 37.7 before the use of the brace to 76 after brace use (p < 0.001). Changes in FFI scores were significant in all categories: activity, 58.6 versus 85.2 (p < 0.05); pain, 34 versus 70.7 (p < 0.0005); and function, 28.3 versus 67.7 (p < 0.005) before and after brace use, respectively. All patients reported at least a moderate improvement in pain and function with the exception of the two who had stage II disease. The SF-36 questionnaire analyzes patient perception in nine areas: physical function, social function, physical role function, emotional role function, mental health, fatigue/energy, pain, health perception, and change in health perception. Of the nine measured categories, there was statistical significance in all measured areas (p < 0.05), except for change in health perception (p = 0.2168). All patients who had stage I or stage II disease showed pain relief that was referable to the brace and demonstrated an improvement on all three clinical measurement instruments used in the study. Moreover, three out of five (60%) patients who had stage III disease had relief of symptoms that was referable to the brace.26 The authors concluded that the Arizona brace may be a useful adjunct in treating patients who cannot tolerate a rigid AFO. Conclusion Nonoperative treatment of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction can be successful, especially if initiated in the early stages of disease. The goal of treatment is to maintain and immobilize the initial deformity and prevent additional progression of the flat-foot deformity.5 The practitioner has a variety of treatment options for PTT dysfunction, including the UCBL brace, MAFO, and the Arizona brace. Significant relief of symptoms in 90% of patients treated with the Arizona brace compared to previously reported rates of 77% with the UCBL brace and 57.5% with an MAFO suggests potential therapeutic advantages the Arizona AFO brace may have. Future research in this area should include a randomized comparison of the available bracing options. Sheldon Lin, MD, and Wayne Berberian, MD, are assistant professors of orthopedics at New Jersey Medical School. Van Gelderen is a third-year medical student at the same institution. References 1. Beals TC, Pomeroy GC, Manoll A. Posterior tibial tendon insufficiency: diagnosis and treatment. J Am Acad Ortho Surg 1999;7(2):215-221. 2. Contl SF. 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