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I have a 21 mo old and have battled this also. There is a product on the

internet <A HREF= " www.fruit-eze.com " >www.fruit-eze.com</A> that consists of

prunes, dates and figs. I asked for a

sample and it worked well. Since then I have made my own with dates and figs.

It does not work as well but does the job. I boil with some water then puree

and refirg in glass jars. I put it in oatmeal or spread very thin on a piece of


Good luck

in FL

mom to Tyler 21 mo DS and Mike 6yr

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had some slight problems with constipation when he was little

but I have talked with parents whose kids had a terrible time. I remember one

telling of having to dig the hard poop out with their fingers. That's pretty

extreme. I always made sure R. had plenty of fruits and veggies and I think

that helped. I used a pediatric suppository now and then too. He outgrew the

problem as he got older so that's something to look forward to.


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Loree- I guess what Judi said the low muscle tone causes the constipation.

Our dr. kept telling us " use natural foods to solve the problem. " But

honestly, for Blake it wasn't working. They also said that because he was

still on the bottle when the problem started that lack of water probably

wasn't the issue for him. But that is something to think about if your

child gets constipation at an older age.


Re: Constipation

> I am interested in the answer to this also. Micah has been straining to


> and has very hard poops, sometimes there is streaks of blood. His


> keeps telling me it is because of low muscle tone and not actual

> constipation, so what's the answer guys?


> Loree




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We have been fortunate that none of our kids have had the constipation

problem. With 's celiac disorder, it is sometimes the opposite of

constipation. can go a long time without a BM and then have six or

seven but no real constipation. and Kristi never had much problem

with it either.

Dad to , Kristi, (all three Down syndrome) and (Cri du


Husband to C.

Re: Constipation

> had some slight problems with constipation when he was


> but I have talked with parents whose kids had a terrible time. I remember


> telling of having to dig the hard poop out with their fingers. That's


> extreme. I always made sure R. had plenty of fruits and veggies and I


> that helped. I used a pediatric suppository now and then too. He outgrew


> problem as he got older so that's something to look forward to.

> Jessie





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My opinion, it could very well be a mixture of both. If he's not getting enough

water or fluid in his daily diet, then that could be an attribute to the problem

as well.


Re: Constipation

I am interested in the answer to this also. Micah has been straining to go

and has very hard poops, sometimes there is streaks of blood. His


keeps telling me it is because of low muscle tone and not actual

constipation, so what's the answer guys?


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  • 1 month later...
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just to interject something here about constipation, my son's new

genenticist/pediatrician suggested probiotics. I used them yesterday and for

the first

time in a week, I didn't notice him gripping the edge of the table then

standing on his toes and right after dropping to his knees and twisting himself


way and that way only to give up and try again later.

In a message dated 7/14/03 7:16:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

autismzone@... writes:

> Rx Miralax for his constipation--which helped and we only needed it for

> a few weeks

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just to interject something here about constipation, my son's new

genenticist/pediatrician suggested probiotics. I used them yesterday and for

the first

time in a week, I didn't notice him gripping the edge of the table then

standing on his toes and right after dropping to his knees and twisting himself


way and that way only to give up and try again later.

In a message dated 7/14/03 7:16:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

autismzone@... writes:

> Rx Miralax for his constipation--which helped and we only needed it for

> a few weeks

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...


Hello - I agree with Nina in that likely moving to perhaps nervous system may affect a change. With #6 leading to tingling it may have revealed the nervous system imbalance underlying the constipation - I don't think give up on the #6 but perhaps come to it at a later date, or start at a lower dosage. What is her stress level at, sleep, mood etc? What was occuring prior to the onset of the constipation? #24 may be a good remedy to consider. I would also look at food sensititivities as likely contributing to the sluggishness. How is her thyroid? Quality of hair, body temp etc, perhaps there is an endocrine component - anyways lots to consider.

All the best!


I had been detoxing this patient all last summer with "cleanses" and colonics before I moved into the drainage protocols this winter. Her original complaint was migraines, which she no longer suffers from, however, now her cc is constipation.

I have her on a second course of 1, 20 and 243 which she feels really good on, but her bowel will not budge no matter what we do for her. This has been going on for quite some time, although she has been using psyllium and other products to keep herself regular. I was unaware that she was using bowel "stimulants" when she would become really bound.

What we are doing: she does COP's 5-6 days/week. Epsom salt baths 2x/week. She sits on the toilet every am for about 30 min in attempt to retrain her bowel. She eats no grains or packaged foods, and lots of veg's, drinks lots of water. I tried putting her on #6, instead of 1 and it made her arms, hands and fingers tingle and go numb so much so, that she could not sleep at night.

She is also on Gammadyn ZnCu and Gemmo Sequoia (am dose only).

Right now I have reintroduced a tablespoon of psyllium to her diet hs, with the hopes of weaning her off it gradually as some kind of motility would return. Now that is not even helping, and her BM usually consists of hard round balls, even with all the fiber she is getting in her diet. also HMF powder - 1/2 tsp 2x/day w/ meals.

As can be expected, she is distraught about the immotility of her bowel; this am it had been 5 days since her last movement, and she had just taken a dose of a "stimulant". How many days can a person stay "stuck" (#6) without a BM, and not take a stimulant, which of course is only regressive.

Suggestions? Thanks.


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  • 3 months later...
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I've come to the point that I use a suppository every morning. The only

problem is that the health aides are not supposed to give them. Either a family

member or a nurse can give it. It's unrealistic to have a nurse come to the


everyday. There have been aides that gave me suppositories even though it's

not permitted. I wish that rule would change. Think it ever will?

I did have a doctor suggest taking Metamucil every night, but that makes me

feel bloated! No real solution here.

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Lately, I have been having a terrible time with this, no matter how much

fiber I eat. (In fact, at times, I feel like the fiber makes it

worse.) I'm planning on making a doctor's appt. I'll let you know what

she prescribes and if it helps. I used to have the total opposite

problem. Sometimes I wonder if I have IBS. I might mention that to her.


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Getting a fiber supplement daily helps regulate things. There are fiber

pills, drinks, powders and cookies now.

A few ounces of prune juice a day keeps things flowing.

Licorice (black) is a natural laxative. Eat a few pieces of candy or drink

licorice tea.

A little Light Karo Syrup in water.

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Sierra has type 2 she is 3 yrs old, we tried using Marilax and it did not

really work for us, so I put her on Benefiber it cheep and it works, she has not

had a problem going all by herself since she started taking it! I do give her

a bit more than it says!

Hope this helps some! Shaylene

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I was told that suppositories are addicting, yes they do work the best and

fastest, but then there little body starts becomming dependent on them and you

don't want that either! Shaylene (mom) to Sierra Journey SMA 2

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I found out later in life you may pay up for not drinking much during the day

and holding all day. I used to get UTI alot. My bladder got used to that

point of holding and now I can't make myself go pee for nothing. I have to use

a foley cathater all the time to drain my bladder. I still get UTI often

regardless of how much I drink which comes from having a foley.

Constipation used to be my worst nightmare when I didn't drink fluids. Now I

go easier because I drink more and also I have a set time I sit on the potty

whether I go or not. It's called timed bowel program. I go on the pot at the

same time every other day. It may take awhile to get on a schedule but it's

worth it in the long run. Only problem I have with it is when I go into the

hospital and they either refuse to put me on at that time . Either I get the

answers we don't have enough people or oh the drs need to write the orders which

he has already done. I can not go lying down at all.

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Yes, I think if I could drink as much as I need to during the day, I'd

not have these problems. Unfortunately I cannot get to the bathroom

very often during the day. Ugh!


Those Two wrote:

> I think more water in our diets would help a lot but if you saw some

> recent

> posts, many of us limit of intake due to the practicality of using the

> restroom.

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  • 1 month later...
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Thank you for your $.02. This pt. has had a very traumatized

childhood: alcoholic father banished from family @ 6 yo. Only 2

kids out of 8 have same father. Mother had to have boyfriends

around all the time. She did not see her real father again until

her h.s. graduation, and had a hard time i.d.ing him as her real

father as there had been too many " dads " up to that point.

She had been emtionally and verbally abused by all these men; they

often gave the children the strap. She was never sexually abused.

She slept in the same bed with her sister until she was 10 years

old and they both wet the bed q night.

They changed schools often and had no sense of solidarity or

security. Her mother never came to her defense when she was being

abused. She hated her somewhat and is working on getting past that.

Pt. suffered alot of put-downs throughout childhood from mom.

She suffers from lack of self-confidence; feels she is hiding

behind a mask of who she really is and who she is in her life now.

Her chart notes (from 2000 forward - I did not see her until 2002

when I bought practice) are a running commentary of anxiety,

nightmares, migraines, hormone imbalance, fear, constip.

When I talked to her last, she was working on helping herself

relax and focusing on the BTG's and the other tx's you mentioned.

I appreciate your suggestions and am working hard to broaden my

understanding and familiarity with remedies. There's no end in

sight, but, at least and best I am in good company.

Thank you.


-- In , Drdwthom@a... wrote:

> Hi ,

> Since this is so longstanding, what was the initial etiology

of when the

> constipation began?

> She has had problems for many years with using anti-dep and


> meds for 20+ years.


> Do you think the hair loss is directly connected to the


> She is doing the right things - COP, sitting on toilet,

fiber, water

> etc. So this would suggest that she is not really having

peristaltic movements.

> The connection from gut to brain has been cut.

> You might consider " paralysis " remedies -perhaps alumina,

opium as an

> example.


> Also perhaps UNDA 8 33 41

> mag phos cell salts 2 bid in water


> Is she doing apple cider vinegar? or bitters? chewing 31

times with each

> bite?


> I assume all her labs showed nothing to remarkable so we

shouldn't have

> to worry in this area.

> pancreatic function?


> hydrotherapy - epson salt baths

> contrast hot/ cold to abd area in the

shower daily.


> She is definitely " blocked " , so you could consider giving her

her miasm

> remedy (1 dose in a 200C potency).


> My $.02 worth


> D Thom


> > hi everyone.  I have run this case by you before.

> >    Pt. originally came in for migraines.  Started 1 year ago

> > detoxing with medical foods, supplements, colonics, etc. 


> > got > however in a while C. got <.  (she was already C. before

> > starting cleanse).  I started her on drainage in Oct. 2003. 

> > Migraines got much better.  C. got much <.  Also I did not know


> > was using bowel stimulants @ q 5 days.  I have learned in the


> > seminars that the more toxic a pt, the more C. they may become. 


> > has a med hx of heavy usage of migraine drugs and anti-


> > spanning 20 years.  Additionally she uses HRT.  (I have asked

her to

> > quit HRT - unwilling at this time)

> >    Unda #'s month by month:

> >     Oct.      1, 6,  243    (just learning how to use Rx's)

> >     Dec       10  16   1000   pt. co incontinence & insomia

> >     Jan       1   20   243

> >     Feb       9   24   228    pt. still very stuck w C. and when


> > conferred with group, suggestion was made that i try


> > system, thus the 9  24  and  228.  Pt. complained insomnia worse


> > this set, thus I returned her to 1, 20  243.

> >     No migraines x 1 mo. 

> >     Apr     3  48   50    to break down some of the drugs in her

> > system.  reactions ie: bumps in back of throat, nasal drainage,

> > achey joints;

> >     All along this pt. has complained of hair loss  ALOT.  She is

> > obsessed with her hair loss and asked me if there was any


> > we could use to abate it.  thus in May I prescribed

> >     May     1   40   243   (40 is supposed to help hair loss) 


> > was not happy with the results after 2 weeks and stopped #40.  I

> > replaced it with 20.  I acknowledge that this patient was


> > dictating her own tx, and that has stopped.

> >    The patient is not willing to move through whatever it is she

> > needs to to relieve C. for her fear of more hair loss.

> >    This pt. has done EVERYTHING to abate the C.  She does castor


> > packs daily, sits on the toilet for 20 min q am to retrain her

> > bowel, water, fiber, etc.  Unfortunately she resorts to a bowel

> > stimulant q 5 days as she does not have bm's for 5 days, which I

> > warned her was setting a dangerous dysfxnal precedent for any


> > of normal bowel function.

> >    presently off all Undas; using lipotropic complex (2 caps BID


> > and nurturing C. on her own to avoid any further hair loss. 


> >

> > shelley C.

> >

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  • 3 months later...

Drinking more fluids….Make sure your

patient is drinking the recommended 48-64 oz of non-caffeinated beverages

before recommending fiber supplements. I’ve been told not to recommend

Metamucil and Fibercon to GB pt’s b/c they can cause a bowel obstruction

post-op. What happened to high fiber foods like fruit/veg/beans/whole grains?

The majority if the time pt’s are constipated

the first couple months secondary to poor fluid intake, low fiber intake, and

high use of protein supplements. Lastly,

make sure it is true constipation. Some patient are

use to having a BM qd and after surgery it is normal to have a BM every 2-3


Beth Whelan, MS,RD,LD

Outpatient Dietitian

Harbin Clinic

office: (706) 378-8163

fax: (706) 238-8037


What are you guys recommending for

constipation? MOM or Metamucil

Janelle Heusinger, RD.,LD.

Grinnell Regional

Medical Center



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Strathdee, RD,LD,LMHC

Genesis Medical Center

Davenport, IA

>>> jheusinger@... 10/8/2004 10:23:06 AM >>>

What are you guys recommending for constipation? MOM or Metamucil

Janelle Heusinger, RD.,LD.

Grinnell Regional Medical Center



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

it could be that you are not getting enough fibre or water (or

combo of both) in your diet. Are you supplementing with Udo's or other

oils (ie. flax)? Supplementing with oil could also help. Sometimes a

low fat diet will also slow things up.

Make sure you are getting enough fibre and that you are drinking tons

of water. Foods that are high in fibre include things like salad

greens, oats, bran cereals, grapes, brown rice, broccoli, celery etc.

etc You can also take a fibre supplement like prodiem, or metamucil

if you are having a difficult time getting it in your diet.


On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 19:26:10 -0000, <chevygirl57@...> wrote:



> I have been getting somewhat constipated lately. I am only having

> bowel movements every 3-4 days now and it really irriates my

> stomach. Right now I am a little crampy and have been since this

> morning. I can not even force myself to have a BM...


> Could this be from my protein consumption or the fact that I have

> cheese every day and cottage cheese? I have never had it this bad

> before.


> What could I do to releive this? I know laxatives could work, but

> won't those make the cramping worse? How long do they last?









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Well, something that always helps me to have better BM is fiber in my

foods. I've seen the best results with Puffins Cereal. They have 3

flavors that I know of - the peanutbutter puffins is like crack to

me... or at least they taste like Nutter Butter cookies with milk. :)

Leah S

On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 19:26:10 -0000, <chevygirl57@...> wrote:


> I have been getting somewhat constipated lately. I am only having

> bowel movements every 3-4 days now and it really irriates my

> stomach. Right now I am a little crampy and have been since this

> morning. I can not even force myself to have a BM...


> Could this be from my protein consumption or the fact that I have

> cheese every day and cottage cheese? I have never had it this bad

> before.


> What could I do to releive this? I know laxatives could work, but

> won't those make the cramping worse? How long do they last?

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, It probably is due the changes you've made in your diet. But

before trying laxatives, why not increase the fiber in your diet?

I'm sure you're already drinking plenty of water and getting plenty

of exercise since you're doing BFL, but getting enough fiber is not

always easy, even when we eat balanced meals. I know that BFL

recommends adding veggies to at least two meals a day, but to get

enough fiber, you really need more than that. Plus, to get the most

fiber out of the veggies, you should eat them raw. Even tho I don't

normally recommend iceburg lettuce since it has almost no nutitional

value, it's made up of nothing but water and fiber so I've seen it

help alot with constipation in the women I take care of. Try to get

at least 20 grams of fiber in your diet every day. Laxatives and

stool softeners should really be a last resort since they really can

backfire on you and make constipation worse once you stop taking

them. If you still can't get enough fiber even with adding more

veggies and whole grains, there are fiber tablets out there, just

make sure you get one with at least 2 grams of fiber per tablet.

Hope this helps! :) Marci


> I have been getting somewhat constipated lately. I am only having

> bowel movements every 3-4 days now and it really irriates my

> stomach. Right now I am a little crampy and have been since this

> morning. I can not even force myself to have a BM...


> Could this be from my protein consumption or the fact that I have

> cheese every day and cottage cheese? I have never had it this bad

> before.


> What could I do to releive this? I know laxatives could work, but

> won't those make the cramping worse? How long do they last?

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I just picked up some Metamucil at the grocery store last night. I

start taking it this morning.

> >

> >

> > I have been getting somewhat constipated lately. I am only


> > bowel movements every 3-4 days now and it really irriates my

> > stomach. Right now I am a little crampy and have been since this

> > morning. I can not even force myself to have a BM...

> >

> > Could this be from my protein consumption or the fact that I


> > cheese every day and cottage cheese? I have never had it this


> > before.

> >

> > What could I do to releive this? I know laxatives could work,


> > won't those make the cramping worse? How long do they last?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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