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Hi ....

You asked:

> I am just wondering what is the preferred way to respond to any questions

Actually, it's best to POST REPLY. That way... the person raising the

issue will get an emailed response.... which will go to every other subscriber

too. I personally would prefer that... because one thing I have learned

publishing the ZAPPER: Our problems, concerns, worries, and solutions are

fairly common among everyone with an ICD. You may think, " Oh, I'm alone with

this nagging issue. " The truth is... probably a large percentage of people

with arrhythmia related problems are dealing with the same thing! You are NOT

alone... rarely if ever.

That's why we generated this media channel. Use and share it.

Stay well...



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  • 1 year later...

" on, Lynnette " wrote:


> From: " on, Lynnette " <lmorrison@...>


> I see we have been moved, but I am getting multiple emails instead of a

> digest. Is that how it is going to come? One at a time............That part

> would not be good. What is needed to correct that situation?


> thanks in advance.

Go to

Somewhere there should be a dropdown menubox that says something about

mail delivery.

Select Digest and you are all set. You can change it anytime you want.

If you don't have access to the net let me know your subscribed email

addy and what you want done and I'll do it for you.


List Owner

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I've read that cypress, juniper and grapefruit were all good for swelling.

----- Original Message -----

> From: Diane McCullough <vbfsoap@...>


> A few months ago I banged my baby toe quite badly. The doctor said it's

> not broken but it continues to be swollen. It's hard to get a shoe on

> and it aches for no reason. I've tried epsom salts, etc. Does anyone

> know of an eo that might do the trick to get the swelling down?

> Regards,

> Diane McCullough


> --

> Virginia Belle Farm Soap Products

> http://www.vbfsoap.com



NetZero - Defenders of the Free World

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Does anyone know where i can get molds of strawberries, etc, I am going to

make gel candles and i needed molds of strawberries etc for regular wax, any


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  • 1 month later...

>At 04:28 PM 8/13/00 -0700, you wrote:

>>Hi. Deby here. Gotta a question. I've been looking on sites and have

>>found a vast difference in prices for eo's. Some sell for under 10

>>dollars for 2 oz. or more and they say they're pure, and others sell by

>>the ml and cost enough to choke a horse. Could someone please explain

>>why? And also, I've found recipes that call for cinnamon leaf oil and

>>cinnamon oil. I'm probably revealing my level of stupidity but what's

>>the difference? TIA




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  • 3 weeks later...

Aisha Elderwyn wrote:


received a message about my TMJ problem. <snip> I

got another message back after I had explained the above....<snip>

Sometimes I do need the things that "whomever" is suggesting..."

Dear Anne, I

have one request for you. The way you are writing this letter one is to

assume that the "whomever" that wrote to you is on this list.

If that is the case, then please

do not write about them on the list for it is not appropriate. If

you or anyone has a problem with something someone has said or done please

address your compaints to -owneregroups

and it will go to all the moderators. At

least someone took the time to try and offer assistance even if they may

not have understood your needs, and yes that is frustrating, but better

someone cares and offers then no one gives a damn. Aisha

your girl nextdoor pmsing grumpy moody bitch moderator.


I give up, I will stop writing... i can't do anything right in anyone's


I don't

believe that the person was from this group, as I sent that same message

to everyone that I had asked about my TMJ problems with my dentist.

I was just asking a question.

I am

just going to go away, I depend on all of you as my friends, and

the only thing I seem to be able to achieve lately is to tick everyone


I can't

take this anymore. I guess I am just stuck with having my dental

work done the way HE wants it, and having my TMJ flared up for over a year

again. I can't even open my mouth wide enough to eat baby food....

I do not want to do this whole deal again! But I have NO choice!!

Do it his way, or go to the OR & have all my teeth ripped out... that

is HIS way too!

I guess

I am just stupid like everyone assumes, because obviously I am not able

to make good decisions on my own I guess.... so everyone is right, and

I am just wrong!



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"I received a message about my TMJ problem. <snip> I got another message back after I had explained the above.... <snip> Sometimes I do need the things that "whomever" is suggesting..."

Dear Anne,

I have one request for you. The way you are writing this letter one is to assume that the "whomever" that wrote to you is on this list.

If that is the case, then please do not write about them on the list for it is not appropriate. If you or anyone has a problem with something someone has said or done please address your compaints to -owneregroups and it will go to all the moderators.

At least someone took the time to try and offer assistance even if they may not have understood your needs, and yes that is frustrating, but better someone cares and offers then no one gives a damn.

Aisha your girl nextdoor pmsing grumpy moody bitch moderator.

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Dear Anne,

You do not have to apologise or go or anything - I just need to know what goes on otherwise I dont know who is doing what to whom. It happens on lists as I am sure you know. Its my job to make sure everyone is ok - that includes you.

"I don't believe that the person was from this group, as I sent that same message to everyone that I had asked about my TMJ problems with my dentist. I was just asking a question. "

You are welcome to ask questions, and all I needed to know was that they were not on this list. That you and someone were not have an arguement that I could prevent.

"I can't take this anymore. I guess I am just stuck with having my dental work done the way HE wants it, and having my TMJ flared up for over a year again. I can't even open my mouth wide enough to eat baby food.... I do not want to do this whole deal again! But I have NO choice!! Do it his way, or go to the OR & have all my teeth ripped out... that is HIS way too!"

I am sorry you are in pain, and that it all sucks. Which it does. Dental shit sucks. Pain sucks. Not being able to eat sucks. There are times when life just plain sucks.

"I guess I am just stupid like everyone assumes, because obviously I am not able to make good decisions on my own I guess.... so everyone is right, and I am just wrong!"

You are certainly not stupid, you are well educated and are having a crap time. I have not seen anyone here assume you to be stupid. And I agree with you that only you know how you feel and you know what is best for you. That has always been my belief.

Dont give up just cause you're having a shit day. We all get them. Have a rest, listen to music you like, take some time to recharge. We all have our breaking points. Give in temporarily - but never give up.

Love Aisha the pmsing bitch moderator.

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  • 2 months later...


Yes both your first and last name shows up. To chane this follow these steps :

In outlook express, go to


then to


then click on the MAIL tab

then click on your name/account, then go to

PROPERTIES and change your name there

I hope this helps.



Hi everyone! I've been soooo busy and I just got a new computer so I'm trying to figure out how to work everything! I now have to use Outlook Express for my email (I had AOL before). Question: Is my first and last name coming up on anyone's email? I'm trying to eliminate this and can't seem to figure out how. Anybody with Outlook Express have any ideas? I hope everyone is feeling ok! Many hugs!!!!!!

^..^>:<**** @lisonThe Being Sick CommunityVisual problems with colors?Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. Members Lounge:-Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email, and a whole bunch of free things.http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet.chat.htmlSharing our resources:-Add a website URL you have found useful. Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator should you require assistance with anything technical or if you are upset by another. The email address for the moderators is <-owneregroups> Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Terri Kewl thing on the site!!! It wont mess up my email at all.

So what kind of categories are you thinking of? Like links to the members,

recipies, tips and trick, ect???


ok now that I've gone and gotten us a domain name I was thinking maybe our

egroups name should also match the domain name. I can change the name of our

egroups list without any hassel or so I'm told lol

Would this mess up anyones email programs? I know i'd have to change a

setting here for what mailbox I want the mail to go to, but thats easy to

do, but may confuse others. Changing the name would not change the Co-Ops

for this list. Everyone will still be welcome to run their Co-Ops or fast


Any thoughts? I was thinking of matching the domain name.



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So what kind of categories are you thinking of? Like links to the members,

> recipies, tips and trick, ect???

Well....all the above and more....spot lighting members...interviews with

members...writings by members

whats new...whats hot....whats fun! Not only this, but a cool .gif image we

can display on our own personal soaping pages... " Proud member of

" Semi impressive lol sort of like a guild or club, but with

public info. A group effort to educate the public about hand made soap

making too. Anything and everything soap and or toiletries.

Got any suggestions? everything is still open...want to be a writer? send it

to me...I'm open and as I said...this domian is OURS ....not mine....we all

have a say in it. What I have on the site now for colors is up in the air

too. I'll be making several backgrounds and page sets to choose from or if

anyone has any ideas or images post them to the files here in egroups and

we'll all decide. Cutsie....professional...country...contempary whatever the

look...it's up to everyone. If someone wants to take charge of a few things

thats ok with me...I decided to go with homestead, but if someone else has a

better idea let me know..I chose homestead cause I know it best for page

building is all. I know tripod and geocities too, but prefer homestead

because you can hide their banner. With this free domain we have the domain

providers banner showing and less is more in the case of the banners at this

point. lol

Terri...who is wondering how many baby boys born in the coming year will be

named " Chad " :)

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone else here had a CAT scan done of their

spine? They are doing one on the 2nd that is with and

without contrast which means with the die. My question

is: does the dye get injected directly into the spine

or just as an IV type thing? The reason I am asking is

I have had 5 spinal taps and after each have developed

problems. If the dye goes into the spine, I am going

to think twice about having this test done. Thanks


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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I have had a couple of mylograms (sp) about 10 years ago on my spine that is

when they remove spinal fluid and inject a dye. I did not have any problem

with the dye but did suffer from headaches after both of them...the first

one was the worst but then I hit my head on the van coming home from the

hospital which bruised my brain. The second time I had a slight headache

but lying around and not doing too much helped alot.

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Hello everyone,

First to Terri.........I've had 2 spinal taps. My cousin is a nurse and she

suggested that I lay flat on my back for 8-10 hours straight. This should keep

you from having headaches or soreness. With the first spinal tap, I was

diagnosed with viral meningitis, so I can't tell if I suffered from headaches

because of the meningitis or the spinal tap. With the second, my doctor felt I

would recover better if I knew that the meningitis was gone.

Terri, it's going to be fine. Be strong and I'll pray for you.

My name is Angel Crawford. I'm 31 years old. I work in sales and I live in

Memphis, Tennessee (home of Elvis).

I was checking out egroups and ran across this listserver. You guys are really

making me feel better. Now that I know I'm not alone.......I can go on.

My sickness hit me this summer, when I went to visit my boyfriend in Van Nuys

California. I was feeling fine and was so excited to see my boyfriend.

Then we went to Friday's. Normally, I don't drink, but I wanted a daiquiri. My

boyfriend mistakenly ordered one with alcohol in it (I wanted a virgin

daiquiri). So, in about one hour, my head felt like it was about to explode.

The room started to spin around and then nausea hit me.

My boyfriend said that the next day I didn't move. I slept a whole day away.

Then, my boyfriend helped me into the shower and then we went to a restaurant.

As we where leaving the restaurant, I fainted in the doorway.

At this point he drove me to the hospital. I couldn't talk for myself. It's

like I kept blacking out. That is the really scariest part of this whole thing

(not being able to remember). Then the doctor told me that I had migraines.

Four days later the headaches got more intense and they shot all over my head.

My boyfriend took me to the same emergency room and another doctor kept saying


Well, I finally got the chance to fly back to Memphis two days later. My Mother

picked me up from the airport and took me straight to my doctor. She wasn't in

b/c she was on vacation, so I had to see another doctor there.

I still couldn't talk for myself and the headaches were pounding so bad that the

blackouts came more. This quack told me once again migraines.

So, later on that night, my Mother said that I was just screaming, hollering,

and yelling while lying in bed. She quickly called 9-1-1. They took me to the

hospital and the doctor asked if he could take some fluid from my spine. I was

like whatever. He could have told me that he was going to cut off my toenails I

would have obliged.

I had to stay in the hospital for six days and the headaches and backaches

wouldn't go away. I was told I was suffering from viral meningitis. The doctor

couldn't tell me where I got it, what caused it, and why was my head still


About a week later, I went to see the doctor that I was assigned to. He still

couldn't answer my questions. I needed to know why I was always dizzy,

nauseated, and weak. I wanted to know why my head kept constantly hurting. Why

I couldn't remember things. Why couldn't I recall simple words and phases. Why

were my ears constantly ringing. Why was I crying all the time.

Well, about a month later, I found a doctor that could answer my questions.

Then I found out that I was depressed. So, I was prescribed Paxil to get myself

together. By the time I found Dr. Donlon, I couldn't sleep. I would go days

(3) without my eyes ever closing.

Then I returned to work and was checking out some emails received from egroups.

I decided to see if there was a group for those who have suffered from

meningitis. Well I've found so many others.

I hope that everyone gets better including myself! When you know that there is

someone else it makes you feel better. Just reading the first few emails from

the list makes me feel better.

We all will recover...............and became stronger.........and better.

Smooches, and keep in contact.


Terri <terribrew@...> on 12/28/2000 08:34:09 AM

Please respond to egroups

cc: (bcc: Angel Crawford)

Subject: Re: Question

Has anyone else here had a CAT scan done of their

spine? They are doing one on the 2nd that is with and

without contrast which means with the die. My question

is: does the dye get injected directly into the spine

or just as an IV type thing? The reason I am asking is

I have had 5 spinal taps and after each have developed

problems. If the dye goes into the spine, I am going

to think twice about having this test done. Thanks


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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"Has anyone else here had a CAT scan done of their spine? <snip> The reason I am asking is I have had 5 spinal taps and after each have developed problems. If the dye goes into the spine, I am going to think twice about having this test done. Thanks"

Dear Terri,

Before you think "I'm not having that done" there are a few things you can do that might help you...

1) You would (I assume?) have been given a referral slip to the radiologists you have to go to have the scan done? My advice is to phone them and ask exactly what requirements are for this test, what the test involves, how long it takes, and what known side effects (if any) there are from it. Talk to a radiologist about your concerns, tell them you are scared cause of the previous lumbar punctures, which are no fun I've had them too :-( and get them to answer all of your questions.

2) Why has your Dr asked for this test? Is having this test going to help you in the long run? You should know why you are having this test done. If it wasn't explained or you are not sure, then talk to your Dr or the radiologist (above) about why it is being done. I've been through hell and back with tests also and can relate to your fear, however sometimes the test is really important for them to determine what's going on and what is the best thing for you. So although its scary hon, and I really do relate to your fear, why is this test being done?

With that knowledge you can then make a more informed decision as to what the test is about and if you want it done or not.

3) If you decide you dont want the test, ask the radiologist if there is a different way they can test for the same thing. Often there is - so that is worth checking out.

Just some suggestions for you sweet one!


Love Aisha.

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*Believe that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.Believe that you may be that light for someone else.- Kobi Yamada*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Aisha ElderwynEmail: aisha@... ICQ: #55461955 MSN Instant Messenger: aisha_elderwyn@...AOL Instant Messenger: Angelicisha Instant Messenger: AngelicishaIRC: DALnet # angel`ishaWebsite: http://www.elderwyn.com/aisha

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Hi Terri,

I had a CT scan was done on the cervical spine [neck]. The dye was injected

through a vein in my hand.

What problems did you encounter after the spinal tap? Headaches? Giddiness?

I had one done before too. Spinal taps can cause a characteristic headache

that only gets better when the person lies flat. My headaches got worse

after the tap, and even after lying for 6 hours, I was still feeling very

giddy after the tap.

Hope that this helps! Email me if I can be of any help.Please keep us

informed, ok?


Re: Question

Has anyone else here had a CAT scan done of their

spine? They are doing one on the 2nd that is with and

without contrast which means with the die. My question

is: does the dye get injected directly into the spine

or just as an IV type thing? The reason I am asking is

I have had 5 spinal taps and after each have developed

problems. If the dye goes into the spine, I am going

to think twice about having this test done. Thanks


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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Aisha, I did what you said about calling the

radioligist. She explained that this test would not be

with any dye injected so I will go and have the test

done. It's being done because I was laid up,

literally, for almost two weeks with severe pain in my

back. I mean, I could not move! They at first thought

it could be kidney stones but ruled that out. Now he

is thinking something wrong with a disk. My family has

a strong tendancy towards severe arthritis so it needs

to be checked in to. I'm not near as afraid of the

test now and the radioligist did say that if at any

time I want to stop the test, they will stop. I will

make sure that I talk to them again before the test is

actually done.


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hello. Got a medical question. What is CMV in relation to AIDS."

CMV stands for Cyto Megalo Virus. Meaning Big Cell Virus. Its similar to glandular fever.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiencey Virus. Its of no relation to CMV at all.

Love ish

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:)Just seems that lately im hearing all these people with Aids having CMV also. They never say what the CMV is or if its contagious or what. Just wondering since i had never heard of it till like 2 days ago.

Thanks though to everybody who answered my question.


Re: Question

" Hello. Got a medical question. What is CMV in relation to AIDS. "

CMV stands for Cyto Megalo Virus. Meaning Big Cell Virus. Its similar to glandular fever.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiencey Virus. Its of no relation to CMV at all.

Love ish

The Being Sick CommunityVisual problems with colors?Click the link below and select the modify link to your right. Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving emails with colored or enlarged fonts. Members Lounge:-Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations, medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.http://www.elderwyn.com/members Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-messages/Chat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./chat.htmSharing our resources:-Add a website URL you have found useful. Personal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator either via email <-owneregroups> or visit:-/Moderators.htmSubscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit mygroupsTo subscribe or unsubscribesubscribe/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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CMV is not confined to people with HIV. Approximately

75 to 80 % of Americans are positive for cytomegalovirus, meaning that

at some point they have contracted this virus and now harbor it in the

body. However, it is usually not a dangerous virus, except to those with

compromised immune systems. My actually contracted CMV from a blood


Melinda Sprague wrote:


Just seems that lately im hearing all these people with

Aids having CMV also. They never say what the CMV is or if its contagious

or what. Just wondering since i had never heard of it till like 2 days

ago.Thanks though to everybody who answered my question.Melinda



From: Aisha Elderwyn <aisha@...>



Date: Monday, January 08, 2001

1:25 AM

Subject: Re: Question

"Hello. Got a medical question.

What is CMV in relation to AIDS." CMV stands for Cyto

Megalo Virus. Meaning Big Cell Virus. Its similar to glandular

fever. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiencey Virus. Its of no relation

to CMV at all. Love ish

The Being Sick Community

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Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving

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Add a website URL you have found useful.

Personal Complaints or problems:-

Please contact a moderator either via email <-owneregroups>

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1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you


2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for

you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.

3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your

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& ldquo;Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth.

Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself.

Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on

to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

The Being Sick Community

Visual problems with colors?

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Then select the **Send Plain Text Email** option. This will stop you receiving

emails with colored or enlarged fonts.

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Photo Album, memorial page, members profiles, birthdays, locations,

medical resources, counselling via email and a whole bunch of free things.


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Add a website URL you have found useful.

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“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold

on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold

on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your

life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Ok, got a guestion for you all that are familier with

medical stuff, more so then I am at least.

Hubby just had some blood work done and his

triglyceride level is very high, around 1000, normal

is less then 200. From what I have been able to find

so far, it can be caused by several factors. He had

hepatitis in Nov. and know that the tryglycerides are

broke down by liver. Also, when they took a test a

couple of weeks ago, they were concerned about

" borderline " diabetes, which is another thing

pretaining to triglycerides.

Any info would be helpful. Dr. called today and said

that there were a " number " of tests that they wanted

to set up but got the call after hours so don't know

what they are yet. Thanks.


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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Guest guest

Hi Terri,

When you know what the test names are I will be able to help you


From what I know, the liver breaks down cholestol and triglycerides

etc, so if its not working so well this wont happen as much.

Borderline diabetes?? Type 2? First thought is " Is he on any

medications from the Hepatitis that could be causing this? "

There are drugs to help reduce high tryglycerides and cholesteral

levels but i dont know much about them, Sorry hon.

How you feeling?

Love Aisha

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Guest guest

Aisha, no, he isn't on any type of medications for the

hepatitis. I talked to the drs. office today and they

are going to schedule some more tests. First they want

to do a CAT scan of the abdomen to see just what the

liver is up to as the levels for that are still high.

They also will be doing another test to see what kind

of hepatitis it is although there isn't much doubt in

my mind. The meds that they normally give for the high

triglycerides, he won't be able to take as they affect

the liver and he already has liver problems. They also

said his potasium level is low, so they are getting

him meds for that. She said that the high

triglycerides can be caused by several factors. 1)

Obesity..which in his case, not the cause. He's 6'1 "

and weighs about 160 pounds, very thin. 2)

Heradity..which could be possible but can't totally

confirm that. Rick is adopted and we have only had

contact with one side (maternal) of the family. Birth

dad refuses and denies. 3) Because my hubby does have

an alcohol problem and because of the hepatitis in

November, it could be caused by that. 4) Diet..but she

doesn't seem to think that is a factor as neither do

I. She said a lot of times it's because of eating a

lot of refined sugars and flours and such. He doesn't

eat any of that. Not a sweets eater and not a bread

and starch eater. We eat a lot of chicken and fish

which she says is good, no fried foods which we don't

eat anyway.

They will send him to a endrioligist (sp) and to a

G.I. doctor for evaluation. This is all being done

through the Veterans Hosp. I am really grateful for

this as we do not have health insurance and he is 100%

covered including meds through VA. He " lucked out " and

has a service connected disability. Just want them to

get to the bottom of this. Needless to say, he is

rethinking his drinking. I think it's finally hitting

him that he has to quit if he wants to live. As we

have a two year old and twin grandbabies on the way,

he's commented that he wants to be around for them.

Hope so cause he is the only one that can do anything

about the drinking. He isn't a heavy drinker but use

to be an everyday drinker and his body just won't

tolerate it. The one thing we did find out when we

found his birth family, is that there is a lot of

alcoholism in the family. His birth dad, 2 brothers

and one sister all have/had alcohol problems. No doubt

in my mind that alcoholism is genetic. My husband's

identical twin has been an alcoholic (now sober) since

he was 16 years old. Given that they have the exact

same genetic makeup...

I'm feeling " normal " which for me means just the

routine headaches and stuff. Still not sleeping well

but that I am getting use to. Just have some days I

don't feel like getting out of bed but when you have a

little one in the house, you don't have that option.

He can't understand that momma just doesn't feel like


Hugs to all. Terri


searching for Deborah

dob 1/14/57 in nna, Fl

Relinquished in Chicago, 1961

brother and 5 other siblings searching

Half-sib found 1-16-00!


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