Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 ) Hi Marsha, School is great i have three months of work that i want to get done by like the end of next week, i think i can do it, almost there anyway ) lol good thing i like school work or this would be a pain!!!!! LOL Nana is doing great and is going to be VERY happy to have the house to herself the animals take a nap from 1-4 PM (lol yeah they actually have a set nap time, they did it themselves we had nothing to do with it!) so at least after 1pm she will have a lot of quiet time! ) She is happy about that! She is happy Kelley is here (her son, my uncle (because of the adoption brother? LOL) ) but he is being a pain lol she keeps saying to me " you brother is a PILL! " lol all i can say to that is he's her son!!!!! LOL For the most part we are having a good time together, a couple fights and things like that but okay. I mean we haven't all lived together since i was 4 or 5 years old so it is kinda a test for us all LOL!! Amber sure doesn't like to rinse after does she lol I'm on Advair too, she better start rinsing!!!!!! LOL ( poor April ( and doctors wonder why some kids have NO trust in them ( but hey ) just think about what wonderful doctors she has now! ) And how long she had been free of a major flare! ) Hang in there Marsha and give her a big hug for me K and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you too!! I'd better get ready to go Kelley is doing that " if you aren't ready by the time I'm ready... " lol i don't know why he says that I'm ALWAYS ready before he is lol all i have to do is put some jeans and a T-shirt on brush my hair and put my hat on and shoes and I'm done! I don't know what he does but he takes FOREVER!!!!!!! LOL Nana does too!! You take care K and I'll talk to you later. Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 18, 2001 Report Share Posted October 18, 2001 Hi Jessi, I am doing fine, thanks so much for asking! Busy studying for my exams next week, groan... Ling Re: Hi Everyone Thanks Ling, how are you doing?! Feeling better i hope!!! Take care!Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2001 Report Share Posted October 19, 2001 <<I am doing fine, thanks so much for asking! Busy studying for my exams next week, groan...>> ) Good to hear. and also EWWWWWWWW lol exam time huh lol fun fun fun ) lol i should be quiet lol I'm behind in my work two months now (it was three months but i got a months worth of work done in this past week ) lol i want to see my home teachers face when i give her the work lol ) I'd rather see my teachers faces at school when they home teacher gives them my work!!! lol Oh well, i should get ready, I'm off to the high school today to make some appointments with my teachers. Take care. Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2001 Report Share Posted October 19, 2001 Jessi... WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWWWW.................. U got so much done in 1 week? Don't u need to rest? Ling Re: Hi Everyone <<I am doing fine, thanks so much for asking! Busy studying for my exams next week, groan...>> ) Good to hear. and also EWWWWWWWW lol exam time huh lol fun fun fun ) lol i should be quiet lol I'm behind in my work two months now (it was three months but i got a months worth of work done in this past week ) lol i want to see my home teachers face when i give her the work lol ) I'd rather see my teachers faces at school when they home teacher gives them my work!!! lol Oh well, i should get ready, I'm off to the high school today to make some appointments with my teachers. Take care. Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 19, 2001 Report Share Posted October 19, 2001 <<Jessi...WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWWWW..................U got so much done in 1 week? Don't u need to rest?>> lol Hi again, rest? sleep? what are those things LOL i actually REALLY love school work i can sit and do it for hours and hours no problem, nothing else to do anyway, i just stay in my room all day anyway might as well get important stuff done while I'm in here LOL I did go to the school today i set up some appointments with my teachers i want to start going to school a couple times a week if possible ) not too many people are behind me with this but it is something i want to do. How are you today? Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 Jessi, Hmmmmmm..... I wish I have your love for your studies! [i have no interest in anything except Biology, but this is still a difficult subject to study.] i can read and read and read, as long as there are no exams! Studying for exams is a completely different matter, groan...... Happy working! Ling, with her nose in her books and having those dumb headaches acting up again... Re: Hi Everyone <<Jessi...WWWWWOOOOOOWWWWWWW..................U got so much done in 1 week? Don't u need to rest?>> lol Hi again, rest? sleep? what are those things LOL i actually REALLY love school work i can sit and do it for hours and hours no problem, nothing else to do anyway, i just stay in my room all day anyway might as well get important stuff done while I'm in here LOL I did go to the school today i set up some appointments with my teachers i want to start going to school a couple times a week if possible ) not too many people are behind me with this but it is something i want to do. How are you today? Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 Study Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get ill though!!!!!! {{{ Studying hugs }}} Helen <<I am doing fine, thanks so much for asking! Busy studying for my examsnext week, groan...>>) Good to hear. and also EWWWWWWWW lol exam time huh lol fun fun fun )lol i should be quiet lol I'm behind in my work two months now (it wasthree months but i got a months worth of work done in this past week )lol i want to see my home teachers face when i give her the work lol )I'd rather see my teachers faces at school when they home teacher givesthem my work!!! lol Oh well, i should get ready, I'm off to the high schooltoday to make some appointments with my teachers. Take care.Jessi Sig's By: Softly Whispers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 Mee Too!!!! Sinus Cold !!!! Don't ya just love it ???? NOT !!!!! All the Smoke gone??? Hugs Helen <<Study Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get ill though!!!!!!>>LOL Too late ( i have a sinus infection or something oh the joys of coldand flu season LOLHow are you doing Helen?!Jessi Sig's By: Softly Whispers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2001 Report Share Posted October 21, 2001 <<Study Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get ill though!!!!!!>> LOL Too late ( i have a sinus infection or something oh the joys of cold and flu season LOL How are you doing Helen?! Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2001 Report Share Posted October 22, 2001 Jessi, how are things going with you guys there? Are you feeling better?? I bet that fire scared you all. Study hard and take care. Catch you soon. Marsha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2001 Report Share Posted October 22, 2001 <<All the Smoke gone???>> Yep all the smoke is gone now and things are back to normal (lol as normal as it can be in this house LOL) ( I have to call my doctors today and see who can get me in soon, last night was NOT fun. I had already been running a fever (that doctor after doctor have told me are normal but I'm sorry i get fevers WAY too often for it to be normal!) but it went up last night and my breathing is bad. I'm so sorry to hear you are sick too :'o( I hope you start feeling better soon Helen {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} Take care K! Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2001 Report Share Posted October 22, 2001 <<Jessi, how are things going with you guys there?>> Everyone is okay ) Nana is great she is in town house hunting and shopping. Kelley is sitting in his Jeep reading the paper (lol not sure WHY but he is leaving me alone so I'm not complaining!!! LOL)!! <<Are you feeling better??>> lol no. I'm going to call my doctors in a bit and see who can get me in because my breathing is out of control this morning ( But ) I'll be okay just a cold or sinus infection. I get my Flu shot on the first hope i get better by then!!!! <<Study hard>> ALWAYS ) LOL I'm almost caught up ) i have about one more month worth of work to catch up on. You take care k TTYL Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 22, 2001 Report Share Posted October 22, 2001 I have a sinus cold ( I feel miserable...Now I know how the girls feel, as I am doing the same as them ( You take care, and Thanks for asking!!! {{{ Many Special Hugs }}} Helen <<All the Smoke gone???>> Yep all the smoke is gone now and things are back to normal (lol as normalas it can be in this house LOL) ( I have to call my doctors today and seewho can get me in soon, last night was NOT fun. I had already been runninga fever (that doctor after doctor have told me are normal but I'm sorry iget fevers WAY too often for it to be normal!) but it went up last nightand my breathing is bad. I'm so sorry to hear you are sick too :'o( I hopeyou start feeling better soon Helen {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} Take care K!Jessi Sig's By: Softly Whispers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 25, 2001 Report Share Posted October 25, 2001 Hey take care, Jessi!!! Ling RE: Re: Hi Everyone <<Study Hard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get ill though!!!!!!>> LOL Too late ( i have a sinus infection or something oh the joys of cold and flu season LOL How are you doing Helen?! Jessi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 10, 2002 Report Share Posted May 10, 2002 Dtr dearest called with latest update, she took her to the ENT- looks like ears are finally clearing up, still some pressure & pink drums tho. She will follow up with the audiologist 1 more time.( " but probably nothing to worry about " She was just deaf in 1 ear is all) She went for ped. checkup yesterday, and dtr made it sound like why did she have to go, she seems fine, and last cat scan in JAN showed healing. That was in St Victims hospital for crying out loud, she had a bleeding spleen! She was so exhausted from taking her to drs 2 days in a row. The girls took thier nap here, they wanted to see grandma- dtr went for a bike ride. They both act like they really need some 1on1, starting to fight. Oh, and she's trying to squeeze me in on mothers day, she wants to come over, but the devil is coming to visit- NOT here! I'll leave........ ******************* ( Sorry, why does the devil have to come to your home ??? Why not your daughters ???> > > Oh Helen, I am so sorry, i know how that feels. Sometimes I wish I > had just taken off, could have hidden on the res. If I didnt have > other kids to take care of...... ***************** Yea, you know all too well that terrible feeling ( Its like a knife was stuck in ya and slowly turned ( > > It was finally warm enough to water today, but the wind has been bad > here too, feels like its blown across the snow, but I dont think > there is any left. ********************* We got up to 62 today, but the winds kept the wind chill in the 40's ( Blew right through ya... ( > > Yea, I know... > > Depends on which dr I ask, and when..... this one is waffling, said > maybe its discoid- but its not. She did dx fibro, sjogrens, & > raynauds. Cancelled my appt, rheumy is in NM- would rather be sick > than go back there right now. Have good back up here if I need it, > but not on ins.. I'll wait. I fill up with fluid sometimes, it'll > pass. Maybe its just stress?????? > Gobs of hair ??? I usually do that when a flare is starting. I used > to have such long thick hair *************** ( Stress can do it ( But what about the breathing ??? Why do you fill up with fluids ??? Sorry you are in a flare ( What's Thick hair ) mine is also Very thin... > " CYA " *************** What is CYA ??? > > It was wonderful seeing her, and worth every ache & pain to play in > the yard again. ********************** yes, when its something that brings us pleaseure even during the pains, its all worth it ) > > I think we deserve a good pity party! But you always make me feel > better. Thank you. Vent on me anytime! Sometimes you have to, or > you'll blow. > Thanks for being there. Love, ********************* Someday we'll have that Big Pity Party !!! We have been through a lot this winter... Hang in there and do the Best that you can... That's all Anyone can ask of ya... Love Ya ((( Gentle Hugs ))) Helen *************************************** Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life. Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink. As one writer put it, “If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.†Think about it during this very special week.. *************************************** " Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet. " Swindoll *************************************** " The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something you do, it's something you allow. " - Will Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 12, 2002 Report Share Posted May 12, 2002 > He is NOT coming here! I will hope I get to see them when he leaves, > I guess, he is not ruining my mothers day too. (or is he?)or maybe we > will just go to Farmington, and see MIL. Rich, my oldest son in the > navy will be home tomorrow- YEAAAAA!!!!!- and they want to see him. ************ I'm SO GLAD that your Son got to come home !!! That hopefully will help you... > ...and then they pull out a piece of bowel, and wrap it around a > rough tree trunk, and make you walk around & around........Sorry, saw > that on a movie *************** ( So True > > Cover Your Ass- has become 1st rule of medicine > Sorry, I'm really cynical sp? today. Gotta get some sleep tonight. I > do feel better, made a big pot of soup, stayed in, and took it easy. > (Also took a smorgasbord of meds today, I try to keep a little this & > that for emergency) ****************** Your allowed to be cynical ) at least I allow ya too ) > > > You too Helen! Love, > > ****************** hope you had a lovely day today and didn't have to worry > about too much... How's your Son doing ??? > ((( Loving and Caring Hugs ))) > Helen *************************************** Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life. Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink. As one writer put it, “If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.†Think about it during this very special week.. *************************************** " Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet. " Swindoll *************************************** " The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something you do, it's something you allow. " - Will Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 30, 2002 Report Share Posted May 30, 2002 Thank you also Elly; I have been wondering how many members were that we haven't heard from in a few weeks. I am sorry to hear your having more problems than the shoulders. Have missed you much but do realize that it is difficult when your in so much pain. Luv to you, Melt Hi everyone Dear Friends, I haven't been writing,but I've been reading and feeling your pain and anxiety.I hope those of you who are so sick right now, are soon better and those with personal problems find peace. I finally got an appt. with an Ortho Dr. but not until the 13th of June.Hopefully she will have a solution to my shoulder problem.I am having difficulty walking,my muscles in my right calf and left thigh feel like they are in knots and when I try to walk it hurts so bad I stumble.(no a pretty picture lol) My good news is that Cat's computer is finally up and running,but using only her left hand is very hard for her, so her e-mails are short,but I told her as long as I know she's ok,she doesn't need to write more. Her new addy is: cat49@... I'm sure she would love some encouragement,but don't be upset if you don't get a reply very quickly.She is trying,but still doesn't have the use of her thumb and index finger on her right hand.She may have to have surgery to loosen the tendons in the near future.Well I guess that's all my news for now,but I really am happy to have you there to listen. p.s. Tricia,I too unfortunately understood all but one of the Wisconsin things!It was so funny. Visit the Still's Disease Message Board Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 30, 2002 Report Share Posted May 30, 2002 Oh Elly, There has been so much going on here that I haven't had a chance to call you like I had planned. I am so sorry you are being " whacked " in your legs now. Do you also have the Fibromyalgia?? How is bear?? Harley weighs 93 ponds, and he knocked me flat backwards on the kitchen floor yesterday trying to go after the other dog who he " thought " looked at the bone he had " outside! " Nothing broken, no bruises (yet) but a very sore rearend! Why didn't I just get a goldfish??? Thank you for the update on Cat & her e-mail addy! Love to you, tricia p.s. which one didn't you understand?? There were a couple I didn't quite figure out. -- Hi everyone Dear Friends, I haven't been writing,but I've been reading and feeling your pain and anxiety.I hope those of you who are so sick right now, are soon better and those with personal problems find peace. I finally got an appt. with an Ortho Dr. but not until the 13th of June.Hopefully she will have a solution to my shoulder problem.I am having difficulty walking,my muscles in my right calf and left thigh feel like they are in knots and when I try to walk it hurts so bad I stumble.(no a pretty picture lol) My good news is that Cat's computer is finally up and running,but using only her left hand is very hard for her, so her e-mails are short,but I told her as long as I know she's ok,she doesn't need to write more. Her new addy is: cat49@... I'm sure she would love some encouragement,but don't be upset if you don't get a reply very quickly.She is trying,but still doesn't have the use of her thumb and index finger on her right hand.She may have to have surgery to loosen the tendons in the near future.Well I guess that's all my news for now,but I really am happy to have you there to listen. p.s. Tricia,I too unfortunately understood all but one of the Wisconsin things!It was so funny. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 16, 2002 Report Share Posted June 16, 2002 Hi Gail, Anya, Roe all.. Anya, you're right, we're meeting people we've already been on other lists with before, this is great Gail, I think you're one of them? If you are, nice to have a chance to e-chat again, if you're not, great to meet you Yes, this will be a lot of fun. Anya? In your blending, have you ever tried the " toothpick " method? It sure saves on oils if your blending isn't coming out the way you like it, or Roe has some perfume (uh oh, I forgot what you call them, but they're good too!) that you can also use, which helps you in blending and figuring out things....without using a lot of oils. Flat-wallet syndrome hurts!!! Toothpick method is this, for anyone that doesn't know and then Roe, will you tell them those things that are actually made to do this with? Ok, notebook handy, you need to keep an accurate record of what you're adding so if you need to add more of an oil or don't like something, you'll know.... Supplies (for liquid perfume) jojoba oil (just my preference) oils droppers the kind of toothpicks that you'd get a drink in if you were to go to a bar, they have the little different colors on the tops, helps when writing things down. dark bottle, 15 ml size or so ________________________ Leave alone the jojoba for now. Take your selected oils, write each down in your notebook and next to each, the corresponding color of the toothpick top. Dip only the top of one toothpick in an oil. If you wish to do it twice, then use two of the same colors. Keep records of all. Keep going till you feel you " may " have a blend. Adding no oil yet, place the toothpicks in the bottle, seal it up and sniff in one day. If undecided, recap bottle and sniff in another day or so. This uses almost no oil, helps you to feel your way through the scents, and if you really like it, hey, do it with drops and add the jojoba, age and you've got yourself either a nice perfume oil or the start for a solid perfume Best thing is it's fun.... Hugs, Marilyn scentart@... wrote: > it is a pleasure to be here! I look forward to meeting everyone. I tend to > be active in spurts but read daily. I have been working with perfumes all my > life and started my business in 1997. Thank you Anya for your kind > invitation. gail > > > > > Gail , Fragranceur L.Cos. > > Custom-Blended Natural Artisan Perfumes > T'arotmatics, Facials, Reiki, Energy Bodywork > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2002 Report Share Posted August 26, 2002 Hi !!! Smoke??? How close did the fire get to you??? How'd the BBQ go??? How's your grand daughter doin??? And You??? Sounds like your garden is doing good... Just watch the sun ) ((( Angel Hugs))) Helen In a message dated 8/16/02 3:06:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, paulsons5@... writes: > > > > Hi everybody. Hope SOMETHING is better for you tomorrow! > So sorry I havent been able to keep up. Just got caught up (I think), > and geez......Where do I start??? Would you all please just > straighten up & fly right? I'm kidding of course. Sounds like > everyone has just been having a lousy time. & I'm sorry, & worried > about you. > OK here, I'm gonna try not to complain. Most of the smoke has > cleared, the kid is better, the yard is watered and green- got some > tomatoes & purple beans, and a few new rosebuds, finally found a good > home for mama cat- just in time, shes pg again- and got a little bit > of back to school shopping done. Tomorrow we're going to a BBQ and > swimming(indoor pool), and Sat is Raquels birthday party, in the park > just across the road and early, so I wont be in the sun too much. > Yea, I'm trying to keep those rose colored glasses on. I'm feeling > better. > Wish you all could too! Thinking of you, If there is a Download with this email, DO NOT OPEN IT ! Please notify Me !!! Thank-You Helen angelbear1129@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2002 Report Share Posted September 1, 2002 Hi , Nice to meet you also, it took me a lot of years and doctors also. (I used to tell my husband that M.D. meant medical dummy) lol.....anyway I have a good group of doctors now and I think I will keep em. I will definitely hang in there thanks for welcoming me!!! Take care of you. hi everyone Hi everyone! Hope you're having a decent day. Forgive me for just writing once in a while, and always being behind. , nice to " meet " you. I have lupus, fibro, sjogrens, raynauds- diagnosed- and all the happy crap that goes with them. Took years & too many drs., and a lot of learning the hard way, but I kinda know what I can do & get away with now, and its getting better. Most of the " good stuff " I didnt learn from the docs. It came from people like these, who live thru it. Sometimes 1 day at a time. Hang in there. , so nice to see you post. I'm so sorry you're feeling so rotten lately. Wish I could help. Is your bus coming soon? That will help a lot I hope, you sound like a people person & need to get out once in a while. Wish we could find you backing for your inventions, you could really help people with your ideas. Maybe a wheelchair company? There's big $ there, you know how much they cost. & please dont tatoo your head, might scare the kids. I guess my son just got another one- couldnt have 1 arm empty. He designs his own. Last one was a beautiful wolf, with very nice blue coloring. I would really like them if they were on a print, and not him. Jessi, so nice to hear from you. I was getting worried. You have just had waaay too much on your plate lately! I hope you have a wonderful time visiting your friends. It will help them a lot to see you. Please take good care of yourself so you have a nice visit. , so nice to see you back. What a horror you've been thru! Be safe, and hang in there. , you're too funny. What IS a kumquat anyway? Helen, how are you doing? So sorry to vent all over you the last time I wrote. You're right, I was about to explode. Thanks for being there. Has your situation improved any? Anything new? Geez, you'd think these courts would know that kids are growing up before they get thier jobs done. Raquel is back in SF, for another week long brainwashing. Thier blackmail worked. Hope we can get her back. , havent heard from you in a while, are you OK? Sorry I didnt have time to write you all a note. Have to get off the phone line. Please all, try to enjoy labor day, or just 1 day of R & R. That means REST and RELAX! Love, --------------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2002 Report Share Posted September 1, 2002 Hey ) I've mised you!! How are you doing?!?! Things are crazy here but Nana and i figure that all these bad things have happened the first year moving here, so that all the rest of the years can be nice and calm ;o) lol i hope we are right!!! LOL I can't believe we've been here a year already!!! Hope you are doing well!! take care k!! ( *)= { ~~ ) Jmducky@... -Jessi " Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. " -- Lewin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2002 Report Share Posted September 1, 2002 Hi ) Good to hear from ya!!! Unload Anytime! That's what gets us through!!! I'm so sorry that you are still fighting the courts also... We go to court 16th of sept for the hearing but it will be interesting as of all the events of this past week... You take care and write when ya can... Have ya been staying out of the sun??? Didn't think so! ) ((( Angel Hugs ))) Helen > Helen, how are you doing? So sorry to vent all over you the last time I > wrote. You're right, I was about to explode. Thanks for being there. Has > your situation improved any? Anything new? Geez, you'd think these courts > would know that kids are growing up before they get thier jobs done. Raquel > is back in SF, for another week long brainwashing. Thier blackmail worked. > Hope we can get her back. > > , havent heard from you in a while, are you OK? > > Sorry I didnt have time to write you all a note. Have to get off the phone > line. Please all, try to enjoy labor day, or just 1 day of R & R. That means > REST and RELAX! Love, <center> Signature Creations by <A HREF= " " > PANDORASBOX8 </A> </center> If there is a Download with this email, DO NOT OPEN IT ! Please notify Me !!! Thank-You Helen angelbear1129@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2002 Report Share Posted September 1, 2002 , I like your meaning for M.D. ) Most of us have also dealt with Dr's like that too... So when we come across a good one we hang on Very Tight ) ((( Happy Hugs ))) Helen > > > > Hi , > Nice to meet you also, it took me a lot of years and doctors also. (I used > to tell my husband that M.D. meant medical dummy) lol.....anyway I have a > good group of doctors now and I think I will keep em. I will definitely > hang in there thanks for welcoming me!!! Take care of you. <center> Signature Creations by <A HREF= " " > PANDORASBOX8 </A> </center> If there is a Download with this email, DO NOT OPEN IT ! Please notify Me !!! Thank-You Helen angelbear1129@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 4, 2003 Report Share Posted February 4, 2003 > I had my remicade this morning (took it slow this time over 3 hrs to > try to prevent headache) he didnt want to > start it today so he could see if the headache was from remicade > before he started the mtx. Hello there, Remicade can cause headaches. I use to get them for 2-3 days after I had my treatments done. I did remicade both with and without mtx. I didn't want to go back onto mtx, but my doctor asked me to just give it a try since it wasn't working without the mtx. But in the end remicade just didn't like me. But that is ok, I know one day again we will find some meds that will start to be nice to me again. I hope that you start to get some good results out of the remicade. I know a lot of people that do great on it. How long have you been on Remicade? And how much are u takeing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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