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Re: Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Crohn's Disease and microbes new information!!!!

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I have heard that C-section births are thought to eliminate the good bacteria

source but I have also read that taking antibotics can destroy one's bacteria.

So I would have to wonder if bacteria are killed with antibotics. Not only are

they over prescribed but they also are in foods through feeding of them to

animals and in our water and soil. Although I don't have crohn's, I did

struggle with IBS after my surgery which I had to take oral antibotics for and

was also administered IV antibotics during surgery. So a normal birth may not

be the total answer as far as having healthy gut bacteria. How do you think

antibotics fit into this problem?


I was just listening to the Bell on the March 6 show with Dr.

Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield was just talking about a study of how our health

is dependent on microbes, the microbes can produce brain chemicals, we are 9

parts microbes and 1 part human...

There were animal studies on acetaminaphen and it was determined if they would

live or die based on their gut bacteria...

The microbes in our bodies determine our health. If you are not familiar with

the Law of the Terrain, read Antione Bayshon (sp?) and Claude Bernard. (I've

known about this for a while...that it's not the germ that's the problem, it's

the terrain.)

The microbes determine our health from day 1 in that our gut bacteria comes

from our mother...****The way you were born is a major part of your

health...Vaginal births give us microbes we need but C-Sections do not!

Here is the really facinating part...

The way you were born determines your gut flora and health and your long-term

RISK OF CROHN'S DISEASE!!! This gives us a new outlook on our health.

Wow!!! I haven't listened to the whole show yet, so I don't know what other

amazing things

Ok, now, all you who have Crohn's Disease..How were you born?


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Here is how I view pharmacutical antibiotics from my research. I will say first

that I have been on antibiotics a million times as I was in the military and

they are given out like candy...oh, you have a cold...antibiotics...you have

digestive upset...antibiotics...you have acne...antibiotics for a year.

For crying out loud, what are these doctors doing to us? They just jump to

conclusions and prescribe antibiotics without any proof that there is a BAD

bacteria involved in our health condition. They do not take the time to do a

culture to see if it's bacterial or viral before prescibing antibiotics. The

doctors are the cause of the bacterial resistent microbes.

Here are the definitions...

Anti = Against

Biotic = Life

Antibiotic = Anti-Life = death of good and bad bacteria

Pro = For

Biotic = Life

Probiotic = Pro Life = This is how God designed it...use nature to heal your

body, work with nature, not against

Oh, before I forget, MRSA is killed by Manuka Honey, non-irradiated cinnamon and

virgin coconut oil...all are NATURAL antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal.

Natural supplements work with nature, not against like big pharma.


Re: Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Crohn's Disease and microbes

new information!!!!

I have heard that C-section births are thought to eliminate the good

bacteria source but I have also read that taking antibotics can destroy one's

bacteria. So I would have to wonder if bacteria are killed with antibotics.

Not only are they over prescribed but they also are in foods through feeding of

them to animals and in our water and soil. Although I don't have crohn's, I did

struggle with IBS after my surgery which I had to take oral antibotics for and

was also administered IV antibotics during surgery. So a normal birth may not

be the total answer as far as having healthy gut bacteria. How do you think

antibotics fit into this problem?


I was just listening to the Bell on the March 6 show with Dr.

Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield was just talking about a study of how our health

is dependent on microbes, the microbes can produce brain chemicals, we are 9

parts microbes and 1 part human...

There were animal studies on acetaminaphen and it was determined if they would

live or die based on their gut bacteria...

The microbes in our bodies determine our health. If you are not familiar with

the Law of the Terrain, read Antione Bayshon (sp?) and Claude Bernard. (I've

known about this for a while...that it's not the germ that's the problem, it's

the terrain.)

The microbes determine our health from day 1 in that our gut bacteria comes from

our mother...****The way you were born is a major part of your health...Vaginal

births give us microbes we need but C-Sections do not!

Here is the really facinating part...

The way you were born determines your gut flora and health and your long-term

RISK OF CROHN'S DISEASE!!! This gives us a new outlook on our health.

Wow!!! I haven't listened to the whole show yet, so I don't know what other

amazing things

Ok, now, all you who have Crohn's Disease..How were you born?


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thanks, al.

this was very helpful.

can you remember where you read the bit

about cesarean & loss of good bacteria?

and what the reasoning was? thanks.

i wonder if it might also not be related

to breastfeeding and mothers who have

c-sections might not breastfeed and get

the essential colostrum. and since

'scientists' express concern about

'bacteria' in colostrum, i wonder if

that means our 'healthy' bacteria,

such as in yogurt and kefir - if that is

where the baby gets its first dose of

good bacteria. ? i liked this article...




I have heard that C-section births are thought to eliminate the good bacteria

source but I have also read that taking antibotics can destroy one's bacteria.

So I would have to wonder if bacteria are killed with antibotics. Not only are

they over prescribed but they also are in foods through feeding of them to

animals and in our water and soil. Although I don't have crohn's, I did struggle

with IBS after my surgery which I had to take oral antibotics for and was also

administered IV antibotics during surgery. So a normal birth may not be the

total answer as far as having healthy gut bacteria. How do you think antibotics

fit into this problem?


I was just listening to the Bell on the March 6 show with Dr.

Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield was just talking about a study of how our health

is dependent on microbes, the microbes can produce brain chemicals, we are 9

parts microbes and 1 part human...

There were animal studies on acetaminaphen and it was determined if they would

live or die based on their gut bacteria...

The microbes in our bodies determine our health. If you are not familiar with

the Law of the Terrain, read Antione Bayshon (sp?) and Claude Bernard. (I've

known about this for a while...that it's not the germ that's the problem, it's

the terrain.)

The microbes determine our health from day 1 in that our gut bacteria comes from

our mother...****The way you were born is a major part of your health...Vaginal

births give us microbes we need but C-Sections do not!

Here is the really facinating part...

The way you were born determines your gut flora and health and your long-term

RISK OF CROHN'S DISEASE!!! This gives us a new outlook on our health.

Wow!!! I haven't listened to the whole show yet, so I don't know what other

amazing things

Ok, now, all you who have Crohn's Disease..How were you born?


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Hi ,

I heard it on the Bell show on March 6 with Dr Wakefield

during hour one. It wasn't about the loss of gut flora from a C-Section, it was

about not ever getting them when they were born via C-Section. Apparently, the

baby acquires them vis their mouth and nose as they travel down the birth canal.

So, I would figure this is probably why they give the Hepatitis -B vaccine right

after birth to prevent any of the flora from taking hold. This is in my opinion

a deliberate attempt to start the child on a road to dis-ease and they know it


Dr. Wakefield did not say the study he was referring to about the birthing, but

I'm sure you may be able to ask him thru Facebook or twitter if you ask him what

his reference is.

I agree with you that mothers who have C-Sections may not breast feed...they

were probably scared out of doing it for fear they may hurt the baby from her

surgery. I do not know why. My child was vaginal and was scared out of being

breast fed because the doctors claimed he might be PKU and it would brain damage

him...that is what we were told. Then the retest took 3 months to get the

result and by that time, its hard to restart the breast feeding up. He had

Congenital heart disease and was a very sickly child. He was on antibiotics all

the time for colds and ear infections and all the vaccines...so they destroyed

his gut flora from day one, when he needed it more than most people because of

his compromised immune system.

It was really funny you posted that link because I actually got my first order

of colostrum today from www.immunetree.comThey have a memorandum from a lab that

tested the thousands of colostrum from all over the world and they were the only

colostrum that was proven to be true colostrum, all others are just transitional

milk. I've spoken with Dr. Kleinsmith personally and am extremely impressed

with his product. I did start taking it today at 1 tsp twice today but will

drop down to 1/4 Tsp as I will likely experience a major herxeimer response if I


I think it is all related with preventing the baby from getting the flora and

then destroying any that might have gotten in there with the drugs.



Re: Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Crohn's Disease and microbes

new information!!!!

thanks, al.

this was very helpful.

can you remember where you read the bit

about cesarean & loss of good bacteria?

and what the reasoning was? thanks.

i wonder if it might also not be related

to breastfeeding and mothers who have

c-sections might not breastfeed and get

the essential colostrum. and since

'scientists' express concern about

'bacteria' in colostrum, i wonder if

that means our 'healthy' bacteria,

such as in yogurt and kefir - if that is

where the baby gets its first dose of

good bacteria. ? i liked this article...




I have heard that C-section births are thought to eliminate the good bacteria

source but I have also read that taking antibotics can destroy one's bacteria.

So I would have to wonder if bacteria are killed with antibotics. Not only are

they over prescribed but they also are in foods through feeding of them to

animals and in our water and soil. Although I don't have crohn's, I did struggle

with IBS after my surgery which I had to take oral antibotics for and was also

administered IV antibotics during surgery. So a normal birth may not be the

total answer as far as having healthy gut bacteria. How do you think antibotics

fit into this problem?


I was just listening to the Bell on the March 6 show with Dr.

Wakefield. Dr. Wakefield was just talking about a study of how our health

is dependent on microbes, the microbes can produce brain chemicals, we are 9

parts microbes and 1 part human...

There were animal studies on acetaminaphen and it was determined if they would

live or die based on their gut bacteria...

The microbes in our bodies determine our health. If you are not familiar with

the Law of the Terrain, read Antione Bayshon (sp?) and Claude Bernard. (I've

known about this for a while...that it's not the germ that's the problem, it's

the terrain.)

The microbes determine our health from day 1 in that our gut bacteria comes from

our mother...****The way you were born is a major part of your health...Vaginal

births give us microbes we need but C-Sections do not!

Here is the really facinating part...

The way you were born determines your gut flora and health and your long-term

RISK OF CROHN'S DISEASE!!! This gives us a new outlook on our health.

Wow!!! I haven't listened to the whole show yet, so I don't know what other

amazing things

Ok, now, all you who have Crohn's Disease..How were you born?


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I was born vaginally, as was my brother.

My issues with my gut and IBS stem from being ill as a child, and being put on

anti-biotics for EVERYTHING until they figured out I had allergies, and even

then, I was usually on an anti-biotice ever 4 to 6 months for something....

I'm 47 now. I fell in 2002; and broke my left leg..and amputated my left foot

from my leg whane I fell. It was a life changing, freak accident; the dr's

called it 'catastrophic'; I was rished to the hospital, and I was put back

together...literally; I am a walking miracle...the orthopedist STILL tells my

story to people who are trying to work themselves into a bad spot about having a

broken leg or foot; He'll say " You think this is bad? Let me tell you about

another paitient of mine.... " ...

I was walking 6 months after the accident...my left leg is shorter than my right

one by about 1/4 to 2/3 of an inch ( the heel slopes UP towards the calf of my

leg) but I *DO* have both feets..and I walk with a cane, but I *AM* walking..*S*

While I was in the hospital and a nursing care facility afterwards, I was on

massive massive doses of antibiotics because it was a large open wound and they

didn't weant infection setting in; that totally screwed with my gut....I was in

really bbaadd shape GI-wise for quite awhile; that is what really triggered the

Fibro ( which I now realize I had for YEARS but had never been diagnosed) and

the IBS...it took me about 6 months after I was up and walking to make the

connection between the IBS/Fibro really coming into my life and the

anti-biotics...and I started doing the research needed and the life changes

needed to improve my quality of life.

I've finally gotten tot he poihnt of knowing what I need, and waht foods to not

eat and which ones to, which supplements help, which ones won't...

I have always loved cheeses and yogurt; and have been eating cheese for all of

my life so far, added in yogurt on a regular basis; tried Activia, but I can't

handle the artificial colors or sweetner in it, so I had to go back to plain

yogurt when I could find it...and try finding yogurt that is NOT Low-fat on


I can't tell people how much I MISSED having yogurt that was thick (like Greek

yogurt is) made from raw, whole goats milk...and were we lived at the time, In

MO, well, the goat producers have been trying for over 20 years to get goats

milk mainstreamed into the dairy market, and the Ag dept there is still

stonewalling htem, so finding goats milk from a reputable person who actually

handled the milk correctly was a crap shoot, and I REALLY did not want to put my

poor GI tract through any more distress than it was already going through by

dealing with poorly handled milk.

Finding out about the kefir excited me...and now, knowing that I am making and

drinking a product that has so many more benefical strains of bacteria than even

my beloved yogurt, that is just a bonus, in my opinion.

Nw, I know that kefir is not a 'cure all'; however, I CAN tell others that it

has improved my GI tract and my stomach issues, and for me, thats a big issue.

I am not one of those who will tell someone to 'ignore' certain aspects of their

life they have to know about for thier own good health; most of us on this list

are not physicians or osteopaths, so its not within our realm of knowledge to

tell someone to count or discount something that they know they must keep track


In fact, when I talk about what I am doing with other people, and they are

interested in trying something I have done, I tell them to start out slow and in

small amounts...because ANYTHING we put into our bodies affects each of us

differently, and food IS medicine, no matter how you look at it.

Last night, I had a case of the hiccups..and when I get the hiccups, I SHAKE the

entire chair/couch/bed...my mom used to think I was faking it until she

witnessed me just SUDDENLY have a hiccup fit one time and I was not stressed out

in any way.....I had not really seriously drank my kefir yesterday morning...I

had drank regualr milk and then had a little kefir after breakfast...I thought "

Oh, I have gas " ..and tried drinking a soda to help myself burp; the hiccups went

away for a little while...but came bgack, harder than before...so I went and got

out my kefir and downed half a quart around noon...and that took care of the

hiccups...and that told me I had an acid/alkaline imbalance going on...and that

I had better stick with my kefir from now on at least twice a day..*S*

This is just my 2 cents worth...and I know its long...now, I have to get ready

for a dr's app't -- Kim in TX

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I have heard of it,m and have actually drank goats colostrum when we had extra;

however, it was rare to have extra. If a doe had more colosru thatn her kid(s)

needed, she was milked and the colostrum was frozen against any future need we

would have of a doe not having enough colostrum for her kid(s); it was worth

more than gold to us for the health of the next generation of kids.

It was also never more than perhaps a cup's worth of colostrum at a birthing, so

it was never 'wasted' on being consumed by us humans.

I have been on colloidal silver before, and I really need to do another therapy

session this year with it; however, I will NOT do Aloe; I've had friends who

tried it and they didn't have the deeper GI issues I HAVE had in the past....and

they had issues with the protocol, and since I myself am on a protocol that I

tolerate well, I see no reason to change it at this time. *S*

I'm happy with the way things are now. my gut is happy, my tummy is

happy...mentally, I'm happy...as long as the balance stays that wya, then I'd

say things are going VERY good! *S*

I hope the new protocol you are trying out helps you in the ways you hope it

will...Myself, I am not trying to stop the aging process, I am just trying to

better my quality of life, and that says it all for me...I'm the one who is

gonna slide in at the end of my life, yelling WOOHOO, what a ride!-- Kim


> Hi Kim,


> Have you ever used colostrum? Have you ever heard of the silver/aloe

protocol? I'm currently on the silver/aloe protocol to rebuild my epithelial

lining of my intestines as they were harmed by all the vaccines,

drugs/antibiotics and nutritionally deficient foods the army could throw at me.

I have been on it for 9 weeks now and have improvement in my digestion.

> I read several years about colostrum and the great job it does on repairing

the damage to the digestive tract and kicking the healing into high gear. I

finally found a source of quality colostrum that has certification that it is

the only colostrum on the market that meets the true colostrum criteria. All

the others are just transitional milk.

> I just received my first order and am looking forward to kicking my healing

and detoxing i to high gear. The company has testimonials on it where a man

with serious intestinal issues had a 3% chance of living. He decided to try

colostrum and a tually had to sneak it into the hospital. He was actually able

to reverse his colostomy afterwards. That is amazing as I have never heard of

that being reversed.

> There are probiotics and prebiotics and pretty much is a replacement immune


> Al


> Re: Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Crohn's Disease and

microbes new information!!!!































> I was born vaginally, as was my brother.




> My issues with my gut and IBS stem from being ill as a child, and being put on

anti-biotics for EVERYTHING until they figured out I had allergies, and even

then, I was usually on an anti-biotice ever 4 to 6 months for something....




> I'm 47 now. I fell in 2002; and broke my left leg..and amputated my left foot

from my leg whane I fell. It was a life changing, freak accident; the dr's

called it 'catastrophic'; I was rished to the hospital, and I was put back

together...literally; I am a walking miracle...the orthopedist STILL tells my

story to people who are trying to work themselves into a bad spot about having a

broken leg or foot; He'll say " You think this is bad? Let me tell you about

another paitient of mine.... " ...




> I was walking 6 months after the accident...my left leg is shorter than my

right one by about 1/4 to 2/3 of an inch ( the heel slopes UP towards the calf

of my leg) but I *DO* have both feets..and I walk with a cane, but I *AM*





> While I was in the hospital and a nursing care facility afterwards, I was on

massive massive doses of antibiotics because it was a large open wound and they

didn't weant infection setting in; that totally screwed with my gut....I was in

really bbaadd shape GI-wise for quite awhile; that is what really triggered the

Fibro ( which I now realize I had for YEARS but had never been diagnosed) and

the IBS...it took me about 6 months after I was up and walking to make the

connection between the IBS/Fibro really coming into my life and the

anti-biotics...and I started doing the research needed and the life changes

needed to improve my quality of life.




> I've finally gotten tot he poihnt of knowing what I need, and waht foods to

not eat and which ones to, which supplements help, which ones won't...




> I have always loved cheeses and yogurt; and have been eating cheese for all of

my life so far, added in yogurt on a regular basis; tried Activia, but I can't

handle the artificial colors or sweetner in it, so I had to go back to plain

yogurt when I could find it...and try finding yogurt that is NOT Low-fat on





> I can't tell people how much I MISSED having yogurt that was thick (like Greek

yogurt is) made from raw, whole goats milk...and were we lived at the time, In

MO, well, the goat producers have been trying for over 20 years to get goats

milk mainstreamed into the dairy market, and the Ag dept there is still

stonewalling htem, so finding goats milk from a reputable person who actually

handled the milk correctly was a crap shoot, and I REALLY did not want to put my

poor GI tract through any more distress than it was already going through by

dealing with poorly handled milk.




> Finding out about the kefir excited me...and now, knowing that I am making and

drinking a product that has so many more benefical strains of bacteria than even

my beloved yogurt, that is just a bonus, in my opinion.




> Nw, I know that kefir is not a 'cure all'; however, I CAN tell others that it

has improved my GI tract and my stomach issues, and for me, thats a big issue.

I am not one of those who will tell someone to 'ignore' certain aspects of their

life they have to know about for thier own good health; most of us on this list

are not physicians or osteopaths, so its not within our realm of knowledge to

tell someone to count or discount something that they know they must keep track





> In fact, when I talk about what I am doing with other people, and they are

interested in trying something I have done, I tell them to start out slow and in

small amounts...because ANYTHING we put into our bodies affects each of us

differently, and food IS medicine, no matter how you look at it.




> Last night, I had a case of the hiccups..and when I get the hiccups, I SHAKE

the entire chair/couch/bed...my mom used to think I was faking it until she

witnessed me just SUDDENLY have a hiccup fit one time and I was not stressed out

in any way.....I had not really seriously drank my kefir yesterday morning...I

had drank regualr milk and then had a little kefir after breakfast...I thought "

Oh, I have gas " ..and tried drinking a soda to help myself burp; the hiccups went

away for a little while...but came bgack, harder than before...so I went and got

out my kefir and downed half a quart around noon...and that took care of the

hiccups...and that told me I had an acid/alkaline imbalance going on...and that

I had better stick with my kefir from now on at least twice a day..*S*




> This is just my 2 cents worth...and I know its long...now, I have to get ready

for a dr's app't -- Kim in TX


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Al,

I was wondering if you were still drinking your kefir while you were on the

silver/aloe protocol and if so did you drink it at a certain time. Thanks



> Hi Kim,


> Have you ever used colostrum? Have you ever heard of the silver/aloe

protocol? I'm currently on the silver/aloe protocol to rebuild my epithelial

lining of my intestines as they were harmed by all the vaccines,

drugs/antibiotics and nutritionally deficient foods the army could throw at me.

I have been on it for 9 weeks now and have improvement in my digestion.


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Thanks Al, I think I am going to give this a go.I have a machine(silver puppy)

that makes really good colloidal silver.Haven't used it in quite some time.Did

you feel worse when you stopped taking the silver/aloe even though you bumped up

your kefir? Thanks for the info



> >


> > Hi Kim,


> >


> > Have you ever used colostrum? Have you ever heard of the silver/aloe

protocol? I'm currently on the silver/aloe protocol to rebuild my epithelial

lining of my intestines as they were harmed by all the vaccines,

drugs/antibiotics and nutritionally deficient foods the army could throw at me.

I have been on it for 9 weeks now and have improvement in my digestion.




> >


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Many here suggest that kefir may help people with Crohn's disease (and other

inflammatory bowl syndromes). To understand its effect we need to better

understand the basis for Crohn's Disease .

The gut hosts trillions of bacteria which cause no reaction. These so called

commensal bacteria are harmless, and play an vital role in food digestion,

production of micronutrients, and maintenance of a healthy immune system. In

fact it is estimated that the number of bacteria in the human gut is 10 TIMES

higher than actual human cells, thus, making us more bacteria than human!

So what goes wrong in Crohn's disease?

The truth is that no one really knows, but some clues do exist. For example, an

acute injury to the gut lining can cause a sever form of inflammation in animal

models of the disease. It is believed that a breaking of the gut lining leads to

a rapid invasion of these otherwise harmless bacteria, which lead to an immune

activation. Normally, these bacteria are sequestered outside our body (in our

gut), but once they invade our body the immune system reacts (as it should!). In

most people these acute injuries are resolved quickly, but in some individuals

chronic activation may occur. This leads to chronic inflammation and autoimmune

attack on the gut leading to Crohn's disease.

So how may kefir help? Good question.

If bacteria are the source of the disease, introducing new bacteria may be the

answer. By consuming kefir, we can change the gut flora (or bacterial

composition) in the gut. New evidence suggest that the beneficial effects of

kefir are even more profound that initially thought. In a recent report an

Argentinian group demonstrated that yogurt (kefir) can induce immune tolerance

and resolve gut inflammation in mice. Immune tolerance is a process of immune

" reeducation " , whereby " bad " immune cells learn to live again with our body.

This tolerance can potentially resolve gut inflammation altogether, but it

requires perseverance and time.

I hope this is not too lengthily, but I thought that sharing this info may

explain some of the discussion in this wonderful thread.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

All the best!



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Many here suggest that kefir may help people with Crohn's disease (and other

inflammatory bowl syndromes). To understand its effect we need to better

understand the basis for Crohn's Disease .

The gut hosts trillions of bacteria which cause no reaction. These so called

commensal bacteria are harmless, and play an vital role in food digestion,

production of micronutrients, and maintenance of a healthy immune system. In

fact it is estimated that the number of bacteria in the human gut is 10 TIMES

higher than actual human cells, thus, making us more bacteria than human!

So what goes wrong in Crohn's disease?

The truth is that no one really knows, but some clues do exist. For example, an

acute injury to the gut lining can cause a sever form of inflammation in animal

models of the disease. It is believed that a breaking of the gut lining leads to

a rapid invasion of these otherwise harmless bacteria, which lead to an immune

activation. Normally, these bacteria are sequestered outside our body (in our

gut), but once they invade our body the immune system reacts (as it should!). In

most people these acute injuries are resolved quickly, but in some individuals

chronic activation may occur. This leads to chronic inflammation and autoimmune

attack on the gut leading to Crohn's disease.

So how may kefir help? Good question.

If bacteria are the source of the disease, introducing new bacteria may be the

answer. By consuming kefir, we can change the gut flora (or bacterial

composition) in the gut. New evidence suggest that the beneficial effects of

kefir are even more profound that initially thought. In a recent report an

Argentinian group demonstrated that yogurt (kefir) can induce immune tolerance

and resolve gut inflammation in mice. Immune tolerance is a process of immune

" reeducation " , whereby " bad " immune cells learn to live again with our body.

This tolerance can potentially resolve gut inflammation altogether, but it

requires perseverance and time.

I hope this is not too lengthily, but I thought that sharing this info may

explain some of the discussion in this wonderful thread.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated!

All the best!



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Hi Al,

Thank you for the positive feedback! I am glad to hear that you found it useful.

Green tea is by far one of the most researched plant derived cure. There are

more 4,500 scientific publication with the key word " Green Tea " in them.

Therefore, I am not surprised to hear that your in law is finding it beneficial.

All the best!

Carol at eakirav.tripod.com


> Great post Carol,


> Another thing to consider that can reduce inflammation all over the body,

especially the gut (my mother-in-law has Crohns and she swears by it) is Organic

White Tea. I get it at the local food coop in the 100 tea bag box. She swears

that she feels so much better and she does not drink any kefir...I'm working on

that though.


> Al



> Re: Wow, Wow, Wow!!! Crohn's Disease and

microbes new information!!!!

































> Many here suggest that kefir may help people with Crohn's disease (and other

inflammatory bowl syndromes). To understand its effect we need to better

understand the basis for Crohn's Disease .




> The gut hosts trillions of bacteria which cause no reaction. These so called

commensal bacteria are harmless, and play an vital role in food digestion,

production of micronutrients, and maintenance of a healthy immune system. In

fact it is estimated that the number of bacteria in the human gut is 10 TIMES

higher than actual human cells, thus, making us more bacteria than human!




> So what goes wrong in Crohn's disease?


> The truth is that no one really knows, but some clues do exist. For example,

an acute injury to the gut lining can cause a sever form of inflammation in

animal models of the disease. It is believed that a breaking of the gut lining

leads to a rapid invasion of these otherwise harmless bacteria, which lead to an

immune activation. Normally, these bacteria are sequestered outside our body (in

our gut), but once they invade our body the immune system reacts (as it

should!). In most people these acute injuries are resolved quickly, but in some

individuals chronic activation may occur. This leads to chronic inflammation and

autoimmune attack on the gut leading to Crohn's disease.




> So how may kefir help? Good question.


> If bacteria are the source of the disease, introducing new bacteria may be the

answer. By consuming kefir, we can change the gut flora (or bacterial

composition) in the gut. New evidence suggest that the beneficial effects of

kefir are even more profound that initially thought. In a recent report an

Argentinian group demonstrated that yogurt (kefir) can induce immune tolerance

and resolve gut inflammation in mice. Immune tolerance is a process of immune

" reeducation " , whereby " bad " immune cells learn to live again with our body.

This tolerance can potentially resolve gut inflammation altogether, but it

requires perseverance and time.




> I hope this is not too lengthily, but I thought that sharing this info may

explain some of the discussion in this wonderful thread.




> Feedback would be greatly appreciated!




> All the best!




> Carol




> eakirav.tripod.com


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Guest guest

Hi All,

I'm not sure if you are aware that properly prepared grains can be consumed by

people with Celiac, IBS, Crohn's, etc. When people, not just people with these

digestive disorders, but everybody who consumes grains that were not properly

prepared can be harmed by the phytic acid that is in the grains, causing leaky

gut, digestive issues and aggrevate the more serious digestive issues. These

videos give very simple, very easy tips on how to properly prepare these grains

which actually releases the nutrients so the body can absorb them. Without

properly preparing them, you are not getting these nutrients.

Soaking rice, pancake batter, oatmeal, black and kidney beans


Sprouting flour part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18B7-xEUAJo & feature=fvwrel

Sprouting flour part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4r55NNqWYs & feature=relmfu


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