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> There is also some evidence that Diabetes is related to

> dehydration in the body.

My daughter who is Type I diabetic was pulse diagnosed in Chinese

medicine with " yin deficiency " which is dehydration. I was also pulse

diagnosed with the same thing, but moreso, even though I'm not

diabetic. I was pulse diagnosed by an OMD who works at Kaiser doing

pain acupuncture. I think the dehydration may possibly be related to

food allergy (I'm allergic to corn). My corn allergy has manifest

itself with hay fever, but I'm now wondering what effects it has had on

my intestines.

I think there is dehydration with diabetes initially due to the fact

that the kidneys are tired from eliminating the sugar in the urine. It

wastes a person out. J.

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> There is also some evidence that Diabetes is related to

> dehydration in the body.

P.S. In The Body's Many Cries for Water Dr. Batmanghelidg says that the

brain shuts down the production of insulin to conserve water. Something

to do with sodium bicarbonate and the pancreas. I am wondering about

the involvement of potassium since potassium is what takes the insulin

into the cells. Perhaps it gets exhausted. There was a doctor in the

fifties named Bieler (Food is Your Best Medicine) who treated his

diabetics with potassium broths. In Chinese medicine they consider

diabetes to be an imbalance. If anyone would like to elaborate on or

refute any of these ideas I would appreciate it. I am always looking

for enlightenment about diabetes. What have you heard about dehydration

and diabetes, Del?

Cedar berries don't seem to be too commonly available, but juniper

berries can be bought at most health food stores. They are used for

kidney problems too I think. I would like to know more about the

difference between them. J.

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> From: <jackson@...>


> > There is also some evidence that Diabetes is related to

> > dehydration in the body.


> My daughter who is Type I diabetic was pulse diagnosed in Chinese

> medicine with " yin deficiency " which is dehydration. I was also pulse

> diagnosed with the same thing, but moreso, even though I'm not

> diabetic. I was pulse diagnosed by an OMD who works at Kaiser doing

> pain acupuncture. I think the dehydration may possibly be related to

> food allergy (I'm allergic to corn). My corn allergy has manifest

> itself with hay fever, but I'm now wondering what effects it has had on

> my intestines.


> I think there is dehydration with diabetes initially due to the fact

> that the kidneys are tired from eliminating the sugar in the urine. It

> wastes a person out. J.



I just finished reading an article about water that points out that most disease

is misdiagnosed dehydration. (Acres,USA June 1999, page 24-27) I will have to

type it into my computer before I can download, so 'til then I'll paraphrase. If

you drink 8 to 10 8 oz glasses of good and eat 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of water every

day for two or three months most diabetes will be improved, as well as any of

the ailments that are actually dehydration. I and my 75 five year old landlady

are trying this out, hey it can't hurt.

Stevia Rebaudiana is being used in Japan as a replacement for many medicines to

control type 2 diabetes and is successful in some type 1 cases as well. It can

be used in any recipe as a replacement for sugar and gives us a great way to

have sweet things that are helping regulate that blood sugar levels. I have been

using it for 15 years. You need to be certain that it is just Stevia, no

additives. SunRider Foods makes a liquid product that has only Chrysanthemum

Flowers and Stevia leaf extract. The coop I belong to has a powdered Stevia


is just Stevia and a five dollar bill will buy enough to do all my cooking for a

year and I cook all my food and grow most of it. I am growing Stevia this year


Homozon is another product that does great things for people with diabetes. It

takes a bit of getting used to, but restores health very nicely and has a long

track record with Diabetes. It is not instant, takes time and patience.

Love is real and it can cure any disease, even capitalism.

Del Snow

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> From: <jackson@...>


> > There is also some evidence that Diabetes is related to

> > dehydration in the body.


> P.S. In The Body's Many Cries for Water Dr. Batmanghelidg says that the

> brain shuts down the production of insulin to conserve water. Something

> to do with sodium bicarbonate and the pancreas. I am wondering about

> the involvement of potassium since potassium is what takes the insulin

> into the cells. Perhaps it gets exhausted. There was a doctor in the

> fifties named Bieler (Food is Your Best Medicine) who treated his

> diabetics with potassium broths. In Chinese medicine they consider

> diabetes to be an imbalance. If anyone would like to elaborate on or

> refute any of these ideas I would appreciate it. I am always looking

> for enlightenment about diabetes. What have you heard about dehydration

> and diabetes, Del?



From Jethro Kloss in " Back To Eden " , " A very good Potassium broth can be made

by putting 1 cup of oatmeal(Organic) into 1 & 1/2 quarts of water, bring to a

boil, just, and then set off burner with a lid on the pot over night. In the

morning strain off the water and add a small amount of honey (Del says, " Stevia,

yea ! " ) to taste. Store this in the refrigerator and drink throughout the day " .

This would give your daughter and yourself more liquid and Potassium.

Del Snow

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Hi Del,

I have the Batmanghelidg book and have borrowed a Batmanghelidg tape on

back problems and dehydration from the library. Someone mentioned the

book on Walt Stoll's site and he wasn't sure about the premise since

there are tribes that supposedly exist on small amounts of water.

Perhaps it has to do with metabolic balance (how much water is needed to

process certain foods)? Don't know if that makes any sense or not.


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> Cedar berries don't seem to be too commonly available, but

> juniper berries can be bought at most health food stores.

> They are used for kidney problems too I think. I would like

> to know more about the difference between them. J.

Cedar berries are not for the kidneys (though they may

help), they target the pancreas.



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> Cedar berries are not for the kidneys (though they may

> help), they target the pancreas.

Yes, the juniper berries are help for the kidneys. I think juniper

berries and cedar berries might be close relatives. I tried to do some

research the last time the subject came up. J.

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> From: PAT AND SUSAN RODRIGUEZ <hyperbaric1@...>


> Now that caught my eye! Shall we talk Diabetes and Hyperbarics(?)


> Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics


> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~hyperbaric1/



Yes, please tell us your experience. And thank you for your information and keen


Del Snow

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  • 1 year later...

on 22/11/00, Rosemary Wedderburn<CookieMagic@...> wrote:

> Udo's theory on why certain indiginous peoples

> have a higher incidence of diabetes (he specifically mentions Eskimos and

> Navaho Indians) was because they went from a native diet to the " white man's

> diet " in one generation. Their bodies never had a chance to accustom

> themselves to the evolution of milled grains the Europeans developed slowly

> over thousands of years. Possibly this is the reason Hispanics are also

> having problems. They tend to eat a lot of tortillas, but a handmade tortilla

> where someone starts out by pounding the corn on a rock and the masa flour

> that's now used is quite different. Anyone have any thoughts or comments on

> this?

There is a higher incidence of diabetes in Australian aborigines compared with

the population in general.


Newcastle, Australia.

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on 22/11/00, Rosemary Wedderburn<CookieMagic@...> wrote:

> Udo's theory on why certain indiginous peoples

> have a higher incidence of diabetes (he specifically mentions Eskimos and

> Navaho Indians) was because they went from a native diet to the " white man's

> diet " in one generation. Their bodies never had a chance to accustom

> themselves to the evolution of milled grains the Europeans developed slowly

> over thousands of years. Possibly this is the reason Hispanics are also

> having problems. They tend to eat a lot of tortillas, but a handmade tortilla

> where someone starts out by pounding the corn on a rock and the masa flour

> that's now used is quite different. Anyone have any thoughts or comments on

> this?

There is a higher incidence of diabetes in Australian aborigines compared with

the population in general.


Newcastle, Australia.

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  • 5 months later...
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In a message dated 5/11/01 11:28:52 AM, lblair@... writes:

<< I believe that diabetics who get and keep their bodies detoxed experience

great relief from diabetes. >>

Thanks! I don't know that I have it, as I suffer from AMAphobia (fear of the

American Medical Association) but will have to get a test to find out.

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In a message dated 5/11/01 11:59:17 AM, jlambert@... writes:

<< You didn't say if it was type I or type II diabetes. The answer is

different for each. >>

I haven't had a test..just noticed what seems to be symptoms but am not sure.

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You didn't say if it was type I or type II diabetes. The answer is

different for each.

jim :)

dbates3809@... wrote:


> Are there natural ways to treat diabetes? I understand some people use a

> low-carb

> diet. Will appreciate any information.


> dorothy


The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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I believe that diabetics who get and keep their bodies detoxed experience great

relief from diabetes. This usually includes a lifestyle change as well as

dietary changes. I don't feel that God created our bodies for the onslaught of

20th century chemicals and that its important to minimize one's exposure to

virtually anything and everything which is petrochemically derived. Cleaning,

laundry, hair care and body products, etc. Filters for air in house and water.

Eating an all organic diet with at least 50% raw foods,etc. You might want to

start with a colon cleanse, then liver, etc. Holistic health care practitioners

are learning that when a person can get and keep their bodies detoxed they

typically won't get things like diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, mood

swings, rage outbursts, and the list goes on and on. Not an easy or simple

lifestyle to maintain, but I sure do believe it works and the benefits are

incredible. There is so much wonderful info in this list that is very helpful,

it is a great place to learn.

dbates3809@... wrote:

> Are there natural ways to treat diabetes? I understand some people use a

> low-carb

> diet. Will appreciate any information.


> dorothy


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


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HEllO, Recently there has been a acknowledgement of a Hyper- insulin type,

My daughter had this, It is called syndrome X, which is a precursor to

Diabetic conditions.

First, Go to a Endocrine MD and have the proper tests, Newer tests that

indicated this type of Diabetes, These tests will indicated if you have

Syndrome X or the standard Diabetes, or even other types of Endocrine

disorders, USE Modern Medicine to your advantage!! If you have a HMO or no

insurance, Yes this will have to come out of your pocket, In the long Run

you will have an Idea of your health state, People are willing to spend

thousands on vitamins yet simple tests can show you what to do, and where to


My daughter went on the Atkins - Type diet and was given medicine to

temporary help the hyper- insulin condition and is now doing very well. I

urge you to seek out medical help, Proper testing, then use the " system " to

help you as you level your condition out, then add to your Health regime the

vitamins and life style of your choice. Merely Detoxing your home is not the

total answer, Take some blood test, get yourself a Lab test book, and

Medical Dictionary, START to understand your body and what your doctor says

to you. Remember, " Holistic " Does not Mean " HOLY " Intelligence, Wisdom is

the best advice I can give you! Rmemeber, You can use the system to help

you, and STILL have the Freedom of Learning and Helping yourself. WE can use

Modern Medicine to help us.

I wish you well


Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics


Re: diabetes


I believe that diabetics who get and keep their bodies detoxed experience

great relief from diabetes. This usually includes a lifestyle change as

well as dietary changes. I don't feel that God created our bodies for the

onslaught of 20th century chemicals and that its important to minimize one's

exposure to virtually anything and everything which is petrochemically

derived. Cleaning, laundry, hair care and body products, etc. Filters for

air in house and water. Eating an all organic diet with at least 50% raw

foods,etc. You might want to

start with a colon cleanse, then liver, etc. Holistic health care

practitioners are learning that when a person can get and keep their bodies

detoxed they typically won't get things like diabetes, osteoporosis,

Alzheimer's, mood swings, rage outbursts, and the list goes on and on. Not

an easy or simple lifestyle to maintain, but I sure do believe it works and

the benefits are incredible. There is so much wonderful info in this list

that is very helpful, it is a great place to learn.

dbates3809@... wrote:

> Are there natural ways to treat diabetes? I understand some people use a

> low-carb

> diet. Will appreciate any information.


> dorothy


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


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Dr. Atkins diet is very restrictive. You might look at Dr. Bernstein's diet.

He claims to control Diabetes too.


Best Regards, Ratliff


ICQ 1495914

AIM mtncurr22

Msn Msgr. Ratliff

SE Tenn.

Get Paltalk at www.paltalk.com and look for TennRascal. Text and great voice

chat. See you there.


<*> Good Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.


Re: diabetes


I believe that diabetics who get and keep their bodies detoxed experience

great relief from diabetes. This usually includes a lifestyle change as

well as dietary changes. I don't feel that God created our bodies for the

onslaught of 20th century chemicals and that its important to minimize


exposure to virtually anything and everything which is petrochemically

derived. Cleaning, laundry, hair care and body products, etc. Filters


air in house and water. Eating an all organic diet with at least 50% raw

foods,etc. You might want to

start with a colon cleanse, then liver, etc. Holistic health care

practitioners are learning that when a person can get and keep their


detoxed they typically won't get things like diabetes, osteoporosis,

Alzheimer's, mood swings, rage outbursts, and the list goes on and on.


an easy or simple lifestyle to maintain, but I sure do believe it works


the benefits are incredible. There is so much wonderful info in this list

that is very helpful, it is a great place to learn.

dbates3809@... wrote:

> Are there natural ways to treat diabetes? I understand some people use a

> low-carb

> diet. Will appreciate any information.


> dorothy


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability


take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a


or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal




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  • 3 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/30/01 4:40:13 PM, ruthful@... writes:

<< Solution To Sugar Problems Found Written On Dried Palm Leaf In Ancient

Sanskrit! >>

I had a little problem finding the name of this product but finally figured it

is called Anti-Betic (it's not mentioned till the end of the article). Saul

Says Gymnema Sylvestre is effective and the article mentions it many times,

but Not as one of the ingredients of Anti-Betic...I assume it is one, or is


of them, or something. I am really interested in this -- wish the article was

a little clearer.. would be interested in any further material on this.


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Hi All, I have a friend who used this product and at first she didn't feel that

it was doing anything. But after about four months, suddenly it started to kick

in. Her blood sugar was in the high 200's and now it is steadily around 75.

She called me the other day and was ecstatic. She is very overweight and just

doesn't seem capable of eating right. She drinks alcohol and does other abusive

things and still this is working.

Here is a phone number to get this stuff. 1-800-406-1314 You can buy one bottle

at $30 plus postage or you cn buy 6 for $109. If you want to try one bottle

you can get it from me for $25. But I don't suggest that. It takes months for

it to really work and so, the only reason to try one bottle would be to see if

you have a negative reaction and since it has a money back guarantee, you can

buy six directly from them and if the first bottle makes you not happy they will

refund all your dollars. It is not mlm. I just buy 6 at a time an offer it to

friends who cannot afford to buy 6 at a time.


Solution To Sugar Problems Found Written On Dried Palm Leaf In Ancient Sanskrit!

Sanskrit is a language once used in India dating back to 1200 B.C., but it has

not seen much use since about 700 A.D. Hindi and Hindustani are the most common

languages in India today. Therefore, this incredible answer to eliminating

diabetes could be 1,3000 to 3,2000 years old.

In the olden days, doctors often kept their remedies secret and only passed them

on to their sons. It’s speculated that the doctor holding this formula may have

bee killed in one of the many wars that ravaged India during the early

centuries, before he had a chance to explain the formula to his son.

Traditionally in India, important papers and correspondence of the deceased are

passed on from generation to generation so that the young ones can get to know

their forebears. But children have always thought they were smarter than their

forefathers, so they probably ignored the palm leaves--especially as the

language changed.

Finally, someone in the family, who was going to college to become a doctor or

was studying ancient languages, examined the palm leaves and discovered what

they meant.

A young manufacturer, P.E. Balaram, watched his father slowly and sadly waste

away and die from diabetes. During one of his regular visits to his church, he

made friends with an elderly Ayurvedic vaid (natural medicine doctor).

Balaram told the vaid about his father’s suffering and said he wished there was

an answer to this awful disease that afflicts so many people. A few weeks later,

Balaram again met the almost feeble vaid, who presented him with a bundle of

dried and oiled palm leaves wrapped in cloth. The vaid said, " Don’t dismiss

these, for they contain the formula that will cure diabetes. "

When Balaram examined the palm leaves, he recognized the faded writing as

ancient Sanskrit. He thought to himself that hardly any one read Sanskrit

anymore and that he would have to find an expert in ancient languages to

translate it.

At first, Balaram said he didn’t have much motivation to go through the trouble

of finding a Sanskrit expert, that is, until he was introduced to a friend’s

father, who was suffering from diabetes. His heart swelled and tears came to his

eyes as he remembered his father.

When he found a Sanskrit scholar, he emphasized that the translation must be

detailed and accurate because it could save millions of lives. When Balaram

received the translation, he found that the formula consisted of extracts from

10 different plants. Fortunately, he had a degree in botany and had begun his

career as a botanist until he found that he like being an entrepreneur more.

In the corner of his little manufacturing plant, he set up a small laboratory to

do the extractions. Balaram mixed the extracts as the Sanskrit formula demanded

and presented the mixture to his friend’s diabetic father. A week later, the

friend visited Balaram, asking for more. He excitedly explained that his

father’s blood sugar had dropped and that his insulin level was normal.

Instead of just mixing and selling a " wonder cure, " Balaram knew that to help

people worldwide, the formula had to be throughly tested by the best medical

scientists. He went to the prominent India Council of Medical Research for

advice. They recommended one of the most renowned medical scientists in India,

Dr. Ramadasan Kuttan. Dr. Huttan had led a worldwide cancer research team under

the auspices of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, land, and had

written over 80 research papers published in major medical journals.

The doctor was fascinated with the ancient Sanskrit formula and agreed to

conduct the clinical tests on animals. The animal trials lasted a year and a

half, but the results of the long wait pleased Balaram and astounded Dr. Kuttan.

The doctor found that the formula dramatically lowered blood sugar and

substantially decreased glycosylated hemoglobin (another diabetes indicator). It

didn’t affect the blood sugar of normal animals, and none of the animals

experienced low blood sugar, indicating that the formula had a normalizing

effect. It also revitalized the liver and kidneys.

The most startling fact was the rejuvenation of the pancreas. The formula had

reversed the damage to the beta cells, which had been destroyed or didn’t work,

as in type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Kuttan said, " it is a major breakthrough. This is the first formula ever

that regenerates the beta cells of the pancreas. " (Beta Cells produce insulin.)

There was absolutely no side effects or toxicity, so the doctor and Balaram

immediately started organizing a clinical trial on humans. The type II Diabetic

participants were first put on a month-long regimen of exercise and diet. At the

end of the month, it was clear that the regimen had no lowered their blood sugar

and glycosylated hemoglobin.

Dr. Kuttan closely monitored the diabetic participants during the six-month

trials. At the end of the clinical tests, the results showed that the formula

has almost the same effect on the humans that it did on the animals.

Shortly afterwards, the Indian government conducted a double-blind,

placebo-controlled clinical test on a large number of diabetics. Clinical tests

also began on each one of the 10 ingredients in the formula, several of which

are common foods in various parts of India.

Dr. K. Baskaran assembled a large group of type II (insulin-resistant) diabetics

who were taking either one or two of the common prescription drugs and on a diet

and exercise regimen. He split the participants into two groups and gave one

group a placebo and the other group the formula. (None of the people taking the

placebo knew they were getting a fake pill.) All of the participants continued

to take their drugs, so Gymnema was just a supplement.

At the end of the clinical trials, the participants who were taking Gymnema had

significantly lower blood sugar; the higher the blood sugar at the beginning,

the greater the drop--as much as 55% in some cases. Some 22% of the participants

were able to discontinue their drugs and use Gymnema alone.

Those taking Gymnema reported that they felt better, were more alert and had

less fatigue. Some who had regularly suffered dull pains in their legs said the

pain had disappeared. No adverse side effects were experienced, but there were

some side benefits. On average, those taking Gymnema had a 12% drop in the level

of bad (LDL) cholesterol and a 17% decrease in triglycerides.

Dr. Baskaran also found that Gymnema repairs or regenerates the important beta

cells in the pancreas. He concluded in his report published in the Journal of

Ethnopharmacology that " Results confirm that giving Gymnema to type II diatbetic

patients has an advantage over conventional drug therapy alone. . .

Hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia and excessive glycosylation of proteins,

including hemoglobin, which are the direct consequences of insulin insufficiency

in type II diabetes, appear to be corrected. "

K. Shanmugasundaram, a professor at the medical school of the University of

Madras in India, conducted tests of Gymnema on people with type I diabetes who

need insulin shots daily. Previous tests on animals were destroyed with a

chemical called alloxan showed after a few months of supplementation with

Gymnema that it either repairs or regenerates the beta cells.

Insulin-dependent humans have beta cells that don’t produce insulin because of a

hereditary defect. The scientists assumed that if they could generate beta cells

in animals that produce insulin, they could do it in humans, too. That’s exactly

what happened in the clinical tests on humans. Their insulin requirement

dropped, along with lowered blood sugar and improved glucose utilization. Also,

the glycogen (stored blood sugar) in the liver became normal after five and a

half months of taking Gymnema.

Dr. Shanmugasundaram concluded in his clinical report that after administration

of Gymnema for several months, " insulin requirements go down. "

The next ingredient tested was vegetable common to India, China and Pakistan

known as Momordica charantia. The English, who ruled India at one time, called

it the " Balsam Pear " due to its shape. The Momordica extract has a very

interesting attribute. In the body, it reacts to blood sugar in almost the same

way as insulin. In fact, Dr. P. Khanna called it P-type insulin in his clinical


Apparently, it does mimic insulin, according to Dr. A Raman of the Department of

Pharmacy at King’s College in London. He reported that Momordica reduces blood

sugar and improves glucose tolerance--all without increasing insulin.

When taken by people with normal blood sugar levels, it has no effect. Momordica

has a normalizing effect, which is the ideal sought by al who create

medications. Momordica also decreases the absorption of sugar from the food you

eat and increases the amount of glycogen (stored blood sugar) kept in the liver

for use by the muscles.

Dr. Neera Singh reported that aside from having no adverse side effects,

Momordica also normalizes high cholesterol after 15 to 30 days of daily

consumption. It’s a phenomenal example of the wonderful substances we are

finding in common plants.

The third ingredient in the anti-diabetic formula comes from a climbing

succulent shrub called Tinospora cordifolia. Tinospora is another extract that

has multiple effects on diabetes mellitus. It prevents rising blood glucose

levels by inhibiting the conversion fo glycogen into glucose. As an added bonus,

it also helps balance cholesterol.

Dr. P.s. Prince reported that Tinospora had some valuable side benefits; It

increases the levels of glutathione and vitamin C in the body. Those are two of

the most important antioxidants. Also, it seems to prevent the formation of

ulcers--probably by killing ulcer causing bacteria.

The fourth ingredient is Trigonella foenum-graecum, which is in the bean family

and grows in various parts of the Mediterranean and Asia. The beans have a

strange taste like a combination of better celery and maple syrup. It is used on

foods as a condiment or spice. The Greeks, in their early history, discovered

that sick horses and cattle would eat the Trigonella leaves and beans, when they

wouldn’t eat anything else. Animals often search for and eat peculiar plants

when they are sick. Maybe they know something we are just learning or relearning

about nature?

Trigonella is another plant extract that normalizes your system. It doesn’t

effect people with normal blood sugar levels. However, Dr. J. Abdel-Barry

reported that the higher your blood sugar, the more Trigonella reduces it. His

clinical tests showed decreases by as much as 57%.

At the National Institute of Nutrition, Dr. R.D. Sharma reported that Trigonella

reduces glucose excretion in urine by up to 54%. He also noted that it reduces

bad (LDL) cholesterol and triglyceriedes by over 21% without changing good (HDL)

cholesterol, and non of the participants experienced low blood sugar levels.

Because Trigonella appears to be a food that would benefit everybody, not just

diabetics, it’s not surprising that no side effects have been reported.

The fifth ingredient comes from the resin and leaves of the shade tree,

Pterocarpus marsupium. Given for 12 weeks to people who had type II Diabetes,

pterocarpus marsupium caused substantial relief of the three prime symptoms of

diabetes melitus (excessive urination, excessive eating and excessive thirst)

Indian scientists were able to identify in P. marsupium key substantial

ingredients " responsible " for the glucose-balancing effect of the herb. After

getting astonishing results from a variety of studies on these components,

researchers at Banaras Hindu University concluded that the clinical potential of

this plant " could provide a novel approach to diabetes melitus " since it allows

you to " cut down the intake of anti-diabetic drugs (if not completely stop the

need for them). "

Four of the last five ingredients, Azadirachta indica, Ficus racemosa, Aegle

marmelose and Syzygium cumini, act to normalize blood sugar, no matter whether

it is high or low.

The tenth ingredient, Cinnamomum tamala, helps regulate the amount of sugars

extracted from carbohydrates that get into the bloodstream. No adverse side

effects have been reported from any of these last five ingredients.

Whether you are a type I or type II diabetic, you know the drugs your doctor

gives to you aren’t curing the disease; they are trying to keep your system in

balance so you can function and live. Unfortunately, you never get better using

drugs. The longer you have the disease, the worse it gets because it is almost

impossible to keep your blood sugar perfectly balanced with drugs. No matter how

closely you monitor your system and do all the right things as instructed by

your doctor, each time your blood sugar spikes up, it damages your liver

kidneys, blood vessels, eyes and even your heart.

Over the years, these little damages add up to big damages to all those organs,

and their functioning steadily declines. It is estimated that diabetes reduces

how long you will live by a whopping 20%.

Not only do you endure the rigid diets, the constant monitoring of your blood,

the side effects of the drugs and the pain of needles, but the quality of your

life also deteriorates rapidly during the last 10% to 20% of your life span

because of multiple diabetes-induced afflictions.

Dangers of Drugs used for Diabetes

Recently, one of the most popular drugs (Rezulin) for type II diabetes was

pulled off the market by the FDA after it killed 61 people. Drugs and/or

diabetes are known to damage the liver and kidneys. Rezulin was extremely toxic

to the liver. Two new drugs, Avandia and Actos, work similarly to Rezulin, but

the FDA says they are less toxic.

There are several different classes of drugs for type II diabetes. Precose

(acarbose) slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, thereby evening the flow

of glucose to the blood. The side effects you may experience are abdominal pain,

gas, diarrhea and low blood sugar. If you are taking other drugs--even over the

counter medications such as aspirin--make sure you tell your doctor about every

drug you take. All oral diabetes drugs interact with a wide variety of

medications and can cause serious medical problems. They may even react to

certain foods.

Glucophage (metformin hydrochloride) decreases sugar production and the

absorption of sugar in the gut, thereby lowering the amount of glucose you can

produce. The side effects are bloating, stomach upset, diarrhea, gas, nausea,

vomiting, loss of appetite, a metallic taste in your mouth, low blood sugar and

the most dangerous, lactic acidosis. People frequently die from it if they don’t

get oft a hospital fast enough.

Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate) makes your cells more sensitive to insulin so

glucose can enter them. However, it takes kup to 12 weeks for it to have a

substantial effect. The side effects are respiratory infections, headaches,

stomach pain, weight gain or anorexia, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the lower

legs and feet, anemia, fatigue, yellowing of the skin and interactions with

other drugs.

Sometimes, people who have type II diabetes need to increase their production of

insulin because of surgery, an injury or a stressful event. In those cases and a

few others, doctors tend to prescribe various orally taken, insulin-stimulating

drugs, such as Amaryl (glimepride), Diabinese (chlorpropamide), Glucotrol (

gkuouzude), Micronaze, Dibeta, Glynase (glyburide) or Orinase (tolbutamide). The

side effects of these drugs are extensive; hunger or loss of appetite, stomach

upset or pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, gas, heartburn, bloating,

inflammation of the rectum and colon, anemia and other blood disorders,

yellowing of the skin or eyes, blurred vision, visual sensitivity to light,

headaches, nerve damage, itching, hives, rashes, skin eruptions and joint and

muscle pain.

Insulin used for type I diabetes injections is sold under many brand names and

is made in numerous ways. The side effects are swelling, itching, rashes, fast

heartbeat, low blood pressure, wheezing, shortness of breath and interactions

with drugs, aspirin and some foods.

Some scientists strongly believe that oral diabetes drugs cause or accelerate

heart disease. They are certain the drugs and diabetes cause high blood


Now, thanks to the wonders of nature and an ancient but very wise old doctor,

you can stop the awful pillaging of your body. One of the largest, most

reputable nutriceutical companies in the world has just begun manufacturing the

Sanskrit formula. It is called Antibetic Pancreas Tonic and it contains the

exact amounts of each of the ingredients mentioned in this article and required

by the ancient Sanskrit formula.

Clinical tests have shown that you can take the formula along with your current

prescription. Neither one seems to affect the other. You simple take an

Antibetic Pancreas Tonic capsule with each meal. Continue monitoring your system

rigidly and visiting your doctor as he or she requires.

Even though some people reach stabilized levels withing a week, don’t stop

taking th formula. You didn’t throw off your sugar balance overnight, and

rebuilding the functions won’t happen overnight, even with Mother Nature’s

awesome help. Clinical tests show that a minimum of four months is required to

help the body come back into balance.

Here’s what a few people who just started taking this formula are saying:

" My wife and I are both diabetics. I was a lot worse when my blood sugar was out

of control at 400. After using AntiBetic for six months, it went down to an

amazing 87.8. I check my blood sugar every three weeks, and it hasn’t gone up

since then. Even my wife has been able to keep her levels below 120. I recommend

this amazing formula to anyone with high blood sugar levels. "

--T. And H. Vanyo

" About five years ago, I was diagnosed with high blood sugar levels. As an

actress, I also noticed that it would be high when I was stressed. But with

AntiBetic, my diabetes is almost reversed. My blood sugar has recently gone down

to about 100, and my eyesight has gotten much better. In fact, I’m going to take

a few bottles with me when I go to Greece, to tell everyone that I can about

this wonderful formula. "

--G. DeVinci

" I became totally blind due to diabetes and also had sever leg pain. After

taking AntiBetic, I’ve been able to improve my eyesight to the point where I can

see the outline of my wife’s face. As a multimillionaire businessman, I had

tried everything I could. AntiBetic worked. I am thrilled about it and recommend

it to anyone who has blood sugar problems.

--J. Hunter

" All my life, I’d felt dizzy and nauseous. I never thought that I might have a

blood sugar problem, until I started having problems with my eyesight. Well, my

accountant--also a diabetic--told me about AntiBetic. Since I started using it

my vision has cleared up, I breath much easier and I even lost 6 pounds. At 78

years old, I’ve never felt better. "

--H. J.

" I’ve had blood sugar problems for a while, but AntiBetic has helped to balance

and stabilize them I have less craving and hunger for sugar. I’m also a doctor

and have been giving this formula to about a third of my patients. Most of them

didn’t even know that they had a problem Every single person has responded--some

have more energy, some are just not as ’sugar-hungry.’ I will continue using and

promoting AntiBetic. "

--Dr. M. Bontes

" My doctor has been quite happy with my progress since I started taking

AntiBetic. I reduced my blood sugar by at least 100 points with the formula. I

do a rigorous testing

every 3 months, and I have stayed consistent over time.

--C. Kievman

" I was on prednisone for a while, which knocked out the insulin from my body. I

was diagnosed with type II diabetes and had to take insulin and other blood

sugar drugs. After using AntiBetic, my doctor was able to pull me off the

prednisone and the insulin at the same time. He said he’d never been able to do

that before. Plus, I’ve been able to cut my other medications in half. We’re

both very pleased at AntiBetic’s ability to maintain my levels and keep my blood

sugar under control. "

--F. Gralnik

" I have been a diabetic for number of years. After using AntiBetic, I have been

able to cut my insulin in half. My sugar count has improved tremendously, and I

have also notice an improvement in my sense of balance. I recommend this formula

to anyone. "

--S. s

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HI Donna,

That is an interesting post. I have some things to

add about diabetes. First, people who are often tired

- meaning they do not get enough sleep, have higher

insulin levels than those who get enough sleep.

Dr. 's take on Diabetes is about wood alcohol,

another solvent, which allows the pancreatic fluke to

flourish in the pancrease. Kill the fluke, stop the

ingestion of wood alcohol, and your blood sugar comes

down. The diet has to be adjusted too of course to

exclude the polluted items.

Wood alcohol is in Sweet and Low, and also in the

foods the Diabetes Association recommends. So there

you have it. All the diet and low sugar stuff made

for diabetics actually aggravates the condition.

There is a condition women have called Polycystic

ovaries. You can check the web on this. The ovaries

produce too much testosterone as a result of insulin

levels being too high in the body, and hair grows on

the face as one symptom of it. Painful periods are

another symptom.

I agree with Dr. that foods and parasites CAUSE

Diabetes. Anything that cures it I suspect kills the

pancreatic fluke or the viruses associated with the

pancrease, causing a drop in blood sugar levels.

I have never heard of the pancreatic cells being

rejuvenated, but I am sure it is certainly possible.

It's nice to know all the " just in case " cures that

are out there.


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Dear ,

Drinking pasteurized, homogenized cow's milk causes diabetes,

because it damages the pancreas.

80% of the population is deficient in chromium. Take chromium and vanadium

sulphate together for best results. They aid insulin in getting sugar into

the cell, which lowers blood sugar levels.

The Islets of Langerhans produce insulin in the pancreas. (The other part of

the pancreas makes the digestive enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase,

protease and lipase, as well as sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach

acid). The Islets can be regenerated using the herb Gymnema sylvestre, now

available in health food stores.

If there are also parasites on site, they should be eliminated as well.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Re: diabetes

> HI Donna,


> That is an interesting post. I have some things to

> add about diabetes. First, people who are often tired

> - meaning they do not get enough sleep, have higher

> insulin levels than those who get enough sleep.


> Dr. 's take on Diabetes is about wood alcohol,

> another solvent, which allows the pancreatic fluke to

> flourish in the pancrease. Kill the fluke, stop the

> ingestion of wood alcohol, and your blood sugar comes

> down. The diet has to be adjusted too of course to

> exclude the polluted items.


> Wood alcohol is in Sweet and Low, and also in the

> foods the Diabetes Association recommends. So there

> you have it. All the diet and low sugar stuff made

> for diabetics actually aggravates the condition.


> There is a condition women have called Polycystic

> ovaries. You can check the web on this. The ovaries

> produce too much testosterone as a result of insulin

> levels being too high in the body, and hair grows on

> the face as one symptom of it. Painful periods are

> another symptom.


> I agree with Dr. that foods and parasites CAUSE

> Diabetes. Anything that cures it I suspect kills the

> pancreatic fluke or the viruses associated with the

> pancrease, causing a drop in blood sugar levels.


> I have never heard of the pancreatic cells being

> rejuvenated, but I am sure it is certainly possible.


> It's nice to know all the " just in case " cures that

> are out there.



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In a message dated 5/31/01 1:35:17 PM, ruthful@... writes:

<< That is the most information I have ever seen. Yes it is called Anti

Betic Tonic and it has every one of the herbs listed in the article. >>

I received a newsletter from Dr. with an article about gymnema

sylvestre as a new and effective treatment for diabetes.

I am wondering if your friend is taking diabetes drugs, other medication,

or just the Anti-betic?


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Hi Dorothy. That is the most information I have ever seen. Yes it is called

Anti Betic Tonic and it has every one of the herbs listed in the article. If

you want to know more, just call the 800 number. The sales people ususally

don't know much, but sometimes they will refer you to someone else.

The thing to remember is that they have a money back guarantee and will refund

your money if you don't like the product or don't feel it is working for you.

So it pretty much a no risk situation.

I don't know alot of people who have used this consistently, but I thought

Marsha's experience was worth reporting. She was terrified of where diabetes

could take her and I knew she was not likely to do anything more than this, so I

encouraged her to try it and I am glad I did.


Re: Fw: diabetes

In a message dated 5/30/01 4:40:13 PM, ruthful@... writes:

<< Solution To Sugar Problems Found Written On Dried Palm Leaf In Ancient

Sanskrit! >>

I had a little problem finding the name of this product but finally figured


is called Anti-Betic (it's not mentioned till the end of the article).


Says Gymnema Sylvestre is effective and the article mentions it many times,

but Not as one of the ingredients of Anti-Betic...I assume it is one, or is


of them, or something. I am really interested in this -- wish the article


a little clearer.. would be interested in any further material on this.


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