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Welcome back Car!

CONGRATS on Emma's new talents! It must feel so good to hear Mummy out of


is too cute! What a fabulous big sister she is! She makes me so

proud! :o)

Glad to have you back!


--On Thursday, November 09, 2000, 10:52 AM +1300 Carolyn Sykes

<tcsykes@...> wrote:


> The unthinkable has happened! I have lost all my emails and believe me I

> had a few in the old inbox! :-( Dang PC's are so scary, one little power

> surge and the whole thing goes POP!!


> Anyway just a quick update on the girls. Both have had their usual runny

> noses which is not for the faint hearted! Big news of the day - Emma has

> started talking more and the other night she actually named all the

> members of the family as we were sitting down to eat and guess

> what........Emma called me MUMMY!! WHOOHOOO!! 4 1/2 years I have waited

> to hear her say Mummy and it was well worth the wait. I can't quite

> explain why Emma should suddenly start talking more but she is really

> happy that we are all so pleased! She says a word and her shoulders go

> up to her ears as she smiles from ear to ear - too cute to explain!


> Nicki is her usual bouncy self - she and Emma are just so wonderful (I

> can say that now Emma is saying Mummy!). on and are

> fantastic too and is so proud of her little sisters - she

> explains to everyone that they have " Down Synderome (not a typo, its how

> she says it!) and what does it matter " !


> ANyway - just wanted to share/brag! Hope everyone is well and I am sorry

> that I lost all the emails from the list as now I haven't got a clue what

> is going on - Status Quo! LOL


> Bye for now

> Carolyn

> Mum to on, , Emma (Ds) 4 and Nicki (Ds) 3

> http://www.geocities.com/nz_mom/sykesfamily.html

> eGroups Sponsor

> http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples

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Hi Carolyn,

Congratulations on Emma talking!!! It is soooo exciting when you begin to

understand through their words what has been on their minds for so long.

Great to hear from you and to have an update on all your goings on!


Mom to Sara (DS) and (almost 6) and Lucas 10

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, I love your optimism and the way you look at

things. I wish some would rub off on me. I'm such a

pessimist(sp) and a chronic worrier. How will they

treat alopecia? BTW, I am still catching up and I

wanted to tell you how cute Vinnie's school picture

is. He looks so grown up. Oh and yes, these typical

two year olds are something else. Aren't they? Mine

have a definite mind of their own. mom to

Landon (DS) and Ashton 29 months

fonz@... wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> CONGRATS Carolyn (Mummy) and (Mommy) and

> welcome to the world Teddy! I

> think that's a great name too.


> We are all maintaining...

> These kids are acting like typical 2 1/2 year olds!

> Being naughty and testing

> us! AUGH!! LOL AUGH! LOL! If I didn't laugh, I'd

> cry!!!!!!


> Vinnie has the runny nose again, it clears up for

> about a week and comes back

> the next. He's been missing more school.

> He went to the Dermatologist last Saturday and was

> diagnosed with Alopecia

> Areata (bald spots)

> http://www.alopeciaareata.com/whatknow.html#1

> I kinda knew that's what it was. Kei and I are not

> too worried about it, if

> his hair grows back that would be wonderful and if

> it doesn't then that's OK

> too. That's just another obstacle we have to hurdle.

> (like he hasn't had

> enough hurdles and more to come)

> My philosophy has always been " It could always be

> worse. "

> Vinnie is getting his Thyroid check this Saturday.


> Sloan went to the ENT and has major fluid behind her

> ear drums. She is taking

> an antihistamine till she goes back to the Dr. on

> the 6th of December. She

> might end up getting tubes put in.

> She has been babbling more and has maybe 5 new words

> ( hey, blue,

> Daddy/instead of Dada, Bubby/instead of Bubba and

> Mommy/instead of Mama)

> So Carolyn and Patty I kinda know how you feel about

> being called 'Mommy "

> Vinnie used to say " Moma " but he doesn't anymore and

> WILL not sign it, as

> much as I'm after him with he says " Dada " (which is

> all the time) I say and

> sign " Moma " and he says " Dada " LOL

> Oh, and a brag! Vinnie put 3 signs together

> " more,please,apple "


> Hope everyone is good and feeling well.


> ~,Mommy to (DS) & Sloan {2 1/2 years}



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, I almost forgot the most important part!! Hurray

Vinnie, you are turning into quite the little talker

(3 word signs,WOW!!) and Sloan, what a chatterbox you

have become too. mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

29 months

--- tjfonz@... wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

> CONGRATS Carolyn (Mummy) and (Mommy) and

> welcome to the world Teddy! I

> think that's a great name too.


> We are all maintaining...

> These kids are acting like typical 2 1/2 year olds!

> Being naughty and testing

> us! AUGH!! LOL AUGH! LOL! If I didn't laugh, I'd

> cry!!!!!!


> Vinnie has the runny nose again, it clears up for

> about a week and comes back

> the next. He's been missing more school.

> He went to the Dermatologist last Saturday and was

> diagnosed with Alopecia

> Areata (bald spots)

> http://www.alopeciaareata.com/whatknow.html#1

> I kinda knew that's what it was. Kei and I are not

> too worried about it, if

> his hair grows back that would be wonderful and if

> it doesn't then that's OK

> too. That's just another obstacle we have to hurdle.

> (like he hasn't had

> enough hurdles and more to come)

> My philosophy has always been " It could always be

> worse. "

> Vinnie is getting his Thyroid check this Saturday.


> Sloan went to the ENT and has major fluid behind her

> ear drums. She is taking

> an antihistamine till she goes back to the Dr. on

> the 6th of December. She

> might end up getting tubes put in.

> She has been babbling more and has maybe 5 new words

> ( hey, blue,

> Daddy/instead of Dada, Bubby/instead of Bubba and

> Mommy/instead of Mama)

> So Carolyn and Patty I kinda know how you feel about

> being called 'Mommy "

> Vinnie used to say " Moma " but he doesn't anymore and

> WILL not sign it, as

> much as I'm after him with he says " Dada " (which is

> all the time) I say and

> sign " Moma " and he says " Dada " LOL

> Oh, and a brag! Vinnie put 3 signs together

> " more,please,apple "


> Hope everyone is good and feeling well.


> ~,Mommy to (DS) & Sloan {2 1/2 years}



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The treatment for Alopecia is pretty much the topicalsteriod solution or

cream, I don't think we'll go any futher than that, because they do have

steriod shots. OUCH!

He will have his Thyroid check, that could or could not be part of the

problem or if he does have a problem with the Thyroid, that doesn't mean

that's causing the Alopecia. (confused yet? I am!)

, How are Landon and Ashton? Are they enjoying school? Is Landon

getting sick as much as Vinnie is from going to school? How's his walking?

still cruising right along? I'm sure Ashton is the real chatter box!!


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That is so great that Emma is starting to talk!!! It gives me hope

for my Miss . She is really starting to use her signing well

though. " More " , of course is her favorite! I do find it curious that

she is able to clearly say " STOP " when her brothers are annoying her,

but no other words have come out clearly. Keep me posted on Emma's

progress. I love to hear about the girls.


In Multiples-DSegroups, " Carolyn Sykes " <tcsykes@i...> wrote:

> The unthinkable has happened! I have lost all my emails and

believe me I had a few in the old inbox! :-( Dang PC's are so scary,

one little power surge and the whole thing goes POP!!


> Anyway just a quick update on the girls. Both have had their usual

runny noses which is not for the faint hearted! Big news of the day -

Emma has started talking more and the other night she actually named

all the members of the family as we were sitting down to eat and

guess what........Emma called me MUMMY!! WHOOHOOO!! 4 1/2 years I

have waited to hear her say Mummy and it was well worth the wait. I

can't quite explain why Emma should suddenly start talking more but

she is really happy that we are all so pleased! She says a word and

her shoulders go up to her ears as she smiles from ear to ear - too

cute to explain!


> Nicki is her usual bouncy self - she and Emma are just so wonderful

(I can say that now Emma is saying Mummy!). on and are

fantastic too and is so proud of her little sisters - she

explains to everyone that they have " Down Synderome (not a typo, its

how she says it!) and what does it matter " !


> ANyway - just wanted to share/brag! Hope everyone is well and I am

sorry that I lost all the emails from the list as now I haven't got a

clue what is going on - Status Quo! LOL


> Bye for now

> Carolyn

> Mum to on, , Emma (Ds) 4 and Nicki (Ds) 3

> http://www.geocities.com/nz_mom/sykesfamily.html

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am on C2W7D3 So I did my measuring and all on Sunday and lost 41/2

inches in 6 weeks and went from 38.5% bodyfat to 35.5% body fat but I

have a strange question. When my upper arms where measured they

increased in size but they look smaller since the flabby area isnt there

as much. You know the part that waves when you do. Is this normal ? Had

me worred an inch bigger on each upper arm. The sleeves of my shirts fit

looser now so I know something is happening.

Thanks for all the help in advance and I have learned alot just reading

what everyone writes even tho I dont say muc very often. Sharon

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Sharon, Sounds like you are heading in the right direction. Congratulations on the fat loss and the loose clothing! Increasing in size can come from muscle, water and fat. Since you are losing fat and the fat on the back of your arms is disappearing, the increase in size is probably mostly muscle and possibly some water.

Are you increasing your weights? Doing better at your cardio? If yes, then you are doing just what you should be doing. All the best! Kit :=)

-----Original Message-----From: SKLOSEE@... [mailto:SKLOSEE@...]Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 2:32 PMbodyforlifeegroupsSubject: RE: HI EVERYONE

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  • 1 month later...

My mom had carpal tunnel syndrome from scar tissue pressing on her wrists. The surgery was a lifesaver. However another friend had carpal tunnel syndrome from overuse and the surgery did not help.

dolphin & dragon <nerick@...> wrote: I just wanted to say hello to everyone and I am going to try and catch up on some of my mail if I don't fall asleep first!!LOL I am very tired at the mo have had trouble sleeping of late.Also my dad has a double hernia op he is waiting for and he just told me he has to have an op for carpal tunnel syndrome, has anyone else had this if so is the op the way to go?

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At 01:48 PM 1/13/2001 +0800, you wrote:


my dad has a double hernia op he is waiting for and he just told me he

has to have an op for carpal tunnel syndrome, has anyone else had this if

so is the op the way to go?

Thanks hope you are all smiling as best you can

Take care

lots of love



My mom had two Carpal Tunnel operations and joint

replacements (joint at base of thumb on both hands) about ten years ago,

and has never regretted doing it. Her mobility, and pain/numbness

have all improved. She is able to sew, quilt and do just about

anything she wants to now. Just choose a good surgeon, and tell him

to do the physical therapy. That's the key.


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I have that and going back to the hospital next month to talk about the


I have been told that it does help some those of who don't do what caused


syndrome in the first place. But also was told if you go right back to what

you was doing b4 you got it then most likely it will come back.

In my case a few years back I worked in a meat packing house and started to

have the signs of it b4 I quite my job.

But then about two years ago I was told that I had autoimmune hep. and was

placed on steroids (prednisone) for over a year and was on a high dose. The

doc`s think the steroids more then likely play a big factor for the syndrome

getting out of hand. Plus I have to be watch what I take because I do have a

liver disease Chronic Hepatitis and I cant take anit-inflammatory drugs

because it gets filtered thought the liver so I am on pain killers only and

have to ware hand braces all the time except when I cook, eat, when I take a

bath or do something in the water. I have had hand braces now for about 4

months going on 5 now and been off the predsoin now about 8 months. At time

the first three fingers on my hands go numb and cant feel nothing in them

and then get shooting pain all the way down my arm into my elbows. The dos

say because of the bone and mussel mass loss that's why I am weak and cant

life nothing or go on my feel for long times.

I hope the surgery will help me get better. You never know how much you

count on your hands or the way you move them Intel they get hurt or get



Re: hi everyone


> My mom had carpal tunnel syndrome from scar tissue pressing on her

wrists. The surgery was a lifesaver. However another friend had carpal

tunnel syndrome from overuse and the surgery did not help.


> dolphin & dragon <nerick@...> wrote: I just wanted to say hello to

everyone and I am going to try and catch up on some of my mail if I don't

fall asleep first!!LOL I am very tired at the mo have had trouble sleeping

of late.Also my dad has a double hernia op he is waiting for and he just

told me he has to have an op for carpal tunnel syndrome, has anyone else had

this if so is the op the way to go?




> ---------------------------------


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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, the idea of 12 weeks is a good " deadline " to be sure and push myself

towards. It's also a good time to rethink my plan and make any changes if I

feel they are necessary. I like to take pictures at the beginning of 12

weeks and then again at the end. I guess I could do that every 10 weeks or

16 weeks or whatever, but since the book suggests 12 weeks....that's what I

do. I also think the 12 weeks is in the book to let people know that it can

be done in such a short time.


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There is a break in that you set 12 week goals and after each 12 you

celebrate by having a week or two off of nutrition and training to prepare

for the next cycle. It serves to let your body recover from the intensity

and tells the brain you are not starving so the next twelve weeks will be

more effective. Without a break or change in intensity you are more likely

to plateau. Yes it is intended to be for life in chunks. Kit

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< I'm glad the protein whey is alright b/c I really like it. I was

just getting worried when no one ever mentioned using it, especially

the girls. >

Hi, ! I use whey protein frequently as well, usually a couple

times a day, but always at least once. Usually I end up mixing it

with fruit or yogurt, plus water.

< Actually up until about three weeks ago I NEVER EVER consumed any

protein in my diet so this is all new to me. >

I think you probably did, just not consciously trying to. It would be

hard to eat regularly and still be alive while literally not ever

getting *any* protein. I'm sure there was some amount of protein in

the foods you *did* eat. :-)

< One more quick question, how many drinks of the protein whey stuff

should I drink and when in a day? >

Doesn't really matter. The point is to follow Bill's eating plan, and

shakes are handy because they're quick and convenient. But most of

your diet should be " real " food, if you get my meaning. :-)


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi , welcome to our Group! I'm Ling, 23, from Singapore, with non-insulin diabetes and occipital neuralgia. Will be visiting your website later!

I am sorry to hear about your friend Nick. It is really devastating to hear such a thing happening to a person so young. I lost my mum in Nov, so that really makes me wonder why sometimes Heaven makes people leave so early.... but I guess it makes me feel better when I believe that God made them leave early so that they will go through less suffering... sorry for this depressing talk, just feeling out of sorts today.

So you are presently studying in Nursing school? that sounds really cool, I always feel it takes lots of courage and dedication to be a nurse. By the way, which part of the States are you from?


Hi everyone

Hello Everyone... for those of you new, My name is . I am 20 years old, a single mom to a 19 month old little girl. I am disabled with multiple sclerosis. I also am a college student. Not much has been going on with me. Same old depression. same old pain. although i have a new project i am working on. I am currently working on a website, called Sending Our Love. It eventually will hopefully become an actual non-profit organization. Each month it features several people (mainly children) with life threatening diseases or severe disabilites, that could use some love. Their pictures, stories, and a mailing address are listed, and visitors to the site are encouraged to pray for them and if they can send them cards of encouragment and little goodies. Right now I am trying to get the word out for my site so I can get people to feature, along with visitors to the site. I totally believe in love and prayer and making the difference in peoples lives. If you have some time, please take a moment to check out my site, and join the lists. The first months featured people will be up in mid august. Please if you would like to featured on my website or you know of someone that would please let me know. Cancer has touched my life. My very close friend Nick, died in april after a 18 year battle with leukemia. He was 20 years old. I have decided to dedicate my life to helping others, especially people that are ill. I am in nursing school and hope to someday become a oncology nurse, and then maybe eventually a doctor. I want to learn anything and everything I can about these diseases so in the future I can be the best nurse possible. Thanks sandra www.sendingourlove.org

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Hi !!! I'm Sorry :o( I didn't answer your post :o( I didn't mean to ignore it, just got past me somehow!!! Did go to your site and it was lovely!!! Yuo are such a Brave young Lady!!! My hats off too ya!!! So much you are trying to do! I hope and Pray you become the Nurse you so much want to be :o)

((( Much Caring Hugs )))


Hello Everyone... for those of you new,  My name is . I am 20 years old, a single mom to a 19 month old little girl. I am disabled with multiple sclerosis. I also am a college student.       Not much has been going on with me. Same old depression. same old pain. although i have a new project i am working on.  I am currently working on a website, called Sending Our Love. It eventually will hopefully become an actual non-profit organization. Each month it features several people (mainly children) with life threatening diseases or severe disabilites, that could use some love. Their pictures, stories, and a mailing address are listed, and visitors to the site are encouraged to pray for them and if they can send them cards of encouragment and little goodies. Right now I am trying to get the word out for my site so I can get people to feature, along with visitors to the site. I totally believe in love and prayer and making the difference in peoples lives. If you have some time, please take a moment to check out my site, and join the lists. The first months featured people will be up in mid august.  Please if you would like to featured on my website or you know of someone that would please let me know.        Cancer has touched my life. My very close friend Nick, died in april after a 18 year battle with leukemia. He was 20 years old. I have decided to dedicate my life to helping others, especially people that are ill. I am in nursing school and hope to someday become a oncology nurse, and then maybe eventually a doctor. I want to learn anything and everything I can about these diseases so in the future I can be the best nurse  possible. Thanks sandra www.sendingourlove.org

Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

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  • 2 months later...

Glad to hear about the biopsy results, Jessi!



Hi Everyone

Hello All :o)

Just wanted to let you know i got my biopsy results back and they were

okay :o) YAY!!!!!! There is a lot of past damage in my esophagus from the

reflux but that it had some time to heal over the last year, :o( but he said

that it is already getting inflamed, because of the reflux being back. He

will be calling back to set up the next appointment for either upper GI

or gastric emptying study.

Well, I'm off to bed, my friend got me out of the house today from 9am

until 3pm and I'm worn out, took all i had to get up on my bed ( i have a

loft bed, i can almost walk under it)!! I hope all is well with you. Take

care and I'll talk to you later.Jessi

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Good Morning Jessi, great to hear from you!!! Glad you are doing fine. How

is school?? And Nana?? Amber is fine except from thrush from not rinsing

after Advair, one dose of Fiflucan should take care of it, April is in a

velcro leg slpint from repeated ankle injurie, she starts PT tomorow twice a

week for six weeks, Naprosyn twice a day for a while, Her Pedi Ortho is

great. I have just posted to Helen about the whole thing, I am just down in

the dumps today and mad and angry at how many Dr.'s have blown April off in

the last 8.5 years of her live, back two years ago after her cast was

removed I asked about PT, but the Ortho said not needed, her pedi just blew

the limp off, Jessi, just everyone has blown her off. But, at least now,

things are different. Caring GP, great PP and Pedi Ortho. OH well, tme to

quit feeling sorry for my self. Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Jessi, glad you are having fun, most of the time, LOL, with your

Uncle/brother. How old is he? So, Nana is doing fine. You sure have those

animals spoiled. April got to see her kittken yesterday at my friend's

house, she went with us to Corpus Chrisit, (my friend, not the kitten) LOL.

it is so cute, April has decided to name it Teddy. Now, Amber wants to name

it Logan after the dude on Dark Angel, she like really loves that show. Give

me a break.LOL.

Yep, you are right, just look how much better off April is now, I do believe

and feel her luck has changed with Dr.'s. It just make me soooo blasted mad

when I think about it.

I will tell the girls hi for you. Take it easy and chat soon. Marsha

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<<Jessi, great news. Try and get some rest.>>

:o) Hi Marsha, how are you and the girls today!? I'm trying to rest and i

will rest... right after the fair! LOL I've actually been doing really well

the last two nights. :o) 9 1/2 hours the other night and almost 6 hours

last night :o) and if Kelley lets me I'll sleep on the way to the fair (it

is almost where my hospital is so almost 100miles away). Please tell April

HI for me. Amber too!! Take care and I'll talk to you later.


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