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Yes your body knows !!! But isn't that the way it always goes, You are fine the day you finally get to see the Dr' !!! That's the way I am... did he do a finger poke to see what your sugar was??? Maybe with all that you ate kept your sugar up where it belonged!!! :o) Yes, looking at sweets can make ya nauseated at times when you are hypoglycemic...

now I can eat so many sweets before they start to make me ill... My son can't handle any without them making him ill... We are both Hypoglycemic...If my sugar goes under 75 I get ill, and if it goes over 90 I get ill... The highest my sugar has ever been, that we know of, is 110 and I was sick... The lowest it has been is 34 and I was kinda out of it... I sorta passed out they said... My B/P goes from one extreme to another... Either too low or too high... lowest we know was 40/50 and I passed out... Highest we know was 196/131 and I almost passed out, but my heart was beating terrible also... They had to call rescue both times...

Now is your blood sugar profile just a blood test??? Or do you get to drink that nice yummy stuff that they have ya drink every couple of hours???

It's time I get my thyroid profile done again too...In fact, I think its time for my checkup... I have put off all my doc appointments for the last five months, I think I'd better get in gear and start getting them taken care of...

When do you see the doc again??? Or you just have to call for the results???

Take Care... No low Sugar Allowed !!! :o)

{{{ Special Hugs }}}


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"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

- Anonymous.

Hi Helen, well I went to the doc. yesterday, we chatted for some time, I told him what is happening, but of course everything was perfect, no signs of anything, my pulse was 64, BP 130/74 heartbeat strong and even. He ordered a blood sugar profile and a thyroid profile, if anything shows, then I have to fast, get a blood test, eat a sickly breakfast and two hours later another blood test. I think from what he said, it may be the diet has not cut in completely yet. I feel great today!

Lordy Helen I tried everything to make that sugar do something, I had a pot pie for lunch, a chocolate bar, a Coke, a glass fo grape juice and nothing ever went wrong!!!

One thing I notcied, every time I pass the donut shop I feel nauseated at the thought of eating any more, maybe I should listen to my body, its trying to let me know something! Lots of love from Anne

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Thanks a lot Carolyn, we all have troubles in our life, we have to rise above them and go on of course.

I have never heard from again,( Darkbeing) I wonder what happened, meebe he is now jsut a lurker, if her is c'm'n guy POST Anne

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No, has never been on IVIG. The immuno offered it to us at one point

when her IgG was low AND her pneumo antibodies were abysmal. But she was not

even two years old yet, and since she had been premature, we wanted to give

her that chance to " catch up " as much as she could on her own before we

treated. It was sort of the right decision, because her IgG DID come up at

age two, but then she was so sick last year all the time -- we were sort of

wishing we would have done IVIG. But she was no longer considered a candidate

by our immuno!

Anyway, late last year all of a sudden her IgA popped onto the radar -

amazing. But her pneumo antibody levels are lower than ever. Our immuno won't

treat on the basis of that alone unless she gets another deep-seated

infection. So far so good!

They ARE going to test Sam's antibody function, aren't they? Because we were

told that IgA and polysaccharide antibody deficiency (or IgG subclass

deficiencies) often go hand-in-hand. Good luck-

(mom to , 3yrs old, polysaccharide antibody def)

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Oh Anne, I am SO, SO SORRY about Annie!!!!!!!! Yes, you did the Right thing... LOVE can do wonders... Remember we lost Athena last May... Vet told us she didn't have but a couple of weeks at best and wanted to put her down :o( Couldn't do that... I Loved that old dog so much :o( My heart is aching with you Anne... They are part of you when you have had them for oh so long... Love Her, Caress Her, Make her last days lovely ones... Right now I am crying for you ;o( the heartbreak is terrible to handle, my heart aches for you Anne...

Oh Anne, I need my babies back so much... The heartaches are so terrible... No one will listen to us or to them, its just not right...I Have to Beleive there will be a Miracle !!! There just has to be one...

Crying in Ohio

((( Embracing Hugs )))

Much Love to You !!!


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Yesterday was bad Helen really bad, well on Saturday nite my poor 12 year old Lab lost the use of her legs, I took her in to the vet who examined her and found no neurological damage anywhere, but was concerned about her stomach being very distended, an X ray of her tummy showed a large inoperable growth in her lungs. I was devastated, who expects that, I only took her in for the legs. The vet wanted to put her down, her legs were weakness, she said, Annie only had about a day left. I would not let her do that, took her home proceeded to crucify myself about that, was I being selfish or not, Oh it was awful I kid you not One day later on the meds she got, and good chicken soup and love she is walking around and eating like two horses! I know the inevitable will come but you know Helen that is a lesson in life dontcha think, never assume all is lost, sometime it is not. something, mebbe the bond between me and the dog made me bring her home to love for her remaining time. I am so glad I did now.

Oh Gal how I wish you could have those babies, maybe at sometime you will, all is not lost. You will see ! Anne

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  • 2 months later...
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That had to be so scarey for you... I'm glad you called the police to find

out about it... and I'm glad they told you to stay away from there... :o)

((( Happy Hugs )))



If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.

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  • 2 months later...
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What made you pass out??? The heat or the ice cold water??? You better be

careful... The heat index here today was 102, thats just too hot for us...

((( Hugs )))


Hi Helen,

I know there are a bunch of Anne's on here, so I am wondering who this


was meant for??

Maybe after I check my other messages I will respond to it, in case you were

asking me.

It is mighty hot here highs today expected in the high 90's or possibly low

100's neither of which is making me real happy at the moment. I tried to wash

my hair last night in the shower sitting on my Mom's bath chair, well I


part of the bathtub because of it... I hung my head over to get the back of


hair wet, and got really dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, diaphoretic (very

sweaty). and the room wouldn't stop spinning no matter what I did. I take


back, it did stop spinning when I lost consciousness landing in the ice cold

water. I seriously think this heat is trying to tell me something. It is

definitely putting a damper on baby making... it is so hot all alone in bed,


don't need to add to my already rocketing body temperature!!

I hope everyone is doing well!!

Love Always,


{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*



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angelbear1129@... wrote:

>What made you pass out??? The heat or the ice cold water???

The Heat!!! The cold water woke me up again though. I was washing my hair

with ICE cold water because it was still in the high 90s, and it was about 0100

(one o'clock in the morning) when all this happened!

It is just too hot here, I sure hope it goes down soon, supposedly the

temperature is going to drop to 88-90 degrees tomorrow... it was 82 degrees this

morning when Terry left for work at 0500, I couldn't believe it.

We have 2 ACs here at Mom's, but can only run ONE at a time because of the power

pull it creates. If we run both or anything else while we run the bigger AC, it

trips the circuit breaker, like every 5 minutes!!

You better be careful... The heat index here today was 102, thats just too hot

for us..

That is for sure!!! I feel like I am the " Wicked Witch of the West " from the

Wizard of Oz because I am melting, melting, melting!! Normally I only get to

be the " Wicked Witch of the West " about PMS time, but being on fertility drugs,

I guess that is all the time now anyway!!

Hope you are able to stay cool, I am thinking of sleeping in the bathtub full of

ice cubes.... okay I am wishing I could sleep there.

Love Always,


((( Hugs )))

> Helen


>Hi Helen,


>I know there are a bunch of Anne's on here, so I am wondering who this


>was meant for??


>Maybe after I check my other messages I will respond to it, in case you were

>asking me.


>It is mighty hot here highs today expected in the high 90's or possibly low

>100's neither of which is making me real happy at the moment. I tried to wash

>my hair last night in the shower sitting on my Mom's bath chair, well I


>part of the bathtub because of it... I hung my head over to get the back of


>hair wet, and got really dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, diaphoretic (very

>sweaty). and the room wouldn't stop spinning no matter what I did. I take


>back, it did stop spinning when I lost consciousness landing in the ice cold

>water. I seriously think this heat is trying to tell me something. It is

>definitely putting a damper on baby making... it is so hot all alone in bed,


>don't need to add to my already rocketing body temperature!!


>I hope everyone is doing well!!

>Love Always,







>{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

>*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*












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Hello Anne and Helen

A long time go while I was a summer student out in Wainwright ( a small

rural prairie town), one of the workers invited me over to his place for

a drink. It was a small trailer home and his wife complained about the

heat and how the children couldn't take it much longer (it wasn't common

to have AC in Canada back then or even now). I suggested that they put

the sprinkler up on the roof and that brought the temperature down

really fast. Mind you, it's just a temporary solution cause if you do

it too often, you get scale build up on your house and then you'll wind

up spraying vinegar or some other acid on your house.

Of course, when we were children, my parents would herd us into the

station wagon cause it had AC and we would sit out there on the driveway

idling away while my Dad read the papers.

Maybe you should have an Electrician look into putting in a bigger main

breaker. They're actually real easy to change out, it's just a matter

of whether or not the wires are rated to handle the load but an

Electrician could just run heavier wiring or just more wiring to

compensate. Maybe the breaker is just too sensitive or fast tripping

and just changing it out for a new breaker will fix the problem.

Another option would be to get a generator to power the smaller AC unit

since both are only needed on the rare occasion. That way when both

are needed, you just switch the smaller unit to the generator and viola,

cool. If you do it right, you could run the odd appliance off the

generator as well. You could probably buy a generator from some Y2K nut.

Seems uncanning as to how often a bathtub is involved when one passes out ;)


anniecoldtoes@... wrote:

>angelbear1129@... wrote:


>>What made you pass out??? The heat or the ice cold water???




>The Heat!!! The cold water woke me up again though. I was washing my hair

with ICE cold water because it was still in the high 90s, and it was about 0100

(one o'clock in the morning) when all this happened!


>It is just too hot here, I sure hope it goes down soon, supposedly the

temperature is going to drop to 88-90 degrees tomorrow... it was 82 degrees this

morning when Terry left for work at 0500, I couldn't believe it.


>We have 2 ACs here at Mom's, but can only run ONE at a time because of the

power pull it creates. If we run both or anything else while we run the bigger

AC, it trips the circuit breaker, like every 5 minutes!!


> You better be careful... The heat index here today was 102, thats just too hot

for us..


>That is for sure!!! I feel like I am the " Wicked Witch of the West " from the

Wizard of Oz because I am melting, melting, melting!! Normally I only get to

be the " Wicked Witch of the West " about PMS time, but being on fertility drugs,

I guess that is all the time now anyway!!


>Hope you are able to stay cool, I am thinking of sleeping in the bathtub full

of ice cubes.... okay I am wishing I could sleep there.


>Love Always,



> ((( Hugs )))


>> Helen


>>Hi Helen,


>>I know there are a bunch of Anne's on here, so I am wondering who this


>>was meant for??


>>Maybe after I check my other messages I will respond to it, in case you were

>>asking me.


>>It is mighty hot here highs today expected in the high 90's or possibly low

>>100's neither of which is making me real happy at the moment. I tried to wash

>>my hair last night in the shower sitting on my Mom's bath chair, well I


>>part of the bathtub because of it... I hung my head over to get the back of


>>hair wet, and got really dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, diaphoretic (very

>>sweaty). and the room wouldn't stop spinning no matter what I did. I take


>>back, it did stop spinning when I lost consciousness landing in the ice cold

>>water. I seriously think this heat is trying to tell me something. It is

>>definitely putting a damper on baby making... it is so hot all alone in bed,


>>don't need to add to my already rocketing body temperature!!


>>I hope everyone is doing well!!

>>Love Always,







>>{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

>>*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*












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I-Chung Wang <jwang@...> wrote:

>Maybe you should have an Electrician look into putting in a bigger main

>breaker. They're actually real easy to change out, it's just a matter

>of whether or not the wires are rated to handle the load but an

>Electrician could just run heavier wiring or just more wiring to

>compensate. Maybe the breaker is just too sensitive or fast tripping

>and just changing it out for a new breaker will fix the problem.

The biggest part of the problem is actually with Excel (used to be NSP) Energy

company. We are actually lucky here at Mom's house. Because of this heat wave,

there are more than 10,000 people in the Twin Cities metro area with NO power

what-so-ever because of the draw of power everywhere. Many of them lost their

power over the weekend, and Excel Energy can't tell them when the power will be

back on, most of them still have no power.

We did have the electricity coming into the house upgraded a few year back, we

used to have fuses instead of circuit breakers (those sucked!... my MH still has

fuses.. and they suck even worse than the ones Mom used to have!!) The

electrician we had was a total moron though so I am sure he screwed up more than

he fixed (but that is another story all in itself).

Thanks for the suggestions though!!

Talk to you soon,



>Another option would be to get a generator to power the smaller AC unit

>since both are only needed on the rare occasion. That way when both

>are needed, you just switch the smaller unit to the generator and viola,

>cool. If you do it right, you could run the odd appliance off the

>generator as well. You could probably buy a generator from some Y2K nut.


>Seems uncanning as to how often a bathtub is involved when one passes out ;)





>anniecoldtoes@... wrote:


>>angelbear1129@... wrote:


>>>What made you pass out??? The heat or the ice cold water???




>>The Heat!!! The cold water woke me up again though. I was washing my hair

with ICE cold water because it was still in the high 90s, and it was about 0100

(one o'clock in the morning) when all this happened!


>>It is just too hot here, I sure hope it goes down soon, supposedly the

temperature is going to drop to 88-90 degrees tomorrow... it was 82 degrees this

morning when Terry left for work at 0500, I couldn't believe it.


>>We have 2 ACs here at Mom's, but can only run ONE at a time because of the

power pull it creates. If we run both or anything else while we run the bigger

AC, it trips the circuit breaker, like every 5 minutes!!


>> You better be careful... The heat index here today was 102, thats just too

hot for us..


>>That is for sure!!! I feel like I am the " Wicked Witch of the West " from the

Wizard of Oz because I am melting, melting, melting!! Normally I only get to

be the " Wicked Witch of the West " about PMS time, but being on fertility drugs,

I guess that is all the time now anyway!!


>>Hope you are able to stay cool, I am thinking of sleeping in the bathtub full

of ice cubes.... okay I am wishing I could sleep there.


>>Love Always,



>> ((( Hugs )))


>>> Helen


>>>Hi Helen,


>>>I know there are a bunch of Anne's on here, so I am wondering who this


>>>was meant for??


>>>Maybe after I check my other messages I will respond to it, in case you were

>>>asking me.


>>>It is mighty hot here highs today expected in the high 90's or possibly low

>>>100's neither of which is making me real happy at the moment. I tried to wash

>>>my hair last night in the shower sitting on my Mom's bath chair, well I


>>>part of the bathtub because of it... I hung my head over to get the back of


>>>hair wet, and got really dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, diaphoretic (very

>>>sweaty). and the room wouldn't stop spinning no matter what I did. I take


>>>back, it did stop spinning when I lost consciousness landing in the ice cold

>>>water. I seriously think this heat is trying to tell me something. It is

>>>definitely putting a damper on baby making... it is so hot all alone in bed,


>>>don't need to add to my already rocketing body temperature!!


>>>I hope everyone is doing well!!

>>>Love Always,







>>>{\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/} {\o/}

>>>*/*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\* */*\*












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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

I am glad that you are working on finding what is causing this problem. That

is so scary, to feel that way, especially when you are alone. Take it easy,

and be very careful. I will be remembering you and hoping that they find the

cause for you.



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  • 8 months later...
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Is Neocate cow's milk based? Just curious since you mentioned reflux -- my

baby gets reflux from any cow-based ingredient (plus eczema, facial and

diaper rashes and diarrhea, so there are many symptoms to look for). I'm on a

crusade to expose all dairy intolerances since suffered with it until

we tried to wean her to cow's milk at a year of age and it became so clear.

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02, dairy intolerant; and , age 4, dairy

intolerant -- currently has polysaccharide antibody def, previously had

transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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  • 3 months later...


Our winters are beautiful here, so I do think you will enjoy it! We live in

Boca Raton (S. Florida) and love it here. It's a little hot this time of year,

but you get used to it. I know there used to be an excellent pediatric

immunologist in Gainesville and we use an immunologist at Miami Children's


(we think he's great). If you're stuck on recommendations, I might be able to

find out who our immunologists recommend over on the West Coast. Let me know if

you need one.

Anne R. (Sam - IgA def., IgG2 subclass def; and my own polysaccharide

antibody deficiency and IgA def.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

> Looking good girl!!!! Never thought you would be in a

> 2piece ever again,,,hu????

> Way 2 Go!!!!!

> Pat


wow anne- you look fab!!! im so happy for you. Great job- you look

so happy in that pic

God Bless VIcki

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  • 2 months later...


Well the branch is gone, it took two hours to clean up the mess, I paid 250.00 for clean up, a lot but I could not do it with my little chain saw, it is electric.

My Ex hubby died on Sunday,Cause of death, who knows? ' First his son told me that he was taken down with dizziness on Saturday, and his BP went to 45/80. He was taken to the hospital , on Sunday his Bp at 4pm suddenly bottomed out and despite attempts to keep him alive,he died a few hours later. Rick told me that Dad had an Aortic bleed and they had found Pancreatic cancer. Last night he called again and he denied that this was the reason' they just found a yellow lump on his pancreas, and his aorta was not involved', I said nothing but he must have had a severe bleedout someplace, his heart tried to keep beating for several minutes after the bp dropped,and the death process started

..Rick is so screwed up, he attempted to have his brothers body moved upstate to Saratoga Vet cemetry, so he could rest with his Dad ,I told him not to be so stupid, the VA would not move the remains! It would cost many hundreds of dollars.

He did not call a lot of relatives, the Vets Adm, I did, he went to a funeral home and has spent over ten grand on a funeral, his father would not want that, full military honors and such.

Well my ex was very cruel to me, however, I will go to the wake and I spent 97.00 on a magnificent flower arrangement for his Dad, my minister talked to me and I saw the light then, I was not going to go at first. The kids are the main reason I shall go. And Fred and I were married 53 years before he went out and started a love affair, that has gone nowhere. Fred was 83 when he died.

Rick is devastated and cries that he had to watch his father slowly die, I told him to get over that ,everyone has to do something in their life that they will hate to do and there is no free ride unfortunately, we found that out when we were younger, sometimes we had to walk a long mile!

I told him that his father had an easy death with blood loss, luckily the cancer did not get him, he sees that now.

Rick is in the first stage of grief and will go through several stages, numbness, disbelief, anger and so on until acceptance comes in. I did when my first born died from injuries in Vietnam and still cry when I hear Taps.

I know I do not get along with his side of the family, but must bear up and I will.


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Thank you. I know what you mean about using one doc for one thing and the

other for something else. I have figured out how to get Sam's pediatrician to

give us a prescription even when she would like to wait a few days to see if


" really " an infection. So, she says " If he's not better in 3 days, start him

on this antibiotic " (she never gives me enough - only like 7 days worth). So,

I go ahead and start him on the antibiotic and then I call the immuno doc and

he says " God, doesn't she know that you should treat a sinus infection for at

least 14 days, sometimes 21 days " . And I say, " Obviously not! " . And then he

gives me enough for two more weeks. Crazy, but I feel like I'm the one whose

managing my son's health!

Now, again, I've been asked to make more health decisions for Asher (my

little guy) and it's tough to know more than many of the docs, but not know


I don't want to offend the drs. and I also worry about who to trust. Oh

well, I do know it gets better.

I'm sorry you don't have any family support. Thank God for these internet



Anne R

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Anne, I'm so sorry!

You are a better person than I am, I wouldnt go to my x's funeral.

Oh, I've got loads of excuses, but bottom line, it caused problems

that I didnt go. I finally took some flowers to his grave- that he

never wanted- but I was still mad at him, so still felt guilty.

If you ever want to talk about it, I understand.


> My prayers and sympathy for all of you Anne;

> Luv and Hugs

> Dort



> -- Re: Anne


> Hi

> Well the branch is gone, it took two hours to clean up the mess, I

paid 250

> 00 for clean up, a lot but I could not do it with my little chain

saw, it is

> electric.



> My Ex hubby died on Sunday,Cause of death, who knows? ' First his

son told

> me that he was taken down with dizziness on Saturday, and his BP

went to

> 45/80. He was taken to the hospital , on Sunday his Bp at 4pm


> bottomed out and despite attempts to keep him alive,he died a few


> later. Rick told me that Dad had an Aortic bleed and they had found

> Pancreatic cancer. Last night he called again and he denied that

this was

> the reason' they just found a yellow lump on his pancreas, and his

aorta was

> not involved', I said nothing but he must have had a severe


> someplace, his heart tried to keep beating for several minutes

after the bp

> dropped,and the death process started


> .Rick is so screwed up, he attempted to have his brothers body

moved upstate

> to Saratoga Vet cemetry, so he could rest with his Dad ,I told him

not to be

> so stupid, the VA would not move the remains! It would cost many

hundreds of

> dollars.

> He did not call a lot of relatives, the Vets Adm, I did, he went to


> funeral home and has spent over ten grand on a funeral, his father

would not

> want that, full military honors and such.

> Well my ex was very cruel to me, however, I will go to the wake and

I spent

> 97.00 on a magnificent flower arrangement for his Dad, my minister


> to me and I saw the light then, I was not going to go at first. The

kids are

> the main reason I shall go. And Fred and I were married 53 years

before he

> went out and started a love affair, that has gone nowhere. Fred

was 83 when

> he died.


> Rick is devastated and cries that he had to watch his father slowly

die, I

> told him to get over that ,everyone has to do something in their

life that

> they will hate to do and there is no free ride unfortunately, we

found that

> out when we were younger, sometimes we had to walk a long mile!

> I told him that his father had an easy death with blood loss,

luckily the

> cancer did not get him, he sees that now.

> Rick is in the first stage of grief and will go through several


> numbness, disbelief, anger and so on until acceptance comes in. I

did when

> my first born died from injuries in Vietnam and still cry when I

hear Taps.



> I know I do not get along with his side of the family, but must

bear up and

> I will.

> Anne

> .

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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 1/25/2004 10:08:22 AM Pacific Standard Time,

CanDakota1@... writes:

> Currently 139 pounds.

> from size 32/3X down to size 7 junior/small.


> Oh my goodness, girl, you have done so well (we have another tiny person,

> here)! Congratulations, Anne! Hugs and blessings, Ann

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> > Oh my goodness, girl, you have done so well (we have another

tiny person,

> > here)! Congratulations, Anne! Hugs and blessings, Ann

Yeah, Anne is doing much better than I am. She is tiny and dating a

young babe! No angst, that I can detect, unlike me! However, I am

on a path to enlightenment so I am no longer in angst, just so you

all know. I realize you all care about me.


the feeling is mutual

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  • 6 months later...

got through fine, the storm hit aroudn11pm, she said the tree came down but no damage, thje fence was almost blown into the house, but missed!

Afilled the bath tub with water for washing etc and made a large jug of iced tea!, the electric is off but she had a lot of extra ice she made and had put it into the freezer! That girl is very self sufficient!

Ah so rain due tonight, buts what new that news is not, we have had so much rain in August, where is summer? Feels like fall, even the furnace has come on, its set to 70f!


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Hi Anne,

I'm glad that is fine :o) Being self sufficient is Much needed now adays!

Yes, our furnace has kicked in twice now... We have gotten down into the 40's at night here... My brother in upper Michigan has had freeze warnings up already, he said that this is even too early for them!!!

We haven't had rain in a while here... We had Lots of rain in June and then it has been by passing us sinse... We could use some now :o)

((( Caring Hugs )))


got through fine, the storm hit aroudn11pm, she said the tree came down but no damage, thje fence was almost blown into the house, but missed!

Afilled the bath tub with water for washing etc and made a large jug of iced tea!, the electric is off but she had a lot of extra ice she made and had put it into the freezer! That girl is very self sufficient!

Ah so rain due tonight, buts what new that news is not, we have had so much rain in August, where is summer? Feels like fall, even the furnace has come on, its set to 70f!


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Hardly enough to dampen the soil though, here a week or so back we got so much that the lawn was like a wet sponge and the stream overflowed ts bank when at this time of year it generally is only 3-4 " deep! Since then only rain mostly, maybe a couple of sunny days.

A friend tells me that in Southern England that they have severe flooding, so this weather is all over. In Peru it is cold rainy and windy and the seas very rough


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It has been a strange strange summer... Have ya heard any predictions for this winter yet??? The old man that use to Listen to the corn grow, could predict right on the nose exactly what kind of winter we would always have, but he is gone now and his talking and listening to nature has gone with him... Should have listened better to the ole folks when they would tell us how to do things...



Hardly enough to dampen the soil though, here a week or so back we got so much that the lawn was like a wet sponge and the stream overflowed ts bank when at this time of year it generally is only 3-4 " deep! Since then only rain mostly, maybe a couple of sunny days.

A friend tells me that in Southern England that they have severe flooding, so this weather is all over. In Peru it is cold rainy and windy and the seas very rough


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