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OFFTOPIC - cyanide and cancer

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hi, leslie.

wow! you wrote a lot.

i respect and admire that you work in the field of science.

i have known others who have too and i respect and admire them.

i fear that science can have a tendency to be a belief system that

protects its turf to an extent that can be nonproductive.

in the field of health, the AMA really rules the science field.

if the AMA does not approve, then the 'science' does not matter.

there have been many effective remedies for cancer.

laetrile, or nature's cyanide, in apricot pits and bitter almonds is

one of the best tested. a friend of mine was going in that direction

and opted out once he realized he was 'rediscovering' laetrile. not

only was he clear on the concept that the AMA would destroy him,

but he had also been on the committee at the NIH that outlawed

laetrile. he told me the story of how laetrile was tested:

the head of the committee came into the room, a dish of

the substance laetrile, which is also called B17, was in the center

of the oval table around which sat numerous doctors, researchers,

scientists. the head of the committee put his finger in the bowl,

tasted the substance and spat it out. " THAT's CYANIDE! " he said.

and that was the full extent of the research and testing that went

into laetrile. the end. your tax dollars at work.

the US is 37th in the world in health. japan and sweden are first

and second - or at least these are the positions they held when i

looked last at this subject. laetrile is used in japan and sweden.

as i said before, there are many, many remedies for cancer. it is

criminal that the AMA still blocks them. it has persecuted MDs who

dare to cure cancer. the history is quite appalling. fishbein, who

started the AMA and JAMA, took charge of the medical world long

ago and with a tyrannical, dictatorial hand told doctors what they

could and could not do. he might even be thought of as the head

of the medical mafia. he was ruthlessly competitive. he drove the

'alternative' fields out of business for a very long time. it has

taken decades for them to finally come back and gain stature in

the eyes of the public. now, in fact, more dollars go to alternative

healing fields than to medicine. people have learned that the

'AMA approved' stamp might be their own death certificate...

especially if they have cancer.

what i have deduced from my studies of all the different remedies

is this: americans eat foods that are sweet, sour and salty but they

pretty much avoid the bitter flavor. the bitter flavor is the key to

reversing cancerous growths. if you would take the time to read

" World without cancer " by , which is available on the web,

free - yet there is a new edition recently out also - i am sure you

might see the logic of it.

laetrile, the bitter flavor, is not a magic substance. it is simply

another vitamin that our bodies require to function correctly. we

come equipped with plenty of it when we are born. every living

thing contains it, as it holds cell division in check. when it has

been all used up through the years, then we need to replenish it

through our diets. if we do not, then cells divide out of control

and we see 'cancer'... it's that simple. vitamin C prevents scurvy;

vitamin B17 prevents cancer. it's a pity that so many - including

my own mother - have died of cancer. it is so unnecessary. but

the only bitter flavors most people eat are in chocolate and coffee...

and then they load them up with sugar and dairy, which are the

two main contributors to cancer growth, ironically.

so, nature's cyanide is not poison. it is a naturally occurring

substance, HCN. it has a bitter flavor. too much of it can be

harmful, but too much of most things can be harmful, even H2O.

please do some reading. i'd like to hear what you say after you

have read more. as it is, the AMA has put up a strong block when

it comes to cancer research. hopefully, that block is crumbling.

people are sick of being sick and are looking for answers outside

the big business model of health. they are hungry for real healing.

most people here, making kefir are not doing it because it is

fashionable, but because they feel a need for a healthier lifestyle.

there's another interesting study - cannabis - see the video on

youtube, " Run from the cure " . rick simpson, i believe, is the one

who devised this method. bottom line, it's another bitter substance.

all the herbs that are used in different clinics... probably even

chemotherapy... they're all based on something that tastes bitter.

problem is, a LOT of the bitter flavor can be as damaging as too

little. we're fond of the 'war' and 'enemy' and 'kill the germ'

theories in the USA. nature is not violent. it is gentle. it simply

provides everything we need in every food. we process the

healthful goodness out of foods and then wonder why we are sick.

wonder bread might build strong bodies 12 ways, but that's only

after 'enriching' the white, depleted flour with a few nutrients that

were removed... whole wheat bread contains far more than twelve.

:) we've shot ourselves in the foot, leslie. we've dug our own

graves. and now we are turning a corner and demanding real,

whole, organic, digestible, nourishing, nurturing foods - finally.

and yet the food, drug and medical industries fight us at every turn.

trying to outlaw raw milk, spraying aluminum and barium all over

the globe to make organic a thing of the past, wanting to outlaw

nutritional supplements, etc... it's a very jealous field, a deadly

field. the revolving door between big pharma executive positions

and the FDA... it's insane. when the world is freed of the profit

motive, things will settle down and people will help each other heal,

really heal, not just manage symptoms with drugs that can be

'owned' by an industry and sold at a VERY high profit... thousands

of times the cost of making the drug, i understand.

eat your apple seeds. prevention is better than to cure something

after it's developed. :) i ate the seeds from my very delicious

apple today. in fact, an apple isn't quite complete without the

seeds. they are quite delicious... nature is very wise and loving

and provides us with everything we need.




On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:14 PM, wrote:

> To whomever said you cannot soak raw almonds from the U.S., I always buy

almonds labeled " raw " that I'm sure were treated with heat or whatever, and they

are just fine after I soak them. I've left mine for a little over a day once,

soaking and they were fine. The one time I made almond milk from toasted almonds

(because they were out of raw), I tasted a huge difference (and definitely NOT

for the better), and make sure I get raw almonds, even if I have to run to a

different store.


> Regarding " natural aresenic, " be careful with that. It's not exactly

" nature's " way. The almonds we eat now are domesticated almonds...domesticated

by our ancestors. Wild almonds that are not a product of domestication...the

ones that only nature makes...are highly toxic.


> Many foods that have " just the right amount " of something do so because of

domestication, not because nature made it that way for us.


> This is not a campaign against nature...I'm all for eating natural foods as

much as possible. There are no processed foods in my apartment with artificial

or " weird " ingredients, so I'm not in any way suggesting eating natural foods

like whole fruits and vegetables is not important. BUT...most of the " natural "

foods are there because our ancestors domesticated them to be as good for us as

they are. We took products out of nature and over time, adjusted them through

artificial selection to best suit our needs.


> Bear in mind, nature doesn't revolve around us. The earth doesn't produce what

it does because it helps us. The earth produces what it does based on the

process of natural selection (it's based on which plants are most likely to

survive...not on which plants are most beneficial to humans). We're lucky enough

to be smart enough to have discovered domestication and other things like kefir

and other probiotic foods that help our bodies.


> I'm a little skeptical of the idea that having small amounts of arsenic kills

cancer cells. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells...and it makes people so sick

because it also kills healthy cells, too...it kills cells in general, though

chemotherapy treatments are tailored to spend more time killing cells with

specific markers on their surface. But, different kinds of cancer have different

kinds of cancer markers on them, which is why there are different treatments for

different kinds of cancer. Also, cancer cells change and adapt after treatment

begins...they can actually change the markers on their surfaces over the

generations, which is why a treatment may work for a while, but then, it stops.

I am skeptical of the idea that a single element, whether natural or otherwise,

is capable of identifying and attaching to specifically every type of cancer

cell in existence and working on it, despite the tremendous variety in cancer

cells and that can also continue to kill cancer cells e ven after they change

the markers on their surfaces.


> Cell surface markers have very unique shapes, and things that kill those cells

basically work like a lock and key...if the shape isn't exactly complimentary to

the marker shape, it won't interact with the cell in any way. So I don't know

how a shape could possibly fit into every kind of marker on different cancer

cells, but never fit into the marker of non-cancer cells.


> It seems the real direction cancer research is going that could possibly find

a cure is the development of treatments that get the immune system to recognize

that the cancer cells should not be there. I went to an immunology conference a

couple of years ago, and there actually are developments in this area.

Basically, getting a marker to attach to a cancer marker (for a specific type of

cancer)...and the marker you attached to it is a marker that tells the immune

system, " Hey, kill this thing. " Imagine if you were diagnosed with cancer, and

you simply had to take something like an antibiotic and just make sure you were

getting very good nutrition so your immune system was plenty strong to fight the

cells the treatment was signaling to your immune system to fight. That would be

uber cool!


> Lastly, I work in the field of science and have for years...please do not

paint scientific researchers in such a negative light. Most of them are honest,

hard working people that work for very little money just to find answers that

will benefit mankind. I know plenty of university professors that work on

research projects on the side for no financial compensation whatsoever. I'm

currently working on 2 research projects myself for no financial compensation or

other reward besides just wanting to help find answers that will improve the

lives of others. That's why most people do research in the first place.





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